MAXCourage 2022 Annual Report

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Dear Friends,As MAXCourage begins its 32nd year, I am happy to report on our strong financial position,our outlook for the future, and our plans for further expansion. It’s been a year of change andgrowth at MAXCourage.Our new Program Director, Molly McCafferty, joined us this summer. She is the first teacher toserve in this role, coming to us from a Boston Charter School. With Molly working in tandemwith Board Member Jane Skelton, we have an updated curriculum for the 2022-2023 schoolyear, detailed further along in this publication.FINANCESFY22 was a successful year in terms of revenue at $450k, while expenses remainedunchanged. Revenue increased 70% from the prior year, and 35% from the year prior to thepandemic. We received new grant funding from the following foundations: Liberty Mutual,The Red Sox Foundation, AC Ratshesky Foundation, Commonwealth Corporation,Northeastern Community Partners, and Love Tito’s Corporation. The return of an “in persongala, which also served as our belated 30th anniversary celebration, added to the success ofthe year. The gala grossed $217k in revenue, with 30% of attendees new to MAXCourage.On the expansion side, in 2021-2022 we added 55 new schools and have furthered ourGateway City expansion with Worcester for the 2022-2023 school year. With a lens ofaccessibility and equity, we have begun to offer our curriculum in a series of writer’s workshopsin partnership with after school programs all over Boston. A renewed strategic partnership withBoston Public Library allows our curriculum to exist in youth programs in branches all over thecity. Additionally, retired teachers, many of whom taught the MAXCourage Curriculum, arenow supporting students with MAXCourage through the Boston Teachers’ Union’s “HomeworkHelpers” program. New partnerships with Roxbury Youth Services and Menino YMCA HydePark are also providing our program to communities that may not currently have a schoolconnection with MAXCourage.This Fall, we have convened a Teachers Consortium, as a means for seasoned MAXCourageteachers to connect with those newer to our curriculum, with an eye to sharing best practicesfor implementation. Teachers have flexibility with the curriculum to best serve the needs oftheir classrooms,. Some use the original novels and curriculum guides, others have used ourpublication, The Courage of Children: Boston and Beyond, as the “mentor text” for their ELAunits. Children in Boston, New Bedford, and Barnstable are able to read each other’s storiesalongside stories from Mongolia, Yemen, and Belize, among others. Supporting teachers, andtherefore supporting students, has been MAXCourage’s mission since day one.This year, our Board of Directors created a Sustainability Committee with a focus on Diversity,Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. All Board Members and staff have been asked to completea certification in DEIB on LinkedIn—this certification does not expire. With new funding, wewill begin alumni outreach and database updates later this year with a Northeastern Co-opstudent. Additionally, on the Board side, 100% of Board Members supported MAXCouragefinancially this year, with 65% giving a three-year pledge to show sustainability of funding.In-KindGifts12%Investment14%Other0%FY22 REVENUETemp Restricted5%Unrestricted Gifts39%Events, netof expense21%Grants9%FY21 EXPENDITURESProgram70%Administrative16%Advancement14%HOW TO HELPTo make a monetary donation, please goto or use yoursmartphone camera to accessthis QR code below.Every donation helps as we raise every dollarin support of our curriculum, providedcompletely free to all teachers and students.If you can support us, please check to see ifyour employer provides an opportunity for amatching gift!To volunteer for our now virtual essayjudging day in February, please contactour program director, Molly McCafferty,at molly@maxcourage.orgPlease contact us if you can connect us witha new school or school system nationally orinternationally.Save the date and join us for our 2023Gala on May 5, 2023. Consider sponsoringa table — details to follow!CONNECT WITH USmaxcourage.orgSUPPORTING TEACHERS& STUDENTS SINCE 1991Watch this space—it’s an exciting time here at MAXCourage and I look forward to keeping youupdated. Please save the date for our 2023 Gala on May 5th. Feel free to reach out to me withany questions at Gratitude,Thank you for your support! Giving 2022July 1, 2021—June 30, 2022Carrie CoughlinExecutive Director263 Huntington Ave., Box 366. Boston, MA 02115617-373-7399“I aimed for the sky even if it felt likeI was buried deep into the ground.”— A MAXCourage participant

Dear Friends,

As MAXCourage begins its 32nd year, I am happy to report on our strong financial position,

our outlook for the future, and our plans for further expansion. It’s been a year of change and

growth at MAXCourage.

