JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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BASELINE INFORMATIONNatural EnvironmentThe Jwaneng area falls within the Kalaharibasin, which is comprised of the Kalaharigroup, water super group, Karoo supergroup, Transvaal super Group and intrusiverocks.The area is covered in Kalahari beds ofsands, with calcrete observed in someburrows pits in the northwest part of thearea. The northern part of the area abovethe Trans-Kalahari highway is mainlycovered by the Transvaal Super groupwhich comprises of shales, dolomites andclasts conglomerates with intrusion ofsyenite and kimberlite pipes. The southernpart of the area below the Trans-KalahariHighway is underlain by the granite rock ofGaborone granite complex, which is boundto the south-west by the Transvaaldolomite rock. The calcareous silty sandsare exposed in the existing burrow pits onthe southern part of Jwaneng town.TopographyJwaneng town is situated at an altitude of1,189 (3,901ft) meters above sea level. Theground slopes down gently from two sidestowards the Naledi valley, where the Mineis located, which descends from the southeasttowards the north-west. The townlayout extends away from the Mine and isplanned to spread south-west. Thelandscape depicts two geomorphologicunits of Hardveld and sandveld.ClimateThe area is characterized by hot and warmsummers as well as dry winters. Accordingto the Department of MeteorologicalServices, rainfall in the area average for a 30year period (1971-2000) indicates that thearea falls within the arid climate zone. Withthe highest mean annual rainfall at 79mm inJanuary and the lowest mean annualrainfall at 0mm in July, the arid conditionsimply that Jwaneng is not suitable forarable agriculture. Periods of sunshine lastJwaneng Town Profile 201728

between eight and eleven hours daily,depending on seasons, with clear skies andlow relative humidity.SeasonsSpring is usually around September toOctober with short, hot, dry days and hotnights with summers from November toMarch seeing long very hot days and shortn i g h t s w i t h p e r i o d i c r a i n a n dthunderstorms. Autumn has hot daysfollowed by cool nights around the monthof April to May while winters arecharacterized by cold dry and windy daysand very cold nights.WindStrong winds occur in association withthunderstorm during rainy seasons.Occasionally peak speeds of over 80knotsare recorded. Such winds are generallyshort-lived, lasting only for a few minutes toan hour. Although not common, such gustywind should be expected to occuranywhere in the country.WaterJwaneng is located in a dry area with scarcesurface water. The internal drainagesystem is through calcrete pans in a form ofephemeral streams and temporary surfacewater for a short period of time.For over 30 years Jwaneng town is suppliedfrom the Jwaneng northern fieldscommonly known as Magagarape well fieldwhich is located some 50km in theKweneng district north of Jwanengdiamond Mine. It was officially establishedin 1984 with allocated water rights of17760000m³ per annum. The well field is300km in area and comprises of thirty four(34) boreholes from which a largerpercentage of abstracted water is used inthe mining process. The other percentage isreticulated by Water Utilities Corporationfor domestic use in Jwaneng and aroundthe villages of Lekotswana, Magagarapeand Dinare. The first 16 were drilled in 1979,ten (10) in 1982, Two (2) in 1994 and six (6) in2013, while an additional 23 monitoringboreholes are at various locations aroundthe well-fields and used for local andregional drawdown.Water Utilities CorporationWater Utilities Corporation (WUC) is aparastatal organization wholly owned byBotswana Government. It was establishedin 1970 by an Act of Parliament (Laws ofBotswana Cap: 74:02) and mandated tosupply, manage the planning, constructing,operating, treating, maintaining anddistributing water resources in thecountry's urban centers and other areasmandated by the Botswana Government,as well as the supply of bulk water to theDepartment of Water Affairs and thevarious Local Authorities for distribution tovillages and other small settlements in thecountry. The corporation has a set upoffices which offer different services in the

between eight and eleven hours daily,

depending on seasons, with clear skies and

low relative humidity.


Spring is usually around September to

October with short, hot, dry days and hot

nights with summers from November to

March seeing long very hot days and short

n i g h t s w i t h p e r i o d i c r a i n a n d

thunderstorms. Autumn has hot days

followed by cool nights around the month

of April to May while winters are

characterized by cold dry and windy days

and very cold nights.


Strong winds occur in association with

thunderstorm during rainy seasons.

Occasionally peak speeds of over 80knots

are recorded. Such winds are generally

short-lived, lasting only for a few minutes to

an hour. Although not common, such gusty

wind should be expected to occur

anywhere in the country.


Jwaneng is located in a dry area with scarce

surface water. The internal drainage

system is through calcrete pans in a form of

ephemeral streams and temporary surface

water for a short period of time.

For over 30 years Jwaneng town is supplied

from the Jwaneng northern fields

commonly known as Magagarape well field

which is located some 50km in the

Kweneng district north of Jwaneng

diamond Mine. It was officially established

in 1984 with allocated water rights of

17760000m³ per annum. The well field is

300km in area and comprises of thirty four

(34) boreholes from which a larger

percentage of abstracted water is used in

the mining process. The other percentage is

reticulated by Water Utilities Corporation

for domestic use in Jwaneng and around

the villages of Lekotswana, Magagarape

and Dinare. The first 16 were drilled in 1979,

ten (10) in 1982, Two (2) in 1994 and six (6) in

2013, while an additional 23 monitoring

boreholes are at various locations around

the well-fields and used for local and

regional drawdown.

Water Utilities Corporation

Water Utilities Corporation (WUC) is a

parastatal organization wholly owned by

Botswana Government. It was established

in 1970 by an Act of Parliament (Laws of

Botswana Cap: 74:02) and mandated to

supply, manage the planning, constructing,

operating, treating, maintaining and

distributing water resources in the

country's urban centers and other areas

mandated by the Botswana Government,

as well as the supply of bulk water to the

Department of Water Affairs and the

various Local Authorities for distribution to

villages and other small settlements in the

country. The corporation has a set up

offices which offer different services in the

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