JWANENG PROFILE Advert and Map Free Edition

a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town. a business profile for Jwaneng Town, Botswana. the profile contains general information about the town.

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CENTRAL GOVERNMENTADMINISTRATIONAND DEPARTMENTSIn Pursuit of Excellent Public ServiceJwaneng is directed by Office of the DeputyDistrict Commissioner at Dithuso House.The department is headed by the DeputyDistrict Commissioner and operates underthe Ministry of Presidential Affairs,Governance and Public Administration. It isresponsible for coordinating district andurban development work programmes andlinking district responses with centralgovernment ministries.The main purpose of the Office is thei m p l e m e n t a t i o n , m o n i t o r i n g a n dcoordination of government projects,policies and programmes in the district.Operating under the administration of theoffice of the District Commissioner are:Department of Crop ProductionThe Department of Crop Production's mainfunction is to provide technical services tofarmers and general public in order toimprove agricultural productivity andefficiency and thus improving people'sliving standards.The department has four divisions; LandUtilization Division is large and diverse,comprising of five sections responsible forland resources management. These are SoilSurvey and Mapping, Land Husbandry(formerly Soil Conservation), AgriculturalLand Use Planning, C artography,Geographic Information Systems (GIS) andRemote Sensing Sections.Plant Protection Division was established in1986/87 following a countrywide outbreakof locusts. It is mandated to spearhead thecontrol/management of the crop pests andd i s e a s e s . T h e D i v i s i o n e n s u r e senvironmental sustainability throughapplication of environmental friendlyp r a c t i c e s ( e . g . i n t e g r a t e d p e s tJwaneng Town Profile 201714

management).Horticulture and Beekeeping Division hasthree sections and incorporated the newbeekeeping section. The sections whichconstitute this division are VegetableProduction, Fruit Production, Flower andOrnamental Production and Beekeeping.Field Crop Division has three sectionsnamely; Cereals Section, Legumes and OilSeeds Section and food security.Tribal AdministrationTribal Administration in Jwaneng wasintroduced in 1981 and exists to promotethe Kgotla system. The core principle ofKgotla is the preservation of culture andadministration of customary law and is ledby Tribal Secretary. The Kgotla is composedof Court Presidents who preside overcustomary matters among others. A Kgotlais an institution where information ongovernment policies is disseminated anddevelopment initiatives are discussed andshared with the community. Through itsinfluence, the institution encourages andsupports local level development. In thecase of Jwaneng there are two (2) Kgotlabeing Jwaneng and Raphalane.Department of Civil and NationalRegistrationThe department operates to provide servicesuch as; registration of births and deaths,registration of marriages, registration ofsocieties, Issuance of National Identity Cards(Omang) and processing of change ofsurnames.Department of Road Transport and SafetyThe department exits to provide an efficient,effective, reliable, sustainable and safe roadt r a n s p o r t s y s t e m t h r o u g h p o l i c yformulation and implementation to ensures u s t a i n a b l e a n d s o c i o - e c o n o m i cdevelopment.The mandate of the department is theregistration and licensing of vehicles andJwaneng Town Profile 201715




In Pursuit of Excellent Public Service

Jwaneng is directed by Office of the Deputy

District Commissioner at Dithuso House.

The department is headed by the Deputy

District Commissioner and operates under

the Ministry of Presidential Affairs,

Governance and Public Administration. It is

responsible for coordinating district and

urban development work programmes and

linking district responses with central

government ministries.

The main purpose of the Office is the

i m p l e m e n t a t i o n , m o n i t o r i n g a n d

coordination of government projects,

policies and programmes in the district.

Operating under the administration of the

office of the District Commissioner are:

Department of Crop Production

The Department of Crop Production's main

function is to provide technical services to

farmers and general public in order to

improve agricultural productivity and

efficiency and thus improving people's

living standards.

The department has four divisions; Land

Utilization Division is large and diverse,

comprising of five sections responsible for

land resources management. These are Soil

Survey and Mapping, Land Husbandry

(formerly Soil Conservation), Agricultural

Land Use Planning, C artography,

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and

Remote Sensing Sections.

Plant Protection Division was established in

1986/87 following a countrywide outbreak

of locusts. It is mandated to spearhead the

control/management of the crop pests and

d i s e a s e s . T h e D i v i s i o n e n s u r e s

environmental sustainability through

application of environmental friendly

p r a c t i c e s ( e . g . i n t e g r a t e d p e s t

Jwaneng Town Profile 2017


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