Our new Program Director, Molly McCafferty, joined us this summer. She is the first teacher to

serve in this role, coming to us from a Boston Charter School. With Molly working in tandem

with Board Member Jane Skelton, we have an updated curriculum for the 2022-2023 school

year, detailed further along in this publication.


FY22 was a successful year in terms of revenue at $450k, while expenses remained

unchanged. Revenue increased 70% from the prior year, and 35% from the year prior to the

pandemic. We received new grant funding from the following foundations: Liberty Mutual,

The Red Sox Foundation, AC Ratshesky Foundation, Commonwealth Corporation,

Northeastern Community Partners, and Love Tito’s Corporation. The return of an “in person

gala, which also served as our belated 30th anniversary celebration, added to the success of

the year. The gala grossed $217k in revenue, with 30% of attendees new to MAXCourage.

On the expansion side, in 2021-2022 we added 55 new schools and have furthered our

Gateway City expansion with Worcester for the 2022-2023 school year. With a lens of

accessibility and equity, we have begun to offer our curriculum in a series of writer’s workshops

in partnership with after school programs all over Boston. A renewed strategic partnership with

Boston Public Library allows our curriculum to exist in youth programs in branches all over the

city. Additionally, retired teachers, many of whom taught the MAXCourage Curriculum, are

now supporting students with MAXCourage through the Boston Teachers’ Union’s “Homework

Helpers” program. New partnerships with Roxbury Youth Services and Menino YMCA Hyde

Park are also providing our program to communities that may not currently have a school

connection with MAXCourage.

This Fall, we have convened a Teachers Consortium, as a means for seasoned MAXCourage

teachers to connect with those newer to our curriculum, with an eye to sharing best practices

for implementation. Teachers have flexibility with the curriculum to best serve the needs of

their classrooms,. Some use the original novels and curriculum guides, others have used our

publication, The Courage of Children: Boston and Beyond, as the “mentor text” for their ELA

units. Children in Boston, New Bedford, and Barnstable are able to read each other’s stories

alongside stories from Mongolia, Yemen, and Belize, among others. Supporting teachers, and

therefore supporting students, has been MAXCourage’s mission since day one.

This year, our Board of Directors created a Sustainability Committee with a focus on Diversity,

Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. All Board Members and staff have been asked to complete

a certification in DEIB on LinkedIn—this certification does not expire. With new funding, we

will begin alumni outreach and database updates later this year with a Northeastern Co-op

student. Additionally, on the Board side, 100% of Board Members supported MAXCourage

financially this year, with 65% giving a three-year pledge to show sustainability of funding.









Temp Restricted


Unrestricted Gifts


Events, net

of expense












To make a monetary donation, please go

to or use your

smartphone camera to access

this QR code below.

Every donation helps as we raise every dollar

in support of our curriculum, provided

completely free to all teachers and students.

If you can support us, please check to see if

your employer provides an opportunity for a

matching gift!

To volunteer for our now virtual essay

judging day in February, please contact

our program director, Molly McCafferty,


Please contact us if you can connect us with

a new school or school system nationally or


Save the date and join us for our 2023

Gala on May 5, 2023. Consider sponsoring

a table — details to follow!




Watch this space—it’s an exciting time here at MAXCourage and I look forward to keeping you

updated. Please save the date for our 2023 Gala on May 5th. Feel free to reach out to me with

any questions at

In Gratitude,

Thank you for your support!

Annual Giving 2022

July 1, 2021—June 30, 2022

Carrie Coughlin

Executive Director

263 Huntington Ave., Box 366. Boston, MA 02115


“I aimed for the sky even if it felt like

I was buried deep into the ground.”

