JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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another of a smaller scale is located in Unit3. The large scale industry contains 112industrial plots while the other containsonly 8. Of the total number of industrialplots, 53% are developed while the otherhalf remains undeveloped. 56 of these arewithin the large scale industrial zone whileonly one is within the other industrial zone.This resembles the rate of industrialdevelopment witnessed in the previousupdate seven years ago.Civic and Community Land UseThe amount of land devoted to Civic andCommunity land use within the built up areais 115 hectares, with a total of 135 plots. Thiscategory of land use is comprised of fourprimary schools, two junior secondaryschools, three clinics, two community halls,religious facilities, public offices, cemeteryand day care centres. There is however onesignificant civic and community plot whichis reserved for a truck inn which remainsundeveloped to date.Agro-IndustrialThis particular land use is located on thenorth western part of the built up area andoccupies 6.94 hectares. There are twodeveloped plots of this category whichfunction as plant nurseries. The 40 agroindustrial plots proposed by the 2004Jwaneng Development Plan have not beendeveloped and the recycling of waste waterfrom the neighboring sewage ponds is onthe pipe line.Open SpaceThere are 159 active and passive openspaces in Jwaneng. This category of landuse occupies about 53% of the total land usewithin the built up area. Passive spacesinclude the neighborhood parks behindhouses; the road reserve; and the 'green'network for pedestrian movement. Therole of green space in settlement systems isessentially to enable ecological processesto continue to occur sustainably and safelywithin environments significantly alteredby human action and secondly, toaccommodate a variety of socio-economiccommunity needs and in some cases toprovide barriers that contain and managesettlement growth. Active open spaces int h e t o w n i n c l u d e t h e s t a d i u m ,showground, golf course and the courts forracquet sports. This highlights thedependency on the Mine beyond justeconomic generation.www.jtc.co.bw48

TRANSPORTRoadsJwaneng is located along the countryinternational carrier, the trans-KalahariHighway which connects from Durban,South Africa, Maputo in Mozambique andWindhoek, Namibia. The trans-Kalaharihighway is one of the most importantcarriers that enable travelling the westernBotswana as it connects a corridor fortravelers going western, northern westernBotswana and to Namibia. The town isfurther connected by Sir SeretseKhamaHighway to Kanye enroute to Lobatse andto Gaborone via Moshupa- Thamaga andGabane.The public transportation system inJwaneng is comprised mainly of buses andmini buses travelling along the Trans-Kalahari Highway between Gaborone andGhantsi via Jwaneng. Public transportationwithin the township is provided by taxis.There are no predetermined routes as thereare no mini buses within the township.Jwaneng town and Sese village to the westare linked by a gravel road.The roads in Jwaneng are managed andmaintained under two authorities, localauthority and central government.Jwaneng town has a 99.28 km of internaltarred (bitumen) roads and 10.58 km ofgravel road as of 2014 according to CentralStatistics Office.Air-TRANSPORTOwned and managed by Debswana Mine,Jwaneng airport was opened in 1981. Theairport has a 2km runway with bitumensurface and runway lights. Only smallerpublic aircrafts are permitted to use theairport. The airport is currently used by theMine for landing and take-off purposes onlywith fuelling done at Orapa Mine.Jwaneng Town Profile 201749



Jwaneng is located along the country

international carrier, the trans-Kalahari

Highway which connects from Durban,

South Africa, Maputo in Mozambique and

Windhoek, Namibia. The trans-Kalahari

highway is one of the most important

carriers that enable travelling the western

Botswana as it connects a corridor for

travelers going western, northern western

Botswana and to Namibia. The town is

further connected by Sir SeretseKhama

Highway to Kanye enroute to Lobatse and

to Gaborone via Moshupa- Thamaga and


The public transportation system in

Jwaneng is comprised mainly of buses and

mini buses travelling along the Trans-

Kalahari Highway between Gaborone and

Ghantsi via Jwaneng. Public transportation

within the township is provided by taxis.

There are no predetermined routes as there

are no mini buses within the township.

Jwaneng town and Sese village to the west

are linked by a gravel road.

The roads in Jwaneng are managed and

maintained under two authorities, local

authority and central government.

Jwaneng town has a 99.28 km of internal

tarred (bitumen) roads and 10.58 km of

gravel road as of 2014 according to Central

Statistics Office.


Owned and managed by Debswana Mine,

Jwaneng airport was opened in 1981. The

airport has a 2km runway with bitumen

surface and runway lights. Only smaller

public aircrafts are permitted to use the

airport. The airport is currently used by the

Mine for landing and take-off purposes only

with fuelling done at Orapa Mine.

Jwaneng Town Profile 2017


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