MONDAY ARTPOST 1107-2022 ISSN1918-6991 MONDAYARTPOST.COM Columns by Artists and Writers Bob Black / bq / Cem Turgay / Fiona Smyth / Gary Michael Dault / Holly Lee / Kai Chan / Kamelia Pezeshki/ Shelley Savor / Tamara Chatterjee / Wilson Tsang / + The Salt, the Oil the Milk (Bill Burns) :‐) Free Reads: Songs from the Acid-free Paper Box (Lee Ka-sing) MONDAY ARTPOST published on Mondays. Columns by Artists and Writers. All Right Reserved. Published since 2002. An Ocean and Pounds publication. ISSN 1918-6991. email to:

<strong>MONDAY</strong><br />

<strong>ARTPOST</strong><br />

<strong>1107</strong>-<strong>2022</strong><br />

ISSN1918-6991<br />

<strong>MONDAY</strong><strong>ARTPOST</strong>.COM<br />

Columns by Artists and Writers<br />

Bob Black / bq / Cem Turgay /<br />

Fiona Smyth / Gary Michael Dault<br />

/ Holly Lee / Kai Chan / Kamelia<br />

Pezeshki/ Shelley Savor / Tamara<br />

Chatterjee / Wilson Tsang /<br />

+ The Salt, the Oil the Milk (Bill Burns)<br />

:‐) Free Reads: Songs from the Acid-free<br />

Paper Box (Lee Ka-sing)<br />

<strong>MONDAY</strong> <strong>ARTPOST</strong> published on Mondays. Columns by Artists and Writers. All Right Reserved. Published since 2002.<br />

An Ocean and Pounds publication. ISSN 1918-6991. email to:

Free Reads for a Week<br /><strong>2022</strong>/10/sab.html<br />

Songs from the Acid-free Paper Box<br />

An Installation-On-Paper by Lee Ka-sing, <strong>2022</strong><br />

A suite of sixty photographs in sequence.<br />

Fifty two Fragments of photo paper test-strips<br />

from the 80s-90s archive of Ka-sing and Holly’s<br />

studio. In addition, eight new photographs on<br />

Kai Chan’s sculptural objects.<br />

The work was created, on the occasion of<br />

“2K 4.0”, the fourth collaborative exhibition<br />

in Toronto by Kai Chan and Lee Ka-sing.<br />

“Songs from the Acid-free Paper Box”,<br />

an original work in the format of a book,<br />

12x12 inch, 106 pages, with linen hardcover.<br />

Printed on 216 gsm matte paper,<br />

in a seven-colour digital offset process.<br />

Book issued in Limited Edition of Five.<br />

:‐)<br />

Songs from the Acid-free Paper Box is available at OCEAN POUNDS<br /><br />

PATREON members unlimited access OCEAN POUNDS read-on-line publications<br />

Membership -

Leaving Taichung<br />

Station<br />

Bob Black<br />

19 Fragments of Youth, Athirst<br />

“Have you feared the future would be nothing to you?”--Whitman<br />

XIX: 2021-<strong>2022</strong><br />

Flat muscled and honey coloured, the carapace of memory<br />

sea secrets braid the corners of his ears, now gone.<br />

we flood each other with loss,<br />

we finger each other with loam and detritus from the hovering albatross<br />

light-lanterned, and the flight around each other’s mouth:<br />

the stitching, the unwitching<br />

this black land of grief toward which I face the current alone.<br />

all we once had, and wrote long into the night, now latched,<br />

the dreams dug down and undone,<br />

the same for you?<br />

Hear me NaiNai<br />

utterance of creek and crime, the eel and the fisherman’s keel<br />

a patois of tea and time, this fragment caught up<br />

mercurial as the tide, the goings of our ruins<br />

a spade of undertow<br />

and what was left of you but hair and nails and tossed socks<br />

a pebble fragment<br />

whisp of word, the fens’ hold<br />

all your wonder once ebullient, now this minuscule pair<br />

and a bleep of clacking.<br />

oh NaiNai, hear me, please<br />

M ∞: forward ending<br />

I open<br />

a time of quiet truths.<br />

not forsaken but long left<br />

cuckoo from lost ones and longing<br />

my heart arun in tugging,<br />

the trailing of light and tagging sea<br />

and<br />

you, closed<br />

rivers and harbours and dogeared pages,<br />

bedhead and shoulder sprung, joint bones and rigmarole,<br />

time’s tempest now a whimper, all gone.<br />

we both, now long, become land dust and liquor<br />

a whirlpool of light, barking beings disjoined and swaying<br />

we both, embryology and accent and terminus taking, so<br />

we left leafing outward, the phonetics and semantics of land and of the sun,<br />

all of us now, malaprop and false sibilants, echo and cadence,<br />

black and ungendered all, the language run.


Holly Lee<br />

Tom Sandberg’s Elusive Photographs Show Mysteries in Plain Sight<br />

From the Notebooks<br />

(2010-<strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Gary Michael Dault<br />

Number 162: High-Swimming Fish or Low-Flying Angel (November 1, <strong>2022</strong>)