— A MAXCourage participant


Prompted by feedback from the program’s teachers and caregivers—and by the broader

context of the Covid-19 pandemic and its disruptions to students’ academic, social, and

emotional development—MAXCourage set out this year to update its well-established

curriculum. The goal of the update is to systematize and strengthen the seamless integration

of ELA and SEL skill-building that our program, by the very nature of its mission, is uniquely

well-positioned to deliver. Each classroom activity in the guide is explicitly aligned with both

Common Core State Standards for 6th grade ELA, and with SEL Competencies from the

framework developed by CASEL, the nation’s leading organization advancing evidence-based

best practices for Social-Emotional Learning. Some activities have been carried over from

previous iterations of our curriculum and refined, while others are completely new. In all of

them, students are asked to think, read, write, and speak about how people can enact their

character values in response to adversity.

Designed to be flexible to individual classrooms’

unique needs, the teaching guide can be

used alongside any novel being taught,

and teachers are empowered to use

whichever elements work for them.

The mini-lessons build towards the

longstanding and beloved capstone

project of the program, in which

students write personal narratives

about an experience of courage in

their lives. A panel of community

members selects a number

of these essays for publication

in MAXCourage’s annual book,

providing a platform to amplify youth

voices and storytelling.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has been a leader in

the SEL movement since first introducing the term more than two decades ago. The CASEL 5

addresses five broad, interrelated areas of competence and examples for each: self-awareness,

self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

The CASEL 5 can be taught and applied at various developmental stages from childhood to

adulthood and across diverse cultural contexts to articulate what students should know and

be able to do for academic success, school and civic engagement, health and wellness, and

fulfilling careers. Source:

Students’ Highlights

• “Writing the essay”

• “Reading about other

kids’ definition of


• “Sharing my story and

hearing others”

• “Writing about myself

from my heart”

• “Learning about Max”

• “How I was able to

have a voice and talk

about things that I’ve

gone through”

• “Being able to express

things that you’ve been

bottling up”

• “Improving on my

writing skills”

• “Getting published

in a book”


Increased Empathy

Increased Self Awareness

Increased Community in Classroom

Increased Enjoyment in Writing

Increased Enjoyment in Reading


Students now understand the meaning

of courage

Increased student empathy

Increased student self awareness

Increased student individual courage

Increased enjoyment in writing

Increased enjoyment in reading



Stephanie Warburg,



Brant Binder

Amy d’Ablemont


Astrid Burns

Sally Fay Cottingham

Mimi Neal Eger


Carrie Minot Bell

Suzanne Fisher


Barbara Hawkins


Katie Schuller Bleakie

Lisa Clark

Janet Coleman

Merry Conway

Kit Cunningham

Heather Faris

Carmen Fields

Robert Gittens, Esq.

