NOV 2022. Blues Vol 38 No. 11





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The BLUES is published monthly by Kress-Barr, LLC, PO Box 2733, League City Texas 77574. The opinions<br />

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We Need to Act to Save LE<br />

The profession of law enforcement is dying.<br />

Both literally and figuratively.<br />

There was a time when young<br />

men and women dreamed about<br />

graduating and becoming a doctor,<br />

policemen or firemen.<br />

Oh wait, this is 2022 and I have<br />

to say police person, fire person<br />

or medical professional. But that’s<br />

fodder for a whole other story.<br />

But those dreams seem to have<br />

disappeared just like the thousands<br />

and thousands of cops<br />

that used to patrol our streets<br />

and protect the American people.<br />

The truth is no one wants to be a<br />

cop anymore. <strong>No</strong>t the young high<br />

school or college graduate nor the<br />

seasoned cop who has ten years<br />

under his or her belt.<br />

And why is that. Well first off, in<br />

the past ten years or so, the far left<br />

in this country has declared war<br />

on cops. Their defund the police<br />

movements, have resulted in more<br />

police deaths than any other time<br />

in our history. They tried to turn<br />

the American people against cops.<br />

Hate the cops. Hate what they<br />

stand for. Fire them. We don’t need<br />

them. They are killing us because<br />

we are black. (I’m sorry, because<br />

we are people of color)<br />

They believe no one should go<br />

to jail. Everyone should be free to<br />

do as they please. Until. It affects<br />

them. Then, they call 9<strong>11</strong> and<br />

demand help. Demand the police<br />

protect THEM. But wait, you defunded<br />

us. You did away with us.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w you want our help? Screw<br />

you.<br />

As a result, the men and women<br />

of law enforcement became<br />

targets. Killed for just wearing the<br />

uniform. Ambushed while sitting<br />

in their patrol cars. Shot and killed<br />

while trying to protect their fellow<br />

citizens. Why do a job that people<br />

don’t want you to do?<br />

Afterall, the citizens didn’t want<br />

you. Elected officials didn’t want<br />

you and wanted to defund you.<br />

Hell, there was even a time when<br />

a certain President of the United<br />

States didn’t respect you. So why<br />

in the hell would anyone want to<br />

become a cop?<br />

Because despite all that, there<br />

are those of us that still believe<br />

in right and wrong. Believe in the<br />

American Justice System. Run<br />

towards danger when everyone<br />

else is running away. Who’ll jump<br />

in front of people they don’t even<br />

know when the bullets start to<br />

fly. Or risk their own life, to save<br />

someone from a burning car.<br />

It’s something you are born with.<br />

An instinct to protect and save<br />

others before yourself. You either<br />

have it or you don’t.<br />

So, what do we do to turn this<br />

around and save our profession?<br />

How can we fill the thousands<br />

of open police positions in this<br />

country? As a people, we have to<br />

change our attitude towards law<br />

enforcement. Yes, we’ve had bad<br />

cops do bad things. But you can’t<br />

judge all cops by the actions of<br />

a handful. As a country, we need<br />

to raise our kids to respect those<br />

in authority. <strong>No</strong>t just cops, but all<br />

first responders. At some point in<br />

their life, their very existence on<br />

this planet may depend on these<br />


same people. Once they realize the<br />

importance of what we do as a<br />

profession, they may also realize<br />

that’s what they were meant to do.<br />

As far as the gazillion openings<br />

for cops around the country? Go<br />

to the polls and elect people who<br />

respect you and want you. Elect<br />

judges who support what you<br />

do and lock up the bad guys for<br />

a long ass time. Elect DA’s who’ll<br />

prosecute and put away the bad<br />

guys. Elect mayors, governors, as<br />

well as state and federal politicians<br />

who believe in law and order<br />

and not this WOKE shit. And finally<br />

elect a President who has your<br />

back.<br />

In the meantime, watch your six<br />

and protect your fellow officers.<br />

We all have families to go home<br />

to and EVERYONE needs to make<br />

it home safe and sound. We are a<br />

brotherhood like no other. If you<br />

see your brother suffering, stop<br />

and help them. Take the time to<br />

listen and come to their aide. And<br />

if you are suffering, go to your<br />

brother officers and ask for help.<br />

Let’s all do our part to stop officer’s<br />

from taking their own lives.<br />

Be safe, Be relentless.<br />



TCOLE 2022 Conference<br />

So, about that Texas Commission on<br />

Law Enforcement Conference.<br />

This past October many<br />

Trainers, Field Training Officers,<br />

Supervisors and even a<br />

few Chief’s (like me) made the<br />

trek down to Corpus Christi,<br />

Texas to hear what TCOLE was<br />

up to and maybe a hint or two<br />

of where they were thinking<br />

about going in the future. Especially<br />

with the recent retirement<br />

of Director Kim Vickers,<br />

a lot of folks are wondering<br />

“Well, now what?” when it<br />

comes to TCOLE.<br />

Someone once told me, to<br />

know where we’re going, just<br />

look at where we have been,<br />

and you’ll get a good idea.<br />

I looked back at TCOLE, and<br />

you’d have to go all the way<br />

back to 1968 to see where it<br />

originated, where it went and<br />

what it has evolved into today.<br />

There are a few old relics<br />

around who remember those<br />

days. You weren’t old enough<br />

to buy your own bullets, but<br />

you could be a cop. And then<br />

it could be almost a year before<br />

you’d even step foot into<br />

an Academy. That’s right. Folks<br />

just figured you’d have enough<br />

sense to go out there and do<br />

the job, without getting yourself<br />

killed. Well, that didn’t go<br />

as planned.<br />

So, in the 80’s, there began<br />

a huge push to bring TCOLE<br />

front and center for Law Enforcement<br />

in Texas. Many<br />

people found Chief’s, Sheriff’s<br />

and Constable’s weren’t exactly<br />

abiding by all the rules<br />

set forth by the Board and the<br />

Texas Legislature and that had<br />

to change. People in charge of<br />

their respective agencies had<br />

to be held to a statewide standard<br />

and that standard had to<br />

be enforced for the good of<br />

Law Enforcement and the good<br />

of Texas.<br />

I can see your blood pressure<br />

is skyrocketing, so please let<br />

me say I know. TCOLE hasn’t<br />

always and doesn’t always get<br />

it right. And we all know, the<br />

Legislature sure as hell doesn’t.<br />

But I think we can agree, there<br />

had to be a central location<br />

for all Peace Officer Records,<br />

Training, and Employment<br />

Status. I think we can all agree,<br />

while not every decision from<br />

TCOLE has been the correct<br />

one, the organization itself is<br />

definitively necessary.<br />

Fast forward to this year’s<br />

2022 TCOLE Conference. It was<br />

cool to see a lot of old familiar<br />


faces and of course it’s always<br />

cool to meet some new ones.<br />

Such encounters lead to a time<br />

whereby we can fellowship,<br />

bond and most importantly<br />

talk about what has and has<br />

not been working for us over<br />

the previous year. Hey, learning<br />

from other people’s trials and<br />

errors is GOLDEN. Don’t try to<br />

figure it all out. Just listen to<br />

them. Listen and learn.<br />

Law Enforcement Conferences<br />

are well, Law Enforcement<br />

Conferences. They are,<br />

what you make of them. Besides.<br />

It’s cool to get out of<br />

our little proverbial box’s and<br />

see what is going on around<br />

us. For example, the Vendor’s<br />

Arena! Hey, what better place<br />

to visit and see all the things<br />

you and your department<br />

could never afford but, the rich<br />

little City down the road well,<br />

they can!!! And we all know<br />

what that means, we can buy<br />

their leftovers later at half the<br />

cost, when the next newest toy<br />

comes out!!<br />

Finally, I met someone new at<br />

this year’s conference. A true,<br />

real life Texas Law Enforcement<br />

Legend!! Mr. John Steinsiek.<br />

This gentleman is about<br />

to turn 81 years old in <strong>No</strong>vember.<br />

He’s worn the badge of a<br />

Texas Law Enforcement Officer<br />

since 1963. He began his amazing<br />

and storied career in Lufkin,<br />

Texas as a Night Shift Patrolman.<br />

It was the honor and privilege<br />

of a lifetime to not only meet<br />

this man. but to sit down and<br />

listen to his many stories of<br />

years gone by. It was an incredible<br />

experience.<br />

Sadly, I watched a whole lot<br />

of younger people in law enforcement<br />

walk right past him.<br />

Like he didn’t even exist. Folks,<br />

let me tell you something, you<br />

REALLY missed out. Old lawmen<br />

like Mr. Steinsiek are far<br />

and few in between. You’d all<br />

be wise to pause a moment<br />

from your cell phone, tablet<br />

and laptop and just simply<br />

listen to what this man has to<br />

share.<br />

His story of how TCOLE first<br />

came about was hilarious!!!<br />

Back then, folks didn’t have a<br />

problem walking out back to<br />

the patrol parking lot, and “get<br />

with it” over a disagreement.<br />

Then, after the shift was done,<br />

they’d have a beer or two or<br />

ten together. And I guarantee<br />

you, they’d have given their<br />

lives for to protect one another.<br />

A lot of folks say the old days<br />

are gone for good. Lawyers<br />

have utterly and completely<br />

decimated American and Texas,<br />

Law Enforcement. I don’t about<br />

that. I do believe they’ve tried<br />

mighty hard. But one thing I<br />

have found to be a Constant<br />

Truth is eventually what is<br />

right, is right. And what’s right<br />

is ultimately what gets done.<br />

Well, that’s my take on this<br />

years TCOLE Conference. To<br />

all those in attendance, great<br />

to see ya. Good Lord willing,<br />

we’ll all come together again<br />

next year. Till then, may God’s<br />

Grace, Mercy and Love be with<br />

us all. We’re going to need it.<br />


10 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>11</strong>


Harris County Out $1.2 Million<br />

Over $500,000 Paid to Democratic Campaign Data<br />

Firms for a Vaccine Contract.<br />

You may recall that earlier this<br />

year, I wrote how the County had<br />

rushed to pay out over $1.4 million<br />

on the now infamous COVID<br />

vaccine contract shortly after it<br />

was awarded. When the contract<br />

was abruptly terminated,<br />

the County Attorney’s Office told<br />

Commissioners’ Court it would<br />

be working to recover the funds.<br />

That was over a year ago.<br />

Greg Groogan recently asked<br />

the County Attorney’s Office for<br />

a progress report on the recovery<br />

efforts. In an email response,<br />

the County Attorney’s Office<br />

told Groogan that it had recovered<br />

approximately $600,000.<br />

Of the remaining $800,000, the<br />

County Attorney said that about<br />

$500,000 had been spent on<br />

“nonrefundable, nontransferable<br />

licenses” and that they were still<br />

“communicating with Elevate’s<br />

lawyers to better understand<br />

other amounts invoiced to the<br />

county and to determine<br />

In Elevate’s Invoice <strong>No</strong>. 0126 it<br />

charged the County $539,000<br />

for software licenses from three<br />

software companies, to wit:<br />

Civis Analytics, Inc. - $365,093<br />

Here is Politico’s description of<br />

Civis Analytics:<br />

“Civis Analytics, a data analytics<br />

firm that grew out of Barack<br />

Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign,<br />

worked with Joe Biden’s<br />

campaign as well as most of<br />

his major Democratic rivals in<br />

the primary. One of the firm’s top<br />

offerings was . . . a central repository<br />

for all the data campaigns<br />

collect. The tool ported in information<br />

. . . used by campaigns,<br />

matched identifying information<br />

in different formats into single<br />

voter records.” (Emphasis added.)<br />

Axios wrote in a recent story<br />

that “Civis Analytics, a startup<br />

that could be key to next fall’s<br />

Democratic party campaigns . . .”<br />

NGP VAN EveryAction & OutreachCircle<br />

- $172,964<br />

This is NGPVAN’s description of<br />

their company on their website:<br />

“NGP VAN is the leading technology<br />

provider to Democratic<br />

and progressive campaigns and<br />

organizations, as well as nonprofits,<br />

municipalities, and other<br />

groups, offering clients an<br />

integrated platform of the best<br />

fundraising, compliance, field,<br />

organizing, digital, and social<br />

networking products.” (Emphasis<br />

added.)<br />

OutreachCircle was recently<br />

acquired by another company,<br />

Political Data, Inc. This is Political<br />

Data’s description of the acquisition<br />

on their website:<br />

“Political Data, Inc. (PDI) announced<br />

today it has acquired<br />

OutreachCircle, a leading supporter<br />

management and relational<br />

organizing platform. The<br />

acquisition will offer . . . clients<br />

an industry-leading product that<br />

combines top-notch data, voter<br />


file management and targeting<br />

expertise with cutting edge<br />

digital services and grassroots<br />

organizing tools and platforms.”<br />

(Emphasis added.)<br />

These are, presumably, the<br />

“nonrefundable, nontransferable<br />

licenses” to which the County Attorney’s<br />

Office was referring. I did<br />

not find anything on any of these<br />

firms’ websites that indicated<br />

they had any experience in public<br />

health.<br />

By the way, according to the<br />

County Auditor’s payment website,<br />

Civis Analytics has also been<br />

paid an additional $460,000 directly<br />

by the County since Hidalgo<br />

was elected.<br />

So, to summarize, since Hidalgo<br />

became County Judge, Harris<br />

County taxpayers have paid,<br />

either directly or indirectly, over<br />

$1 million to firms that specialize<br />

in providing data services to<br />

Democratic campaigns. According<br />

to the County Auditor’s website<br />

the County never did any business<br />

with any of these firms before<br />


Hidalgo was elected.<br />

Let me remind everyone of one<br />

of the text messages obtained<br />

by the Texas Rangers between<br />

Hidalgo’s staff members regarding<br />

the award of this contract.<br />

In responding to another staff<br />

member questioning why Hidalgo<br />

had changed the scope of work,<br />

her chief of staff wrote:<br />

“Probably good for campaign<br />

purposes in her mind, but anyway,<br />

if she has some intricate<br />

picture in her head, I say F it and<br />

let her define it . . .” (Emphasis<br />

added.)<br />

I’ll let you draw your own<br />

conclusions from all of this, but<br />

it certainly helps explain why<br />

Hidalgo is so concerned about<br />

being indicted after the election.<br />


12 The BLUES The BLUES 13



Hundreds gathered together to pay tribute to Sgt.<br />

Meagan Burke, killed in a head on crash.<br />


Let us help your department with all your<br />

vehicle equipment and upfitting needs.<br />


the third time in nearly as many<br />

months, hundreds from the law<br />

enforcement community gathered<br />

to honor the life of a fallen<br />

officer in the Oklahoma City<br />

metro.<br />

Burke, 31, was driving north<br />

on Interstate 44 near SW 44 on<br />

Sept. 29th when she was struck<br />

head-on by a southbound vehicle<br />

that had swerved left and<br />

gone over the center guardrail,<br />

according to a police statement.<br />

Burke was pronounced dead at<br />

the scene.<br />

The driver of the southbound<br />

vehicle sustained<br />

non-life-threatening injuries,<br />

and police said the investigation<br />

was still underway.<br />

“You being here gives this family<br />

a tremendous boost because<br />

at this point, they hurt,” said<br />

retired Oklahoma Police Department<br />

chaplain Greg Giltner. “You<br />

being here really helps.”<br />

On Thursday, Oct. 6th, hundreds<br />

gathered at the Southern Hills<br />

Baptist Church in south Oklahoma<br />

City to remember Burke<br />

alongside friends and members<br />

of the family, who were led into<br />

the sanctuary by bagpipers,<br />

drummers and members of the<br />

honor guard.<br />

“She found her people. She<br />

found her purpose,” Giltner read<br />

from a letter written by Burke’s<br />

aunt.<br />

Burke was born in California,<br />

raised in Colorado and made<br />

her way to Oklahoma when she<br />

joined the soccer team at the<br />

University of Central Oklahoma,<br />

where she was a goalie.<br />

Burke, who had served with<br />

the department since May 2016,<br />

had been a patrol officer for<br />

the Springlake Division before<br />

transferring to the highway interdiction<br />

unit and most recently<br />

returned to patrol as a field<br />

training officer for the Santa Fe<br />

Division.<br />

Members of department leadership<br />

and Burke’s academy class<br />

shared praise, love and funny<br />

memories of their time with<br />

Burke, at times while struggling<br />

through tears.<br />

Lt. Chris Swanson, one of<br />

Burke’s superiors, recalled her<br />

humility and unwillingness to<br />

accept public acknowledgment<br />

for a job well done. He joked that<br />

her memorial gave the department<br />

and her colleagues the last<br />

laugh as they could finally praise<br />

her openly.<br />


“If you know Meagan Burke,<br />

Meagan Burke right now is flipping<br />

every one of us off,” Swanson<br />

said, which garnered laughter<br />

from the crowd. “This is not<br />

what she wanted. This is what<br />

she deserved.”<br />

“I firmly believe that Sgt. Meagan<br />

Burke was given a servant’s<br />

heart, but she was a warrior,”<br />

Giltner said.<br />

Police confirmed that the driver<br />

was in a Blackhawk Security<br />

vehicle. The same driver was<br />

also involved in a fatal accident<br />

involving a bicyclist in the early<br />

morning hours of June 8, while<br />

driving a pickup truck, also registered<br />

to Blackhawk Security.<br />

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14 The BLUES The BLUES 15



Deputy Blane Lane, killed by friendly fire while serving a warrant, had<br />

his lifetime dream fulfilled when Sheriff Judd promoted him to Sheriff.<br />

POLK COUNTY, FL. – Deputy Blane hitting Lane in the shoulder. He died<br />

Lee Lane, 21, achieved in death what at Lakeland Regional Medical Center<br />

he had hoped to earn in a lifelong as a trauma team worked on him,<br />

career with the Polk County Sheriff’s<br />

the bullet lodged in his chest.<br />

Office: He was promoted to Judd told hundreds of uniformed<br />

the rank of sheriff by his hero, Polk officers from throughout the state,<br />

County Sheriff Grady Judd.<br />

who gathered at the church, that the<br />

Lane was killed in the line of duty blame for Lane’s death was Williams’<br />

on October 4th, accidentally shot by<br />

alone and called her “an evil<br />

a fellow deputy when four of them person filled with the devil.<br />

went to a home in rural northern Elected officials lining a front<br />

Polk County to arrest a woman pew included Florida Gov. Ron<br />

wanted on a felony warrant for DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley<br />

failure to appear in court on felony Moody, U.S. Rep. Scott Franklin, and<br />

drug charges.<br />

Florida Reps. Sam Killebrew and<br />

“Let us not be a dark burden unto Josie Tomkow. School Board member-elect<br />

Justin Sharpless, who<br />

the next Grady Judd.<br />

Lane graduated from Mulber-<br />

the body is to be in the presence<br />

Deputy Sheriff Lane’s memory, but<br />

rather a bright light in the morning knew Lane, also attended.<br />


“When he was 2 years old, he ry High School in 2020 and Polk of God and we can’t add a minute<br />

sun, telling all that Deputy Sheriff Lane’s family listened as Judd<br />

wanted to be a bull rider. Of course, State College’s dual law enforcement-detention<br />

to our lives by worrying,’” Judd<br />

Blane Lane lived his dream for his eulogized him and then several took<br />

I was the bull. We spent so many<br />

academy program said. “Preston said, ‘I know where<br />

entire life,” Judd told about 1,000 turns sharing their happiest – and stop resisting,” Judd said.<br />

hours on my hands and knees and and was hired as a detention deputy<br />

my soul is going. I don’t see death.’<br />

mourners at Lane’s funeral at Victory<br />

funniest — memories of him. Lane is Maddix Lane said she and her<br />

him on my back. We would watch<br />

in May 2021. He became a deputy And then Preston asked Blane,<br />

Church. “<strong>No</strong>w to complete Deputy survived by his 3-year-old daugh-<br />

brother didn’t always see eye-to-<br />

bull riding on TV and I knew what sheriff in January, right around the ‘What about you?’ And he got a<br />

Sheriff Lane’s faraway dream that ter, Kate Lane; a boy the family calls eye, mainly because he liked to be<br />

followed — that I had to saddle up,” time of his 21st birthday, and was high school kid’s response – ‘I’m not<br />

Blane can’t attain on his own, I am Lane’s “son by love,” Trace “Timmy” the boss of her. She said they used<br />

Sodders said. “Then a few years assigned to <strong>No</strong>rthwest District Patrol.<br />

scared of nothing – I’m like Grady<br />

going to promote Deputy Sheriff Wood; parents, Shellie and Wayne to use cardboard boxes to make<br />

later, he met Sheriff Grady Judd.<br />

He lived in Fort Meade. Judd.’”<br />

Blane Lane to honorary sheriff for Lane; sister, Maddix Lane; grandparents,<br />

garages for their cop cars.<br />

That changed his mind of what he Judd said Deputy Preston Davis Sodders said Lane also dreamed<br />

all eternity … Rest well, Sheriff<br />

Darrel and Debbie Sodders, “One time, Blane was aggravating<br />

wanted to become. He wanted to was Lane’s school resource deputy, of driving one of the PCSO Dodge<br />

Lane.”<br />

Kathy Stader, Elizabeth and Charlie me, trying to bite me, so the only<br />

be a Polk County deputy. From then adding that Lane talked with Davis Chargers patrol vehicles, which<br />

Judd said the wanted woman Jones; his cousin and best friend, black eye Blane ever had was from<br />

until now, he had one goal and that every week about Judd and about came true earlier this year. But Judd<br />

– 46-year-old Cheryl Williams — Brady Patisaul; and extended family me when I kicked him in the face.<br />

was to be a Polk County deputy.” the sheriff’s office. One day, Blane said one rainy night, Lane wrecked<br />

pointed a BB pistol, which looks and many friends.<br />

He was so mad,” Maddix recalled<br />

The family told Judd this week asked Davis if he had ever been in a his patrol car. He thought for sure<br />

identical to a 9 mm handgun, at Many in his family talked about to the chuckles of the crowd. “I am<br />

that Lane studied him, listening to shooting, and if he was scared. he was going to get fired because<br />

two deputies searching a mobile how, as a boy, Lane loved to play forever grateful that I got to be<br />

his press conferences and quoting “He asked Blane, ‘Do you believe he was a new deputy and still on<br />

home for her. The deputies immediately<br />

cops and robbers, including arrest-<br />

his little sister. I love you always,<br />

him. Lane even made his mother in God?’ And Blane said, ‘Absolutely.’ probation. Instead, he was handed<br />

shot her, and one of the ing, and handcuffing his little sister Blane.”<br />

drive by Judd’s former home on And Preston told Blane, ‘We know the keys to a beat-up Chevy Impala<br />

approximately six bullets they fired and cousins. Once when his sister Darrel Sodders, his grandfather,<br />