Greenwood<br />

Kai Chan<br />

Study<br />

paper and wire

Order this duo-cover Exhibition Catalogue at BLURB<br /><br />

64 pages, 8.5x11 inch, paperback, CAD$35 each

Poem a Week<br />

Gary Michael Dault<br />

stretches out in the sun<br />

like a meadow cat<br />

and reaches over his head<br />

for a handfuls of candyfloss cloud<br />

For Brian, on his Birthday<br />

(written a couple of days ago for my friend Brian<br />

Flack, as he heads into his 75th year. Brian is a poet<br />

and novelist. He lives with his wife, painter Susan<br />

Straiton, in Prince Edward County, a paradisiacal<br />

portion of eastern Ontario)<br />

we email one another<br />

but I don’t see him much<br />

except in my mind’s eye<br />

where, within that gelatinous landscape,<br />

I watch him walking<br />

the still-edenic countryside<br />

near his home<br />

this is poetry day and night:<br />

sometimes he writes down<br />

what he thinks<br />

and fixes his pastoralism<br />

to the page<br />

but sometimes<br />

he just walks through<br />

the wilderness of time<br />

negotiating his way<br />

back to himself<br />

the way a river flows home<br />

November 2, <strong>2022</strong><br />

I see how he rubs his back<br />

against the trees,<br />

plucks at harp strings<br />

of long grass

CHEEZ<br />

Fiona Smyth


Wilson Tsang<br />


Open/Endedness<br />

bq 不 清<br />

紗 布 與 棉 花<br />

你 從 來 無 法 自 控<br />

在 夜 間 , 做 白 天 的 事<br />

譬 如 加 班 : 在 球 場 末 端 守 門<br />

提 防 突 如 其 來 的 弧 線 球<br />


You have never been able to abstain from it.<br />

At night, you do things that you do during the day,<br />

Like working overtime: keeping goal at the end of the field;<br />

guarding against any unexpected curveballs.<br />

而 在 這 片 土 地 上<br />

我 們 專 注 從 內 往 內 望<br />

時 裝 模 特 兒 認 真 地 走 一 條 不 穩 的 天 橋<br />

相 識 的 人 , 相 互 保 持 距 離<br />

And here in this land,<br />

We focus on things from the inside looking in.<br />

Fashion models diligently walk their shaky runways.<br />

People who know each other keep distance from each other,<br />

就 像 林 木 農 場 中 未 被 砍 伐 的 聖 誕 樹<br />

樸 實 而 擁 有 生 命<br />

然 而 隨 後 的 節 慶 燈 飾 並 不 是<br />

為 了 照 明 , 正 如 某 些 衣 裝<br />

Like uncut Christmas trees in a tree farm,<br />

Humble and living.<br />

And the festive lights that come after aren’t<br />

For illumination, but are some types of garment<br />

不 是 為 了 保 暖<br />

或 包 紮 什 麼 謊 言 和 我 們 的 自 卑 感<br />

這 刻 我 們 除 了 逆 來 順 受<br />

就 別 無 他 法 了<br />

That aren’t here to keep us warm<br />

Nor to wrap up lies and our inferiority.<br />

Now, there isn’t much we can do but<br />

To submit ourselves to it.<br />

你 朗 讀 一 篇 以 打 字 機 打 印 的 講 詞<br />

並 且 成 功 跳 過 一 些 錯 字<br />

在 眾 人 面 前 做 臨 場 的<br />

修 改 工 作<br />

You recite a typewritten speech,<br />

And manage to skip some typos,<br />

Improvise a few things<br />

In front of an anxious audience.<br />

一 套 賣 座 的 電 影 落 幕 後<br />

有 人 建 議 製 作 前 傳<br />

創 作 更 多 前 所 未 聞 的 史 料 ——<br />

電 腦 是 美 麗 的 原 子 筆<br />

After a blockbuster movie ended its run,<br />

There were suggestions to make a prequel that would<br />

Fabricate more never-been-seen history—<br />

Computers are beautiful ballpoint pens.

The Photograph<br />

coordinated by<br />

Kamelia Pezeshki<br />

A wool thread, a line of a story by Fatemeh Askarinejad<br />

The old Nomad woman is sitting in the tent, where they<br />

prepare the wool threads, sing songs, and tell stories.<br />

Zagros mountains, Fars province, Iran

ProTesT<br />

Cem Turgay

Caffeine Reveries<br />

Shelley Savor<br />

Early Fall Darkness

Travelling Palm<br />

Snapshots<br />

Tamara Chatterjee<br />

“Madagascar (March, 2010) – While<br />

journeying we often found that children<br />

were the bridge into a community. Their<br />

natural curiosity and fearlessness more<br />

readily mitigated perceived prejudices the<br />

weary adult may have had about us, the trio<br />

of foreigners. Curiosity is the one word<br />

that clearly describes the adventure from<br />

the Malgache standpoint and of ours: the<br />


Bill Burns was raised in a book selling family<br />

in Saskatchewan where he learned about art<br />

and books from monks and poets. His projects<br />

about nature and advanced industrialism have<br />

been shown and published widely including at<br />

the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London; KW<br />

Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Mendes<br />

Wood DM, Sao Paulo; the Museum of Modern<br />

Art, New York; the Museum of Art, Seoul; and the<br />

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.<br />

His artists’ books and audio works include Bird<br />

Radio, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig<br />

and KW Berlin and Cologne: 2011; The Flora and<br />

Fauna Information Service, ICA London: 2008;<br />

Hans Ulrich Obrist Hear Us, YYZ BOOKS and Black<br />

Dog Publishing. Toronto and London: 2016; and<br />

the Power 100 Meta List, Verlag Mark Prezinger,<br />

Vienna: 2018. His editions are included in<br />

collections at Cabinet des Estampes, Geneva; Tate<br />

Britain, London; the Museum of Modern Art, New<br />

York; and the Getty Center, Los Angeles.<br />

Bill believes that autoroutes should now be<br />

ploughed under to make room for more wild birds,<br />

flowers, vegetables and goats.<br /><br />

Bill Burns<br />

The Salt, the Oil<br />

the Milk<br />

Excerpted from Donkey, camera, and<br />

auld lang syne<br />

DOUBLE DOUBLE February edition <strong>2022</strong><br />

The following pages are of drawings by Bill Burns, from his cross-media work<br />

The Salt, the Oil the Milk. Eighteen water-colour and pencil drawings on<br />

paper, approximate size: 145 mm x 192 mm.<br />

PATREON members unlimited access OCEAN POUNDS read-on-line publications<br />

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Under the management of Ocean and Pounds<br />

Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists,<br />

art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different<br />

cities visiting and working in Toronto.<br />

INDEXG B&B<br />

48 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto<br />

Booking:<br /><br />


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