CJ Hacker

Jill Lenhardt

Kate Lubin

Ann Ogilvie













Frederick Warburg,

Vice President

Pamela Humphrey

Joan Bennett




Ann Gund


McManmon Hoyt

Julie Joyal

Kasey Kaufman

Rona Kiley

Marsha Yamaykina


Kristen Suliivan


Ryan Naples


Carrie Coughlin,

Executive Director

Gil Leaf

Karen Leopold

Lois Lowry

Alexandra Marshall

Martha Pierce

Diana Rowan


Alex Saltonstall

Max Warburg







Elizabeth Evans D’Ascensao,


Julie Norman

Samuel Plimpton

Diane Schmalense

Clayton Schuller

Jane Skelton

Molly McCafferty,

Program Director

Donna Storer

Rev. Liz Walker

Lisa Walker

Jonathan Warburg

Janet Wu

Joyce Yaffee



Gordon & Llura Gund 1993



Barbara Jordan &

Robert Pemberton

Liberty Mutual Foundation

Sigrid & Ladd Thorne


Liz and Jeremiah Daly

Barbara Hawkins

Lucile & William Hicks

Barbara & Amos Hostetter

Chris & Jacquelyn Light

Kate Lubin & Glendon Sutton/

Richard K. Lubin Foundation

Lisa Pierpont & Brant Binder

A.C. Ratshesky Foundation


Nancy Adams & Scott Schoen

Carrie Minot Bell & George Bell

Daphne & Brandon Berger

Jennifer & Jonathan Block

Richard Burnes

Astrid & Thomas Burns

Edmund & Betsy Cabot

Charitable Foundation

Amy & Ethan d’Ablemont Burnes

Swanee Hunt

Jill Lenhardt

Marsha & Mark MacLean

Berneda Meeks, J &

E Slavik Foundation

Julia Norman

Suzanne Bernard Plimpton

& Samuel S. Plimpton, Jr.

Diane & Richard Schmalensee

Jennifer & Steve Walske

Stephanie & Jonathan Warburg

Ashley & Alex Wayman

$2,500 - $4,999

Fiona & James Benenson

Mimi & George Bennett


Corporation - Workforce

Training Fund Program

Mimi & Bryan Eger

Fifth Generation Inc.,

Love, Tito’s

Elizabeth Goodenough &

James Leaf

Ann & Graham Gund

C.J. & Michael Hacker

Elizabeth L. Johnson Fund

Holly & Bruce Johnstone

Kristen Sullivan McEntyre

Pfeiffer Foster Fund

Helen Randolph

The Red Sox Foundation

Sarah & Hans Sherman

Joan & Edwin Tiffany

Julia Turner & Ben Wasserstein

Frederick Warburg

Lynda Schweitzer Wood


Katie Schuller Bleakie

Suzanne & Jeffrey Bloomberg

Kathleen Bratton & Brian Wruble

Patricia & Timothy Brennan

Angela & Benjamin Cavallo

Whitney Cheever

Christopher Comenos

Jamie & Kevin Connors

Joan & Prescott Crocker

Cummings Community Giving

Margaret & Dave Donahue

Sarah & William Ducas

Courtney & Tim Egan

Katherine Fellens

Hilary & Christopher Gabrieli

Robert Greenglass

Kristin & John Gulliver

Ann & John Hall

Susan & C. Michael Hazard

Katherine McManmon Hoyt

& Robert Hoyt

Kasey Kaufman & Michael


Angela & Jeff Laliberte

Joyce & Edward Lawrence

Heejin Lho

Ellie Malloy

Bridget & Joel Marquis

Alexandra Marshall &

James Carroll

Northeastern University City &

Community Engagement

Lia & William Poorvu

Hadley & Alexander Powell

Tina Rathborne

Anne & James Righter

Diana Rowan Rockefeller

Susan & David Rockefeller

Laura & Alexander Saltonstall

Jessica & Daniel Schmitz

Clayton & Emily Schuller

Ellen & Steven Segal

Kristin & Roger Servison

Susan Sloan & Arthur Clarke

Epp Sonin & Arie Derkson

Fredericka & Howard


Lisa Taffe

Ladd Thorne Jr.

Jonathan Wilson

Joyce Yaffee


The Alchemy Foundation

Meghan & David Almquist

Gabrielle Baron

Christina Bascom

Elizabeth & Joseph Bascom

Charitable Foundation

Enid L. Beal & Alan Wolfe

Rachel & Ryan Belanger

Pia Ostros & Juan Ignacio


Yvan Bodart

Kimberly Boyd

Nancy & Jack Braitmayer

Kennett Burnes

Mabel H. Cabot

Danielle Chaplick/Gallagher

Benefit Services

Brooke Chamberlain Cook

Nancy & Laury Coolidge

Sally Fay Cottingham

Kit Cunningham

Gene & Lloyd Dahmen

Lynn & Bruce Dayton

Natalia Egan

Martha A. Erickson

Carmen Fields & Lorenz Finison

Alexander Fuller

Betty & Russell Gaudreau

Bess & James Hughes

Mary Johnson

Katherine & Nick Keches

Kathleen Kenney

Lauren Krzynowek & Tyler Hart

Yelena Lembersky

Anne & Colin McNay

Kyle Morrisey

Greg Munroe

Kathy Neal

Nutter McLennan & Fish LLC

Chelsea & Andy O’Brien

Stephen Owen

Slocumb & E. Lee Perry

Wendy & Samuel S. Plimpton Sr.

