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New covenant giving<br />

What is God worth to us? Is he only<br />

worthy of a tithe of our income?<br />

Every Christian should be allowed<br />

to determine this for himself. Institutionalised<br />

tithing limits the generosity of a believer. Once<br />

we give 10%, we believe we have fulfilled all<br />

righteousness. But this limitation is shortsighted.<br />

Jesus says: “Give, and it will be given to you.<br />

A good measure, pressed down, shaken<br />

together, and running over, will be poured into<br />

your lap. For with the measure you use, it will<br />

be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38).<br />

Therefore, we must not use the measure of a<br />

delimited tithe.<br />

Hardened hearts<br />

Jesus says divorce is not God’s will: “From<br />

the beginning, it was not so.” (Matthew 19:8).<br />

Moses only gave the law permitting divorce<br />

because of the hardness of the hearts of the<br />

Jews.<br />

The same thing applies to Malachi and the<br />

compulsion to give tithes and offerings. From<br />

the beginning, people of God were not<br />

compelled or threatened to give. Indeed, the<br />

insistence of pastors on tithes and offerings<br />

today is anachronistic. It is tantamount to<br />

putting Jesus’ new wine in old bottles which<br />

Jesus says is inappropriate. (Matthew 9:16-<br />

17).<br />

The Law of Moses was given to the Jews<br />

because they did not know the right thing to<br />

do. But in spite of the law, the Jews were still<br />

not inclined to give because their hearts were<br />

hardened. Therefore,<br />

Malachi called them<br />

robbers of God; and he<br />

threatened them with<br />

curses, the devourer, and the<br />

denial of blessings.<br />

However, the application<br />

of Malachi’s invective to<br />

believers today is insulting.<br />

The believer is a lawkeeper,<br />

but Paul says: “The<br />

The only acceptable<br />

basis for all action in<br />

Christ is love<br />

law is not made for a righteous person, but<br />

for the lawless.” (1 Timothy 1:9). Indeed,<br />

once a man makes it a law that you must<br />

pay tithes and give offerings, he has spoilt<br />

you for the gospel. He has already<br />

determined that you are a hard-hearted<br />

lawbreaker.<br />

But in the believer in Christ is fulfilled<br />

the promise of God: “I will give them an<br />

undivided heart and put a new spirit in<br />

them; I will remove from them their heart<br />

of stone and give them a heart of flesh.<br />

Then they will follow My decrees and be<br />

careful to keep My laws.” (Ezekiel 11:19-<br />

20).<br />

The true believer no longer keeps God’s<br />

laws out of compulsion. But he or she says:<br />

“I desire to do your will, O my God; your<br />

law is within my heart.” (Psalm 40:8).<br />

Instead of the Law of Moses, God has now<br />

given us “the law of liberty.” Accordingly,<br />

we no longer give because of “legal”<br />

requirements. The only acceptable basis<br />

for all action in Christ is love.<br />

New spirit<br />

How can you get a believer in Christ to<br />

do the right thing? You do not have to do<br />

SUNDAY Vanguard, NOVEMBER 20, 2022, PAGE 21<br />

anything at all because a true believer will<br />

naturally do the right thing. A true believer will<br />

do the right thing because it is in his nature to do<br />

so. He gives because it is in his nature to give.<br />

Nobody has to compel or threaten him. Nobody<br />

needs to manipulate or bewitch him. Doing the<br />

right thing is the fruit of his spirit.<br />

When Samuel was explaining the dynamics of<br />

the kingdom of God to Saul, he told him that the<br />

Spirit of the Lord would come mightily upon<br />

him, and he would start to prophesy like one of<br />

the prophets. When that happens, he told Saul to<br />

do whatever seemed best to him for God would<br />

guide him. (1 Samuel 10:7). Saul would not need<br />

any man to teach him what to do: he would do it<br />

naturally.<br />

It is this dynamic that John was referring to<br />

when he wrote that believers have received the<br />

Holy Spirit and therefore no longer need anyone<br />

to teach us what is right: “You have received the<br />

Holy Spirit, and He lives within you, in your<br />

hearts, so that you don’t need anyone to teach<br />

you what is right.” (1 John 2:27).<br />

Free will giving<br />

This was the case of Abraham. When Abraham<br />

gave a tithe (tenth) of all his spoils of war to<br />

Melchizedec, a priest of the Most High God,<br />

nobody told him to do so. He did so of his own<br />

volition. The pureness of Abraham’s heart<br />

naturally led to his godly decision to honour the<br />

Lord with his possessions and with the first fruits<br />

of the increase in his resources.<br />

Where the Spirit of God is there is liberty. (2<br />