Harrell’s Nursery Road “over and the dangers of this job going in. The and given the nickname “Hydroplane<br />

pierced the mobile home’s wall, told him it hurt, he said, “Well, then said Lane didn’t always want to be<br />

over and over.”<br />

apostle Paul said to be absent from<br />

Lane.”<br />

16 The BLUES<br />

.<br />

The BLUES 17



Deputy Sidnee Carter was killed in a traffic accident<br />

while on duty in Sedgwick County Kansas.<br />


deputy in Kansas was killed in<br />

a car crash Friday October 7th<br />

while on duty.<br />

The Sedgwick County Sheriff’s<br />

Office confirmed that 22-yearold<br />

Sidnee Carter died in the<br />

crash.<br />

She served at the Sedgwick<br />

County Detention Facility for<br />

more than a year before transferring<br />

to the Law Enforcement<br />

Bureau in February.<br />

According to Kansas Highway<br />

Patrol, 28-year-old Kelvin Burgett<br />

from Arizona was driving<br />

westbound on 29th Street <strong>No</strong>rth<br />

when he failed to yield at a stop<br />

sign and struck Carter’s patrol<br />

vehicle on the driver’s side.<br />

Sedgwick County is located in<br />

central Kansas and encompasses<br />

the city of Wichita.<br />

The funeral for Sedgwick<br />

County Sheriff’s Deputy Sidnee<br />

Carter was held Friday, Oct. 14.<br />

at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic<br />

Church.<br />

Family, friends, deputies, and<br />

Be sure and check out<br />

our new<br />


on Page 122.<br />

area law enforcement gathered<br />

to pay their respects during the<br />

hour-long service.<br />

The Reverend David Voss said<br />

she was remembered as someone<br />

who had a caring heart for<br />

everyone she met.<br />

“She made everyone else<br />

around her feel like they were<br />

home. Whether it was home at<br />

the bowling alley with all the<br />

kids in the summers with dad,<br />

whether it was at the dance studio<br />

with their friends, whether it<br />

was at a detention center, caring<br />

for those who really didn’t see<br />

much kindness, but everybody<br />

cared about her because she<br />

showed that kindness to those<br />

who don’t see it,” said Voss.<br />

Carter was with the Sedgwick<br />

County Sheriff’s Office for a year<br />

and a half in the Detention Facility<br />

before transferring to the Law<br />

Enforcement Bureau in February<br />

<strong>2022.</strong><br />

Sedgwick County Sheriff Jeff<br />

Easter remembered her as extremely<br />

helpful and said she was<br />

Sponsored by<br />


well-respected by her peers.<br />

“She was only 22 years old.<br />

She was young. She had her<br />

whole life ahead of her,” said<br />

Easter. “She was somebody that<br />

dreamed of law enforcement<br />

from a very young age. And now<br />

this has happened, which is<br />

devastating to us here. I can’t tell<br />

you the impact this really has on<br />

an organization, and it will impact<br />

us for quite some time.”<br />

18 The BLUES The BLUES 19



Greenville Police Detective Myiesha Stewart was shot and killed in a<br />

shootout in the western Mississippi town of Greenville.<br />

GREENVILLE, MS. – A western<br />

Mississippi town is mourning the<br />

loss of Greenville Police Detective<br />

Myiesha Stewart after she<br />

was shot and killed in the line of<br />

duty on Tuesday, October <strong>11</strong>th.<br />

Stewart, 30, was killed Tuesday<br />

afternoon while responding to a<br />

shooting near the intersection of<br />

U.S. Highway 82 and Mississippi<br />

Highway 1. Few details have<br />

been released about the incident,<br />

but news outlets in the area said<br />

the suspect who killed Stewart<br />

also shot a man in the head and<br />

a woman in the foot.<br />

The suspect was also injured<br />

during the incident and was<br />

airlifted to a hospital in Jackson.<br />

That person remains in the custody<br />

of Mississippi authorities.<br />

Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons<br />

released the following<br />

statement on the tragedy late<br />

Tuesday night:<br />

“I have learned of an officer-involved<br />

shooting that<br />

occurred this afternoon near<br />

Reed and Rebecca Streets in<br />

Greenville. Several people were<br />

injured by gunshots, including<br />

an investigator with the<br />

Greenville Police Department<br />

who has unfortunately passed<br />

away as a result of the incident.<br />

Department of Public Safety<br />

Commissioner Sean Tindell has<br />

been notified and the Mississippi<br />

Bureau of Investigation will<br />

conduct a thorough investigation<br />

into this matter. Greenville Chief<br />

of Police Marcus Turner, Sr. and<br />

I have visited with family of the<br />

deceased officer, and we asked<br />

on behalf of the family for your<br />

continued prayers, condolences,<br />

and support during this very<br />

difficult time.”<br />

On Facebook, police Chief<br />

Marcus Turner stated the entire<br />

community is mourning the loss<br />

of Stewart, and said they must<br />

stand together during these trying<br />

times.<br />

“Our hearts are heavy as we<br />

remember the great times we’ve<br />

shared with such an impressionable<br />

and remarkable young<br />

woman, who gave her all until<br />

the end,” Turner wrote in a<br />

lengthy statement on social<br />

media. “Our department is a<br />

very close-knit, family-oriented<br />

department that will continue to<br />

hold strong together and for the<br />

service of our community.”<br />

To honor Stewart, the city held<br />

a prayer breakfast Wednesday<br />

morning to pray for her family<br />

and co-workers, other first responders,<br />

and the community in<br />

general.<br />


“Myiesha Stewart was a true<br />

definition of dedication, commitment<br />

and resilience,” the city<br />

posted on Facebook. “We all<br />

stand together to support the<br />

family of our fallen officer.”<br />

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves<br />

and Department of Public Safety<br />

Commissioner Sean Tindell also<br />

offered condolences to Stewart’s<br />

loved ones and the Greenville<br />

Police Department.<br />

Greenville police announced<br />

funeral arrangements for their<br />

“fallen hero” Friday on Facebook.<br />

The funeral service was held<br />

on Friday, Oct. 21, at <strong>11</strong> a.m<br />

The fallen detective is survived<br />

by her 3-year-old son and her<br />

parents.<br />

Welcome aboard<br />

Jamaica Beach Police Department!<br />

20 The BLUES The BLUES 21



Bristol Officers shot and killed in a deliberate act to lure<br />

them to a 9<strong>11</strong> call. Third officer takes out gunman.<br />

EAST HARTFORD, CT. — Thousands<br />

of people and first responders<br />

from across the country<br />

made their way to Rentschler<br />

Field to say goodbye to fallen officers<br />

Lt. Dustin DeMonte and Sgt.<br />

Alex Hamzy.<br />

DeMonte and Hamzy, who both<br />

served with the Bristol Police<br />

Department, were shot and killed<br />

in the line of duty on Wednesday,<br />

October 12th.<br />

Hamzy, DeMonte and Officer<br />

Alec Iurato, were responding to<br />

a 9<strong>11</strong> call at a home on Redstone<br />

Hill Road around 10:30 pm. The<br />

call was supposedly a dispute<br />

between two siblings at the location,<br />

but according to detectives,<br />

it appears the call was a “deliberate<br />

act to lure law enforcement”<br />

to the home.<br />

When the three officers arrived<br />

at the scene, they were confronted<br />

by one of the suspects, later<br />

identified as 35-year-old Nicholas<br />

Brutcher, who was outside of<br />

the home. Nicholas immediately<br />

began firing, striking all three of<br />

the officers, police said. Police<br />

said that Iurato returned fire after<br />

being struck, which killed Brutcher.<br />

All three officers were taken to<br />

a local hospital, but Hamzy and<br />

DeMonte suffered fatal wounds.<br />

Officer Alec Iurato was treated<br />

and released.<br />


A joint funeral for the two<br />

officers was held inside the East<br />

Hartford stadium due to the expected<br />

crowd.<br />

Loved ones of DeMonte and<br />

Hamzy shared their love for them<br />

through tears.<br />

“He is my hero, my protection<br />

and the love of my life,” said Katie<br />

Hamzy, the wife of Alex Hamzy.<br />

“Dustin, my love. The kids and<br />

I are honored to call you ours.<br />

You loved us so hard,” said Laura<br />

DeMonte, Wife of Dustin DeMonte.<br />

DeMonte and Hamzy were officially<br />

posthumously promoted<br />

during the service, with Dustin<br />

DeMonte now a Lt. and Alex<br />

Hamzy now a Sgt.<br />


Officer Alec Iurato was also honored<br />

at the service for saving more<br />

lives from being lost after shooting<br />

and killing the suspect that police<br />

say ambushed the responding<br />

police officers. Iurato even walked<br />

without his crutches to deliver<br />

what’s known as the United States<br />

honor flag onto Rentschler Field.<br />

The honor flag is a traveling memorial<br />

flag that’s been to the battlefields<br />

of conflict and to ground<br />

zero on 9/<strong>11</strong>.<br />

Honor guards from the state police,<br />

Bristol police, and Bristol fire<br />

department were on the field, as<br />

Bristol officers serving as pallbearers,<br />

carried their brothers in<br />

blue onto the field.<br />

22 The BLUES The BLUES 23


LAS VEGAS, NV.<br />

Las Vegas Metro Officer Truong Thai was shot and<br />

killed while responding to a family disturbance.<br />

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LAS VEGAS, NV. — Veteran rived shortly thereafter, Walsh<br />

police officer Truong Thai was said, and approached Hampton,<br />

shot within seconds of approaching<br />

who was in the driver’s seat of<br />

a man accused of his car.<br />

battering his wife on Thursday, Shining a flashlight into<br />

October 13th, near the University<br />

Hampton’s car, Thai instructed<br />

We offer TIPS State Contract and HGAC!<br />

of Nevada, Las Vegas cam-<br />

the suspect to place his hands<br />

pus, according to the officer’s on the steering wheel.<br />

body camera footage.<br />

“What’s going on, man?” Thai<br />

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According to Assistant Sheriff<br />

Andy Walsh, the suspect, camera videos.<br />

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they are doing.<br />


enforcement<br />

... All of a sudden<br />


identified as 24-year-old Tyson The suspect did not respond.<br />

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Hampton, fired 18 rounds at Thai Instead, the videos showed,<br />

immediate drop in<br />


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and another officer, Ryan Gillihan.<br />

the wheel before turning to the<br />

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he briefly placed his hands on<br />


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One of the rounds pierced passenger seat and placing the OFFICER TRUONG THAI<br />


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Thai’s ballistics vest, striking car in drive.<br />

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the 23-year veteran in the torso. As the suspect drove off, he bail, he is scheduled to be<br />


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As he fell to the ground, the began shooting from the driver’s<br />

side window, prompting Las Vegas Justice Court.<br />


arraigned Tuesday morning in<br />


Integrate systems to better communicate of the violence<br />

footage showed, Thai returned<br />

was gone.”<br />

fire, shooting five rounds from both officers to open fire. At the Monday news conference,<br />


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Walsh described Thai’s<br />


his .45-caliber handgun. Later Hampton also shot his mother-in-law,<br />

Walsh said. She is death as “a tough punch for<br />

AND MORE<br />

Captain David Baisden<br />

that morning, he died at a local<br />

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Oklahoma County Sheriffs Office<br />

hospital.<br />

expected to survive.<br />

our police department take.”<br />

Gillihan, 32, fired seven rounds After the shootout, Hampton “But we’ll get back on our<br />

from his handgun. He was not fled but was soon taken into feet,” he said, “because that’s<br />

injured during the shootout. custody about 3 miles away by what he would want us to do.”<br />

According to Walsh, Hampton’s<br />

wife called 9<strong>11</strong> for help Court records show he faces scheduled for Friday, October<br />

K-9 officers.<br />

A funeral service was<br />

around 1 a.m. last Thursday. charges of murder of a protected<br />

21st in Henderson.<br />

Experience the Digi Difference2<br />

person, attempted murder He is survived by his for-<br />

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Gillihan arrived in the area<br />

first and spoke with Hampton’s with a deadly weapon, battery mer wife and his 19-year-old<br />

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wife and her mother. Thai ar-<br />

and domestic battery. Denied daughter, Jada.<br />

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Demo & Quote<br />

24 The BLUES The BLUES 25



Carrollton Officer Steven <strong>No</strong>them killed when his patrol<br />

car was struck by a vehicle on the Bush Turnpike.<br />

CARROLLTON, TX — A Carrollton<br />

police officer and another<br />

driver were killed in a crash on<br />

the President George Bush Turnpike<br />

on Tuesday, October 18th.<br />

Officer Steve <strong>No</strong>them II, was<br />

assisting a drunk-driving investigation<br />

when his squad car was<br />

hit by a passing driver’s vehicle.<br />

Local TV Station WFAA’s William<br />

Joy spoke with the officer’s<br />

father and namesake, Steve<br />

<strong>No</strong>them, on Wednesday, the day<br />

after the crash. Steve <strong>No</strong>them<br />

said before his son was a police<br />

officer, he served as a U.S. Marine<br />

and did two tours in Iraq.<br />

“He did that because he wanted<br />

to matter. He wanted ...,” <strong>No</strong>them<br />

said, as he choked up. “The<br />

Iraq war was young and dangerous,<br />

and he wanted to make his<br />

mark.”<br />

Steve <strong>No</strong>them said his son “was<br />

always the defender of the underdog”<br />

in high school. He went<br />

on to tell a story about how his<br />

son had a friend named Sam Lee,<br />

who had cystic fibrosis and was<br />

picked on in high school. Steve<br />

<strong>No</strong>them said his son would stand<br />

up for Lee and defend him from<br />

the bullies.<br />

Steve <strong>No</strong>them II and Lee vowed<br />

together that <strong>No</strong>them II would<br />

fight for our country, while Lee<br />

fought for his life.<br />

“Steve got back from his first<br />

tour of Iraq to learn that Sam<br />

was pretty much on his death<br />

bed,” Steve <strong>No</strong>them told WFAA.<br />

“Steve told Sam that he would<br />

name his son Sam, after him,<br />

and within an hour, his friend<br />

Sam died. That’s the kind of kid<br />

[Steve] was.”<br />

Steve <strong>No</strong>them said his son decided<br />

to become a police officer<br />

after his military career because,<br />

again, “he defends the underdog.”<br />

He said his son served for<br />

about four years in Wisconsin<br />

before moving to Texas.<br />

“[Steve] chose Texas over the<br />

other warmer climate states<br />

because he felt that the police<br />

departments in Texas were more<br />

well-respected than other parts<br />

of the country,” Steve <strong>No</strong>them<br />

said.<br />

Steve <strong>No</strong>them said Carrollton<br />

police notified the Kiel, Wisc. police,<br />

who then sent two officers<br />

to his house to deliver the heartbreaking<br />

news.<br />

“First thing I said was ‘it’s 4<br />

a.m., who died’ and they said it<br />

was Steven.”<br />

Steve <strong>No</strong>them said, “if there’s<br />

anything that’s sort of comforting,<br />

it’s that he wasn’t killed by<br />

another drunk driver.” He said his<br />


Deputy Matthew Yates<br />

son “had a thing about keeping<br />

drunk drivers off the highway”<br />

because his aunt was killed by<br />

a drunk driver on Christmas Eve<br />

nearly a decade ago.<br />

The Carrollton Police Department<br />

said <strong>No</strong>them II leaves<br />

behind a 13-year-old son, twin<br />

6-year-old sons and a 1-yearold<br />

daughter.<br />

“He really, really loved his wife<br />

and kids. More than most husbands<br />

do,” Steve <strong>No</strong>them said.<br />

“That was his whole life. That<br />

and his service, his community<br />

service. Those two things were<br />

it.”<br />








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26 The BLUES The BLUES 27


MIAMI, FL.<br />

Gun mix-up at a Miami-Dade Shooting Range cost US<br />

Custom’s Officer Jorge Arias his life.<br />

MIAMI,FL. – A gun mix-up<br />

led a U.S. Customs and Border<br />

Protection Officer to accidentally<br />

shoot and kill fellow<br />

Officer Jorge Arias at a<br />

west Miami-Dade gun range<br />

Wednesday morning, according<br />

to a US Customs official.<br />

Arias, who was assigned to<br />

the Miami International Airport<br />

in his regular duties, was<br />

working as a firearms instructor<br />

at the time.<br />

Law enforcement sources<br />

said the shooting, which happened<br />

at the county-owned<br />

Trail Glades Range, near<br />

Southwest Eighth Street and<br />

Krome Avenue, took place<br />

during a role-playing exercise.<br />

During that exercise, each<br />

person participating swapped<br />

their real weapon for training<br />

guns.<br />

Sources say another U.S.<br />

Customs and Border Protection<br />

officer shot and killed<br />

Officer Jorge Arias at a west<br />

Miami-Dade shooting range<br />

after forgetting to swap his<br />

real gun for a training gun.<br />

Sources said the officer<br />

doing the exercise with Arias<br />

briefly left the room and<br />

switched back to his real gun,<br />

but forgot to swap it back out<br />

for the training weapon when<br />

he came back, leading him to<br />

accidentally shoot Arias in the<br />

chest after the exercise began.<br />

Officer Arias was a United<br />

States Coast Guard Reserve<br />

veteran and served with the<br />

United States Department of<br />

Homeland Security - Customs<br />

and Border Protection - Office<br />


of Field Operations. He was a<br />

Firearms Training Instructor<br />

and was assigned to the Miami<br />

International Airport. He is<br />

survived by his wife and two<br />

children.<br />

Be sure and check out<br />

our new<br />


on Page 122.<br />

Sponsored by<br />

28 The BLUES The BLUES 29


LONDON, KY.<br />

London Police Officer Logan Medlock was killed when a<br />

suspected drunk driver’s truck struck his patrol car.<br />

LONDON, KY. – A Kentucky<br />

police officer was killed Sunday<br />

October 30th, when his patrol<br />

vehicle was hit by a pickup truck<br />

whose driver was suspected<br />

of being under the influence of<br />

alcohol, authorities said.<br />

London Police Officer Logan K.<br />

Medlock, 26, died in the crash,<br />

which took place at about 12:50<br />

a.m., according to a statement<br />

released by the Kentucky State<br />

Police Department.<br />

Medlock was on duty and<br />

driving through an intersection in<br />

London when his Dodge Charger<br />

police cruiser was struck by a<br />

Dodge Ram pickup truck, police<br />

said.<br />

Medlock, of Keavy, died on the<br />

scene of the crash. The driver of<br />

the pickup truck, Casey P. Byrd,<br />

36, was not injured, police said.<br />

Alcohol is suspected to be a<br />

factor in the crash, police said.<br />

Byrd, of Oneida, Tennessee, was<br />

charged with murder of a police<br />

officer and using a motor vehicle<br />

under the influence, police said.<br />

Byrd was being held in the Laurel<br />

County Correctional Center,<br />

online records showed. Records<br />

did not show if Byrd had a lawyer<br />

to speak on his behalf about<br />

the charges Sunday.<br />

On Monday, October 31, It was<br />

an emotionally charged night as<br />

the London community showed<br />

up in droves to honor London<br />

Police Officer Logan Medlock.<br />

Medlock’s wife Courtney, five<br />

year old son Brantley and father,<br />

Assistant Police Chief Randy<br />

Medlock, were at Monday’s vigil<br />

asking the community to continue<br />

loving, hugging and praying<br />

for them for a long time.<br />

The family says while they’re<br />

heartbroken and devastated,<br />

they find comfort in knowing<br />

they will one day be reunited<br />

with Medlock in heaven.<br />

“I’ve got anger, a lot of anger.<br />

Jesus forgave me and it may<br />

not be soon but I have to forgive<br />

that man that took my son from<br />

me,” says Randy Medlock. “But<br />

I still hope he gets everything<br />

that the judicial system can<br />

hand down to him.”<br />

Police Chief Travis Dotson<br />

urging his officers and the<br />

community not to let Medlock’s<br />

legacy fade.<br />

“Our duty now is to make sure<br />

this young man never forgets<br />

who his father really, really is<br />

and will be,” says Dotson. “Our<br />

job is to make sure this, Logan’s<br />

legacy, goes on and on, past my<br />


time, past our new officers’ time<br />

and beyond.”<br />

It was a night full of stories<br />

and love. The crowd clearly<br />

showing how deeply loved<br />

Medlock is and how he will be<br />

missed by many.<br />

Medlock’s visitation and funeral<br />

will be held at Corinth Baptist<br />

Church in London.<br />

His visitation will be <strong>No</strong>vember<br />

3rd starting at 5 P.M. His<br />

funeral will be <strong>No</strong>vember 4th at<br />

noon with the burial to follow at<br />

Roark Cemetery in Keavy.<br />

30 The BLUES The BLUES 31



Latest law enforcement news from across the country.<br />



EAST MOLINE, IL – A suspect has<br />

been charged with attempted murder<br />

after East Moline, IL, Police say<br />

he assaulted and seriously injured<br />

an East Moline police sergeant on<br />

October 24TH.<br />

Around 6:30 p.m., East Moline Police<br />

Sergeant William Lind identified<br />

arson suspect Adrian W. Rogers, 52,<br />

in East Moline and made contact<br />

with him.<br />

Shortly after making contact,<br />

police say body camera footage<br />

shows, Rogers physically attacking<br />

Lind and then fleeing the scene on<br />

foot.<br />

Arriving officers found Sergeant<br />

Lind unconscious with injuries to<br />

the head. He was transported to a<br />

local hospital, WQAD reports.<br />

Sergeant Lind is in critical condition<br />

and his injuries have been<br />

deemed life-threatening.<br />

Around 10:50 p.m., Rogers was<br />

taken into custody by the Colona<br />

Police Department.<br />

As reported by policemag.com.<br />


RICHMOND, VA. – Richmond Police<br />

Chief Gerald Smith resigned Tuesday<br />

evening.<br />

Smith served with Richmond Police<br />

for two and a half years, NBC12<br />

reports.<br />

He was appointed by Mayor Levar<br />

Stoney in June 2020.<br />

The Richmond Coalition of Police<br />

released a statement saying, “We<br />

were made aware of Chief Gerald<br />

M. Smith’s resignation this afternoon.<br />

We are now entering the next<br />

chapter of the Richmond Police<br />

Department. We look forward to<br />

working with the administration,<br />

city council and its citizens on the<br />

future success and we would like to<br />

thank all of them for listening to the<br />

men and women of the Richmond<br />

Police Department. We are embracing<br />

moving forward with the New<br />

Interim Chief and eager to have an<br />

open dialogue with all stakeholders.”<br />

Major Richard Edwards has been<br />

temporarily appointed as acting<br />

police chief.<br />

As reported by policemag.com.<br />




SANTA CRUZ, CA – An off-duty<br />

Santa Cruz, CA, officer accidentally<br />

shot through his own hand and then<br />

hit and killed a 20-year-old man<br />

last week, according to the Salinas<br />

Police Department.<br />

Officer Francisco Villicana was<br />

cleaning his personal gun Friday<br />

around 5:45 p.m. in Salinas when<br />

he mistakenly fired the single round<br />

that killed Luis Alfredo Ferro-Sanchez,<br />

police said.<br />

When officers arrived to the<br />

scene they found Villicana with a<br />

gunshot wound to his hand, and<br />

Ferro-Sanchez with a wound to his<br />

upper torso. Both were taken to the<br />

hospital, where Ferro-Sanchez died,<br />

KTVU reports.<br />

Police did not say whether the<br />

two men knew each other. They<br />

said the incident appears to be<br />

an accident, but the case will be<br />

investigated by the Monterey County<br />

District Attorney.<br />

As reported by policemag.com<br />




By Phil Ferolito<br />

YAKIMA, Wash. — The Yakima<br />

County Sheriff’s Office will get a<br />

new armored vehicle to assist deputies<br />

responding to violent crime.<br />

During a Monday study session,<br />

Yakima County commissioners<br />

agreed to award the sheriff’s office<br />

$350,000 in American Rescue Plan<br />

Act funds for the purchase.<br />

Commissioners are expected to finalize<br />

the award during next week’s<br />

regular business meeting.<br />

Commissioner LaDon Linde, who<br />

presented the request, said the<br />

sheriff’s office has two old Army<br />

surplus armored vehicles; one is out<br />

of service and the other experiences<br />

frequent problems.<br />

The sheriff’s office responds to<br />

its share of violent crime, and an<br />

operable armored vehicle is needed<br />

to help protect deputies, he said.<br />

Linde highlighted three officer-involved<br />

shootings on or near the<br />

Yakama Reservation within the past<br />

two months; two involved deputies<br />

and one involved a Yakama Tribal<br />

Police officer.<br />

The Lion statue honoring Officer Jesse Madsen and other fallen Tampa officers incorporates parts of<br />