Sue & Bernard Pucker

Eliza & Richie Quincy

Patty & Charles Ribakoff

Louise Riemer

Zainub & Justin Ruane

Donna & Robert Storer

Patricia & David Straus

David Van Ness Taylor

Phyllis Vineyard

Lisa & David Walker

Victoria & Thomas Whitney


Lisa & Joel Alvord

Lynne & Richard Breed

Andrew Brewster

Karen Britton

C & P Buttenwieser Foundation

Elizabeth Chapin

David Cody

Merry & John Conway

CJ Coughlin & Tim Croke

Jennifer & Nicholas Crocker

Darnell Dunn

Whitney & Gavin Fitts

Barbara Glauber

Vicky Graboys

Susan Hackley & Paul Henry

Irina Iatco

Judy & Roger Kamm

Lawrence Lawler

Otile McManus

Barbara Millen

Ryan Thomas Naples

Carolyn & Robert Osteen

Whitney & Ryan Patton

Elizabeth Robbins

Barbara Rodriguez

Condee N. Russo

Bridget & James Saltonstall

Tina & Paul Schmid

Brent Shay

Ellen C. L. Simmons

Jane Skelton

Callie & Jason Slocum

Michael Smith

John Snyder

Robert Straus

Kate & Benjamin Taylor

Emily Thompson

Karen Tobin

Lucie Wall

$249 & UNDER

Francis D. Adams

Liga & Martins Aldins

Blakeman Hazzard Allen

Anne T. Almy

Gwen Art

Anne Ashmore-Hudson

Carolyn Attenborough

Andrea Bloch &

William McPadden

Steven and Ellen Branfman

Gloria and David Brewster

Ginny and James Bride

Edith Moricz-Cody and Alan


Pat and Larry Kreger Cohan

Sally Stoddard Collier

Linzee Coolidge

Sandra and William Dick

Richard Dimino

Catharine-Mary Donovan

Margaret Dray

Alexandra Fallon

Heather Faris

Rebecca Forkner

Hugh Fortmiller

Blanche & Adel Foz

Robert Gittens

Susan Green

Grossman Family Charitable


Susan M. Halby

Bridget Halligan

Elin & John Harris

Trevania & John Henderson

Zachary Kastenhuber

Martha King

David Lawton

Mary Ellen Hawes Lees

Karen Leopold

Lyn Lloyd

Melissa Ludtke

Helen Marston

Deirdre & Peter Martin

Hope & Shaw McDermott

Nancy McFadden

Bernard H. Mehlman

Parinaz Motamedy

Kathryn O’Connell

Ashley Perkins

Katharine Pillsbury

David Podell

Christina Ramey

Elizabeth & Christopher Reece

Susan & Gordon Richardson

Catherine Rurode

David Russell

Margaret & Paul Schmid

Missy & Robert Shay

Elaine Shiang

Salwa Smith

Lee Sprague

Marjorie Staub

Margaret Talcott

Nancy & David Thompson

Susan Trausch

Gay Vervaet

Hannah Vokey

Kathleen Wattles

Judith Wheelock

Anna Whitcomb

Elizabeth & Benjamin White

Virginia B Wickwire

Pamela and Barry Zuckerman


Daphne & Brandon Berger

Astrid & Tommy Burns

Kate Coughlin &

Jonathan Hausner

Jamie & Kevin Connors

Elizabeth Evans D’Ascensao

Mimi & Bryan Eger

Haley Fortier

Holland & Knight, LLP

Kristen Sullivan McEntyre

Northeastern University

Diane and Richard Schmalensee

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