Corinthians 3:17). Even in the Old Testament,<br />

God only welcomed offerings not given out of<br />

compulsion. Thus, He instructed Moses: “Take<br />

from among you an offering to the LORD.<br />

Whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it as<br />

an offering to the LORD: gold, silver, and bronze.”<br />

(Exodus 35:5).<br />

“Then everyone came whose heart was stirred,<br />

and everyone whose spirit was willing, and they<br />

brought the LORD’S offering for the work of the<br />

tabernacle of meeting, for all its service, and for<br />

the holy garments.” (Exodus 35:21)<br />

In the construction and furnishing of the<br />

tabernacle, the people gave so willingly, they<br />

even gave too much: “The people were<br />

restrained from bringing, for the material they<br />

had was sufficient for all the work to be doneindeed<br />

too much. (Exodus 36:5-7).<br />

That is the giving that pleases the Lord; giving<br />

that derives from the abundance of the heart.<br />

Whole-hearted giving<br />

This principle of whole-hearted giving is<br />

amplified in the New Testament. Paul notes<br />

that: “If there is first a willing mind, it is accepted<br />

according to what one has, and not according<br />

to what he does not have.” (2 Corinthians 8:12).<br />

However, many pastors ask their congregants<br />

to make pledges even according to what they<br />

do not have. They tell them to “stretch their<br />

faith.”<br />

Such manipulation is anathema to New<br />

Testament precepts where compulsive giving is<br />

now out of date: “Let each one give as he<br />

purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of<br />

necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2<br />

Corinthians 9:7).<br />

Should you give a tenth, a fifth, or half of your<br />

income? Decide for yourself between yourself<br />

and God. It is no business of your pastor.<br />

Tithing because of Malachi is tantamount to<br />

giving out of necessity. But the believer of today<br />

(the new creation) no longer gives because he is<br />

trying to avoid curses and the devourer. He gives<br />

because he loves to give. He gives because he<br />

wants to be like our heavenly Father. He gives<br />

because he loves God.<br />

This means he can decide to give this<br />

proportion of his income this month and another<br />

proportion next month. The decision is entirely<br />

up to him.<br />

Moreover, if he chooses not to give, God is<br />

not going to deny him His kingdom. He is not<br />

going to rain down curses on him. The devourer<br />

is not going to be let loose on him. The windows<br />

of heaven will not be shut against him. Let no<br />

one deceive you. A true believer cannot be<br />

cursed. You can only curse a believer who<br />

believes he can be cursed.<br />

Jesus says: “According to your faith will it be<br />

done to you. (Matthew 9:29).<br />



IN the last serial, we<br />

introduced the subject of<br />

motivation as a tool for<br />

developing corporate success by<br />

the leader for an organization.<br />

In this serial, we will continue<br />

with this subject and look at<br />

factors that enhance<br />

motivation, which leaders can<br />

consider as the occasion<br />

demands.<br />



You can motivate members of<br />

followers with the following<br />

factors in their order of<br />

importance.<br />

Treating them with respect<br />

wins them over and wins battles.<br />

Next is by assigning work that<br />

is interesting and meaningful to<br />

them, because each person<br />

performs best in his or her field<br />

of expertise. Another important<br />

factor that is often overlooked<br />

is giving appropriate<br />

recognition for good work and<br />

performance. Recognition and<br />

appreciation for good work<br />

done by an individual makes<br />

that person perform more in<br />

subsequent times. Next in<br />

importance is making sure they<br />

have the opportunity to develop<br />

their own skills. People need to<br />

be personally fulfilled too while<br />

they are involved in matters of<br />

Pastor Akinola<br />

on and assure them of ‘job<br />

security’ while you also<br />

treasure their involvement in<br />

the organization.<br />




We must strike a balance<br />

between motivation and<br />

training them to respond to<br />

the stirring of the Holy spirit<br />

in their hearts. We must<br />

remember that we are more<br />

concerned here about<br />

spiritual organization; hence,<br />

the factor of the Holy Spirit<br />

leading on the individual must<br />

not be overlooked. In spiritual<br />

organizations, it is also<br />

pertinent to note that each<br />

member is almost like a<br />

volunteer, and must be<br />

encouraged accordingly.<br />

Motivation is not absolutely<br />

effective all the time, and<br />

hence we must look “outside<br />

