JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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o r d e r a f t e r a l l c o m m u n i t y - b a s e dinterventions have been exhausted prior toresidential admission.Ministry of Youth Sports and CultureBotswana National Library Services-Jwaneng Public LibraryDepartment of Trade and Consumers AffairsThe department is responsible forregistration of internal trade and protectionof consumer through the Trade Act, LiquorAct, Consumer Protection Act and theguideline of Micro and small BusinessExempt from Licensing requirements.The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture,through the Department of Art and Culturebelieves that all citizens should have equalaccess to the improvement off their lives.Therefore the department offers Grants toy o u n g p e o p l e f o r s o c i o - e c o n o m i cdevelopment. The Department of Sports andRecreation funds the District which hostsDistrict Sport Festival and advice on how tohost District Sport Festival. The ministry ishoused at Jwaneng Public library .The department comprises of two divisionsbeing; the Internal Trade and ConsumerDivision.Department of Social SecurityMpule-Kwelagobe Children’s CenterMpule Kwelagobe Center is a governmentinitiative started in 2000 as an NonGovernmental Organisation with only threehousemothers, a social worker and it ismandated tohouse vunerable children belowthe age of 18 years. It was established toprovide residential care, support andprotection to Orphans and Venerablechildren’s in a residential environment. Thecenter was donated by Debswana JwanengMine and named after Mpule Kwelago, MissUniverse in 1999.The center offers daily activities such aspainting, pruning of the orchard, cutting oftrees and planting of vegetables at thegarden. Currently it has an enrolment of 50children, 23 girls and 27 boys. The admissionis done through the help of a social workerand the need is committed through a CourtJwaneng Town Profile 201718

JWANENG TOWN COUNCILExcellent Local Governanceand Empowerment for AllThe Council exists to provide basic primaryeducation, public health and primaryinfrastructure. Responsibilities have beenextended to cover related items such associal protection, issuing of businesslicenses, environmental health etc. Some ofthe functions are complemented by CentralGovernment departments/Ministries andparastatals, such as water, education andhealth.Jwaneng Town Council was established in1980 to provide services to the communityof Jwaneng shortly after Jwaneng wasdesignated a township in May 1979. At thattime it was called Jwaneng TownshipAuthority. Four years later during the 1stsession of the Full Council in November 1984,Jwaneng Township Authority was declared aTown Council by the Minister of the thenLocal Government and Lands Mr. LesediMothibamele.Jwaneng Town Council StructureThe Council has two wings being the Politicalwing and the Administrative wing. Thepolitical wing is made up of 9 councilors, 7elected and 2 specially nominated. TheMayor heads the political wing while theTown Clerk heads the administrative wing.Political Wing StructureThe Political wing is headed by the Mayor, itis made up of nine (9) councilors, sevene l e c t e d f r o m N g a m i , K g a l a g a d i ,Molopo,Mogale, Seole, Raphalane, andMasa-a-sele wards, with two (2) speciallyelected councilors. The Mayor and thedeputy Mayor are elected for a period of twoand half years in a full council sitting.www.jtc.gov.bw 19


Excellent Local Governance

and Empowerment for All

The Council exists to provide basic primary

education, public health and primary

infrastructure. Responsibilities have been

extended to cover related items such as

social protection, issuing of business

licenses, environmental health etc. Some of

the functions are complemented by Central

Government departments/Ministries and

parastatals, such as water, education and


Jwaneng Town Council was established in

1980 to provide services to the community

of Jwaneng shortly after Jwaneng was

designated a township in May 1979. At that

time it was called Jwaneng Township

Authority. Four years later during the 1st

session of the Full Council in November 1984,

Jwaneng Township Authority was declared a

Town Council by the Minister of the then

Local Government and Lands Mr. Lesedi


Jwaneng Town Council Structure

The Council has two wings being the Political

wing and the Administrative wing. The

political wing is made up of 9 councilors, 7

elected and 2 specially nominated. The

Mayor heads the political wing while the

Town Clerk heads the administrative wing.

Political Wing Structure

The Political wing is headed by the Mayor, it

is made up of nine (9) councilors, seven

e l e c t e d f r o m N g a m i , K g a l a g a d i ,

Molopo,Mogale, Seole, Raphalane, and

Masa-a-sele wards, with two (2) specially

elected councilors. The Mayor and the

deputy Mayor are elected for a period of two

and half years in a full council sitting.

www.jtc.gov.bw 19

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