Madsen’s patrol vehicle. (Photo: Tampa PD/Screen Shot) -<br />




TAMPA, FL. – When Tampa Police<br />

Officer Jesse Madsen steered<br />

his police vehicle into the path of<br />

a wrong-way driver last March, he<br />

made a split-second decision that<br />

cost him his life, but likely saved the<br />

lives of other drivers on I-275.<br />

Tuesday, his family and fellow<br />

officers watched as a new law enforcement<br />

memorial was unveiled<br />

at District One headquarters, Fox 13<br />

reports.<br />

It’s a metal sculpture made from<br />

parts of Madsen’s mangled patrol<br />

car along with guns that were taken<br />

off the street. The sculpture depicts<br />

a majestic lion, six feet tall, ready<br />

to pounce.<br />

The Lion statue honoring Officer<br />

Jesse Madsen and other fallen<br />

Tampa officers incorporates parts<br />

of Madsen’s patrol vehicle.<br />

“A lion was very much like how<br />

Jesse (Madsen) was, fierce and<br />

protective, but still family oriented,”<br />

said Tampa Police Major Eric Defelice,<br />

a co-worker and close friend.<br />

“So, it really embodied what Jesse<br />

meant to us.”<br />

The sculpture was created by<br />

Tampa metal artist Dominique Martinez,<br />

owner of Rustic SteeL.<br />



MILWAUKEE — Every Milwaukee<br />

police officer will be trading in their<br />

duty firearm for a new model after<br />

three members of the police department<br />

were wounded after their<br />

current holstered service firearm<br />

accidentally discharged.<br />

According to WTMJ News, the Milwaukee<br />

Police Department recently<br />

announced it will transition from<br />

its current Sig Sauer P320 pistol to<br />

a Glock model. The shift will cost<br />

roughly $450,000.<br />

“These unexplained discharges<br />

are a serious concern for our<br />

members,” Milwaukee Police Chief<br />

Jeffrey <strong>No</strong>rman told WTMJ News.<br />

The Milwaukee Police Association<br />

previously filed a lawsuit against the<br />

City of Milwaukee over the continued<br />

use of the Sig Sauer P320<br />

despite the technical difficulties the<br />

weapon had been experiencing. The<br />

president of the association announced<br />

it would now be dropping<br />

the lawsuit against the city due to<br />

the discontinuation of use.<br />

The entire implementation process<br />

of the new duty firearms is<br />

expected to take several months.<br />

As reported by policemag.com.<br />

32 The BLUES The BLUES 33



Deputy arrested after reselling guns used in deadly school shooting.<br />

By Ellie Rushing and<br />

Jeremy Roebuck<br />

The Philadelphia Inquirer<br />

PHILADELPHIA, PA. — Two of<br />

the guns used in the shooting<br />

outside Roxborough High School<br />

last month, which left a 14-yearold<br />

dead and four teens injured,<br />

later ended up in the hands of a<br />

Philadelphia sheriff’s deputy who<br />

then illegally resold the weapons to<br />

a federal informant, according to a<br />

court filing unsealed Thursday.<br />

Samir Ahmad, 29, a four-year<br />

veteran of the department, was<br />

arrested at work last week as<br />

part of an FBI gun-trafficking<br />

investigation, the records say.<br />

In April, an informant set up a<br />

controlled gun buy with Ahmad,<br />

where he paid Ahmad $1,150 for<br />

a Smith & Wesson .<strong>38</strong> Special<br />

revolver and bullets, according to<br />

the records. Ahmad also offered<br />

to sell the informant Percocet,<br />

according to the court filing.<br />

Investigators continued to monitor<br />

Ahmad, and in October, set up<br />

another undercover buy.<br />

The informant, wearing a video<br />

and audio recording device,<br />

met Ahmad outside his <strong>No</strong>rth<br />

Philadelphia home Oct. 13 with a<br />

plan to buy $3,000 worth of guns,<br />

according to the records.<br />

Ahmad told the informant they<br />

would have to wait for another<br />

person to deliver the guns. As they<br />

waited, the informant said he was<br />

not a U.S. citizen, and was worried<br />

he could be deported if caught with<br />

a gun.<br />

“You don’t got to worry about<br />

none of that,” Ahmad said,<br />

according to the records.<br />

Eventually, a car pulled up, and<br />

Ahmad approached it and retrieved<br />

the guns, the records say.<br />

Ahmad sold the informant two<br />

Glock pistols for $3,000, the records<br />

say, and also offered to sell him a<br />

third.<br />

The night before Ahmad<br />

was arrested, he sold another<br />

semiautomatic pistol and more than<br />

50 grams of methamphetamine to<br />

the informant, the records say.<br />

After the sale, federal<br />

investigators conducted a trace on<br />

the weapons, a standard procedure<br />

that determines where the gun was<br />

originally bought and whether it is<br />

linked to any crimes.<br />

Roxborough shooter bought the<br />

ammo despite his felony record—<br />

and state law allowed it<br />

The trace showed that the two<br />

Glocks sold in October had been<br />

used just two weeks earlier in the<br />

shooting outside Roxborough High<br />

School, according to the records,<br />

where five shooters unleashed more<br />

than 60 bullets at a group of teens<br />

leaving a football scrimmage.<br />

Four teens, ages 14 to 17, were<br />

injured, and Nicolas Elizalde died.<br />

The court records do not<br />

explain how Ahmad came to be<br />

in possession of the guns used in<br />

the shooting — or accuse him of<br />

having a direct link to that crime.<br />

Prosecutors declined to comment,<br />

as did his attorney.<br />

Ahmad has been charged with<br />

firearms trafficking and selling and<br />

transferring a firearm to a non-<br />

U.S. national or citizen.<br />

During a brief hearing in federal<br />

court Thursday, Ahmad agreed<br />

through his attorney not to fight<br />

government efforts to keep him<br />

detained until trial.<br />

He said nothing as he was<br />

escorted into the courtroom in<br />

an olive prison jumpsuit and<br />

pressed his hands to his face as<br />

defense lawyer Michael Parkinson<br />

addressed the judge.<br />

Parkinson declined to discuss<br />

details of the case afterward.<br />

Why the accused Roxborough<br />

gunman was out on bail at the<br />

time of the shooting, despite his<br />

conviction for another crime<br />

“It’s way early in the process right<br />

now,” he said. “At this point we<br />

have to look into our investigation<br />

and think the government’s going to<br />

continue with theirs.”<br />

The Sheriff’s Office, through a<br />

spokesperson, said Ahmad was<br />

served a 30-day notice of intent<br />

to dismiss “for repeated violations<br />

of the Philadelphia Sheriff Office<br />

directives, policies and procedures.<br />

As always, the Office of the Sheriff<br />

will continue to cooperate with<br />

local, state, and federal authorities.”<br />

The spokesperson did not<br />

elaborate on the “repeated<br />

violations” and directed additional<br />

comments to the U.S. Attorney’s<br />

Office.<br />

“As alleged, Samir Ahmad<br />

abused his authority — to the<br />

greatest extent possible — as<br />

a sworn law enforcement<br />

officer,” U.S. Attorney Jacqueline<br />

Romero said in a statement. “The<br />

defendant allegedly illegally<br />

sold firearms on the street, and<br />

for the sake of putting money in<br />

his pocket, was willing to put<br />

deadly firearms into the hands of<br />

someone he knew was prohibited<br />

by law from possessing them.”<br />

Jacqueline Maguire, special<br />

agent in charge of the FBI’s<br />

Philadelphia division, called the<br />

actions reprehensible.<br />

“Philadelphia is awash in illegal<br />

guns, which are being used to<br />

commit violent crimes, so every<br />

weapon we can take off the street<br />

and every trafficker we can lock up<br />

makes a difference,” Maguire said.<br />

34 The BLUES The BLUES 35


IACP 2022 DALLAS, TX.<br />

Are officers really leaving in droves? New study shows<br />

fewer than 20% of officers seeking work outside LE.<br />

By Greg Freise, MS NRP<br />

Editorial Director, POLICE1<br />

DALLAS, TX — Researchers like<br />

Charlie Scheer, PhD, want to<br />

know why people are leaving<br />

and why people are staying in<br />

law enforcement careers.<br />

During a presentation at the International<br />

Association of Chiefs<br />

of Police conference this week,<br />

Scheer gave a rapid overview of<br />

survey findings from the study<br />

“Police Retention and Career<br />

Perceptions,” a year-long national<br />

study of officer retention<br />

trends that collected data from<br />

sworn officers employed at eight<br />

large and mid-size cities, broadly<br />

representative of law enforcement<br />

in the United States. Additionally,<br />

representatives from<br />

three of the eight departments<br />

that participated in the study<br />

discussed their department’s<br />

recruitment and retention challenges<br />

and opportunities.<br />


Detailing study demographics,<br />

Scheer shared that just over half<br />

(53%) of the respondents worked<br />

at the patrol level and averaged<br />

13 years of experience. Most<br />

respondents (69%) work for only<br />

one agency, and 82% were male.<br />

The racial/ethnic demographics<br />

of respondents were consistent<br />

with nationwide representation<br />

in law enforcement. The education<br />

level of respondents was<br />

high, with 44% having a bachelor’s<br />

degree.<br />

One of the key findings highlighted<br />

by Scheer is that just<br />

under 20% of officers responding<br />

to the survey are seeking work<br />

outside of policing profession.<br />

“We heard the narrative, ‘police<br />

are leaving in droves,’” Scheer<br />

said. “We wanted to know if that<br />

was happening.”<br />




Session attendees received<br />

several actionable ideas and<br />

encouragement from the presenters.<br />

Deputy Chief Joe Hayer,<br />

Frederick (Maryland) Police<br />

Department, reminded everyone:<br />

“Recruitment and retention go<br />

hand in hand. What’s working to<br />

recruit people to our agencies is<br />

what’s working to retain people.”<br />

1. Recruitment and retention<br />

processes must be dynamic.<br />

Representatives from three<br />

departments that participated<br />

in the study shared that while<br />

each department has to regularly<br />

replace retiring officers, they<br />

are not experiencing dramatic<br />

losses of personnel or failing<br />

recruitment efforts. Instead, they<br />

recognize that recruitment and<br />

retention processes are dynamic<br />

and must be regularly updated.<br />

For example, Deputy Chief Jerry<br />

Peters of the Thornton (Colorado)<br />

Police Department described<br />

a new benefit to expand<br />

medicare coverage for retiring<br />

officers. Officers who retire with<br />

30 years of service, between<br />

the ages of 50 to 55, can now<br />

receive department-provided<br />

medical insurance until they are<br />

65 years old.<br />

The Frederick Police Department<br />

now uses a two-page<br />

pre-screening application early<br />

in the process. They want to<br />

eliminate applicants that will<br />

not pass non-negotiable state<br />

requirements for employment<br />

early in the process, saving both<br />

the department’s and the applicant’s<br />

time.<br />

2. Study why people are leaving<br />

your agency.<br />

The mantra that “people don’t<br />

quit bad jobs, they quit bad<br />

bosses” is the guiding philosophy<br />

of countless leadership and<br />

supervisory development programs.<br />

Poor leadership, as explored<br />

in the 2022 Police1 What<br />

Cops Want industry survey,<br />

could be a key factor in losing<br />

experienced cops, but it might<br />

not be the only factor. Through<br />

the research program, Thornton<br />

found that 60% of respondents<br />

from their department reported<br />

being treated poorly by their<br />

colleagues. Thus, his personnel<br />

weren’t at risk of quitting a bad<br />

boss, they were more likely to<br />

consider leaving their bad coworkers.<br />

“The idea that officers are leaving<br />

in droves nationwide is not<br />

borne out in this study,” Scheer<br />

said. But the impact of resignations,<br />

lateral departures, or early<br />

retirements is relative to the size<br />

of a department’s sworn force.<br />

Scheer also described retention<br />

and recruitment as “a disorder<br />

with no common symptom” to<br />

emphasize the importance of<br />

understanding what’s happening<br />

in each agency.<br />

3. Meet recruits where they<br />

are at.<br />

The department representatives<br />

highlighted the importance<br />

of regular communication with<br />

their applicants that starts with<br />

first contact and continues until<br />

the officer is on the job. Attendees<br />

were encouraged to treat<br />

a police recruit the same as a<br />

college football coach treats and<br />

messages a football recruit, as<br />

well as their family.<br />

In Thornton, every applicant<br />

that passes the test is assigned<br />

a mentor. The mentor calls their<br />

recruit every week, conducts<br />

home visits with the recruit and<br />

gives a personal touch to the<br />

process. “It’s a coaching session<br />

all the way through,” Peters said.<br />

Similarly, the Bryan (Texas)<br />

Police Department goes out of<br />

its way to sell recruits on the<br />

intangibles of working for their<br />

department. Department leadership<br />

believes a family atmosphere<br />

and a supportive community<br />

are two of the department’s<br />

top traits: “When you graduate<br />

from the academy you are welcome<br />

into this family,” Lt. Walt<br />

Melnyk said. “There will never be<br />

an issue of defunding the police<br />

department in Bryan, Texas. The<br />

officers feel that.”<br />

4. Reduce all causes of friction.<br />

The three police department<br />

panelists emphasized the importance<br />

of competitive compensation<br />

and benefits, especially<br />

relative to neighboring departments.<br />

If salaries are comparable,<br />

departments need to do other<br />

things to stand out and reduce<br />

the time and complexity for a<br />

recruit applying to an agency.<br />

36 The BLUES The BLUES 37

For example, the Thornton<br />

Police Department, situated in a<br />

fast-growing community in the<br />

Denver metro area, hires officers<br />

every month and offers oral<br />

boards every week to “expedite<br />

our hiring process.” Thornton<br />

recruits are also able to start<br />

working for the department,<br />

earning salary and benefits, before<br />

entering the academy.<br />

Thornton also pays 100% of<br />

college costs for cadets, and as<br />

soon as someone is hired, the<br />

department initiates a career<br />

path. “We are trying to career<br />

path and individualize everybody,<br />

so they don’t just feel like<br />

a number,” Peters said.<br />

The Bryan Police Department<br />

has updated its hiring process<br />

to more regularly communicate<br />

with applicants. Melnyk shared<br />

how they help their recruits<br />

mitigate scheduling conflicts<br />

and keep them up to date on the<br />

hiring process timeline.<br />

Departments, like Thornton,<br />

are also creating websites just<br />

for recruiting. (Photo/Thornton<br />

PD)<br />

5. Social media is critical.<br />

Nearly every police department<br />

has a social media presence.<br />

The panelists encouraged attendees<br />

to consider social media<br />

channels for recruiting. Some<br />

departments, like Thornton, are<br />

also creating websites just for<br />

recruiting.<br />

“The best thing we can do is<br />

really go out there and market<br />

ourselves as a police department<br />

and a city,” Melnyk said. “We’ve<br />

got to find a way to push ourselves<br />

into that arena.”<br />

At the Frederick Police Department,<br />

Hayer said, everyone is a<br />

recruiter. Collectively, department<br />

personnel sends thousands<br />

of emails every week. By including<br />

a “we’re hiring” with starting<br />

salary and benefits in the signature<br />

block of those emails, they<br />

are regularly reaching potential<br />

new recruits and lateral transfers.<br />

Several departments were<br />

spotlighted for their excellent<br />

recruiting videos. One example:<br />

Hayer mentioned the recent viral<br />

video from the Fort Worth (Texas)<br />

Police Department for clearly<br />

communicating the department’s<br />

opportunities and culture.<br />




Police1 has dozens of articles,<br />

videos and other resources on<br />

police officer recruitment. You<br />

can learn more from the panelist’s<br />

departments by connecting<br />

with them on social media.<br />

• Frederick Police Department<br />

is on Twitter and Facebook.<br />

• Thornton Police Department<br />

is on Twitter and Facebook.<br />

• Bryan Police Department is on<br />

Twitter and Facebook.<br />

• Read the full research report,<br />

“Police retention and career perceptions:<br />

findings from an eightcity<br />

survey.”<br />

• Listen to Scheer discuss recruitment<br />

and retention on the<br />

Florida Sheriff’s Association podcast.<br />

Reprinted from Police1.<br />

Help us reach our goal<br />

of 100,000 subscribers.<br />

Click BELOW for your<br />



<strong>38</strong> The BLUES The BLUES 39


When Information is<br />

More Deadly Than a Gun<br />

By Ron Zayas<br />

Law enforcement officials are<br />

trained to identify and neutralize<br />

threats. Whether dealing<br />

with a dubious individual or a<br />

suspicious abandoned package,<br />

trained professionals will assess<br />

the situation and determine the<br />

best course of action to keep the<br />

public safe.<br />

But how good are these pros<br />

at assessing threats to their own<br />

safety, and that of their families?<br />

Today’s society collects information<br />

on a massive scale. Every<br />

time you shop, purchase a home,<br />

rent an apartment, receive an<br />

email, or even park your car,<br />

chances are information is being<br />

collected on you and sold,<br />

bartered, or just carelessly left<br />

vulnerable to exposure.<br />

Think about Amazon…the<br />

company just bought iRobot, the<br />

makers of Roomba vacuums. Did<br />

they want to get into the cleaning<br />

business? Maybe. But, considering<br />

a Roomba has a camera<br />

and is WiFi-enabled, this roving<br />

vacuum can give Amazon more<br />

than a peek inside your house<br />

– it has the potential to identify<br />

what you own, who else lives<br />

there, and when you are home.<br />

Scary? It should be. This is more<br />

than Orwellian; it has real-world<br />

consequences, especially for law<br />

enforcement.<br />

When companies collect<br />

information on where you live,<br />

what you buy, and where you<br />

go (your phone tracks you everywhere),<br />

they often sell it to<br />

other companies. Or they get<br />

hacked. Either way, that content<br />

becomes accessible and allows<br />

anyone to enter your name into<br />

a search engine where they can<br />

find your address, identify your<br />

family members, and even discover<br />

your schedule and know<br />

when you are or aren’t home.<br />

And if someone is searching for<br />

that kind of private data, can that<br />

possibly be good? The answer is<br />

a resounding ‘no’ for anyone, especially<br />

law enforcement. In fact,<br />

attacks on these public servants<br />

— many times using information<br />

readily available on the Internet<br />

— have multiplied substantially<br />

over the last five years.<br />

What Can You Do?<br />

While lax privacy laws in the<br />

US make it difficult to control<br />

who can find out what about you<br />

online, it doesn’t make it impossible,<br />

nor should it lead you to<br />

ignore the risk. Eight states —<br />

California, Texas, Nevada, Idaho,<br />

Utah, Colorado, Florida, and New<br />

Jersey — have statutes protecting<br />

law enforcement personnel’s<br />

private information from being<br />

shared on the Internet. You just<br />

have to find that information and<br />

request its removal. But if you<br />

live in other states, all is not lost.<br />

You can often still have this content<br />

removed.<br />

Here are three steps to take<br />

now to help ensure that you and<br />

your family are protected:<br />

1. Search yourself. Do an online<br />

search for your name and<br />

address and see what comes up.<br />

Whatever sites appear, look for<br />

an opt-out link (usually hidden<br />

on the site) or contact the site<br />

to request the information be<br />

taken down. Tell them you are a<br />

law enforcement officer and that<br />

this content puts you at risk. If<br />

they ignore this request, look for<br />

their legal information or send<br />

an email to legal@domainname<br />

and ask again. Don’t pay for your<br />

information to be removed. The<br />

information belongs to you.<br />

2. Get your department and/or<br />

union involved. There is strength<br />

in numbers (that’s why you<br />

joined a union or POA in the first<br />

place), and your department<br />

should prioritize your safety.<br />

Request that they investigate privacy<br />

search and removal companies<br />

that can do the heavy lifting<br />

for you. Whether they pay for it<br />

directly or secure a reduced rate<br />

for you to sign up individually,<br />

it can save you a great deal of<br />

money and time if they make this<br />

benefit available.<br />

3. Stop giving out your information.<br />

Just say no when<br />

someone wants your cell phone,<br />

private email, or home address.<br />

For instances that request your<br />

info (like ordering deliveries),<br />

lie. Change your name. Look<br />

into getting disposable email<br />

addresses and a cheap VOIP<br />

number that forwards to your<br />

phone. Never, ever, give out your<br />

mobile phone number, and remember<br />

that when you give out<br />

your personal information, you<br />

are endangering your home and<br />

family.<br />

Providing your email address<br />

to get a discount at the local<br />

store may seem harmless, but<br />

when you consider how much<br />

information is collected and<br />

sold, and how often that information<br />

is used to harm law enforcement<br />

officials, ask yourself:<br />

is it worth it?<br />

About the author: Ron Zayas is<br />

an online privacy expert, speaker,<br />

author, and CEO of 360Civic,<br />

a provider of online protection<br />

to law<br />

enforcement,<br />

social<br />

workers,<br />

and<br />

judicial<br />

officers.<br />

For more<br />

insight<br />

into online<br />

privacy<br />

laws, proactive strategies,<br />

and best online data practices,<br />

download a free how-to guide on<br />

protecting yourself at 360civic.<br />

com/privacy-resources. Connect<br />

with Ron at ron.z@360civic.com<br />

or on LinkedIn.<br />

40 The BLUES The BLUES 41

Street Racer’s Seized 1080 HP<br />

Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat<br />

Redeye Is <strong>No</strong>w Serving Texas<br />

Patrolling a Texas Highway near you today. Come on, I dare you to run!<br />

Troopers in Texas have a<br />

potent new toy to catch criminals<br />

with and it takes the<br />

form of a Dodge Challenger<br />

SRT Hellcat. However, this is<br />

no standard Hellcat.<br />

An entry-level Challenger<br />

SRT Hellcat leaves the factory<br />

with a 6.2-liter supercharged<br />

V8 pumping out 707 hp. The<br />

Texas Department of Public<br />

Safety (DPS) – Southeast<br />

Texas Region has revealed<br />

that this Hellcat has been<br />

upgraded to 1,080 hp and was<br />

actually seized before being<br />

awarded to the agency by a<br />

judge.<br />

The 2020 Dodge Challenger<br />

SRT Hellcat Redeye was<br />

seized by police in April 2021<br />

after the driver engaged in<br />

dangerous street racing and<br />

fled from law enforcement<br />

officers reaching speeds<br />

of 160 mph (258 km/h) and<br />

driving erratically, according<br />

to Texas DPS. Police cheekily<br />

noted that it “went from<br />

evading law enforcement in<br />

Harris Co. to now catching<br />

criminals wherever it roams<br />

in Texas.”<br />

Given its new role in serving<br />

the community, the potent<br />

Challenger has received<br />

a black and white wrap from<br />

Black Diamond Customs, and<br />

tons of flashing LEDs.<br />

More often than not,<br />

high-performance vehicles<br />

that join police fleets do<br />

so largely for promotional<br />

purposes, but it seems police<br />

in Texas are serious about<br />

putting the Dodge to work.<br />

Could it be used to catch<br />

street racers? That’s certainly<br />

something we’d love to see<br />