the box” for solutions to<br />

Are you a Christian or just a believer?<br />

NOT all those who call<br />

on the name of the Lord<br />

shall enter into the kingdom<br />

of heaven, because they are<br />

not Christians, but mere<br />

believers in Christ, who have<br />

not the Spirit of Christ, as<br />

written in Romans 8:9c;<br />

“Now if any man have not the<br />

Spirit of Christ, he is none of<br />

His.” That is, such one is not<br />

a Christian but a mere<br />

believer in Christ like Judas,<br />

the devil amongst the twelve<br />

apostles.<br />

In Jeremiah 5:26, God said;<br />

“For amongst my people are<br />

found wicked men: they lay<br />

wait, as he that setteth snares;<br />

they set a trap, they catch<br />

men.” These are the workers<br />

of iniquity who believe in<br />

corporate success. Next is to<br />

encourage them to do better and<br />

more effectively the things you<br />

assigned. This might be by way<br />

of providing an enabling<br />

environment for their better<br />

performance. Next in order of<br />

importance is specifying the<br />

freedom they have to think for<br />

themselves in relation to the<br />

assignments. An independent<br />

thinking mindset helps<br />

followers to come up with<br />

ingenious solutions to<br />

problems, and harness the best<br />

of them for the organization.<br />

Next in importance is keeping<br />

them in focus at the end results<br />

of their work. It is good to make<br />

our followers have an eye for the<br />

finishing line while working.<br />

This is one of the reasons for<br />

stating ab-initio to our followers<br />

the Vision and Mission of the<br />

organization. The Scripture says<br />

in Hab. 2:2 that “write the<br />

vision, and make it plain upon<br />

tables, that he may run, that<br />

readeth it”. The reader of the<br />

vision sees the finishing line and<br />

work towards it. The next is for<br />

you to be an efficient manager<br />

and leader to your members and<br />

followers, and give them<br />

assignments that are<br />

challenging enough to them.<br />

Also, make them feel well<br />

informed about what is going<br />

Christ but they are not<br />

Christians, hence Jesus does<br />

not know them, even if they<br />

have done wonderful works in<br />

His name – Matthew 7:21-23.<br />

If believers in Christ must<br />

be Christians indeed, then they<br />

must be born again of the<br />

word of truth, which is the<br />

gospel of salvation that will<br />

seal them with the Spirit of<br />

Christ, as written in Ephesians<br />

1:13; “In whom ye also<br />

trusted, after that ye heard the<br />

word of truth, the gospel of<br />

your salvation: in whom also<br />

after that ye believed, ye were<br />

sealed with that Holy Spirit<br />

of promise.” That is why all<br />

believers in Christ must hear<br />

the word of truth, believe it<br />

and obey it, that they may be<br />

saved to become Christians<br />

indeed, otherwise, they will<br />

be eternally damned, if they<br />

do not believe the truth as<br />

written in 2 Thessalonians<br />

2:10,12 "And with all<br />

deceivableness of<br />

unrighteousness in them<br />

that perish; because they<br />

received not the love of the<br />

truth, that they might be<br />

saved. That they all might<br />

be damned who believed<br />

not the truth, but had<br />

pleasure<br />

in<br />

unrighteousness.”<br />

The mysteries of the<br />

kingdom of heaven, given<br />

by Jesus to the few chosen,<br />

who are of the truth, make<br />

up the truth – Matthew<br />

13:11. But many prophets<br />

and righteous men who are<br />

not given to know these<br />

mysteries, desire to see and<br />

corporate success. Members must<br />

therefore motivate themselves and<br />

respond to the leading of the Holy<br />

Spirit in their quest to contributing<br />

to corporate success of an<br />

organization.<br />


Motivation is a concept that<br />

relates more to the followers in an<br />

to hear them but have not –<br />

Matthew 13:17.<br />

Those who go by the broadway,<br />

the way of the world, that<br />

leads to destruction, are the<br />

believers in Christ, and they are<br />

very many. But those who go by<br />

the narrow way, the way of truth,<br />

that leads unto eternal life, are<br />

the Christians, but they are very<br />

few – Matthew 7:13-14. The<br />

righteous nation who keep the<br />

truth are the Christians, who will<br />

be allowed to enter through the<br />

gates into heaven as written in<br />

Isaiah 26:2, and I quote “Open<br />

ye the gates, that the righteous<br />

nation which keepeth the truth<br />

may enter in.”<br />

But believers in Christ, who are<br />

adulterers/adulteresses cannot be<br />

said to be Christians, because they<br />

are in friendship with the world<br />

and they are the enemies of God<br />

