JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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COMMERCE AND INDUSTRYSOCIO-ECONOMIC SETTINGThe economy of Jwaneng is predominatelymining, which is responsible for itsexistence, and the sector is responsible forthirty-one percent (31%) of the total formalemployment in the town according to the2001 census report. It is important to notethat this percentage may even be higherconsidering that the survey was carried outin 2005-2006 and does not include thecurrent expansion of the Mine into the Cut8 project. The sector is followed by publicservice and construction at 13.5% and 13.1%r e s p e c t i v e l y . O t h e r s i g n i f i c a n temployment sector is wholesale and retailat 10.2% with the remaining sectors beingreal estate, education, health andcommunity services standing at 32.2% of thetotal employment.Most of the commercial trading activitiestake place along the Teemane Avenuewhich include Central Business District andcovers most of the town, while the rest oftrading takes place in small neighborhoodshops. The industrial area, located to thewest of the town, is another area wherebusiness activity and jobs are concentrated.Formal employment statistics showed thatin 2011, Jwaneng had a potential labourforce of 11, 737 people or 77.3% of the totalpopulation. The economically activepopulation was estimated at 7762 or 66.1%of the potential labour force. In terms ofemployment by industry, in 2001, totalemployment stood at 6311 persons with thelargest employment by industry beingmining and quarrying. The industry isdominated by males who accounted for84.3% of the people employed in this sector.The business community of Jwaneng iscoordinated by the newly establishedJwaneng Chamber of Commerce.www.jtc.gov.bw54

AGRI-BUSINESSThe arid conditions imply that Jwaneng isnot suitable for large scale commercialarable agriculture, yet the agriculturalsector has proven capacity in Horticultureand Cereal production as well as Animalproduction.Horticulture farms around the townproduces an array of products such astomatoes, spinach, cabbage and onions.The neighbouring farms of Naledi, Sese,Bodumatau, Dithobane and Lemonalentso(KN16) has at least recorded 4,121,80 (t)yield in the past harvesting season andcontinues to show growth.TelecommunicationsB o t s w a n a T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n sCorporation (BTC) is the authorityresponsible for fixed telecommunicationservices in the whole country.Press Agency and broadcasting services;Botswana Television. The reporters' newscoverage however extends to areasoutside Jwaneng. Other private mediahouses stationed in Gaborone such asMmegi provide coverage for Jwanengevents.MiningJwaneng Debswana MineDebswana Diamond Company (Pty) Ltd(13/77) -Jwaneng Mine, the richest Mine inthe world by value is located in to thenorthwest of Jwaneng town. The mine liesTelecommunication network in Jwaneng isprovided in three modes of reticulation,these being copper cables, fiber opticcables and the mobile network. Alsoavailable is Orange, Mascom and Be Mobilenetworks.Postal ServicesJwaneng has only one post office providedby Botswana Postal Services.MediaThere are currently two state owned mediahouses in Jwaneng, the print BotswanaJwaneng Town Profile 201755


The arid conditions imply that Jwaneng is

not suitable for large scale commercial

arable agriculture, yet the agricultural

sector has proven capacity in Horticulture

and Cereal production as well as Animal


Horticulture farms around the town

produces an array of products such as

tomatoes, spinach, cabbage and onions.

The neighbouring farms of Naledi, Sese,

Bodumatau, Dithobane and Lemonalentso

(KN16) has at least recorded 4,121,80 (t)

yield in the past harvesting season and

continues to show growth.


B o t s w a n a T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Corporation (BTC) is the authority

responsible for fixed telecommunication

services in the whole country.

Press Agency and broadcasting services;

Botswana Television. The reporters' news

coverage however extends to areas

outside Jwaneng. Other private media

houses stationed in Gaborone such as

Mmegi provide coverage for Jwaneng



Jwaneng Debswana Mine

Debswana Diamond Company (Pty) Ltd

(13/77) -Jwaneng Mine, the richest Mine in

the world by value is located in to the

northwest of Jwaneng town. The mine lies

Telecommunication network in Jwaneng is

provided in three modes of reticulation,

these being copper cables, fiber optic

cables and the mobile network. Also

available is Orange, Mascom and Be Mobile


Postal Services

Jwaneng has only one post office provided

by Botswana Postal Services.


There are currently two state owned media

houses in Jwaneng, the print Botswana

Jwaneng Town Profile 2017


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