but any officer who has the<br />

chance to drive the Dodge<br />

should probably undergo<br />

some special training to ensure<br />

they can handle all that<br />

power.<br />

<strong>No</strong> mention has been made<br />

about what upgrades have<br />

been made to the Challenger’s<br />

powertrain, but we<br />

suspect it has benefited from<br />

the fitment of an enlarged supercharger<br />

and some internal<br />

changes.<br />

Look for this bad boy on a<br />

Texas Highway near you today.<br />

The BLUES editors would like a<br />

test drive please.<br />

42 The BLUES The BLUES 43

Converter Thieves Hit Cop Cars<br />

Brazen Thieves Steal Catalytic Converters From Marked Police Cars<br />

Outside SWAT Team HQ In San Francisco.<br />

Regardless of economic conditions,<br />

theft seems to be a scourge<br />

that doesn’t go away. <strong>No</strong>rmally<br />

though, the police come to the<br />

aid of the victims. This time, the<br />

police department itself is the<br />

victim of catalytic converter theft<br />

and it’s asking for assistance to<br />

catch the criminals.<br />

Catalytic converters can be<br />

worth more than $1,000 even<br />

when used due to their internal<br />

components, specifically, precious<br />

metals that go for top dollar.<br />

According to a new report from<br />

MissionLocal, four marked SFPD<br />

vehicles had their catalytic converters<br />

stolen sometime before<br />

September 12th at 1 p.m. That’s<br />

when an officer discovered that a<br />

marked police truck was missing<br />

the notoriously valuable emissions<br />

control device.<br />

“On September 12, 2022, at<br />

approximately 1 p.m., a San Francisco<br />

Police Officer discovered a<br />

marked police truck parked in the<br />

area of 16th Street and De Haro<br />

Street had its catalytic converter<br />

stolen,” said the SFPD media relations<br />

department. “The officer inspected<br />

other police vehicles, and<br />

discovered that another marked<br />

police truck and two marked police<br />

vans also had their catalytic<br />

converters stolen.”<br />

Somewhat shockingly, the<br />

building where the crime took<br />

place is the Special Operations<br />

Bureau building at 17th<br />

and DeHaro in San Francisco.<br />

That building is home to the<br />

local SWAT Team and the Bomb<br />

Squad. “The people engaging<br />

in this activity really don’t think<br />

much of the police if they think<br />

they can steal catalytic converters<br />

from the best of us,” said<br />

an SFPD higher-up to Mission<br />

Local.<br />

Despite calls to the public to<br />

help find the criminals, some at<br />

the SFPD evidently don’t sound<br />

too positive about their apprehension.<br />

<strong>No</strong> arrests have been<br />

made and Mission Local reports<br />

that one officer actually said<br />

“They’ll get away with it too…<br />

And this is not the first incident.”<br />

Police Officers have had their<br />

personal vehicles broken into at<br />

the same location in the past.<br />

According to local news station<br />

KRON4, the regularity with<br />

which catalytic converters are<br />

being stolen is so bad that South<br />

San Francisco has an ordinance<br />

making it illegal to even have a<br />

used catalytic converter in your<br />

possession. One vehicle suspected<br />

of being used by a catalytic<br />

converter thief had no less than<br />

14 of the used devices in it when<br />

found.<br />

Anyone with information is<br />

asked to call the SFPD Tip Line at<br />

1-415-575-4444 or Text a Tip to<br />

TIP4<strong>11</strong> and begin the text message<br />

with SFPD. You may remain<br />

anonymous.<br />




12722 Hwy. 3 Webster, Texas • 281-486-9739<br />

44 The BLUES The BLUES 45<br />





Complete with cowboy hat, this tall, larger-than-life lawman<br />

has become known as the American Sheriff. Sheriff<br />

Mark Lamb is undeniably a constitutional conservative, and<br />

his values, beliefs, and focus have guided his leadership and<br />

success throughout his career. It was truly a pleasure to interview<br />

Sheriff Lamb for this article and have the unique opportunity<br />

to take a closer look at his dedication to service in<br />

his career, his personal life, and his hopes for the future of<br />

our nation during extremely complicated times.<br />

46 The BLUES The BLUES 47


Sheriff Mark Lamb was<br />

born and raised in Hawaii,<br />

but his original roots are<br />

firmly planted in Chandler,<br />

Arizona where he went to<br />

Junior High and graduated<br />

from Chandler High School<br />

in 1990. Lamb started in law<br />

enforcement later in life.<br />

He was initially a business<br />

owner and had no inclination<br />

towards becoming a<br />

law enforcement officer, but<br />

at the urging of his friend<br />

and neighbor, he went on<br />

a graveyard shift ride along<br />

at age 33 and by the end of<br />

the night, he knew without<br />

a doubt that he was going<br />

to become a police officer.<br />

Sheriff Lamb graduated<br />

from the Maricopa County<br />

(Arizona) Law Enforcement<br />

Academy at age 34 and was<br />

valedictorian of his class.<br />

Sheriff Lamb began his career<br />

with the Salt River Pima<br />

Maricopa Indian Community<br />

(SRPMIC) as an officer in<br />

2007 and earned numerous<br />

awards and achievements<br />

for his work, including<br />

rookie of the year, officer<br />

of the year, and detective<br />

of the year. As an officer<br />

with SRPMIC he successfully<br />

investigated and took down<br />

a deadly gang in a Federal<br />

RICO case, while working<br />

collaboratively with Alcohol<br />

Tobaccos and Firearms,<br />

Mesa Police Department,<br />

the Arizona Department of<br />

Public Safety, and numerous<br />

other agencies. Sheriff Lamb<br />

was an instrumental member<br />

on the SWAT team and<br />

spent many years as a gang<br />

and drug detective. In 2012,<br />

Sheriff Lamb transferred to<br />

the Pinal County Sheriff’s<br />

Office, Arizona. His love for<br />

his country, the constitution,<br />

and the people of Arizona<br />

compelled him to run for<br />

Sheriff. In 2016, he successfully<br />

clinched the race and<br />

became the 24th Sheriff of<br />

Pinal County. He is currently<br />

serving his second term in<br />

this instrumental role. Sheriff<br />

Lamb expressed to me<br />

that his passion for the role<br />

of sheriff and law enforcement<br />

comes from my deep<br />

love and belief in America,<br />

and his ability to protect the<br />

people in his county and<br />

their God given liberties and<br />

freedoms.<br />

Lamb oversees a county<br />

the size of Connecticut<br />

and manages nearly 500<br />

employees within the department.<br />

The Sheriff’s<br />

Office operates with a 50<br />

million dollar budget which<br />

covers all aspects of the<br />

Sheriff’s Office to include<br />

the Detention Center. The<br />

Pinal County Sheriff’s office<br />

provides patrol support<br />

throughout the county. The<br />

PCSO Search and Rescue<br />

team, along with the Aviation<br />

unit, help with locating<br />

anyone lost or stranded and<br />

assist with border security<br />

operations. The Office also<br />

has specialized units, from<br />

Narcotics to the Anti-Smuggling<br />

Team, to work with<br />

federal partners to combat<br />

human and drug trafficking<br />

coming through the county<br />

from the southern border.<br />

The Pinal County Detention<br />

center houses on average<br />

600 inmates a day. The Detention<br />

Center participates<br />

in the Federal Government’s<br />

287g program. Through this<br />

program in the jail, there is<br />

a 48 hour hold to allow ICE<br />

agents to take custody of<br />

those who have been identified<br />

as being in the country<br />

illegally. The Sheriff’s Office<br />

will continue to support the<br />

federal partners in any way<br />

to ensure the safety and security<br />

of their communities<br />

and our citizens.<br />

48 The BLUES The BLUES 49



Sheriff Lamb’s greatest<br />

personal achievement has<br />

been raising a family of five<br />

wonderful children with<br />

his wife of 28 years. He and<br />

his wife, Janel, along with<br />

their kids, have made San<br />

Tan Valley home for several<br />

years. As Sheriff, he has<br />

focused a lot of time on<br />

youths in the community<br />

and supports activities that<br />

help them grow into dedicated,<br />

successful adults.<br />

Spending time in schools,<br />

successful jail programs for<br />

veterans, a young offender’s<br />

program, and his Youth<br />

Redirection Program are<br />

just a few of the successful<br />

missions under his leadership.<br />

When the Sheriff has<br />

some rare downtime, you<br />

can find him enjoying football,<br />

spending time with his<br />

family, or planning a family<br />

trip to a beach. He hopes to<br />

inspire people to “Fear <strong>No</strong>t,<br />

Do Right” and have love in<br />

their heart for the United<br />

States of America, as well<br />

as bridge the gap between<br />

law enforcement and the<br />

community through service.<br />

He shared that his greatest<br />

professional achievements<br />

have included running for<br />

Sheriff as an underdog<br />

candidate and winning with<br />

a 64-36 vote percentage,<br />

then leading his agency and<br />

command staff in breaking<br />

the traditional cop mentality<br />

and embracing a customer<br />

service and marketing<br />

mindset to serve his county<br />

residents to the highest<br />

standard.<br />


Sheriff Lamb noted that<br />

one of the biggest changes<br />

that has occurred over<br />

the last two decades has<br />

been the rise of technology,<br />

specifically social<br />

media. This has greatly<br />

impacted the mindset of<br />

the public, and access to<br />

information has changed<br />

the public’s perception of<br />

law enforcement in gen-<br />

eral. The key to hiring and<br />

supporting new deputies is<br />

learning how to use social<br />

media and technology to<br />

our benefit, to highlight the<br />

good work our officers and<br />

deputies do every day, as<br />

well as make sure our law<br />

enforcement family know<br />

that command staff has<br />

their back and will stand<br />

with them.<br />

50 The BLUES The BLUES 51


Sheriff Lamb successfully<br />

authored his first book in<br />

2020 titled “American Sheriff:<br />

Traditional Values in a<br />

Modern World”. An excerpt<br />

of the book’s introduction<br />

beautifully offered “We<br />

live in a crazy and uncertain<br />

world. Many people are<br />

struggling to accept who<br />

they are and to find their<br />

path in this life. The world<br />

has sent so many mixed<br />

signals as it relates to virtues<br />

and ideals. We are<br />

overloaded with information,<br />

which is nearly impossible<br />

to sift through. People<br />

are hungrier now than ever<br />

before for beacons of light,<br />

strong and true leaders,<br />

men, and women who stand<br />

for something. This book<br />

is a compilation of pithy<br />

proverbs, quotes, anecdotes<br />

and experiences from my<br />

life and career in law enforcement<br />

and leadership.<br />

My goal with this book is to<br />

hopefully touch your hearts<br />

and lives with some of these<br />

valuable lessons from life.<br />

I have tried to be as real as<br />

possible, which is never a<br />

good idea as a politician,<br />

so that you can get a better<br />

glimpse into my life, my<br />

experiences, the things that<br />

have forged my ideals and<br />

values, the pitfalls I have<br />

encountered, the successes<br />

I have enjoyed and the<br />

takeaways from all of those<br />

things. I pray that you will<br />

not only enjoy this book, but<br />

hopefully you will be able<br />

to glean something from<br />

what you read and be able<br />

to apply it in your life. If<br />

nothing else, take courage<br />

or solace in the fact that<br />

each and every one of us<br />

is going through challenges<br />

and trials—you are not<br />

alone. I have found that the<br />

best way to approach life is<br />

with the singular authenticity<br />

that only you can provide<br />

to this world. Find the<br />

confidence and develop the<br />

love for yourself and who<br />

you are, then share that<br />

with the rest of us. This life<br />

is designed to take the very<br />

best we have. This is a piece<br />

of my story, the American<br />

Sheriff, and how traditional<br />

values have helped me survive<br />

and thrive in this modern<br />

world”.<br />

Sheriff Lamb recently<br />

published his second book<br />

“American Sheriff’s Rules to<br />

Live By” in <strong>2022.</strong> Based on<br />

the Poem “If” by Rudyard<br />

Kipling, the book offers his<br />

valuable insights and experiences<br />

on a more personal<br />

part of his life, as a father.<br />

Lamb shared the following<br />

in this well written account<br />

of his powerful journey,<br />

“Any parent out there knows<br />

just how difficult it is to<br />

raise children in a perfect<br />

world, let alone a crazy, unpredictable,<br />

and turbulent<br />

world like the one we are<br />

currently living in. My heart<br />

especially goes out to those<br />

single mothers and fathers<br />

who have raised or are currently<br />

raising children, I can<br />

only imagine what a heavy<br />

load that is. I, thank goodness,<br />

have been fortunate<br />

to have an amazing spouse<br />

and partner in my life. We<br />

were also blessed with five<br />

healthy children, four boys<br />

and one girl. While none of<br />

them are perfect, taking after<br />

my wife and me, they are<br />

great kids, and we feel so<br />

grateful to be their parents.<br />

However, parenting has<br />

been anything but easy. As<br />

parents we felt the immense<br />

pressure of raising children<br />

who would be good citizens<br />

and hopefully, the best<br />

versions of themselves. The<br />

world we live in today is<br />

not making parenting any<br />

52 The BLUES The BLUES 53

easier. Our children are now<br />

faced with challenges that<br />

are foreign to many of us<br />

parents. <strong>No</strong>t to mention the<br />

world is sending increasingly<br />

more mixed, unclear and,<br />

frankly, disturbing messages<br />

to parents and children.<br />

I would have never thought<br />

I would see the day when<br />

even the very lines defining<br />

a man and a woman would<br />

be blurred the way they are<br />

currently playing out before<br />

our eyes. Though each generation<br />

has its challenges to<br />

face, many of our current<br />

social issues seem to be<br />

unprecedented”.<br />

Lamb further elaborated<br />

“In my profession of law<br />

enforcement and as a sheriff,<br />

I have the opportunity of<br />

working with many parents<br />

and youth, and the confusion<br />

and frustration of life,<br />

for both the parents and<br />

children, is real. My goal as<br />

a father was to successfully<br />

raise good children who<br />

would be great adults. In<br />

order to be successful parents,<br />

my wife and I sought<br />

good counsel, read good<br />

books, learned from other<br />

parents and family members<br />

and much more. Several<br />

years ago, while seeking<br />

out more knowledge and<br />

working toward being a<br />

better father, I came across<br />

a very wise and impactful<br />

poem by Rudyard Kipling<br />

entitled “If.” This poem has<br />

been a guide for me as a<br />

father and it has helped<br />

me be a better, stronger,<br />

more successful man. It<br />

has helped me understand<br />

how life’s twists, turns and<br />

challenges can help define<br />

and refine me as a man.<br />

And more than anything, it<br />

has proven to be a guide<br />

for me as to how I should<br />

raise my children to become<br />

great men and women. I am<br />

also extremely passionate<br />

about America, freedom and<br />

the men and women, especially<br />

the Founding Fathers, who<br />

built America. Their stories of<br />

passion, bravery, sacrifice, determination,<br />

and love of freedom<br />

inspires me every day. I<br />

have chosen a few stories that<br />

I think embody the principles<br />

of life and help give context<br />

to the principles shared by<br />

Kipling in his poem “If.” I pray<br />

this poem and book, just like<br />

it has been for me, may be a<br />

help and guide to all parents<br />

out there. My hope is that<br />

this book may also serve as<br />

guide for all of you men and<br />

women who could also use<br />

some direction and counsel<br />

in your lives. I truly believe<br />

if you can master the principles<br />

from this poem, the<br />

Earth will be yours”.<br />

54 The BLUES The BLUES 55



Beginning in 2019, Sheriff<br />

Mark Lamb assisted as a<br />

host along with Tom Morris<br />

Jr., on the television show<br />

“Live PD: Wanted” which<br />

updated the stories of the<br />

fugitives the “Live PD” audience<br />

had already helped<br />

capture while embedding<br />

with task forces around<br />

the country as they served<br />

warrants in real time. The<br />

producers, A&E, ultimately<br />

cancelled the Wanted show<br />

and ended their relationship<br />

with Pinal County due to<br />

national political pressure.<br />

Sheriff Lamb viewed this as<br />

an excellent opportunity to<br />

promote his agency with<br />

the hope it would assist<br />

as a huge boost for hiring.<br />

He also added. “It is completely<br />

transparent; it is no<br />

different than if our guys<br />

had body cams on.” Sheriff<br />

Lamb is no stranger to media<br />

interviews and regularly<br />

appears on numerous major<br />

news and social media outlets,<br />

including The American<br />

Sheriff Network.<br />


Sheriff Lamb, when asked<br />

what he considers the most<br />

urgent issues we are currently<br />

facing in our society,<br />

he stated, without a doubt,<br />

drugs, especially fentanyl.<br />

This is by far the biggest<br />

scourge on our society<br />

today and is the leading<br />

cause of death of Americans<br />

ages 18-45 and it is<br />

only getting worse. Another<br />

significant and connected<br />

crisis is human smuggling.<br />

Even in smaller communities<br />

in Pinal County, there is<br />

a surging drug crisis with<br />

no end in sight. In addition,<br />

there is also a battle with<br />

effectively addressing a<br />

serious mental health crisis,<br />

which then contributes to<br />

drug use, drug overdoses,<br />

and suicide. Sheriff Lamb<br />

is adamant that we must<br />

“secure our southern border<br />

and he is supportive of<br />

programs that help individuals<br />

with mental illness and<br />

drug addiction, but the efficiency<br />

of these programs is<br />

seriously diminished when<br />

we fail to stop the flow of<br />

drugs in this country. It is<br />

as if we are mopping up<br />

the water on the bathroom<br />

floor, but we aren’t turning<br />

off the overflowing bathtub.<br />

We know where these<br />

drugs and human smuggling<br />

are originating, and<br />

the federal government<br />

refuses to acknowledge the<br />

problem, let along attempt<br />

to fix it. Sheriff Lamb further<br />

asserted that we must<br />

hold people accountable by<br />

enforcing and upholding the<br />

rule of law. Policies like bail<br />

reform, reduced sentencing,<br />

probation in lieu of jail time,<br />

are adding to the increase in<br />

crime across this country”.<br />



EVENTS<br />

Sheriff Lamb firmly believes<br />

that the best way<br />

to stop a bad guy with a<br />

gun, is a good guy with a<br />

gun. He explained that he<br />

is perplexed by the notion<br />

that people believe the false<br />

narrative that a gun, an<br />

inanimate object, has the<br />

ability to harm people on<br />

its own, it must be operated<br />

by someone. People hurt<br />

people. The way to protect<br />

our children is make sure<br />

our schools are secure, reinstituting<br />

school resource<br />

officers, equipping teachers<br />

and administrators with the<br />

necessary tools and training.<br />

Taking guns out of the<br />

hands of the average citizen<br />

or controlling their consti-<br />

56 The BLUES The BLUES 57


tutional right to bear arms<br />

is NOT the answer. Addressing<br />

the mental health and<br />

drug problem in this country<br />

will have a major impact<br />

on our school safety.<br />


Sheriff Lamb always tells<br />

new deputies that the most<br />

important thing they can do<br />

to stay emotionally healthy<br />

is to have empathy for the<br />

situations they encounter<br />

on a daily basis, as opposed<br />

to sympathy. Learning the<br />

difference between those<br />

two emotions is very important.<br />

You can have empathy<br />

for someone’s situation,<br />

which will help you to<br />

use clear judgement in how<br />

to best help them, but not<br />

get caught up in the often<br />

very tough emotions of the<br />

things we see every day. He<br />

also emphasizes to them<br />

to make certain to remain<br />

grounded in a higher power<br />

and to always be humble<br />

to something bigger than<br />

themselves in this life. The<br />

job is to protect the constitutional<br />

rights of every one<br />

of our citizens, and he encourages<br />

them to do their<br />

job with the motto “Fear<br />

<strong>No</strong>t, Do Right”. Unfortunately,<br />

sometimes we have to<br />

hold people accountable,<br />

but with the understanding<br />

that we are peace officers<br />

first and foremost.<br />


Lamb absolutely loves<br />

serving as the Sheriff and<br />

he does not currently<br />

have any higher aspirations<br />

at this time. However,<br />

he added that he will go<br />

where his voice is loudest<br />

for God, family, and freedom,<br />

and right now that<br />

is Sheriff of Pinal County.<br />

Lamb loves having the<br />

people who elected him<br />

serve as his boss. As a constitutional<br />

conservative,<br />

Lamb has strong convictions<br />

and is courageous in<br />

fighting for the citizens he<br />

serves. He believes wholeheartedly<br />

in our Republic<br />

and our Constitution, is a<br />

strong supporter of our<br />

2nd Amendment rights and<br />

the enforcement of all of<br />

our laws, including those<br />

that pertain to fighting illegal<br />

immigration, and he is<br />

determined to protect the<br />

rights and freedoms of the<br />

people whom he serves.<br />

This is his vow for as long<br />

as God allows.<br />

58 The BLUES The BLUES 59

The Evolution of<br />

POLICE CARS: 2031<br />


Over the years, I guess you could say just about every car manufactured<br />

has been a police car at one time or another. The first “police<br />

vehicle” was actually a wagon run by electricity on the streets of Akron,<br />

Ohio in 1899.<br />

In the 1920s the New York City Police Department has employed a<br />

fleet of “Radio Motor Patrol” vehicles to aid in its fight against crime<br />

within the city.<br />

In the United States and Canada, police departments have historically<br />

used standard-size, low-price line sedans since the days of the<br />

Ford Model A.<br />

In our 3rd and final segment, we look to the future and what officers<br />

will be driving and or flying while on patrol. Hold on, this is going to<br />

be a wild ride.<br />

60 60 The The BLUES The The BLUES 61 61


The first question is – will cars/vehicles actually fly by<br />

2031? The simple answer is yes. In fact, the technology<br />

to build and operate a flying vehicle began in 2020 with<br />

flight testing in <strong>2022.</strong> By 2024 the first multi-verse vehicles<br />

had been certified by the FAA’s new FAVCA (Federal<br />

Aviation Vehicle Control Admis ration) and by 2026 vehicles<br />

had taken to the skies in record numbers. How did<br />

this all begin? A multitude of issues had to be addressed<br />

long before the first flight vehicle lifted off the ground.<br />

Here are just a few of the many rules and regulations that<br />

FAVCA enacted in the Airborne Vehicle Act of <strong>2022.</strong><br />

First, here are just a few of the basic ACRONYMS you<br />

need to know about ground based and air capable vehicles<br />

manufactured by the China/American Manufacturing<br />

Company (I know what you’re thinking but 98% of<br />

all drones made in 2022 were manufactured in China. A<br />

partnership with American automakers was inevitable.).<br />

AMV (autonomous motor vehicles)<br />

UAM (urban air mobility vehicles)<br />

PSAMV (piloted autonomous motor vehicle)<br />

PSAMV / Patrol (piloted autonomous motor vehicle)<br />

UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) i.e., airborne delivery<br />

