JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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Jwaneng Multi-Purpose HallMasa-a-sele ClinicTshimologo Clinic

T O U R I S M A N DHOSPITALITYToyota 1000km Desert RaceThe Annual event which is organized byBotswana Tourism Organisation (BTO), SANational Off Road Car Racing Association(SANORA) &Mascom bring togetherToyota Kalahari Botswana 1000 DesertRace which takes place in Jwaneng everyyear in June since 2014.The event which continues to grow inpopularity has been running for the pastthree years in Jwaneng and drawsspectators from neighbouring countriesand abroad. The event has for the pastthree years been included as one of thefeeder races to the Dakar Rally as one of thefour events in the world to gain that status.This is the biggest off road race in Africa,with a following of over 120 000 spectators.The event has become a notable calendarfeature and starts off in the morning at0800hrs with an epic and electrifying startthat is always witnessed by elders, familiesand motor sport enthusiasts as well. Peopleliterally brave the cold winter mornings toreach the start off point and witness thestart.Jwana Game ParkThe area that was to become Jwana GamePark was initially a fenced Mine Lease Areasurrounding Jwaneng mine, populated byl i m i t e d n u m b e r s o f H a r t e b e e s t ,Wildebeest, Springbok, Ostrich and othersmaller animals. It is the home to a varietyof animals including Zebras, Wild beast andsome rare predators like the Cheetah.During devastating droughts in 1985, largeherds of hartebeest migrated towards thisarea in search of water. Over 100hartebeest managed to break through thefences into the lease area. Several waterholeswere built in 1986 and 1987, and theinflux of animals resulted in an increase inpoaching in the area. In late 1987 theexternal security fence was raised, both toimprove mine security and protect thewildlife.Since then, the park has increased in sizefrom 5926 hectares to 19085 hectares, andanimals have been imported, both tointroduce new blood, and to reintroduceJwaneng Town Profile 201737



Toyota 1000km Desert Race

The Annual event which is organized by

Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO), SA

National Off Road Car Racing Association

(SANORA) &Mascom bring together

Toyota Kalahari Botswana 1000 Desert

Race which takes place in Jwaneng every

year in June since 2014.

The event which continues to grow in

popularity has been running for the past

three years in Jwaneng and draws

spectators from neighbouring countries

and abroad. The event has for the past

three years been included as one of the

feeder races to the Dakar Rally as one of the

four events in the world to gain that status.

This is the biggest off road race in Africa,

with a following of over 120 000 spectators.

The event has become a notable calendar

feature and starts off in the morning at

0800hrs with an epic and electrifying start

that is always witnessed by elders, families

and motor sport enthusiasts as well. People

literally brave the cold winter mornings to

reach the start off point and witness the


Jwana Game Park

The area that was to become Jwana Game

Park was initially a fenced Mine Lease Area

surrounding Jwaneng mine, populated by

l i m i t e d n u m b e r s o f H a r t e b e e s t ,

Wildebeest, Springbok, Ostrich and other

smaller animals. It is the home to a variety

of animals including Zebras, Wild beast and

some rare predators like the Cheetah.

During devastating droughts in 1985, large

herds of hartebeest migrated towards this

area in search of water. Over 100

hartebeest managed to break through the

fences into the lease area. Several waterholes

were built in 1986 and 1987, and the

influx of animals resulted in an increase in

poaching in the area. In late 1987 the

external security fence was raised, both to

improve mine security and protect the


Since then, the park has increased in size

from 5926 hectares to 19085 hectares, and

animals have been imported, both to

introduce new blood, and to reintroduce

Jwaneng Town Profile 2017


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