JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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Dithuso HouseSir Seretse Khama MonumentMAIN CENTER AND AMENITIESPICTURE SPREADJwaneng Bus RankJwanen Show Grounds

Formal employment statistics shows thatin 2001, Jwaneng had a potential labourforce of 11, 737 people or 77.3% of the totalpopulation. The economically activepopulation was estimated at 7762 or 66.1%of the potential labour force. In terms ofemployment by industry, in 2001, totalemployment stood at 6311 persons withthe largest employment by industry beingmining and quarrying. The industry isdominated by males who accounted for84.3% of the people employed in thissector.CultureJwaneng is a multi-cultural communitywhere various people of different cultureshave come mainly for employment.However, the majority of Jwanengresidents are Tswana speaking. The 1995Jwaneng baseline study revealed that themajority of people in the town originatefrom Southern District, followed byCentral District while other districts arerepresented in small numbers. Jwanengalso has a significant number ofexpatriates who are mainly employed bythe companies involved with the Mine andalso in large infrastructure constructionprojects, making it a very versatile town.

Formal employment statistics shows that

in 2001, Jwaneng had a potential labour

force of 11, 737 people or 77.3% of the total

population. The economically active

population was estimated at 7762 or 66.1%

of the potential labour force. In terms of

employment by industry, in 2001, total

employment stood at 6311 persons with

the largest employment by industry being

mining and quarrying. The industry is

dominated by males who accounted for

84.3% of the people employed in this



Jwaneng is a multi-cultural community

where various people of different cultures

have come mainly for employment.

However, the majority of Jwaneng

residents are Tswana speaking. The 1995

Jwaneng baseline study revealed that the

majority of people in the town originate

from Southern District, followed by

Central District while other districts are

represented in small numbers. Jwaneng

also has a significant number of

expatriates who are mainly employed by

the companies involved with the Mine and

also in large infrastructure construction

projects, making it a very versatile town.

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