vehicles<br />

UAV/Patrol (unmanned patrol aerial vehicles)<br />

GBDs (ground-based drones)<br />

GBDCs (ground-based drone cycles)<br />

GBPD (ground-based patrol drones)<br />

GBPCD (ground-based patrol drone cycles)<br />

In order to make flying cars and patrol vehicles a<br />

reality, the government and manufacturers had a lot of<br />

work to do. But, like NASA and going to the moon, never<br />

underestimate the ability of mankind when they set their<br />

mind to something. Here is a brief recap of what it took<br />

to make flying police cars a reality,<br />

62 The BLUES The BLUES 63<br />

62 The BLUES The BLUES 63


With the popularity of drones<br />

and UAVs on the rise in the early<br />

2020s, the demand for policies<br />

to support commercial application<br />

of flying cars became<br />

an increasing reality. Critical<br />

regulatory obstacles had to be<br />

overcome if passenger drones<br />

and flying cars were to be operational<br />

within the decade.<br />

Obviating safety concerns (both<br />

human and autonomous) associated<br />

with flying car technology<br />

was of paramount importance.<br />

As with autonomous ground<br />

vehicles, any publicized adverse<br />

safety incidents could have<br />

tainted the public’s perception<br />

and limited the growth rate of<br />

consumer acceptance.<br />

The most challenging task<br />

of flying cars involved suitable<br />

procedures for getting airborne<br />

(takeoffs) and returning to the<br />

ground (landings), and the development<br />

of a complex safety<br />

system that was regulated by<br />

the National Airspace System<br />

(NAS), the governing entity for<br />

United States airspace. From a<br />

regulatory standpoint, a lot of<br />

research was required to ensure<br />

that autonomous systems could<br />

operate, navigate, and control<br />

flying cars equipped with redundancy<br />

(backup systems), and<br />

have “safe mode” capabilities<br />

(i.e., “on-the-fly” decision-making)<br />

if they encountered unusual<br />

situations. Airspace logistics<br />

further dictated that the primary<br />

regulatory body (i.e., the FAA<br />

and the FAVCA) assigned minimum<br />

safety standards, and each<br />

individual state then mandated<br />

and provided its own private air<br />

traffic controllers for the combined<br />

land/air-based vehicles.<br />

This system was independent of<br />

current FAA operations as newly<br />

created airships had to maintain<br />

flight levels below 1500 feet or<br />

be transferred to standard FAA<br />

operations and become PSAMV<br />

only.<br />

To Ensure operational safety<br />

during adverse weather conditions<br />

(e.g., snowstorm, heavy<br />

rain, high wind, fog etc.) onboard<br />

computer systems had to<br />

monitor the thresholds of safe<br />

operational environments in<br />

terms of visibility, wind speed,<br />

precipitation intensity, etc. for<br />

different flying car types and determines<br />

safe operational limits.<br />


As flying cars evolved, airborne<br />

egress was mandated by the<br />

Federal Aviation Administration<br />

(FAA) to govern and manage<br />

effective risk controls. For traditional<br />

aircraft, the FAA had a<br />

successful regulatory system for<br />

pilot licenses, aircraft certification<br />

and registration, takeoff, and<br />

landing sites (airports), and a<br />

mechanism for air traffic control.<br />

With the introduction of flying<br />

cars, the FAVCA had to implement<br />

traffic control systems to<br />

accommodate the inclusion of<br />

low altitude flight (below 1500ft<br />

AGL) and High-Altitude Flight<br />

(above 1501ft AGL) and develop a<br />

program to integrate the two. As<br />

far as licensing, a flying vehicle<br />

operator was required to obtain<br />

both a license to drive and fly<br />

and was required to obtain the<br />

appropriate vehicle registration<br />

and Type Certification for the<br />

vehicle. Flying vehicle technologies<br />

were essentially large-scale<br />

drones that became popular in<br />

2013.<br />

A wide range of flying car<br />

types were eventually allowed<br />

to operate within large, metropolitan<br />

areas. As such, their<br />

future was largely dependent on<br />

certification procedures, which<br />

dictated the urgency and tempo<br />

of the emergent, and disruptive<br />

technology as it evolved.<br />

Initially, all versions of flying<br />

cars had a driver/pilot on board<br />

for the duration of the journey.<br />

However, as technology advanced,<br />

fully autonomous, and<br />

automated flying models began<br />

operations and were remotely<br />

piloted and supervised either: (a)<br />

by live humans on the ground,<br />

or (b) by autonomous systems<br />

in the air and/or on the ground.<br />

To operate “urban air mobility<br />

(UAM)” vehicles (either with or<br />

without passengers) without a<br />

pilot depended not only on the<br />

certification of the vehicle, but<br />

64 The BLUES The BLUES 65

likewise on the certification of<br />

pilots and support systems on<br />

the ground. The FAA created and<br />

implemented advanced virtual<br />

training scenarios for future<br />

flying car operators—particularly<br />

for handling complex ground-air<br />

and air-ground transitions. Regulation<br />

of air traffic issues across<br />

all governing bodies was both a<br />

unique and complex challenge,<br />

but one that the FAA, FAVCA and<br />

NAS all worked together to make<br />

happen in a relatively short time.<br />


The navigational benefits of<br />

instituting a functional flying<br />

car network were obvious—a<br />

technology that allowed civilians<br />

to transport from source to<br />

destination at a fraction of the<br />

overall time required to drive<br />

the same distance. A typical 20<br />

min drive is constrained by 2D<br />

roads, ground congestion, and<br />

the natural limitations of land<br />

topography. On the airborne<br />

flight path, these constraints are<br />

reduced, and the point-to-point<br />

straight path travel distance is<br />

only 7 min. The first obstacles<br />

that needed to be removed from<br />

this new “airborne” highway,<br />

were all electrical wiring, traffic<br />

signs, traffic lights and traditional<br />

street lighting. By the end of<br />

2023, all street and traffic signs,<br />

as well as all traffic direction<br />

signals had been converted to<br />

holographic systems. This allowed<br />

a two-layered control<br />

path for both ground based and<br />

airborne traffic. In more simplistic<br />

terms, the area above our<br />

city streets and highways was<br />

virtually clear of all intrusions.<br />

The second most inclusive undertaking<br />

was building infrastructures<br />

that would permit<br />

safe takeoffs and landings, as<br />

well as infrastructure for vehicle<br />

storage i.e., parking lots<br />

for aircraft. Naturally, such a<br />

vast network of vertical takeoff<br />

and landing facilities, or “vertiports”<br />

necessitated standards<br />

and certifications for the infrastructure<br />

(e.g., helipads installed<br />

atop large public buildings; large<br />

segments of flat land designated<br />

for air-ground transitions)<br />

The design, layout, and actually<br />

building of such vertiports began<br />

in 2023 and continued for the<br />

next five years. To allow for the<br />

smooth flow of airborne traffic,<br />

authorities mandated that flying<br />

car operators be constrained to<br />

select flight corridors, such that<br />

a direct route might not always<br />

be an option. These corridors<br />

were strategically located over<br />

reduced-risk areas of land that<br />

have minimal population. The<br />

exception to these mandated<br />

flight corridors was made for all<br />

Law Enforcement and Delivery<br />

vehicles, which could operate<br />

independent of the standard airborne<br />

traffic.<br />

Other unique aspects of flying<br />

were considered as this new<br />

“airborne highway system” was<br />

created. For example, it was<br />

presumed that in standard operational<br />

mode, the bottom of<br />

the vehicle was oriented downward,<br />

and it can traverse vertically<br />

while having the capacity<br />

to “hover,” and likewise remain<br />

stationary while airborne. Furthermore,<br />

flying cars could also<br />

travel longitudinally and laterally<br />

without having to orient the<br />

vehicle in that direction. Flying<br />

cars, like aircraft, therefore<br />

required rotational motion: to<br />

bank (roll), to tilt (pitch), and to<br />

revolve (yaw) to establish orientation<br />

within a plane parallel<br />

to the ground. Given the capabilities<br />

and maneuverability of<br />

these vehicles, extended horizontal<br />

runways were not feasible<br />

and all were required to utilize<br />

vertical takeoff and landing<br />

(VTOL) capabilities. Ridesharing<br />

companies (e.g., Uber and Lyft)<br />

began using VTOL vehicles with<br />

“segregated airspace” dedicated<br />

for and managed by the ridesharing<br />

entities. As the low-altitude<br />

airspace above cities and<br />

towns grew more crowed, Federal<br />

regulators began studying<br />

long-term policies that involved<br />

a holistic integrated airspace,<br />

where everyone shares the skies.<br />

The one futuristic vision that<br />

never occurred was flying vehicles<br />

that converted to drivable<br />

cars. The technology existed, but<br />

the public accepted the choice of<br />

you either fly or you drive.<br />

66 The BLUES The BLUES 67



In order to achieve the desired<br />

airborne capabilities of<br />

the vehicles, manufactures had<br />

to overcome present-day battery<br />

science in order to power<br />

the vehicles for extended periods<br />

of time. In the beginning,<br />

vehicles had a brief 10–20 min<br />

flight duration before requiring a<br />

re-charge. In time, battery technology<br />

advanced to an entire<br />

Flying car operations rely<br />

heavily upon computational<br />

AI for Detect and Avoid (DAA)<br />

technologies to recognize, distinguish,<br />

and track other aircraft,<br />

predict conflicts, and take<br />

corrective action as required.<br />

To realize such functionality<br />

demanded cognitive systems<br />

and computing; platforms that<br />

encompassed machine learning/reasoning,<br />

human-machine<br />

interaction/automation, and<br />

network sensors for seamless<br />

and real-time vehicle to vehicle<br />

and vehicle to infrastructure<br />

communications. The prevailing<br />

safety concern was a major<br />

system malfunction while flying<br />

over a densely populated area,<br />

new level that increased the<br />

energy density, cycle life, and<br />

ultimate 2-hour flight time between<br />

charges. Needless to say,<br />

charging stations were placed<br />

by the hundreds in the landing<br />

areas, with touchless payment<br />

systems provided by the vehicle’s<br />

internal computer links to<br />

the owners banking information.<br />



and how to protect the system<br />

from hackers, terrorists, or other<br />

cyber criminals. Ultimately,<br />

the establishment of cybersecurity<br />

policies, standards and<br />

oversight became the primary<br />

objective of the FAVCA in 2023.<br />

There were, of course, thousands<br />

of pieces to this complex<br />

puzzle to make flying cars a<br />

reality, but you get the picture.<br />

Man can create and adapt virtually<br />

any new technology with<br />

enough time and money. So how<br />

did this new technology affect<br />

policing and what hot new vehicles<br />

were available to officers<br />

in 2031? Let’s look at just a few<br />

of these ‘patrol vehicles’ both<br />

manned and un-manned.<br />

68 The BLUES The BLUES 69<br />

68 The BLUES The BLUES 69


BMW Group & DesignworksUSA introduce the ePatrol for 2025<br />


years ago, the L.A. Autoshow was<br />

not just the place to inspect new<br />

models of automotive companies.<br />

It was also the place where<br />

the design teams of the top<br />

automotive companies entered a<br />

creative competition of the most<br />

exciting kind when presenting visionary<br />

concepts around the topic<br />

of individual mobility. The year<br />

was 2012 and the challenge for<br />

the design teams was to create<br />

the ultimate 2025 highway patrol<br />

vehicle. The solution delivered<br />

by BMW subsidiary DesignworksUSA<br />

demonstrates that BMW´s<br />

design think tank has more to<br />

offer than a rich 40-year history<br />

of product design. The visionary<br />

concept ePatrol gives a glimpse<br />

into the forceful power of innovation<br />

and future thinking that<br />

the mother company BMW Group<br />

as well as external clients from<br />

manifold industries may expect<br />

from DesignworksUSA in the 40<br />

years to come. Here is the fruits<br />

of their work.<br />


The design teams were tasked<br />

with exploring creative solutions<br />

for futuristic patrol cars based<br />

on a set of criteria which included:<br />

future needs for advanced<br />

technology; speed and agility on<br />

future freeway systems; creativity<br />

of the solution; and meeting a<br />

specific region’s emission standards<br />

and environmental sen-<br />

sibility (including maintenance<br />

and recyclability). Furthermore,<br />

the teams were challenged to<br />

look into the future to envision<br />

and create the trends and tools<br />

that haven’t been imagined with<br />

the added complexity of a vehicle<br />

fit for law enforcement.<br />

Laurenz Schaffer, President of<br />

DesignworksUSA comments the<br />

solution delivered by the design<br />

team: “DesignworksUSA`s role<br />

as a think tank is to challenge<br />

the status quo of existing product<br />

solutions”, he says. “We<br />

wanted to present a visionary<br />

impulse to the theme of highway<br />

patrol. Hence our contribution<br />

to the L.A. Design Challenge is a<br />

vision concept with no links to<br />

BMW´s future design strategy.<br />

We took the liberty to think out<br />

of the box. To emphasize the<br />

conceptual approach our design<br />

is independent from BMW design<br />

70 The BLUES The BLUES 71

elements and known visual cues<br />

but looks at new product typologies<br />

and fresh ideas on shapes”,<br />

Schaffer continues.<br />



The BMW Group DesignworksUSA<br />

team began the challenge<br />

by selecting Los Angeles as the<br />

region to create a 2025 scenario.<br />

Being aware that there will be<br />

more traffic, faster vehicles, and<br />

vehicles with alternative drive<br />

trains the design team explored<br />

how a patrol team functioned<br />

today and in the future and<br />

determined that teamwork and<br />

accessibility were the two key<br />

elements to a successful patrol<br />

effort. For teamwork, the design<br />

team was inspired by the partnership<br />

between a patrol officer<br />

and their canine. The clogged<br />

highways today and in the future<br />

inspired the design team to focus<br />

on a solution to increase accessibility.<br />


The design of the ePatrol Vision<br />

centers on a modular structure<br />

and drone technology that<br />

enhanced both teamwork and<br />

accessibility. The main structure<br />

can deploy three drones. The top<br />

drone sits above the main structure<br />

and is a flying drone, while<br />

the other two are one-wheel<br />

vehicles attached to the rear.<br />

In the case of a pursuit during<br />

heavy traffic areas, the patrol<br />

officer sitting in the two passenger<br />

main structure can deploy<br />

either the flying drone or one of<br />

the single wheel drones to chase<br />

the suspect and report back data<br />

to the main structure. When<br />

all drones are deployed, the<br />

main structure can continue to<br />

function. All drones have added<br />

protection benefits in that they<br />

can send an impulse to another<br />

vehicle and disable it. Throughout<br />

the exterior design, the team<br />

strived to create a powerful<br />

stance with an aerodynamic<br />

aesthetic and flowing lines.<br />

The interior design was inspired<br />

by a woven structure<br />

made of aluminum wire inside<br />

carbon fiber and polymer resin.<br />

The seats form a significant<br />

connection between driver and<br />

architecture. From a manufacturing<br />

standpoint, the 3D woven<br />

carbon fiber structure has the<br />

advantage that tooling is not<br />

required. All interfaces within<br />

the interior are touch screen. For<br />

greater protection to the patrol<br />

officers, windows are not included<br />

in the vehicle. The windshield<br />

is replaced with a large screen<br />

that on the exterior can communicate<br />

critical information<br />

such as accidents or route information<br />

to other drivers. On the<br />

interior, the large screen acts as<br />

a monitor on which data from<br />

the drones can be displayed.<br />

The ePatrol was just the beginning<br />

of what was to come in<br />

future years for law enforcement<br />

both on the ground and in the<br />

sky. Let’s jump ahead six years<br />

and see what Ford and The Interceptor<br />

Drone Company offered<br />

for 2031.<br />

72 The BLUES The BLUES 73



Company, USA just released<br />

Version 3.0 of its GBPD ground<br />

based patrol drone, of which<br />

LA County and LAPD purchased<br />

25 each of the high speed<br />

two- wheeled cycle drones.<br />

LA County and LAPD operate a<br />

joint command and operations<br />

center that monitors and controls<br />

over 100 GBPDs and 75<br />

ABPRs (Airborne Based Patrol<br />

Drones) in the greater LA area.<br />

The GBPD cycle drones have<br />

the ability to monitor traffic<br />

patterns, warn drivers of impending<br />

ground stops, record<br />

various traffic infractions,<br />

transmit both live and recorded<br />

video directly to traffic<br />

courts, issue virtual traffic<br />

citations and in the case of a<br />

dangerous vehicles, disable<br />

both manned as well as autonomous<br />

vehicles electronically.<br />

The GBPD can then summon<br />

an autonomous wrecker<br />

and have the vehicle removed<br />

from operational lanes of a<br />

motorway. If citizens are to be<br />

taken into custody or removed<br />

for safety reasons, a Transport<br />

Drone is dispatched to the<br />

scene by the command center<br />

and appropriate action taken.<br />

In the first year that the GBPD<br />

cycle drones began patrolling<br />

LA Freeways and Motorways,<br />

over 5,000 incidents and<br />

accidents were handled and<br />

cleared by the GBPDs with<br />

patrol assistance.<br />

Version 3.0 cycles have<br />

a 100% carbon fiber body<br />

frame, 2 gyroscopic rotors<br />

powered by electric motors<br />

and lithium-ion XX battery<br />

packs capable of 4.5 hours of<br />

nonstop patrol activities. The<br />

cycles are powered by two<br />

high performance electric engines<br />

capable of speeds up to<br />

150mph. They are completely<br />

autonomous but have computer<br />

overrides that allow the<br />

Command Center to redirect<br />

the vehicles in the event of a<br />

catastrophic event.<br />

Two 360º degree 20K cameras<br />

are mounted on the top<br />

of the drone that provide live<br />

feeds to the Command Center<br />

as well as directly to ground<br />

and airborne, manned as well<br />

as autonomous patrol vehicles.<br />

To date, LA’s GBPD cycle<br />

drones have logged over<br />

250,000 miles without a single<br />

accident or emergency<br />

event. Given the recent upgrades<br />

to gyroscopic sensors<br />

on the 3.0, the drones are<br />

virtually impossible to upset<br />

in the event they are accidently<br />

or intentionally struck by<br />

another vehicle.<br />

The most significant improvement<br />

to drones since<br />

their introduction a few years<br />

ago is the failsafe protection<br />

system built into the electronics<br />

of the drone’s internal guidance<br />

and video systems. If an intruder<br />

attempts to disable or perform<br />

some type of hack to the drone,<br />

the security system alerts the<br />

command center and then delivers<br />

a 1-megawatt stun to the intruder.<br />

This millisecond action will continue<br />

until the intruder is taken into<br />

custody.<br />


become an invaluable tool to law<br />

enforcement across the country<br />

and most departments say they<br />

have no idea how they survived<br />

without them.<br />

74 The BLUES The BLUES 75<br />

74 The BLUES The BLUES 75


It’s hard to believe that for the<br />

last <strong>11</strong>1 years, The FORD Motor<br />

Company has provided law<br />

enforcement in the United States<br />

and Canadian Territories with<br />

some type of Interceptor patrol<br />

vehicle. In 2023, FORD partnered<br />

with its Airborne Vehicle Development<br />

Division to develop both<br />

piloted as well as fully autonomous<br />

vehicles designed to meet<br />

the demands of modern-day law<br />

enforcement.<br />

With multi-levels of transportation<br />

in effect at the same time,<br />

as well as ingress and egress<br />

with FAA controlled flight levels,<br />

FORD knew its vehicles had<br />

to be state of the art. The newest<br />

version of the Interceptor is<br />

beyond state of art. Powered by<br />

no less than 20 electric 6-bladed<br />

props all operating in lighting<br />

fast sync, backed up by three<br />

redundant power systems and an<br />

emergency ballistic parachute<br />

system, officers can focus on patrol<br />

duties and not have to worry<br />

about safety.<br />

The new lithium-ion XX battery-packs,<br />

provide over 8 hours<br />

of system power and have the<br />

ability to download additional<br />

kilowatts while hovering over<br />

key charging locations throughout<br />

the patrol zones. FORD has<br />

taken the lead with MAVs and<br />

UAVs to provide a tri-battery<br />

system to power the engines<br />

separately from the onboard<br />

avionics and electronic ballistic<br />

NEW FOR ‘31 - K-85A<br />

Fully Autonomous or Manual Flight<br />

shield that protects the vehicle<br />

from lasers as well as hits from<br />

legacy firearms. Each battery<br />

system has the ability to back up<br />

the other two systems to ensure<br />

that the vehicle is always powered,<br />

protected and under complete<br />

guidance.<br />

While the K-85A & K-85M are<br />

similar in a number of ways,<br />

the K-85A is designed for autonomous<br />

flight only and does<br />

not allow for pilot interactions.<br />

FORD has also introduced the<br />

K1000 Transport Vehicle to move<br />

prisoners autonomously as well.<br />

The K1000 can accommodate 10<br />

prisoners along with an armed<br />

crew of 4.<br />

Pilots and crew that have transitioned<br />

into the K-85M Interceptor<br />

from previous models, have<br />

raved about its incredible speed<br />

and maneuverability. Top speed<br />

has been increased to 250 knots<br />

true air speed above Flight Level<br />

2000 and limited to 125 knots<br />

below 2000 feet AGL. In the<br />

event of sudden weather events<br />

that reduce visibility or controllability<br />

of the vehicle, the pilot<br />

operator can instantly switch to<br />

full autonomous mode and turn<br />

navigation and operation over<br />

to the on-board guidance system.<br />

The K-85M Interceptor also<br />

comes standard with a Garrett<br />

MA9000 avionics suite as well<br />

as fully automated FADEC and<br />

DEFENSE Modes. The interior has<br />

also been upgraded to ballistic<br />

10G seating and features<br />

50K video screens throughout.<br />

The onboard video systems<br />

also have the ability to upload<br />

and down- load video at over<br />

500,000 bits per second from<br />

4-50K onboard cameras. Also<br />

new to this model, is the ability<br />

to broadcast both video and<br />

audio to any onboard receiver<br />

within a 10-mile radius.<br />

In the event of a groundbased<br />

emergency, airborne<br />

units can provide direction<br />

and guidance to civilians on<br />

the ground.<br />

Sleek, Fast and Unbelievable<br />

Protection. That’s the comment<br />

from everyone who’s flown the<br />

K-85M Interceptor.<br />

76 The BLUES The BLUES 77<br />

76 The BLUES The BLUES 77

<strong>NOV</strong>EMBER<br />

1-2 Internal Affairs Administrative Investigation By LLRMI Ft. Worth, TX<br />

1-2 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Van Buren, AR<br />

1-2 Search Warrant Major Case Investigation *BY PATC Plainfield, IN<br />

3-4 Critical Task in Jail/Correction Operations By LLRMI Grapevine, TX<br />

7-9 Human Trafficking *BY PATC Albuquerque, NM<br />

7-9 Protests, Demonstrations and Civil Unrest Operations By LLRMI Las Vegas, NV<br />

7-<strong>11</strong> 5 Day Homicide and Death Investigation By LLRMI Las Vegas, NV<br />

7-<strong>11</strong> Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Lynchburg, VA<br />

7-<strong>11</strong> National Internal Affairs Training and Certification By LLRMI Las Vegas, NV<br />

7-<strong>11</strong> Use of Force Conference and Certification By LLRMI Las Vegas, NV<br />

8-10 Jail/Corrections Risk Management, Liability Conference By LLRMI Las Vegas, NV<br />

14-16 3-Day New Detective and New Criminal Investigator By LLRMI Surprise, AZ<br />

14-17 NTOA’s 22nd Annual Crisis Negotiations Conference Scottsdale, AZ<br />

14-18 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC San Antonio, TX<br />

14-18 Field Training Officer Certification *BY PATC Allen, TX<br />

15-17 Emerging Legal Trends & Liability Mgt. for SWAT By LLRMI Gatlinburg, TN<br />

15-17 Sexual Deviant Offenders *BY PATC <strong>No</strong>rmal, IL<br />

18-22 California Narcotic Officers’ Association Training Conference Indian Wells, CA<br />

28-29 Search Warrant Major Case Investigation *BY PATC Chambersburg, PA<br />

28-30 Human Trafficking *BY PATC Morgantown, PA<br />

28-30 School Violence, Safety and Security Conference *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

28-2 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

28-2 Internal Affairs Conference and Certification *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

28-2 New Fire and Arson Investigator Academy *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

29-30 Mentoring the Underachieving Employee *BY PATC Plainfield, IN<br />


1-2 School Resource Officer Training *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

5-6 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations and Retention *BY PATCLas Vegas, NV<br />

5-9 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Jeffersonville, IN<br />

5-9 Field Training Officer Certification *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

5-9 Hostage Negotiations Phase 1 By LLRMI Abington, PA<br />

7-8 Courtroom Security and Threat Assessment *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

7-9 The Essential Field Training Officer By LLRMI Urbana, IL<br />

12-13 Advanced Internal Invest: Legal and Practical Issues *BY PATC Idaho Falls, ID<br />

12-14 Ambush and Lethal Environment Recognition Training *BY PATC Albuquerque, NM<br />

12-14 Investigating Basic Sex Crimes *BY PATC Ocala, FL<br />

12-16 Field Training Officer Certification *BY PATC Waterville, OH<br />

12-16 Train the Trainer Instructor Academy Las Vegas, NV<br />

13-14 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Fort Myers , FL<br />

20-21 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Greeley, CO<br />


9-10 Courtroom Security and Threat Assessment *BY PATC West Monroe, LA<br />

9-13 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Hayden, ID<br />

9-13 Field Training Officer Certification *BY PATC Rock Hill , SC<br />

9-13 Internal Affairs Conference and Certification *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

10-<strong>11</strong> Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Austell, GA<br />

10-12 Fire/Arson Investigation and Arson Case Management By LLRMI Upper Darby, PA<br />

10-12 Responding to Veterans and Police Officers in Crisis *BY PATC Royal Oak, MI<br />

<strong>11</strong>-12 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Abington, PA<br />

16-20 New Fire and Arson Investigator Academy *BY PATC Wayne, NJ<br />

JANUARY/cont.<br />

16-20 Train the Trainer Instructor Academy Scott, LA<br />

23-24 Search Warrant Major Case Investigation *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

23-27 Fit-to-Enforce Fitness Instructor Course Huntsville, AL<br />

23-27 Special Operations Supervisors Training Nashville, TN<br />

26-27 Responding to Veterans and Police Officers in Crisis *BY PATC Jonesboro, GA<br />

30-3 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Belfast , ME<br />

31-1 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Beaumont, TX<br />


6-8 The Essential Field Training Officer By LLRMI Abington, PA<br />

6-10 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Pearland, TX<br />

13-17 5 Day New Detective and New Criminal Investigator By LLRMI Abington, PA<br />

14-15 Recruiting, Hiring, Background and Retention *BY PATC Easley, SC<br />

21-22 Arrest, Search and Seizure - LE Best Practices *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

21-23 Recruiting, Hiring, Background and Retention *BY PATC Colton, CA<br />

27-28 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

27-1 Responding to Veterans and Police Officers in Crisis *BY PATC Scotch Plains, NJ<br />

27-3 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

27-3 Internal Affairs Conference and Certification *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

MARCH<br />

2-3 Stress Management in Law Enforcement *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

6-7 Recruiting, Hiring, Background and Retention *BY PATC Nampa, ID<br />

14-16 Sexual Deviant Offenders *BY PATC League City, TX<br />

20-23 Bravo-3 Law Enforcement Training Conference Daytona Beach, FL<br />

27-31 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Charlotte, NC<br />

APRIL<br />

<strong>11</strong>-12 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

17-21 Field Training Officer Certification *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />

18-19 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />

24-25 Advanced Internal Investigations: Legal & Practical Issues *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

24-25 Arrest, Search and Seizure - LE Best Practices *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

24-28 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />

25-27 Hands-On Vehicle Fire/Arson Investigation By LLRMI Upper Darby, PA<br />

25-27 Violent Crime Symposium 2023 Wilmington, DE<br />

26-28 Human Trafficking *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

MAY<br />

1-5 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Rio Rancho, NM<br />

Send your calendar listings to:<br />

bluespdmag@gmail.com<br />

78 The BLUES The BLUES 79






AGE: 31 TOUR: 6 YEARS BADGE: 2052<br />

Sergeant Meagan Burke was killed in an on-duty vehicle crash on I-44 at about 12:34 am.<br />

She was traveling northbound when a southbound vehicle crossed the median and struck her vehicle head-on<br />

in the area of SW 29th Street. She was killed instantly in the collision.<br />

Sergeant Burke had served with the Oklahoma City Police Department for over six years. She is survived by<br />

her mother, father, and sister.<br />



AGE: 59 TOUR: 35 YEARS BADGE: Cook 50<br />

Major Terry Arnold suffered a fatal heart attack after responding to a fight between two students at Cook County<br />

High School in Adel. While taking one of the juveniles into custody, Major Arnold collapsed. Medical personnel<br />

rendered aid, and he was transported to South Georgia Medical Center, where he was unable to be revived. Major<br />

Arnold had served with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office for 28 years and previously served with the Remerton<br />

Police Department for two years and the Adel Police Department for five years. He is survived by four daughters, a<br />

son, ten grandchildren, four siblings, a longtime companion, and her son and daughter.<br />

Major Arnold was posthumously promoted to Major.<br />







AGE: 21 TOUR: 1 YEARS 4 MOS BADGE: 9228<br />

Deputy Sheriff Blane Lane was shot and killed while serving a felony arrest warrant in Polk City at about 3:00<br />

am. He and three other deputies were invited into the subject’s trailer to serve the failure to appear warrant<br />

for a previous narcotics charge. While Deputy Lane and three other deputies checked the mobile home the<br />

wanted subject walked into the room and pointed a gun at them. The deputies immediately fired at the subject<br />

but one of their rounds went through a wall and struck Deputy Lane in the shoulder. He was transported to<br />

Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center where he succumbed to his wound.<br />

Deputy Sheriff Lane had served with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office for one year. He is survived by his 3-yearold<br />

child.<br />




Deputy Sheriff Sidnee Carter was killed in an automobile crash while responding to a disturbance call at about<br />

9:30 pm. Another vehicle ran a stop sign and struck her patrol car at the intersection of 135th Street West and<br />

29th Street <strong>No</strong>rth near Maize.<br />

Deputy Carter had served with the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office for two years. She had initially served as a jail<br />

deputy for 18 months and had finished field training as a patrol deputy one week before the crash. She is survived<br />

by her parents and siblings.<br />






END OF WATCH TUESDAY, OCTOBER <strong>11</strong>, 2022<br />

AGE: 30 TOUR: N/A BADGE: N/A<br />

Investigator Myiesha Stewart was shot and killed near the intersection of Reed Road and Rebecca Street<br />

during a vehicle pursuit at about 7:30 pm. Greenville officers and deputies with the Washington County Sheriff’s<br />

Office were pursuing a subject who had fled after shooting his girlfriend.<br />

The subject was taken into custody following the pursuit.<br />

Investigator Stewart is survived by her three-year-old son and parents.<br />



AGE: 35 TOUR: 10 YEARS BADGE: 221<br />

Lieutenant Dustin Demonte and Sergeant Alex Hamzy were shot and killed in an ambush in front of a home on Redstone<br />

Hill Road, near Birch Street, at about <strong>11</strong>:00 pm. Officers had responded to a business earlier in the evening<br />

in response to complaints about a disorderly patron. Officers who responded to the call issued the man a summons<br />

and released him. The man then went home, armed himself with an AR-15 rifle, and made a fake 9<strong>11</strong> call reporting a<br />

disturbance at his home. As officers arrived at the scene, the man opened fire on them from the front yard. Lieutenant<br />

Demonte and Sergeant Hamzy were both fatally wounded, while a third officer suffered non-life-threatening wounds.<br />

Lieutenant Demonte had served with the Bristol Police Department for 10 years. He is survived by his expectant wife<br />

and two children. Lieutenant Demonte was posthumously promoted to Lieutenant.<br />

84<br />

84 The<br />

The BLUES<br />


The<br />








AGE: 34 TOUR: 8 YEARS BADGE: 245<br />

Sergeant Alex Hamzy and Lieutenant Dustin Demonte were shot and killed in an ambush in front of a home<br />

on Redstone Hill Road, near Birch Street, at about <strong>11</strong>:00 pm. Officers had responded to a business earlier in<br />

the evening in response to complaints about a disorderly patron. Officers who responded to the call issued the<br />

man a summons and released him. The man then went home, armed himself with an AR-15 rifle, and made<br />

a fake 9<strong>11</strong> call reporting a disturbance at his home. As officers arrived at the scene, the man opened fire on<br />

them from the front yard. Sergeant Hamzy and Lieutenant Demonte were both fatally wounded, while a third<br />

officer suffered non-life-threatening wounds. Sergeant Hamzy had served with the Bristol Police Department<br />

for eight years. He is survived by his wife, parents, and two sisters. Sergeant Hamzy was posthumously promoted<br />

to Sergeant.<br />



AGE: 49 TOUR: 23 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Police Officer Truong Thai was shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance call in the 800 block<br />

of East Flamingo Road at about 1:00 am. The subject opened fire from inside his vehicle as Officer Thai and his<br />

partner attempted to make contact with him at the intersection of East Flamingo Road and South University Center<br />

Drive. Officer Thai and a civilian were both struck by the subject’s shots. Officer Thai succumbed to his wounds<br />

while being transported to a local hospital. he man fled the scene but was apprehended by a police canine approximately<br />

three miles away after refusing to exit his vehicle.<br />

Officer Thai had served with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department for 23 years and was assigned to the<br />

South Central Area Command. He is survived by his daughter.<br />

86<br />

86 The<br />

The BLUES<br />


The<br />








AGE: N/A TOUR: 6 YEARS BADGE: 1070<br />

Police Officer Steve <strong>No</strong>them was killed when his patrol car was struck by a vehicle while he was assisting another<br />

officer conducting a DUI investigation in the westbound lanes of President George Bush Turnpike, near Josey Lane,<br />

at about 10:25 pm. The driver of the vehicle that struck him was killed instantly in the crash. Officer <strong>No</strong>them was<br />

transported to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano where he succumbed to his injuries.<br />

Officer <strong>No</strong>them was a United States Marine Corps veteran. He had served with the Carrollton Police Department for<br />

two years and previously served with Grand Chute Police Department in Wisconsin for four years. He is survived by<br />

his wife and four children.<br />



AGE: 40 TOUR: 9 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Officer Jorge Arias was inadvertently shot and killed while training at the Trail Glades Range at 17601 SW 8th<br />

Street just after 10 am.<br />

Officer Arias was a United States Coast Guard Reserve veteran and served with the United States Department<br />

of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - Office of Field Operations. He was a Firearms Training<br />

Instructor and was assigned to the Miami International Airport. He is survived by his wife and two children.<br />




“When a police officer is killed,<br />

it’s not an agency that loses an<br />

officer, it’s an entire nation.”<br />

Chris Cosgriff,<br />

ODMP Founder<br />



AGE: 26 TOUR: 4 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Police Officer Logan Medlock was killed when his patrol car was struck by a drunk driver at the intersection of KY<br />

229 and South Main Street at 12:50 am. Officer Medlock was driving in southbound on South Main Street when<br />

the pickup truck ran a stop light and struck the patrol car, pushing it into the adjacent cemetery. Officer Medlock<br />

succumbed to his injuries at the scene. The driver was arrested and charged with the murder of a police officer and<br />

driving under the influence.<br />

Officer Medlock had served with the London Police Department for three years and had previously served with the<br />

Laurel County Correctional Center for one year. He is survived by his wife and son.<br />