– James 4:4. Therefore,<br />

Christians are those who practice<br />

organization, and it is very<br />

essential for leaders to consider<br />

the relevance of this in the lives<br />

of their followers. The leader, on<br />

the other hand, must possess<br />

certain charisma and character<br />

that will influence followers to<br />

run with him. In the next serial,<br />

we will consider the leader<br />

himself in this perspective of<br />

driving followers towards<br />

pure religion by keeping<br />

themselves unspotted from the<br />

world of ungodly festivities<br />

and ceremonies - James 1:27.<br />

As written in John 1:17, the<br />

grace that brought salvation<br />

came with the truth. This truth<br />

teaches Christians, who have<br />

the Spirit of Christ to deny all<br />

ungodliness and worldly lusts,<br />

and to live soberly, godly, and<br />

righteously in this present<br />

world – Titus 2:12.<br />

Christian Gospel Church<br />

(The Truth Centre),<br />

4 Christian Gospel<br />

Avenue, Beside Psychiatric<br />

Hospital,<br />

Uselu, Benin City, Edo<br />

State<br />

Email:cgc.com.ng@gmail.com<br />

Telephone: +234(0)<br />

7 0 5 2 0 6 1 1 3 5 ,<br />

+234(0)9030731406<br />

W e b s i t e :<br />

www.thetruthcentre.com<br />

success.<br />

•J.K. Akinola. (Senior<br />

Pastor), The Gospel Faith<br />

Mission International<br />

(GOFAMINT), Ibadan,<br />

Nigeria.<br />

E m a i l :<br />

flprofenassociate@gmail.com,<br />

kolajoshua2003@yahoo.com<br />

Pastor (Dr). E.O. Abina –<br />

General Overseer.<br />

Kumuyi identifies forgiveness as panacea for peace,<br />

unity<br />

By Sam Eyoboka<br />

PASTOR William Kumuyi,<br />

the General Superintendent<br />

of Deeper Christian Life Ministry,<br />

has identified forgiveness as<br />

panacea for peace and unity in<br />

the church and society.<br />

The man of God said even<br />

though there are offences that can<br />

leave a deep cut in people’s hearts,<br />

there is always need for anybody<br />

who feels offended by actions of<br />

another person, to take the<br />

initiative for reconciliation and<br />

forgiveness.<br />

Pastor Kumuyi who preached<br />

during Monday Bible study on the<br />

topic, “Forgiveness in the<br />

fellowship of the father’s family”,<br />

emphasized that people should go<br />

beyond seeking for forgiveness<br />

from human to seeking<br />

forgiveness from God as that is<br />

the surest path to heaven.<br />

The Deeper Life founder<br />

who drew his reading from<br />

Matthew 18:15-17, urged<br />

Christians to stay within the<br />

confine of their fellowship to<br />

settle any case they have with<br />

fellow Christians.<br />

He added that if such a<br />

believer neglects all entreaties<br />

initiated for reconciliation,<br />

such a person should be<br />

regarded as a publican that<br />

should be preached to, prayed<br />

for and even be assisted.<br />

“You don't need to carry any<br />

grudge in your heart. As a<br />

believer, we must come to a<br />

place of maturity where were<br />

should forgive without bearing<br />

grudges against any offender.<br />

“Personal forgiveness<br />

cannot take one to heaven until<br />

such a person is born again.”<br />

The man of God revealed<br />

that even though Moses<br />

forgave the children of Israel<br />

for their idol worship, they<br />

needed the forgiveness of God<br />

to make it to the promised land,<br />

reason he said God allowed<br />

only Joshua and Caleb into the<br />

promised land.<br />

“As evil and terrorising Saul<br />

was, David forgave him even<br />

when he had opportunity to<br />

kill him. The forgiveness<br />

David gave was not sufficient<br />

to take Saul to heaven. He<br />

needed forgiveness from God.<br />

“The forgiveness we give as<br />

human is not enough to take<br />

backsliders to heaven.<br />

Anybody who is not free from<br />

sin cannot set another person<br />

free. If you bind yourself with<br />

the chord of animosity you<br />

cannot pray for anything to<br />

happen. Lose that chord of<br />

hatred first then you will have<br />

the freedom and anything you<br />

say God will confirm it in<br />

heaven.”<br />

Pastor Kumuyi noted that<br />

reason Christians bind on<br />

earth but those things the bind<br />

are not bound in heaven is<br />

because of sin that is binding<br />

such Christians .<br />

“When there is holiness, not<br />

even Satan can stop whatever<br />

we bind on earth to be bound<br />

in heaven. When you stand as<br />

a real child of God and<br />

iniquities far from you,<br />

whatever you agree and<br />

disagree on earth will be done<br />

same in heaven.<br />

“God wants us to clear off<br />

all sins and when we unite in<br />

holiness anything we do shall<br />

be forgiven.” the man of God<br />


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