Theory of Knowledge - Course Companion for Students Marija Uzunova Dang Arvin Singh Uzunov Dang

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similar survey led by Dropp et al (2014) forAWashington Post, in the aftermath of thetherevolution and pro-Russian unrestUkrainianCrimea, found that about one in six peopleinable to correctly locate Ukraine on anweremap, with young people providingunlabelledTOK course invites you to ask all sorts ofTheabout how people came to know whatquestionsa question such as: what counts asConsiderThrough history, this question hasknowledge?been answered using a formal checklist ornotdefinition but more often through messyclearfurther a respondent thought Ukraine wasTheits actual location, the more likely theyfromto support military intervention, eitherwereRussia to pose a threat to US interestsbelievingconfident that using force would benefitorsecurity.nationaldifferent perspectives. Folk and Indigenousofthe knowledge of women, andknowledge,knowledge of those who cannot speak athelanguage or write in any language,certainexample, have long been excluded,forand devalued. This is more thandelegitimizedmatter of diversity or inclusion. Knowledgeaa significant role in shaping narrativesplaysguiding decisions that affect, sometimesandthose who are not seen asdisproportionately,I. ScopeI. ScopeFigure 1.2 Can you locate Iran? A Morning Consult/Politico survey (2020) conducted in the United States revealed that 47% of voterssupported the airstrike that killed General Qasem Soleimani, regardless of whether they could identify the Islamic republic on an unlabelledmap, which fewer than 3 in 10 did. Orange dots represent incorrect guesses while green dots represent correct placement.more accurate answers than other age groups.I.3 Knowledge mattersthey claim to know.and unequal negotiations about the validity7

I. ScopeII. PerspectivesTOK we examine the differenceWithinknowledge, belief and opinion, andbetweencriteria we use to distinguish betweenwhatThis discussion looks at when andthem.these differences matter. Start with thewhythree claims.followingHumans are fundamentally self-interested.•Everyone is just trying to live their best life.•Which of the claims would you say is an1.knowledge or belief?opinion,What would be the consequences of2.categorizing one of the claims?wronglyis also the question of significance in yourTherepursuit of knowledge. Do you believeownindividuals have a responsibility to bethatabout the world? If not, whatknowledgeableyou in your pursuit of knowledge?motivatesand wonder are powerful motivatorsCuriosity3. Next, write three statements of your own.What quality does the last statement(b)that the other two do not?have,Is it important for you to maintain a4.between your beliefs, opinionsdistinctionexploration of perspectives in TOK is bolsteredThethe IB mission that states “others, with theirbycan also be right” (,the scope of TOK discussions, knowledgeWithincontestable. This means that you keep open theisof more than one correct, legitimate orpossibilitysection explores the roles of expertise,Thisand critical evaluation when youhumilitydifferent perspectives in the world.encounteris designed to help you understand yourItand how the perspectives of othersperspective,what you know. It is a broader aim ofinfluencebecome equipped with the tools and•to navigate disagreementattitudes1For discussionThis I knowComplete, in any way that is honest and(a)to you, the following.meaningfulThis I believe: ______________________ .This I think: _______________________ .This I know: ______________________ .• People do not change.and knowledge?I I . P E R S P E C T I V E Stoo, as is a yearning for meaning andpurpose.good answer to the questions you are exploring.the course that you will:8

similar survey led by Dropp et al (2014) for


Washington Post, in the aftermath of the


revolution and pro-Russian unrest


Crimea, found that about one in six people


able to correctly locate Ukraine on an


map, with young people providing


TOK course invites you to ask all sorts of


about how people came to know what


a question such as: what counts as


Through history, this question has


been answered using a formal checklist or


definition but more often through messy


further a respondent thought Ukraine was


its actual location, the more likely they


to support military intervention, either


Russia to pose a threat to US interests


confident that using force would benefit




different perspectives. Folk and Indigenous


the knowledge of women, and


knowledge of those who cannot speak a


language or write in any language,


example, have long been excluded,


and devalued. This is more than


matter of diversity or inclusion. Knowledge


a significant role in shaping narratives


guiding decisions that affect, sometimes


those who are not seen as


I. Scope

I. Scope

Figure 1.2 Can you locate Iran? A Morning Consult/Politico survey (2020) conducted in the United States revealed that 47% of voters

supported the airstrike that killed General Qasem Soleimani, regardless of whether they could identify the Islamic republic on an unlabelled

map, which fewer than 3 in 10 did. Orange dots represent incorrect guesses while green dots represent correct placement.

more accurate answers than other age groups.

I.3 Knowledge matters

they claim to know.

and unequal negotiations about the validity


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