JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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drivers, driving schoolsand drivers instructors,m o t o r d e a l e r s a n dn u m b e r p l a t e smanufactures, publictransport.Department of AnimalProductionThe mandate of thedepartment is to providequality service to livestockf a r m e r s a n d o t h e rstakeholders throughe f f e c t i v e e x t e n s i o nservice.The Department of AnimalProduction comprisesthree divisions namely Ruminants, nonRuminants and Livestock Services.Ruminants and Non Ruminants areresponsible for development of differentcommodities whilst Livestock Servicesprovide support service to commodities.Department of ImmigrationThe department operates to facilitate ofmovement of people, issuance of Botswanapassport, processing of visa and residentspermits and repatriation of illegalimmigrants.Department of LabourThe department offers services whichinclude; mediation and arbitration of tradedisputes, monitoring training andlocalization programmes, processing ofworkers compensation claims, labourinspection and processing of workerspermits as well as registration of jobseekers.Department of Broadcasting andDepartment of information ServicesThe Origins of the Department ofInformation and Broadcasting are traced asfar back as 1961 when Batswana were stillunder British colonial rule. Then, a smalltransmitter located in Mafeking wasemployed mainly to broadcast agriculturalprogrammes. A magazine, called Kutlwano,had also been set-up to provide informationabout Government policy. The two becamethe basis on which Information Services andR a d i o B e c h u a n a l a n d ( l a t e r R a d i oBotswana) were formed after Botswana'sindependence from Britain in 1966.As a Government-owned media, the role ofthe Department of Information andDepartment of Broadcasting is to mobilizeBatswana towards national development,to inform them about events within andoutside the country, to interpret suchevents and whenever possible suggestappropriate approaches to them. This isachieved through Botswana Television andDaily news paper, which are free. Thedepartment also educates and entertainscitizens in accordance with nationaldevelopment goals and interests.Department of Building and EngineeringJwaneng Town Profile 201716

efficient in service delivery.Department of Metrological ServicesThe Department of MeteorologicalServices is under the Ministry ofEnvironment, Wildlife and Tourismand is mandated to measuring,o b s e r v i n g a n d r e c o r d i n gmeteorological observations requiredf o r v a r i o u s s o c i o - e c o n o m i cdevelopment activities at national,regional and international leve.lIt putforward Weather forecasting andadvisory, such as issuing warnings offloods, severe storms, heat waves,cold spells and other adverse weatherconditions likely to endanger lifeand/or property.ServicesThe Department has the portfolioresponsibility for Government buildingdevelopment projects, their associatedinfrastructure, engineering services and themaintenance of government building,electrical and mechanical stock.The Department has since been structuredto meet the systemic problems that wereinherent in the former Department ofArchitectural Building Services andDepartment Engineering ManagementServices. The focus has therefore been oncreating a viable and vibrant Departmentthat is modernised and streamlined to beDepartment of Water AffairsThe core business of department of wateraffairs is to be strategically involved in anongoing assessment of the economic roleof water in the country’s development. Thisis achieved through research to findsolutions on challenges faced by the urbanand rural population as well as the miningand industry. Lastly through playing adevelopment and service role, water affairsworks with water-using sectors to ensurethat water is used efficiently while theresources are managed in a sustainablemanner.www.jtc.gov.bw 17

efficient in service delivery.

Department of Metrological Services

The Department of Meteorological

Services is under the Ministry of

Environment, Wildlife and Tourism

and is mandated to measuring,

o b s e r v i n g a n d r e c o r d i n g

meteorological observations required

f o r v a r i o u s s o c i o - e c o n o m i c

development activities at national,

regional and international leve.lIt put

forward Weather forecasting and

advisory, such as issuing warnings of

floods, severe storms, heat waves,

cold spells and other adverse weather

conditions likely to endanger life

and/or property.


The Department has the portfolio

responsibility for Government building

development projects, their associated

infrastructure, engineering services and the

maintenance of government building,

electrical and mechanical stock.

The Department has since been structured

to meet the systemic problems that were

inherent in the former Department of

Architectural Building Services and

Department Engineering Management

Services. The focus has therefore been on

creating a viable and vibrant Department

that is modernised and streamlined to be

Department of Water Affairs

The core business of department of water

affairs is to be strategically involved in an

ongoing assessment of the economic role

of water in the country’s development. This

is achieved through research to find

solutions on challenges faced by the urban

and rural population as well as the mining

and industry. Lastly through playing a

development and service role, water affairs

works with water-using sectors to ensure

that water is used efficiently while the

resources are managed in a sustainable


www.jtc.gov.bw 17

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