JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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basis. Furthermore the town is fitted withthe Hot water Load Control system whichenables remote management of powersupply and transmission when there is anelectrical supply constraint.DemographicsThe 2011 population and housing censusshow that Jwaneng has a population of19,973, which shows a positive populationgrowth. However, this may be higherconsidering the fact that the Mine hasexpanded into the Cut 8 project meaningthat migrant labour has increased in thetown. Additionally, since 2004, the numberof informal settlements around the townhas increased both in number and spatialextent. This is attributed to in-migrationfrom other districts due to potentialemployment opportunities, social servicesas well as drought and water scarcity in theneighboring villages.Jwaneng has unique demographicscharacteristics; attribute to among otherfactors that is a mining town, as such miningactivities employs more males than femalesdue to the labour intensive activities.Jwaneng labour force is unique as it standsat 73.8 percent making it the secondhighest percent of persons in the agebracket after Gaborone and a significantyouth population of 40 percent.According to the 2011 population censusthe population growth rate of Jwanengstands at 1.7 percent, which is slightly lowerthan the national average of 1.9 per centand marginally higher than that of SouthernDistrict which was 1.5 percent during thesame period. Population density persquare metre of 53 people is higher thanSouthern District density of 8 people persquare metre and similarly higher than thenational average of 4 people per squaremetre. The 2011 census male-female ratiofavours male, this unique sex ratio differsfrom the national trend which tend to showmore women than men in the generalpopulation. It has been noted that eventhough the population of Jwaneng hasbeen increasing over the years, the growthrate has been declining significantlybetween 1981 and 1991 the growth rate wasrecorded as 7.2 per cent. The increase inpopulation during that period can beattributed to, in addition to the growth ofwww.jtc.gov.bw32

the Mine, the fact that when miningstarted, government offices were alsoestablished and this attracted more people.Population census statistics growth rateLocation 2001 2011 Annual GrowthOrapa 9,151 9,531 0.4SowaTown 2,879 3,598 2.3Letlhakeng 14,962 22,9111 4.4Jwaneng 15,179 18,008 1.7Southern D 186,831 215,775 1.5National 1,680,863 2,024,904 1.9Source: Central Statistics Office,2011Sex Ration of Jwaneng compared with othermining town (Sex Ration 120 M/F X100)Location Males Female RatioJwaneng 9,831 8,177 120Orapa 4,336 4,795 90.4Sowa Town 1,961 1,637 119.7Source : Cental Statistics Office, 2011Population Projections and ProspectsAccording to the 2011 Population andHousing Census, Jwaneng town populationis projected to increase from 19,973 to21,381 which represent a projected growthof 7.05%. This is seen as a declining rate asopposed to the previous period (2010-2016)which depicted a rate of 10.13%. The town isexpected to experience in and outmigrationas a result of various stages ofmining operations.1. SOCIO-ECONOMIC SETTINGThe economy of Jwaneng is predominatelymining, which is responsible for its existence,and the sector is responsible for thirty-onepercent (31%) of the total formal employmentin the town according to the 2001 censusreport. It is important to note that thispercentage may even be higher consideringthat the survey was carried out in 2005-2006and does not include the current expansion ofthe Mine into the Cut 8 project. The sector isfollowed by public administration andconstruction at 13.5% and 13.1% respectively.Other significant employment sector iswholesale and retail at 10.2% with theremaining sectors being real estate,education, health and community servicesstanding at 32.2% of the total employment.Most of the commercial trading activities takeplace along the Teemane Avenue whichinclude central Business district and coversmost of the town, while the rest of tradingtakes place in small neighborhood shops. Theindustrial area, located to the west of thetown, is another area where business activityand jobs are concentrated.Jwaneng Town Profile 201733

the Mine, the fact that when mining

started, government offices were also

established and this attracted more people.

Population census statistics growth rate

Location 2001 2011 Annual Growth

Orapa 9,151 9,531 0.4

SowaTown 2,879 3,598 2.3

Letlhakeng 14,962 22,9111 4.4

Jwaneng 15,179 18,008 1.7

Southern D 186,831 215,775 1.5

National 1,680,863 2,024,904 1.9

Source: Central Statistics Office,2011

Sex Ration of Jwaneng compared with other

mining town (Sex Ration 120 M/F X100)

Location Males Female Ratio

Jwaneng 9,831 8,177 120

Orapa 4,336 4,795 90.4

Sowa Town 1,961 1,637 119.7

Source : Cental Statistics Office, 2011

Population Projections and Prospects

According to the 2011 Population and

Housing Census, Jwaneng town population

is projected to increase from 19,973 to

21,381 which represent a projected growth

of 7.05%. This is seen as a declining rate as

opposed to the previous period (2010-2016)

which depicted a rate of 10.13%. The town is

expected to experience in and outmigration

as a result of various stages of

mining operations.


The economy of Jwaneng is predominately

mining, which is responsible for its existence,

and the sector is responsible for thirty-one

percent (31%) of the total formal employment

in the town according to the 2001 census

report. It is important to note that this

percentage may even be higher considering

that the survey was carried out in 2005-2006

and does not include the current expansion of

the Mine into the Cut 8 project. The sector is

followed by public administration and

construction at 13.5% and 13.1% respectively.

Other significant employment sector is

wholesale and retail at 10.2% with the

remaining sectors being real estate,

education, health and community services

standing at 32.2% of the total employment.

Most of the commercial trading activities take

place along the Teemane Avenue which

include central Business district and covers

most of the town, while the rest of trading

takes place in small neighborhood shops. The

industrial area, located to the west of the

town, is another area where business activity

and jobs are concentrated.

Jwaneng Town Profile 2017


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