Why not me?<br />

I know a lot of my fellow officers<br />

have had or continue to<br />

have recurring PTSD episodes.<br />

And I wonder sometimes why I<br />

haven’t had issues myself. God<br />

knows I’ve seen my share of<br />

horrors in some 20+ years on<br />

the street. Sure, I used to have<br />

the same recurring dream that I<br />

was chasing a crook in an alley<br />

at night and despite pulling the<br />

trigger on an old Colt Python, all<br />

it did was click. And click. And<br />

click. <strong>No</strong> bullets were exiting the<br />

gun, but a shitload was coming<br />

my way. That dream or nightmare<br />

lasted a few years and<br />

eventually went away.<br />

I guess the thing that always<br />

bothered me the most were<br />

injured children. The minute you<br />

see a bleeding child, your mind<br />

races to images of your own<br />

kids. I remember the first fatality<br />

accident scene I made that<br />

literally ripped the top off an old<br />

suburban. The driver, a woman<br />

in her 20’s, was killed instantly<br />

but somehow remained fastened<br />

in her seat. Given there was no<br />

top on the vehicle, it appeared<br />

that she was alone in the vehicle.<br />

While we were waiting on<br />

the ME to arrive, I helped the<br />

wrecker driver collect all the<br />

items that had been thrown<br />

some 50 feet from crash site. As<br />

we searched the wooded area, I<br />

came across a diaper bag with<br />

a cold bottle of baby formula. I<br />

immediately yelled into the radio<br />

we might have another victim…<br />

possibly an infant.<br />

Everyone converged on the<br />

area and began looking for a<br />

child, an infant, someone…anyone<br />

that could have been throw<br />

from the Suburban. With the<br />

highway only yards away, the<br />

noise from the traffic drowned<br />

out any possibly we could hear<br />

a baby crying. If they were still<br />

alive that is.<br />

In the area was a creek that<br />

ran through the woods and the<br />

level ground began a steep<br />

descent towards a creek bed.<br />

Just over this rise, some 40-50<br />

feet from the where the victims’<br />

car had landed, was a child’s<br />

car seat sitting upright in a pile<br />

of leaves. To tell you the truth<br />

I didn’t want to look inside. I<br />

knew that if there was a dead<br />

baby belted in that seat, I would<br />

never get that image out of head.<br />

But I prayed to God to let him or<br />

her be ok and sure enough, this<br />

beautiful baby girl was dirty, and<br />

bruised but by the grace of God<br />

was OK. I carried her back to the<br />

ambulance and rode with them<br />

to the hospital. The entire way I<br />

couldn’t stop thinking she was<br />

going to grow up without her<br />

mom. That’s this little girl would<br />

never get to do all the things a<br />

young girl does with her mother.<br />

I stayed with her until a State<br />

Trooper arrived with the dad. I<br />

could see that he was relieved<br />

his daughter was ok, but you<br />

could see the hurt in his eyes<br />

that he knew his wife was not<br />

coming home with them.<br />

A few months later, I made<br />

another crash where a mini-van<br />

was rear ended by an 18-wheeler<br />

and burst into flames. A mom<br />

and her two children ages 4 and<br />

6 were all killed instantly. The<br />

ME said they never knew what<br />

happened. Thank God they didn’t<br />

burn alive. But that image stayed<br />

with me for the longest time.<br />

But I guess getting shot was by<br />

far the worst thing that has happened<br />

to me. Yes, it was excruciating<br />

pain. Yes, they said had<br />

the bullet been inches to the left<br />

I would have been dead or paralyzed.<br />

But in my mind, it was my<br />

fault and had I been paying attention,<br />

I could have taken cover<br />

and not exposed myself like I did.<br />

But in the heat of the moment,<br />

when the suspect was firing at<br />

me and other officers, my only<br />

thought was I’m going to take<br />

this SOB out no matter what. And<br />

that’s exactly what I did. I keep<br />

running towards him, firing the<br />

entire time. I emptied the clip in<br />

my Glock and hit him four times.<br />

He hit me once. Yes, I was wearing<br />

a vest, but the round from his<br />

30-06 hunting rifle went right<br />

through like butter. The surgeon<br />

said had it not been for the vest<br />

slowing the round, I would have<br />

died from internal injuries.<br />

Again, I had some pretty intense<br />

nightmares for some<br />

time after that, but nothing that<br />

stopped me from living a normal<br />

life. So why then, did I seem<br />

to get by unscathed when my<br />

fellow officers were hurting so<br />

much some took their own lives.<br />

Was I somehow burying all this<br />

deep in my subconscious to<br />

someday rise-up and take me by<br />

storm?<br />

I was so worried that something<br />

was wrong with me, I<br />

went through months of therapy.<br />

Finally, the Doc said look, there<br />

is nothing wrong with not feeling<br />

pain or having PTSD. Some people<br />

have the ability to file away<br />

the trauma they experience, and<br />

it never rises to the surface no<br />

matter what happens.<br />

But I knew that I had to do<br />

something to help others who<br />

weren’t so lucky. So, I became<br />

involved with a number of organizations<br />

in my state that assist<br />

First Responders and Military<br />

deal with PTSD. Even though I<br />

can’t explain to this day why I<br />

am not a complete basket case,<br />

I do know that I’m making a difference<br />

in the lives of those who<br />

aren’t as lucky as me. God put<br />

me here for a purpose and I now<br />

know exactly what that purpose<br />

is. Helping those not as fortunate<br />

as me.<br />

92 The BLUES The BLUES 93


The Revival of LIVE PD as ON PATROL LIVE is<br />

a Potentially Dangerous Reality TV Backslide.<br />

According to The Guardian website!<br />

EDITOR: <strong>No</strong>t everyone is a fan<br />

of Live PD, COPS or the newest<br />

reality series “On Patrol Live.”<br />

Adrian Horton is a journalist<br />

with The Guardian website and<br />

she expresses her opinion on<br />

why cop shows are bad for the<br />

American public.<br />

We disagree, but everyone is<br />

entitled to their opinion and The<br />

BLUES believes in free speech.<br />

The police-embedded reality<br />

series, arguably one of the most<br />

irresponsible on TV, will return<br />

two years after it was cancelled<br />

with a cloud of concern<br />

There was a window in the<br />

summer of 2020 for once unthinkable,<br />

and unlikely, progress.<br />

This included the cancellation<br />

of Cops and Live PD, two reality<br />

shows embedded with law enforcement<br />

that sourced footage<br />

of real people in real arrests to<br />

valorize police and mock their<br />

targets. In the wake of the police<br />

killing of George Floyd and the<br />

nationwide Black Lives Matter<br />

protests, the shows’ networks,<br />

Paramount and A&E, responded<br />

to pressure to reckon with<br />

television’s role in producing<br />

so-called copaganda. It was a<br />

long overdue move given that<br />

Cops, the longest-running reality<br />

show in history which could air<br />

as many as 69 times a week in<br />

syndication, cemented the influential<br />

archetype of police as<br />

hard-charging, swash-buckling,<br />

ends-justify-the-means characters<br />

and left a trail of off-camera<br />

damage in its wake.<br />

‘The uprisings opened up the<br />

door’: the TV cop shows confronting<br />

a harmful legacy<br />

It would not last. Last September,<br />

Cops moved to Fox News<br />

Media’s streaming platform,<br />

Fox Nation, which aired its 34th<br />

season the following month. And<br />

on Wednesday, cable channel<br />

Reelz announced it would revive<br />

Live PD, arguably the more unscrupulous,<br />

dishonest and dangerous<br />

version of its progenitor.<br />

The “live” version of Cops, Live<br />

PD premiered on A&E in 2016<br />

and quickly became the mostwatched<br />

show in its time slot<br />

with an average of 2.4m viewers.<br />

It was more popular than Cops,<br />

running in hour-long marathons,<br />

with six spinoffs by 2020. The<br />

return of Cops and Live PD is not<br />

surprising – there was too much<br />

money, too large a fandom, too<br />

wide a cultural divide and too<br />

little incentive for producers to<br />

not capitalize on it all to keep<br />

them off the air. But that does<br />

not lessen the disappointment,<br />

nor obviate restating what many<br />

unwilling participants already<br />

know: the revival of Live PD is a<br />

backslide, and people will pay<br />

for it.<br />

The new Live PD has been<br />

rebranded as On Patrol: Live, but<br />

maintains the same production<br />

company, Big Fish Entertainment,<br />

as well as host Dan Abrams,<br />

who also serves as a chief legal<br />

analyst for ABC News. According<br />

to Abrams in an interview<br />

with the Hollywood Reporter,<br />

On Patrol: Live is “going to be a<br />

very similar type of show to the<br />

one that existed previously”. As<br />

in, a show that applies the buzz<br />

of a sports highlight roundup to<br />

seemingly live police footage,<br />

threaded with commentary by<br />

analysts at a New York studio.<br />

Think NFL Red Zone, but for<br />

arrests of people not given the<br />

chance to sign release forms<br />

because the show bills itself as<br />

live news. “Live PD follows news<br />

gathering standards like any<br />

news organization – your local<br />

nightly news show or newspaper<br />

– would in covering a story,” an<br />

A&E spokesperson told the New<br />

York Times in 2020.<br />

Abrams echoed this sentiment<br />

– that Live PD is an information-gathering<br />

tool – in the new<br />

series’ announcement. “I do think<br />

the environment has changed<br />

[since Live PD was canceled],”<br />

he told the Hollywood Reporter.<br />

“I think the more we talk about<br />

policing, the more we should<br />

want to watch police officers<br />

doing what they do. There was<br />

a conversation then about policing,<br />

there is a conversation now<br />

about policing, and as a result I<br />

think it is a good thing to have a<br />

lens on police departments.”<br />

To be clear: Live PD does not<br />

act like a news organization. It<br />

puts a “lens on police departments”<br />

insomuch as it films hundreds<br />

of hours of footage that<br />

is then edited for entertainment<br />

and, as multiple investigations<br />

have found, with police input to<br />

keep blatant misconduct offair.<br />

(There is a 10- to 25-minute<br />

delay allowing for producers to<br />

make edits, and “earlier footage”<br />

segments could be filmed weeks<br />

in advance.) If the environment<br />

has “changed,” as Abrams<br />

claims, it’s because public pressure<br />

has moved sufficiently<br />

elsewhere for Live PD to make a<br />

comeback; it’s not that the show<br />

intends to contribute to a more<br />

nuanced, accurate, and critical<br />

view of policing in the US.<br />

Live PD is an even more deceptive<br />

ploy than Cops, as it<br />

over-emphasizes transparency<br />

by suggesting the minutes-long<br />

segments aired on TV are 1) live<br />

2) accurate, despite being culled<br />

from hours of footage and 3)<br />

representative of real life and<br />

real police work. That is not the<br />

case, as Live PD is entertainment<br />

in a symbiotic relationship<br />

with law enforcement. A Mar-<br />

94 The BLUES The BLUES 95

sobbing, not committing a crime,<br />

and unable to give consent (not<br />

that it would matter because,<br />

again, this is supposedly live<br />

news).<br />

Her friend, the podcast found,<br />

was sought out six times by<br />

police with the Live PD crew,<br />

hoping to catch her arrest for<br />

missing an appointment with a<br />

corrections officer on camera.<br />

Another man in Tulsa, Oklahoma,<br />

said he agreed to be on the<br />

show after several visits from<br />

police and camera crews and<br />

a $40 payment. “They basically<br />

kept coming after my house and I<br />

finally realized that these people<br />

won’t go away,” he told producers.<br />

Live PD wouldn’t confirm or<br />

deny the payment, but the man<br />

offered text messages with a<br />

show producer supporting his<br />

story.<br />

It may return to television, but<br />

Live PD won’t be welcome everywhere;<br />

in May last year, Texas<br />

governor Greg Abbott signed<br />

a law, named after Ambler,<br />

that would ban reality TV from<br />

partnering with state police.<br />

Spokane passed a measure in<br />

2018 requiring Cops and Live PD<br />

to get consent from everyone<br />

on the show as well as proper<br />

insurance. Maybe the restrictions<br />

and fears of liability will lead to<br />

a Live PD with fewer glorified,<br />

graphic uses of force.<br />

Maybe the new departments<br />

and civilian ride-alongs will, as<br />

Abrams told the Hollywood Reporter,<br />

“change the fabric of the<br />

show”. I doubt it. <strong>No</strong> change to a<br />

program fundamentally intended<br />

to translate policing into gotcha<br />

entertainment would be enough.<br />

click or scan here,<br />

for your FREE BLUES<br />

Subscription.<br />

shall Project investigation found<br />

through records requests from<br />

47 agencies working with Live<br />

PD that at least 13 departments<br />

asked the show not to broadcast<br />

certain unflattering encounters,<br />

which ultimately did not make it<br />

to air. This reportedly included<br />

footage of an officer in Rhode Island<br />

hitting a suspected shoplifter<br />

on a skateboard with his car<br />

door, video of officers grabbing<br />

a possible domestic violence<br />

victim and dragging her out of<br />

her home in Washington, and a<br />

Louisiana officer possibly calling<br />

a black man “boy.” (Live PD has<br />

said the footage was not aired<br />

for other reasons.)<br />

District attorneys in Austin,<br />

Texas, fought to get deleted<br />

Live PD footage of the May<br />

2019 arrest of Javier Ambler II,<br />

a 40-year-old black man, after<br />

a pursuit that began because<br />

he failed to dim his headlights;<br />

Ambler died after he was handcuffed,<br />

tased and forced to the<br />

ground. The case and the possible<br />

loss of evidence were not<br />

known publicly until the Austin<br />

American-Statesman and KVUE-<br />

TV reported it days before A&E<br />

canceled Live PD. It’s unclear<br />

if Williamson county sheriffs<br />

viewed the Live PD footage<br />

before it was destroyed, though<br />

according to email records obtained<br />

by the Marshall Project,<br />

Live PD producers regularly sent<br />

footage to deputies for review in<br />

2019. (In March 2021, Live PD sued<br />

the Austin police department<br />

and Williamson county sheriff’s<br />

office for seizing their footage<br />

and wrongly blaming producers<br />

for “stonewalling” the investigation.)<br />

The Ambler case is perhaps the<br />

most egregious example of the<br />

show’s loyalties and incredibly<br />

murky ethics, but its mundane,<br />

bread-and-butter segments do<br />

their own harm. A 2020 Austin<br />

American-Statesman investigation<br />

found that uses of force<br />

by Williamson county sheriff<br />

deputies nearly doubled the year<br />

after Live PD partnered with the<br />

department, and that deputies<br />

used significantly more force<br />

during the weeks that Live PD<br />

camera crews filmed. Even if a<br />

case doesn’t turn violent, there’s<br />

the humiliation factor.<br />

“They have no problem belittling<br />

you and humiliating you and<br />

degrading you … some of them<br />

calling you names and such,” a<br />

woman named Amy in Spokane,<br />

Washington, told Running from<br />

Cops, a six-part 2019 podcast<br />

investigating Cops and Live PD.<br />

Amy’s Live PD arrest was filmed<br />

when she was blackout drunk,<br />

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by Michael Barron<br />

2023 Corvette Z06<br />

Chevrolet places a 8500-rpm bet with the 2023<br />

Z06 Convertible and its new LT6 V-8.<br />

Reprinted from the <strong>No</strong>vember<br />

2022 issue of Car and Driver.<br />

Around here, we sit through<br />

a lot of presentations about<br />

automotive trends. Charts and<br />

speeches detail the long-term<br />

march to electrification and how<br />

the move toward small-displacement,<br />

turbocharged engines<br />

is bridging the gap until<br />

we get<br />

there.<br />

We hear<br />

boasts<br />

about platform<br />

sharing<br />

and<br />

production<br />

efficiencies<br />

realized.<br />

What no<br />

company<br />

ever says is,<br />

“You know<br />

what we<br />

decided to do? Draw up a bigass<br />

V-8 that revs to a million<br />

and will only go in one version<br />

of one model. We’ll build it by<br />

hand, and pretty much not a<br />

single part will be compatible<br />

with anything else. It’ll have way<br />

less torque than its predecessor,<br />

and it’ll get worse fuel economy.<br />

But nobody will care because<br />

it’ll sound so righteous at 8500<br />

rpm that you’ll forget your own<br />

name.” We might be paraphrasing<br />

a little, but that essentially is<br />

Chevy’s pitch for the 2023 Corvette<br />

Z06 and its singular LT6<br />

V-8. We can’t believe General<br />

Motors actually built this thing,<br />

and maybe neither can GM.<br />

Chevrolet could have powered<br />

the new<br />

Z06 with<br />

an evolution<br />

of<br />

its supercharged<br />

6.2-liter<br />

V-8,<br />

which<br />

made as<br />

much as<br />

755 horsepower<br />

in<br />

the previous-gen-<br />

eration Corvette. That would<br />

have been easy and effective, the<br />

obvious move. Instead, engineers<br />

started from scratch on a naturally<br />

aspirated 5.5-liter screamer<br />

with a flat-plane crankshaft and<br />

32 valves. At a heady 8400 rpm,<br />

the LT6 generates 670 horsepower<br />

the all-natural way, and<br />

it makes its 460 pound-feet of<br />

torque at 6300 rpm, nearly the<br />

redline in a regular Stingray.<br />

HIGHS: Sounds like the Monaco<br />

Grand Prix all by itself,<br />

deliciously linear power delivery,<br />

flared fenders are always a<br />

winner.<br />

From the moment the engine<br />

barks to life, it sounds impatient,<br />

its ragged flat-plane idle suggesting<br />

a pit stall at the Rolex<br />

24 at Daytona or perhaps a pair<br />

of Suzuki Hayabusas sitting at a<br />

stoplight. While the Stingray’s<br />

pushrod LT2 V-8 uses bimodal<br />

muffler valves—loud or quiet, a<br />

binary decision—the Z06’s muffler<br />

valves can continually adjust<br />

in two-degree increments,<br />

fine-tuning the sound. Wide<br />

open, it sounds like a Ferrari 458<br />

Italia that hit puberty. An engineer<br />

told us that during testing<br />

at the Nürburgring, the Z06’s<br />

wail could be heard all the way<br />

around its lap. The Nürburgring,<br />

we should point out, is almost 13<br />

miles long.<br />

The LT6 was code-named<br />

Gemini during development, but<br />

not as an homage to the Chevy<br />

Gemini sold in South America in<br />

the 1980s and known hereabouts<br />

as the Chevrolet/Geo Spectrum.<br />

<strong>No</strong>, it’s a reference to the moonshot<br />

NASA program, because<br />

that’s what this engine represents<br />

for the Corvette. There’s<br />

a steep learning curve when<br />

your new V-8 is capable of 573<br />

combustion events every second<br />

at the 8600-rpm fuel cut. If<br />

you’re compiling a list of GM V-8<br />

firsts, a lot of them from the past<br />

30 years or so belong to the LT6.<br />

Dual throttle bodies and intake<br />

plenums. Fuel injectors on the<br />

exhaust side of the cylinders to<br />

aid high-speed air-fuel mixing.<br />

An 8500-rpm redline. The LT6<br />

revs so fast that Chevy built in a<br />

mode to tranquilize the throttle<br />

when you’re selecting the rpm<br />

for launch-control starts, lest<br />

you blow past your intended target<br />

by 1000 rpm. When we congratulated<br />

one GM engineer on<br />

the LT6, the response was, “Congratulate<br />

me if it still runs after<br />

150,000 miles.” Nevertheless, this<br />

engine has seen plenty of durability<br />

testing while powering the<br />

C8.R race car for two seasons.<br />

We didn’t put 150,000 miles<br />

on it, but we ran this Z06 70th<br />

Anniversary convertible plenty<br />

hard with nary a hiccup, and<br />

boy, did it put up some numbers.<br />

Its 2.7-second 60-mph<br />

time is a snapshot of a party<br />

that’s just getting started, as<br />

evidenced by the Z06’s 10.7-second<br />

quarter-mile at 129 mph.<br />

The Z06’s short 5.56:1 final-drive<br />

ratio helps fire it off the line,<br />

but we’ll be interested to see<br />

whether a car with the standard<br />

Aero package gets to, say,<br />

160 mph quicker—this car wore<br />

the $8495 Carbon Aero package<br />

that helps generate 734 pounds<br />

of downforce at 186 mph, and<br />

those spoilers and underbody<br />

strakes exact a toll in drag at<br />

higher speeds. One clue on that<br />

front: Standard Z06s get a $2600<br />

gas-guzzler tax, while cars with<br />

the Aero package are hit with a<br />

$3000 penalty. We averaged 12<br />

98 The BLUES The BLUES 99

mpg (the EPA city figure), making<br />

the 19-mpg EPA highway rating<br />

seem mighty optimistic.<br />

LOWS: Gets 12 mpg, somehow<br />

induces nostalgia for the present,<br />

convertible hardware hides the<br />

gol-dang engine.<br />

Even though this particular car<br />

embodies a historically mellow<br />

Corvette spec—an automatic<br />

convertible—the Z06 structure<br />

is so stiff that the suspension<br />

calibrations match the coupe’s.<br />

And on its Michelin Pilot Sport<br />

4S ZP tires (275/30ZR-20 up<br />

front and comically monstrous<br />

345/25ZR-21 in back), the Z06<br />

pulled 1.12 g’s on the skidpad<br />

and stopped from 70 mph in<br />

144 feet. So go ahead and treat<br />

yourself to the droptop. You’re<br />

not exactly trading performance<br />

for style, although you do miss<br />

out on gawking at the LT6. As<br />

with the Stingray, Z06 coupes<br />

display their engine under glass.<br />

Convertibles have a cover for the<br />

top mechanism that hides the<br />

engine, even with the convertible<br />

tonneau raised. As recompense,<br />

you’re treated to an extra-loud<br />

serenade from the LT6 if you put<br />

the top up or down while the car<br />

is in motion (at up to 30 mph),<br />

since you’re essentially driving<br />

with the hood open.<br />

As with previous Z06s, this one<br />

is a holistic track-attack special,<br />

with plentiful chassis upgrades<br />

to take advantage of the newfound<br />

horsepower. The body is<br />

3.6 inches wider than the Stingray’s,<br />

making room for those<br />

huge tires and a wider track. The<br />

cooling system is upgraded with<br />

two extra heat exchangers, one<br />

of which is front and center and<br />

includes a removable grille panel<br />

to maximize airflow during<br />

track sessions. Six-piston brake<br />

calipers squeeze Brembo 14.6-<br />

inch rotors up front, and the rear<br />

end gets 15.0-inch rotors. The<br />

optional carbon-ceramic brakes<br />

($8495) on our test car are even<br />

bigger—15.7 inches in front and<br />

15.4 out back—and thoroughly<br />

indefatigable on a track. Put the<br />

car in Tour mode with the top<br />

down, gently blast some Gordon<br />

Lightfoot with the seat heaters<br />

blazing on a fresh fall evening,<br />

and it’s easy to forget you’re at<br />

the wheel of a hardcore track<br />

maniac, a car that can turn unapologetically<br />

sociopathic with<br />

the change of a couple of settings.<br />

It recalibrates your expectations,<br />

the Z06. At first, 8500 rpm<br />

seems nutty, but soon enough<br />

you find yourself hitting the<br />

8600-rpm rev limiter because<br />

it’s pulling hard all the way<br />

there (the LT6 feels like it would<br />

be happy to visit the far side<br />

of 10,000 rpm, were it not for<br />

warranty considerations). There’s<br />

so much lateral stick that you’re<br />

almost surprised when it turns<br />

out to have limits, and the front<br />

and rear ends begin a dance to<br />

see who’ll relinquish grip first.<br />

It’s like the Z06 channels the<br />

high-winding spirit of the sixthgen<br />

Z06, but with so much more<br />

sophistication. This is the Ferrari<br />

that Ferrari doesn’t make anymore.<br />

It’s priced like it too, next to<br />

its Bowling Green brethren. This<br />

convertible carries a base price<br />

of $<strong>11</strong>6,795, and options brought<br />

it to $162,510. The ceiling is<br />

higher if you care to explore the<br />

salutary effects of carbon-fiber<br />

wheels or treat yourself to the<br />

full Z07 Performance package.<br />

But what’s the competition? An<br />

Audi R8 Spyder is probably the<br />

closest thing, and that costs even<br />

more and is down nearly 100<br />

horsepower.<br />

VERDICT: Best. Corvette. Ever.<br />

Corvette engineers could have<br />

built a forced-induction Z06<br />

that was more powerful than<br />

this. That would have been easy.<br />

Instead, they chased a subjective<br />

experience, the howling mid-engine<br />

exotic fantasy we all carry<br />

in our heads. Against all odds,<br />

they made it real.<br />


Driving the new Z06 is a little<br />

like the scene in Talladega<br />

Nights when Will Ferrell shares<br />

the cockpit of his ‘69 Chevelle<br />

with a mountain lion. “If you’re<br />

scared, that beautiful death<br />

machine will do what God made<br />

it to do—namely, eat you with a<br />

smile on its face.” Leave the Z06<br />

in Tour mode and it’s almost as<br />

if there isn’t a mountain lion in<br />

the car with you. Until you mash<br />

the accelerator. Then there are<br />

a dozen cougars roaring in the<br />

cockpit. —Jack Fitzgerald<br />

It should be the fastest thing<br />

on earth, but it’s only really,<br />

really fast. Then there’s the ride<br />

quality: Do you need to pee?<br />

It’s worse now. And, as in all<br />

eighth-gen Corvettes, the interior<br />

seems designed for divorcing<br />

couples—there’s a wall between<br />

us emotionally, and also in the<br />

car. These days, most sports cars<br />

are grand tourers, but not the<br />

Z06. Wrestle it into submission.<br />

Let ‘em hear you with the roar<br />

that precedes tornadoes. Every<br />

shift is a whip crack, like you’re<br />

Indiana Jones. This is a bar fight<br />

on wheels. Your life has been<br />

too easy. Take on a challenge.<br />


2023 Chevrolet Corvette Z06<br />

Vehicle Type: mid-engine, rearwheel-drive,<br />

2-passenger, 2-door<br />

convertible<br />

PRICE<br />

Base/As Tested:<br />

$<strong>11</strong>6,795/$162,510<br />

Options: 3LZ equipment group<br />

(leather-wrapped interior with microfiber<br />

headliner, heated and ventilated<br />

GT2 bucket seats, navigation,<br />

wireless phone charging), $13,350;<br />

carbon-ceramic rotors, $8495;<br />

carbon-fiber aero package (includes<br />

$400 gas-guzzler tax), $8895; 70th<br />

Anniversary package, $5995; Level<br />

2 carbon-fiber interior trim, $4995;<br />

front-axle lift, $2595; black stripes,<br />

$995; black exhaust tips, $395.<br />

ENGINE<br />

V-8, aluminum block and heads,<br />

direct fuel injection<br />

Displacement: 333 in3, 5463 cm3<br />

Power: 670 hp @ 8400 rpm<br />

Torque: 460 lb-ft @ 6300 rpm<br />


8-speed dual-clutch automatic<br />


Suspension, F: ind; unequal-length<br />

control arms, coil springs, 3-position<br />

electronically controlled<br />

dampers, anti-roll bar<br />

R: ind; unequal-length control<br />

arms, coil springs, 3-position<br />

electronically controlled dampers,<br />

anti-roll bar<br />

Brakes, F: 15.7 x 1.5-in vented,<br />

cross-drilled carbon-ceramic disc;<br />

6-piston fixed caliper R: 15.4 x 1.3-in<br />

vented, cross-drilled carbon-ceramic<br />

disc; 4-piston fixed caliper<br />

Tires: Michelin Pilot Sport 4S ZP<br />

F: 275/30ZR-20 (97Y) TPC<br />

R: 345/25ZR-21 (104Y) TPC<br />


Wheelbase: 107.2 in<br />

Length: 185.9 in<br />

Width: 79.7 in<br />

Height: 48.6 in<br />

Passenger <strong>Vol</strong>ume: 51 ft3<br />

Cargo <strong>Vol</strong>ume: 13 ft3<br />

Curb Weight: 3799 lb<br />


60 mph: 2.7 sec<br />

100 mph: 6.1 sec<br />

1/4-Mile: 10.7 sec @ 129 mph<br />

150 mph: 16.3 sec<br />

170 mph: 27.7 sec<br />

Results above omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec.<br />

Rolling Start, 5–60 mph: 3.1 sec<br />

Top Gear, 30–50 mph: 2.0 sec<br />

Top Gear, 50–70 mph: 2.2 sec<br />

Top Speed (mfr’s claim): 189 mph<br />

Braking, 70–0 mph: 144 ft<br />

Braking, 100–0 mph: 282 ft<br />

Roadholding, 300-ft Skidpad: 1.12 g<br />


Observed: 12 mpg<br />


Combined/City/Highway: 14/12/19<br />

mpg<br />

100 The BLUES The BLUES 101

102 The BLUES The BLUES 103


heal ing our heroes<br />

Some Tough Love<br />



For many of us Post Traumatic<br />

Stress can become a way of life, it<br />

normalizes our actions. Over time,<br />

it changes our mental mindset and<br />

our way of thinking.<br />

It’s like having chronic back pain<br />

and learning to adjust your lifestyle<br />

to live with the daily pain.<br />

But the real issues are not so<br />

much living with the pain of<br />

post-Traumatic stress, it’s the way<br />

we approach it.<br />

It doesn’t have to be this way. If<br />

we are suffering from an injury, we<br />

seek the proper treatment. Proper<br />

treatment is key, you wouldn’t go<br />

see a heart specialist for a knee<br />

injury?<br />

Many suffer, but few take the<br />

steps to get treated. Many would<br />

rather live with the pain, attempt to<br />

hide it or drown it in alcohol, drugs,<br />

porn or some self-destructive path.<br />

Some even blame the stigma attached<br />

to it. All excuses to deny the<br />

fact we are suffering.<br />

Post-Traumatic Stress is not curable,<br />

but it is 100% manageable. It<br />

does not have to control your life;<br />

it can enrich your life in ways you<br />

never thought of. It’s acceptance is<br />

what heals you.<br />

When you’re suffering from trauma,<br />

your mind begins to close itself<br />

off to new experiences. It stops you<br />

from enjoying life’s activities going<br />

on around you. You find yourself<br />

isolated, even if you do participate<br />

in a function, you lack the emotion<br />

to truly enjoy it.<br />

We begin to push things off, making<br />

excuses about why we cannot<br />

participate. We use work, chores,<br />

and other things to deflect the real<br />

issue. If we fail to see the impact<br />

it has, we fail to see the treatment<br />

options that are available. We begin<br />

to believe we are not fixable; we<br />

feel we are just existing. It’s what<br />

Post Traumatic Stress does. It tricks<br />

our mind into thinking negatively.<br />

If we continue down this path,<br />

eventually it will cause irreversible<br />

harm to ourselves and others. Just<br />

like a bucket slowly filling with<br />

water or putting too much air into a<br />

tire, it’s only a matter of time before<br />

it overfills or explodes.<br />

Without acceptance, we can’t<br />

heal properly.<br />

This leads me to what treatment<br />

you need. It varies as each person<br />

copes differently. Many factors go<br />

into the whys. What affects one<br />

person, does not necessarily affect<br />

another. Sometimes it goes deeper<br />

than the actual trauma itself, we<br />

must look at all factors. Childhood,<br />

relationships, financial issues. All<br />

this impacts stress levels in our<br />

brain.<br />

In order to bring your mind back<br />

into a healthy state, you have to<br />

heal all traumas, past and present.<br />

My PTS was elevated due to past<br />

traumas which occurred in my own<br />

childhood, causing unhealthy coping<br />

skills placing me in denial.<br />

I was sexually abused as a child,<br />

keeping it bottled up for more than<br />

4 decades. I was hiding and trying<br />

to bury it deep inside, just stacking<br />

my first responder trauma on top it.<br />

This severely impacted my coping<br />

mechanisms which led to anger issues,<br />

alcohol, relationship problems<br />

and more.<br />

I share this for a reason. Being<br />

transparent and open, I hope will<br />

help others deal with their own<br />



hidden issues. We can’t heal current<br />

issues without healing some past<br />

ones.<br />

The uniforms we wear help<br />

protect us, but what protects us<br />

when the uniform comes off. We<br />

must take the first steps to a healthy<br />

mental mind set. We must dig deep<br />

within ourselves and accept we may<br />

have changed. We ourselves must<br />

see this. As the Stigma goes, “Just<br />

rub some dirt on it”, well when will<br />

we stop allowing the dirt to be rub<br />

on us. Our lives depend on it.<br />

When we stack work trauma on<br />

top of personal trauma, we end<br />

up striking a match which ignites<br />

a fuse to disaster. I lit that match,<br />

which almost cost me my life. I<br />

tried many traditional couch therapies,<br />

some of which failed me,<br />

some I failed them. Feeling frustrated,<br />

impatient and lost. Then I found<br />

equine therapy. A program I would<br />

have never approached, a program<br />

I would have discarded if not for<br />

some support from my peers and<br />

colleagues.<br />

Proper treatment can douse the<br />

lite fuse. Find the treatment plan<br />

which works for you. Giving up is<br />

not an option, it’s an excuse.<br />

Stop making excuses. You are<br />

worth it.<br />

Ret. NYPD John Salerno<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

The Officer Down Memorial Page is proud to announce our participation<br />

in OPM’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) program. If you are an<br />

employee of the Federal Government (including postal, military, and federal/<br />

military retirees), your pledge though the CFC supports our mission to:<br />

• Honor and remember the nearly 26,000 law enforcement officers<br />

who have been killed in the line of duty since our nation’s founding<br />

• Generate over 200,000 letters to parole boards across the country<br />

to help deny parole to hundreds of convicted cop killers<br />

• Provide funding for the creation, restoration, or repair of memorials and<br />

grave markers honoring officers who have died in the line of duty<br />

• Recognize the contributions and sacrifices of our loyal K9 companions<br />

that serve on the front lines of our law enforcement efforts<br />

• And so much more...<br />

Go to the CFC website<br />

(scan this QR code for quick access)<br />

Search for the Officer Down<br />

Memorial Page / CFC # 62937<br />

Add us to your pledge basket – make sure to<br />

make your commitment before January 2023!<br />

Learn more at ODMP.org/cfc<br />

104 The BLUES The BLUES 105


daryl’s deliberations<br />

CHER AMI<br />

As Father Time marches on, ed. The field radios of the day<br />

we tend to lose stories that depended on wires that were<br />

fade in our collective memories. fragile and hazardous to run<br />

Sometimes we repeat mistakes while under relentless German<br />

because we forgot why we machine gun fire. Therefore, the<br />

don’t do something a certain regiments were completely cut<br />

way. For organizations, that is off from the rest of the army.<br />

called “institutional knowledge” Five hundred and fifty men were<br />

and remembering the past can ensnared in <strong>No</strong> Man’s Land with<br />

save any entity an incalculable little hope of coming back home.<br />

amount of damage. Sometimes Soon the American artillery<br />

simply remembering characters entered the fray and started<br />

of the past will inspire us to be firing into the German lines with<br />

better individuals or organizations.<br />

a terrible ferocity. The weather<br />

was overcast and stormy thus<br />

<strong>No</strong>w that World War One is grounding the little biplanes of<br />

over one hundred years old it the era that caused a loss of<br />

would be easy to forget the eyes in the sky. The ground was<br />

bitter lessons learned from the a muddy mess - mechanized vehicles<br />

“war to end all wars” and its<br />

were stopped. Long range<br />

distinguished heroes that should artillery was the weapon of<br />

still inspire us. One such hero is choice in such miserable conditions,<br />

the subject of today’s lesson in<br />

and it was employed in a<br />

courage and loyalty.<br />

merciless manner.<br />

In 1918, the 77th Infantry Division<br />

The three Army regiments<br />

of the U.S. Army Expedi-<br />

were behind enemy lines. The<br />

tionary Force was part of the first artillery barrage killed thirty<br />

famous “Lost Battalion.” The American dough boys as our<br />

American Army served on the troops were then known. The<br />

western front long known for American commanding officer<br />

the virtual stalemate both sides was Major Charles Whittlesey<br />

endured in France. The 77th Division<br />

and he needed to get a message<br />

pushed against the fortified back to his headquarters, but the<br />

German Army positions in the unit was pinned down by heavy<br />

Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Three German machine gun fire and<br />

regiments fought through the our own artillery. He penned a<br />

Argonne Forest until they were hasty note that read, “We are<br />

actually behind enemy lines. along the road parallel to 276.4.<br />

They found themselves cut off Our own artillery is dropping a<br />

from food, ammo, and other barrage directly on us. For heaven’s<br />

supplies that were sorely need-<br />

sake, stop it!”<br />


The chosen messenger went<br />

straight into the German line of<br />

fire. Dodging bullets that were<br />

most intentionally aimed at him,<br />

he continued on until he hit the<br />

ground felled by a bullet through<br />

the breast. The Americans<br />

lost hope until they saw their<br />

wounded comrade get up off the<br />

ground and continue the course<br />

all the way back to headquarters<br />

some 25 miles away. By the<br />

time he got to the post he was<br />

heavily wounded. His right leg<br />

was nearly shot off and he was<br />

blind in one eye. Of the original<br />

550 men, 194 made it back to the<br />

American lines owing their very<br />

lives to the courage and tenacity<br />

of their comrade.<br />

The French Army awarded<br />

the soldier with the “Croix de<br />

Guerre.” The commanding officer<br />

of the American Army, General<br />

John Pershing recognized the<br />

soldier’s sacrifice and service.<br />

The soldier was taken back<br />

home to the United States accompanied<br />

by an officer, Captain<br />

John Carney (pictured). In spite<br />

of the best efforts of the United<br />

States Army to save him, he died<br />

at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey<br />

on June 13, 1919. Many men were<br />

brought to tears thinking of the<br />

soldier’s sacrifice. The surviving<br />

family members of the nearly<br />

200 Americans who were saved<br />

were the most grateful of all. It<br />

is not clear how many people<br />

are alive today over 100 years<br />

later due to one soldier’s attention<br />

to duty; surely that number<br />

is in the thousands.<br />

If you would like to pay your<br />

respects to this example of<br />

American heroism, you will need<br />

to visit the Smithsonian Institution.<br />

The soldier’s name is “Cher<br />

Ami”. The soldier was a brave<br />

carrier pigeon whose sacrifice<br />

is held in reverential honor at<br />

the Museum of American History.<br />

It’s not always humans who<br />

offer examples of selfless courage<br />

and loyalty, but members of<br />

the Animal Kingdom who have<br />

aligned themselves with us that<br />

provide inspiration.<br />

I am continually amazed at the<br />

feats displayed by horses, whales,<br />

dolphins, primates, dogs, and,<br />

yes, birds as they interact with<br />

our species. They are the best of<br />

friends neither passing judgements<br />

nor questioning our methods.<br />

Matthew Scully, an advocate<br />

for the welfare of animals, says,<br />

“Animals are more than ever a<br />

test of our character, of mankind’s<br />

capacity for empathy and for decent<br />

honorable conduct and faithful<br />

stewardship.” I am thankful<br />

that God gave us such creatures<br />

as “Cher Ami” for companionship,<br />

fellowship, and to occasionally<br />

save our lives.<br />

106 The BLUES The BLUES 107


lig ht bul b award<br />


I swear LT no one was more surprised than me.<br />

Tip to all morons who elect<br />

to run from the PoPo. Leave<br />

your spare can of gasoline at<br />

home BEFORE you flee from<br />

the police.<br />

This month’s LB Award<br />

goes to Christopher Gaylor,<br />

a <strong>38</strong>-year-old suspect hailing<br />

from the Great State of<br />

Arkansas. Gaylor was spotted<br />

by an Arkansas state trooper<br />

driving his motorcycle<br />

without a license plate in the<br />

state capital of Little Rock in<br />

the middle of the night.<br />

<strong>No</strong> big deal, just pull over,<br />

check for warrants, get a<br />

ticket and you’re on your way.<br />

NOPE. <strong>No</strong>t Gaylor. Instead of<br />

pulling over, he decided to<br />

run.<br />

Mistake #1.<br />

So, the trooper gives<br />

chase, calls for backup and<br />

they chased the moron all<br />

over Little Rock. Somehow<br />

his piece of shit motorcycle<br />

reaches speeds of 100+<br />

although that was only confirmed<br />

by the local news<br />

outlets, and we all know how<br />

they lie.<br />

Mistake#2.<br />

Gaylor bails off the bike and<br />

a foot chase is underway. <strong>No</strong><br />

one, I mean no one, ever gets<br />

away on foot. He should have<br />

stayed on the bike. Especially<br />

knowing that Mistake #3 is<br />

about to take his ass down.<br />

Mistake#3.<br />

It’s never a good idea to carry<br />

a spare can of gas in your trunk.<br />

Oh wait, he didn’t have a trunk,<br />

he was on a bike. I guess I’ll just<br />

carry it in my BACKPACK. Bad<br />

idea cause Mistake#4 is coming.<br />

Mistake#4.<br />

If you know you have a bomb<br />

strapped to your back and you<br />

decide to run from the police,<br />

ya gotta know they are going<br />

to Tase you. It’s a given. So, toss<br />

the bomb. Did he? NOPE. They<br />

fired. He exploded. At least the<br />

backpack did anyway. Gaylor<br />

was now a big ball of fire.<br />

Cops get fire extinguishers, put<br />

out the flames, call for an ambulance.<br />

Oh, and a supervisor.<br />

I swear Lieutenant, I had no<br />

idea he was gonna explode like<br />

that. <strong>No</strong> one was more surprised<br />

than me.<br />

Gaylor is still recovering in the<br />

hospital with burns over 75%<br />

of his body. Man that shit hurts.<br />

Needless to say, he was charged<br />

with felony fleeing, reckless<br />

driving, failure to register a<br />

vehicle, no liability insurance,<br />

driving with a suspended license<br />

and failure to register<br />

a homemade gasoline bomb<br />

backpack. I made up the last<br />

part.<br />

Of course, the WOKEs took<br />

to social media proclaimed<br />

the incident was evidence that<br />

tasers pose a major threat to<br />

the health and safety of the<br />

public. The Independent, a<br />

liberal online trash site, said<br />

“That Mr. Gaylor’s injuries came<br />

in the aftermath of a traffic<br />

stop should be noted. Police<br />

have killed more than 600<br />

people in the US during traffic<br />

stops since 2017, with reform<br />

advocates calling for police to<br />

play less of a role or no role at<br />

all in traffic law enforcement.”<br />

Someone at The Independent<br />

must have just received a ticket.<br />

Idiots.<br />

108 The BLUES The BLUES 109


“Honoring our fallen heroes<br />

through running while providing<br />

financial support to the families<br />

of our fallen Heroes,<br />

First Responders injured in the<br />

Line of Duty and Safety<br />

Equipment to K9s in need.”<br />

Zechariah<br />

Cartledge:<br />

a True American Hero<br />

Total Grants Awarded to Injured First Responders: 39<br />

Total Amount Awarded: $347,500<br />

Total Funds Awarded to Families of Fallen Heroes: 29<br />

Total Amount Awarded: $258,736<br />

Funds/Equipment Awarded to K9 Officers: $22,593<br />

Total Amount of Grants Given: $628,829<br />

- - - -<br />

2022 Run Tracker:<br />

Total Miles Run in 2022: (as of <strong>11</strong>/2/22): 259<br />

- Zechariah - 230<br />

- Jayden - 8<br />

- Giuliana - 6<br />

- Andrew - 6<br />

- Anthony - 5<br />

- Morgan - 3<br />

- Theresa - 1 (57 for K9s)<br />

Total Miles Run in 2021: 327<br />

Total Miles Run in 2020: 401<br />

Total Miles Run in 2019: 376<br />

Overall Miles Run: 1,363<br />

Over Miles Run (K9’s): 57<br />

- - - - - - - - - -<br />

2022 Run Stats:<br />

Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen LEO’s (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 126<br />

Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen Firefighters (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 75<br />

Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen Canada LEO’s: 3<br />

Total Miles Run in 2022 for Fallen COVID-19 Heroes: 18<br />

Total Miles Run for 2021 Fallen LEO’s: 21<br />

Total Miles Run for 2021 Fallen Firefighters: 2<br />

States/Cities Zechariah has run in:<br />

Florida - Winter Springs, Lake Mary, Clearwater, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Orlando, Temple Terrace, Blountstown,<br />

Cocoa, Lakeland, Daytona Beach, West Palm Beach, Starke, Melbourne<br />

New York - New York City, Weedsport • Georgia - Cumming, Augusta, Savannah<br />

South Carolina - <strong>No</strong>rth Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Sumter • Pennsylvania - Monaca<br />

Illinois - Springfield, Naperville, Glen Ellyn • Texas - Houston (2), Fort Worth, Midland, New Braunfels, Freeport, Madisonville,<br />

Irving, Sadler, San Antonio • Kentucky - Nicholasville • Arkansas - Bryant, Hot Springs, Springdale, Prairie Grove<br />

Nevada - Henderson • Kansas - Overland Park • California - Mt. Vernon, La Jolla • Arizona - Mesa<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina - Concord, Raleigh • Virginia - <strong>No</strong>rton, Richmond • Tennessee - Bristol, Bartlett<br />

Oklahoma - Stilwell (2) • Delaware - Milford • Maryland - Towson • Minnesota - Arden Hills • Indiana - Sullivan, Spencer<br />

Mississippi - Grenada, Olive Branch • Missouri - Springfield, Rolla, Joplin • Iowa - Independence, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids<br />

District/Countries/Territories:<br />

Washington D.C. • Puerto Rico - San Juan<br />

<strong>11</strong>0 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE<br />

The BLUES <strong>11</strong>1


blue mental health<br />

Give Yourself the Gift of Hope<br />

This Holiday Season.<br />

Many of our nation’s law enforcement<br />

officers have had a<br />

challenging year in countless<br />

ways. The 2021 statistics for<br />

line of duty deaths (especially<br />

by gunfire) and suicides in this<br />

field are staggering and can be<br />

overwhelming. The holidays are<br />

also often a difficult time for LEO<br />

families due to work schedules,<br />

family conflict, financial constraints,<br />

and at times, a sense of<br />

helplessness due to depression<br />

and lack of hope. We also live in<br />

a world in which comparison of<br />

our lives to others is commonplace<br />

and frequently perpetuated<br />

by social media and high<br />

expectations for the “perfect”<br />

holiday experience. It can place<br />

a great deal of unnecessary<br />

pressure on an LE family during<br />

an already stressful time of the<br />

year.<br />

Instead of this month’s article<br />

focusing solely on the negative, I<br />

want to instead offer the gift of<br />

hope through some basic approaches<br />

that are designed to<br />

reduce psychological stressors<br />

and increase hope for the holiday<br />

season. Amy Morgan, (Police1,<br />

2019), offered the following<br />

excellent suggestions and I encourage<br />

to practice these often.<br />

1. STOP COMPARING. If you find<br />

yourself comparing your holiday<br />

with others, stop and focus on<br />

what matters to you, and then<br />


let that be enough. Be content<br />

with where you are, who you are<br />

and what you have. If you are<br />

financially stressed, don’t worsen<br />

the situation by giving gifts<br />

to try to match the actions of<br />

others. Instead, give of yourself<br />

and work with what you have,<br />

but don’t deplete yourself in the<br />

process or let comparisons make<br />

you feel unworthy.<br />


TIONS. All the hype around the<br />

holidays makes us feel like we<br />

should ramp up our energy, our<br />

home décor, our financial ability,<br />

our time with friends and family,<br />

and even our level of happiness.<br />

Instead set your expectations<br />

in line with the reality of your<br />

own little piece of the world. If<br />

you aren’t a cook, don’t expect<br />

to present your family with a<br />

golden holiday turkey and all the<br />

fixings. Set realistic expectations<br />

about how your own holiday<br />

will, and should, look, for your<br />

own life.<br />

3. LET GO OF REGRET. Maybe<br />

this wasn’t your best year.<br />

If there’s something in your life<br />

you wish was different, and you<br />

still have the ability to change it,<br />

start working on doing that. But<br />

if you can’t change something,<br />

try letting go of the feeling of regret<br />

that’s eating away at you. If<br />

you need to apologize to someone,<br />

do it, genuinely and sincerely.<br />

If you need to forgive someone,<br />

do it, for your own sense of<br />

peace. And then move on. Let go<br />

of the regrets so you can start<br />

the New Year free of stress and<br />

anxiety.<br />


Life is hard sometimes, and<br />

nobody is getting through it as<br />

easily as they may make it seem.<br />

Things may be hard for you for<br />

many reasons – it is okay to<br />

admit that things aren’t great.<br />

Accept that all of us struggle<br />

at different points in life with<br />

different things. Don’t let the<br />

season make you focus on the<br />

struggles – remember that this<br />

season and its challenges will<br />

pass.<br />


Instead of pressure-filled resolutions,<br />

set some goals. But don’t<br />

set your expectations so high<br />

you’ll never be able to follow<br />

through. Name a few simple<br />

things you’d like to be different<br />

in your life – and then outline a<br />

plan to achieve that change. This<br />

year practice healthy approaches<br />

and do what you need to do. If<br />

you’re feeling down, depressed,<br />

or alone, please reach out to<br />

any number of law enforcement<br />

mental health resources and<br />

you’ll find a caring voice at the<br />

other end of the line to help you<br />

make it through the hard stuff.<br />

The holiday season, just like your<br />

life, is what you make it. Celebrate<br />

the holiday for the reasons<br />

you choose, in the way that fits<br />

you and your life, and make the<br />

very best of it that you can with<br />

click or scan here,<br />

for your FREE BLUES<br />

Subscription.<br />

whatever you have to work with.<br />


CISE. You do not have to jump<br />

right into CrossFit if you have<br />

not exercised regularly but get<br />

out for at least a brisk walk and<br />

break a sweat. You will feel and<br />

think better. You can also do this<br />

a couple of times a week, and<br />

invite your spouse, partner, and/<br />

or children to walk with you to<br />

enjoy family time.<br />


local FOP hosts an “adopt a LE<br />

retiree or survivor” each holiday<br />

and encourages others to take<br />

them to lunch or provide a gift<br />

card or simply give the gift of<br />

“presence.” There are numerous<br />

charities and opportunities<br />

available this time of year, including<br />

for children. Giving to<br />

others allows a mental shift of<br />

perspective away from our own<br />

struggles toward better understanding<br />

and connecting with<br />

others. Remember, we rise by<br />

lifting others. Most importantly,<br />

practice hope, even a little very<br />

day. Happy holidays and Merry<br />

Christmas to you all, blessings<br />

always.<br />

The Leader In Law Enforcement Recruitment<br />

Delivering ZERO COST solutions to<br />

Texas Public Safety Agencies.<br />

<strong>11</strong>2 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>11</strong>3


<strong>11</strong>4 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>11</strong>5<br />

<strong>11</strong>4 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>11</strong>5


<strong>11</strong>6 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>11</strong>7


parting shots...<br />

... pardon our humor<br />

<strong>11</strong>8 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>11</strong>9

Your Source for<br />

Law Enforcement<br />

Products &<br />

Services<br />

120 The BLUES The BLUES 121

Air Bear announces the arrival of<br />

the DA62-MPP in <strong>No</strong>rth America<br />

airbear<br />

Air Bear Tactical Aircraft proudly<br />

announces that the Diamond<br />

DA62-MPP is now delivering to<br />

Airborne Law Enforcement customers<br />

in <strong>No</strong>rth America. The<br />

shape of things to come, the<br />

DA62-MPP (Multi-Purpose Platform)<br />

is represented by Air Bear<br />

Tactical Aircraft in the USA and<br />

provides best in class capabilities,<br />

performance, and economical<br />

operation.<br />

Recently concluding its first<br />

ever <strong>No</strong>rth American visit with a<br />

nationwide demo tour, the DA62-<br />

MPP has received rave reviews<br />

wherever it has visited. The “MPP”<br />

provides a robust, multi-mission<br />

surveillance platform which is<br />

readily adaptable to many missions,<br />

including patrol support, counter<br />

narcotics, border patrol, littoral<br />

maritime patrol, fire mapping and<br />

control, aerial survey as well as<br />

many other missions.<br />

It’s low cost of acquisition, utility,<br />

and incredibly low operating costs<br />

(using only 7.6 gallons per hour of<br />

Jet-A, total!) provides an unbeatable<br />

method to stretch your ever<br />

tightening aviation budgets. Twin<br />

engine reliability and a complete tip<br />

to tail maintenance program rounds<br />

out this game changing platform.<br />

Learn more about the DA62-MPP<br />

at www.airbear.aero, call us at<br />

855-699-5489 or email us at bearsintheair@airbear.aero.<br />

Air Bear Tactical Aircraft provides<br />

complete, mission-ready surveillance<br />

& survey aircraft to Federal,<br />

State, Local and Commercial operators.<br />

Learn more on our website<br />

about our other products, including<br />

our custom gimbal retraction system<br />

for the DA62-MPP, C206H and<br />

Turbine Commander 690A/B (more<br />

to come!), and learn more about<br />

our other product offerings as well.<br />

The Shape of Things to Come has<br />

arrived in <strong>No</strong>rth America!<br />

The Shape of Things To Come Is Here!<br />

The next generation airborne law enforcement surveillance<br />

platform is now shipping to <strong>No</strong>rth American customers.<br />

The highly capable, multi-role aircraft provides exceptionally low<br />

DOC’s (about $260.00/hour with Piston Power’s complete aircraft<br />

tip to tail maintenance program) while providing best in class<br />

surveillance capabilities.<br />

Air Bear is the exclusive DA62-MPP distributor for the USA.<br />

Contact the Air Bear to learn how the MPP can increase your<br />

efficiency while dramatically lowering your acquisition and<br />

operating costs.<br />

Learn more at: www.airbear.aero<br />

Diamond DA62-MPP <strong>No</strong>w Delivering<br />

to <strong>No</strong>rth America!<br />





The MPP uses just 7.6 g/hr (total) of<br />

Jet-A at loiter speed, capable of<br />

sprinting at up to 192 kts.<br />

Multi-role, multi-mission capable<br />

Capable, Efficient & Cost Effective<br />

Air Bear Tactical Aircraft | 197<strong>11</strong> Campus Drive #150 Santa Ana, CA 92707 | 855-699-5489<br />

www.airbear.aero | bearsintheair@airbear.aero<br />

122 The BLUES The BLUES 123<br />


CAP Fleet is an emergency<br />

vehicle upfitter and<br />

authorized Chevrolet SVM<br />

Bailment Pool provider<br />

for Law Enforcement<br />

Vehicles. We have a pool<br />

of vehicles available to be<br />

upfitted by CAP Fleet and<br />

sold through any GM dealer<br />

in the United States.<br />

We also offer law enforcement<br />

vehicles from<br />

Chevrolet, Dodge, and<br />

Ford through our dealership<br />

network.<br />

Since 20<strong>11</strong>, we have<br />

combined the highest<br />

quality products in the<br />

industry with superior<br />

craftsmanship, providing<br />

customer service and installations<br />

at a reasonable<br />

price.<br />

Our sales staff brings<br />

over 100+ years of law enforcement<br />

experience and<br />

our installation team has<br />

an equal number of years<br />

in the emergency vehicle<br />

upfitting industry. We<br />

understand your needs<br />

and strive to make your<br />

experience at CAP Fleet<br />

simple. All installations<br />

are completed by our inhouse<br />

technicians. Every<br />

vehicle goes through an<br />

extensive quality control<br />

program supervised by<br />

our shop managers. Our<br />

technicians are constantly<br />

focused on quality and<br />

efficiency.<br />

With locations in<br />

Belton, Tx and Houston,<br />

Tx, and a new state<br />

of the art facility under<br />

construction in Caldwell,<br />

Tx, as well as mobile<br />

technicians serving the<br />

Dallas/Fort Worth and<br />

Rio Grande Valley metro<br />

areas, we have you<br />

covered!<br />

Whatever your needs<br />

are, from turn-key police<br />

vehicle builds, product<br />

replacement and/or upgrades<br />

to existing vehicles,<br />

or building a complete<br />

new fleet, CAP Fleet will<br />

have your vehicles 10-8.<br />








CAP FLEET.<br />

www.capfleet.com | sales@capfleet.com | 254-773-1959<br />

124 The BLUES The BLUES 125<br />

124 The BLUES The BLUES 125

Starting in 2003, Cop Stop Inc. Opened with a vision and goal to service first responders; “Our everyday<br />

heroes.” Catering mainly to Police, Fire, Military and EMS, but also open to the public, Cop Stop<br />

offers a variety of products, gear and apparel. Open and operated by Rick Fernandez, a former officer<br />

of 10 years, he prides himself on maintaining the highest standards of customer service. Cop Stop understands<br />

its our customers who drive our success, and we strive to offer the best service to everyone<br />

who walks through our doors. At Cop Stop we offer quality products at great low prices. With access to<br />

over hundreds of brands and products, and constantly adding more, we are confident we can fulfill your<br />

needs.<br />

“If you provide good service and a fair price, customers will talk about you and come back.<br />

It’s that simple!” Rick Fernandez<br />

126 The BLUES The BLUES 127<br />



Dana Safety Supply (DSS) is a major warehousing distributor,<br />

seller, service provider, and installer of law enforcement<br />

and public safety fleet vehicle equipment including emergency<br />

lighting, and related law enforcement products that are typically<br />

employed by public safety entities. In addition, DSS is a<br />

major distributor of law enforcement, tactical supplies, duty<br />

gear, firearms, ammunition, uniforms, and other public safety<br />

products. DSS operates 30 locations located in Greensboro, NC<br />

(2), Clinton, NC, Columbia, SC (2), Atlanta, GA, Marietta, GA,<br />

Preston, GA, DeLand, FL, Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, Tampa, FL,<br />

Ft. Myers, FL, Ft. Walton Beach, FL, Miami, FL, Pompano Beach,<br />

FL, Tallahassee, FL, Livingston, MT, Memphis, TN, Nashville, TN,<br />

Little Rock, AR, Baton Rouge, LA, Alabaster, AL, Lorton, VA (also<br />

covering the Metro Washington D.C. area), Los Angeles, CA,<br />

Oklahoma City, OK, Houston, TX, La Feria, TX, Ft. Worth, TX and<br />

Austin, TX.<br />

DSS was founded in 2005 by a group of law enforcement and<br />

fleet professionals and has grown to become one of the largest<br />

companies of its type in the United States. DSS is a subsidiary<br />

of Duval Motor Company and the Scott McRae Group, (SMAG), a<br />

106 year old family company that has been in continuous operation,<br />

and under the same ownership since 1916. SMAG employs<br />

more than 700 people across multiple companies in the automotive,<br />

finance, and service industries. Each company operates<br />

independently, is its own legal entity, and is headed by its own<br />

President and management team, but has the financial resources<br />

and backing of SMAG at its disposal. DSS acquired Fleet<br />

Safety Equipment in 2018. Fleet Safety Equipment was founded<br />

in Memphis, TN in 1980 and is a wholly owned division of Dana<br />

Safety Supply.<br />

DSS regularly provides emergency vehicle equipment, installation<br />

services, and public safety products to numerous state,<br />

federal, and local public safety agencies, as well as to automotive<br />

dealers who utilize our up-fitting services and products.<br />

DSS holds and has successfully completed hundreds of large<br />

volume contracts with major public safety agencies throughout<br />

its territory to include Federal & State Agencies in CA, NC, SC,<br />

GA, FL, AL, TN, AR, OK, MS, LA, AR, TX, VA, and MT. DSS is also<br />

an approved contractor for the GSA and has a GSA contract for<br />

numerous public safety products and also for installation and<br />

upfitting services.<br />

Let us help your department with all your<br />

vehicle equipment and upfitting needs.<br />

Vehicle Equipment<br />

Vehicle Armoring<br />

National Reach.<br />

Local Support.<br />

America's largest source for upfitting,<br />

installation, tactical gear and apparel.<br />

Accessories & More!<br />

31<br />



Keep your Officers safe!<br />

Armored glass options available!<br />


People are Your<br />

Purpose, and Ours<br />

In 2008, the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office<br />

was informed by the federal government that it<br />

was violating inmates’ civil rights because of its<br />

indirect supervision policy. Part of the requirement<br />

to remedy the violation was to hire 200 detention<br />

officers in addition to the 450 they already<br />

had.<br />

Instead, Captain David Baisden turned to Digi<br />

Security Systems for a technological solution. Together,<br />

we designed a system that would provide<br />

100 percent visibility in each of the 30 pods in the<br />

jail. Digi installed the system, and the impact was<br />

definitive.<br />

“All of a sudden, we noticed an immediate drop<br />

in altercations from 300 to 30,” said Captain Baisden.<br />

“Ninety percent of the violence was gone.”<br />

We have a saying around here that People Are<br />

Our Purpose. As a security systems integrator,<br />

the work we do is important: we design, install,<br />

and service commercial security systems for all<br />

kinds of organizations. Those very security systems<br />

are the technology that keeps our children<br />

safe in their classrooms, our police officers protected<br />

from wrongdoers, our business’ assets<br />

secure, and our communities free from the worry<br />

of violent threats. We design systems that maximize<br />

safety and limit the number of personnel<br />

and hours spent trying to identify and respond to<br />

incidents.<br />

It’s important work. It’s work that makes a real<br />

difference. And that work is just part of the Digi<br />

Difference that defines us. When an organization<br />

decides to partner with us, we become an<br />

extension of their team. Because we care deeply<br />

about the safety and security of the very people<br />

you care deeply about, we do whatever it takes to<br />

help you meet your goals while providing you the<br />

most exceptional experience possible.<br />

We serve and support law enforcement agencies<br />

across the region, including jails and city and<br />

county governments. We understand the unique<br />

needs you have in protecting your staff and the<br />

public. Learn more at digiss.com/government.<br />

Customized Security Solutions<br />

Government<br />

& Law Enforcement<br />

Keeping the peace and serving the public is a vital job for the health of a community.<br />

As your partner, we make technology your ally by providing you security solutions<br />

that are completely customized for your unique needs and budget.<br />

All-in-one solutions<br />














AND MORE<br />


Call today! 1-888-970-<strong>38</strong>30<br />

email contact@digiss.com<br />

We offer TIPS State Contract and HGAC!<br />

Digi knows law<br />

enforcement<br />

Reduce city crime & enhance public safety<br />

Search hours of footage in seconds<br />

Resolve incidents more quickly<br />

Monitor large crowds with analytics<br />

Gather real data for informed decisions<br />

Integrate systems to better communicate<br />

Limit the number of hostile environments<br />

digiss.com<br />

“Digi knows what<br />

they are doing.<br />

... All of a sudden<br />

we noticed an<br />

immediate drop in<br />

altercations from<br />

300 to 30.<br />

90%<br />

of the violence<br />

was gone.”<br />

Captain David Baisden<br />

Oklahoma County Sheriffs Office<br />

Experience the Digi Difference2<br />

Schedule your<br />

FREE Assessment,<br />

Demo & Quote<br />

digiss.com<br />

130 The BLUES The BLUES 131

Key Management &<br />

Key Control Products<br />

All of our KeyWarden Security<br />

products are reliable, easy to use<br />

and expandable to meet your<br />

growing needs.<br />

Through seamless design,<br />

manufacturing and support, we<br />

have earned the reputation as<br />

the world leaders in security<br />

management products. We also<br />

write our own software to ensure<br />

system compatibility and performance.<br />

Every Morse Watchman’s<br />

product and system is meticulously<br />

designed and inspected to<br />

offer the latest in security technology<br />

and reliability.<br />


KeyWatcher Touch brings one touch key<br />

control to the KeyWatcher, one of our industry-leading<br />

electronic key cabinets. Our<br />

new big, bright 7″ touch screen key register<br />

systems give you an easier-to-use interface.<br />


The industry’s only key control system for<br />

fleet management applications, KeyWatcher<br />

Fleet puts you in command of vehicle<br />

distribution, comprehensive utilization,<br />

right-sizing of your fleet and much more.<br />


The KeyBank® key control system eliminates<br />

outdated key boxes and the paper<br />

chase created by outdated manual logs and<br />

provides extensive protection from liability<br />

issues.<br />

KeyWatcher Illuminated<br />

KeyWatcher Illuminated is a modular, scalable<br />

integrated key control and management<br />

solution that’s designed for interoperability<br />

with access control and other<br />

systems.<br />


<strong>No</strong>w get touchscreen convenience with<br />

KeyBank key access control system, the<br />

safer, more secure way to manage keys. The<br />

bright 7 touchscreen key organizer system<br />

gives you an easier-to-use interface.<br />

KeyWarden is the Texas distributor of Morse Watchmans industry-leading key and asset management systems. We are actively involved<br />

in the Texas Law Enforcement community as a founding member of the East Texas 100 club, and corporate members of the <strong>No</strong>rth Texas<br />

Police Chiefs Association, the East Texas Police Chiefs Association, the High Plains Police Chiefs Association, and the Central Texas Police<br />

Chiefs Association. We are proud to participate in the TEXAS SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE.<br />

THE KEYWATCHER TOUCH SYSTEM is deployed in the law enforcement environment to:<br />

• Securely dispense track and audit the use of keys to: vehicles, facilities, lockers and<br />

other high-value assets.<br />

• Prevent unauthorized staff from driving specialist vehicles, or racking up miles on the<br />

newer fleet while older units sit idle.<br />

• Allow management to compel the use of vehicle pools rather than staff controlling the<br />

keys to particular units.<br />

• Quicker and more efficient shift changes.<br />

• Control the keys to facilities and mandate accountability.<br />

• Managing and controlling access to assets stored in lockers.<br />

As a Texas-based company, we provide on site evaluation, implementation, training and support of the<br />

KeyWatcher System. We are also a member of BuyBoard and offer discounted pricing and ease of purchase.<br />

19015 Gentle Knoll<br />

San Antonio, Texas 78258<br />

Office: 830-214-0867 Fax: 775-898-1807<br />

www.keywarden.com - click here to email us<br />

132 The BLUES The BLUES 133



Planet Ford on I-45 in Spring, Texas has been<br />

the <strong>No</strong>. 1 Ford Dealer in the greater-Houston area<br />

for over 20 years.* Our Ford dealership earns<br />

this distinction year after year because our team<br />

makes our clients and their vehicle needs our top<br />

priority. Planet Ford is part of the award-winning<br />

World Class Automotive Group. The dealership<br />

has earned many top honors, including multiple<br />

Triple Crowns, which is bestowed upon only<br />

the best. In order to be recognized, a dealership<br />

must receive all of Ford’s top awards, including<br />

The President’s Award for customer service. Planet<br />

Ford has been redesigned from the ground up<br />

to provide a superior customer experience. Planet<br />

offers over 30 acres of new Ford inventory, Certified<br />

Pre-Owned Fords, pre-owned vehicles of all<br />

makes and models, as well as aftermarket and<br />

performance parts, service, commercial truck<br />

services, and collision repair. Beyond automotive<br />

services, the Randall Reed family and Planet team<br />

support and gives back to the community, from<br />

local charity events to sponsoring schools and<br />

veteran programs. Learn more at PlanetFord.com.<br />

134 The BLUES The BLUES 135<br />

134 The BLUES The BLUES 135

Supporting Law<br />

Enforcement in<br />

TEXAS<br />

Inset: Dan Rooney ProForce President<br />

Firearms and Tactical Equipment for Law Enforcement Professionals<br />

800-367-5855<br />

Supplying Law Enforcement<br />

Equipment for the State of TEXAS!<br />


ProForce’s commitment to providing excellent customer<br />

service is a key element in the company’s success<br />

throughout the western United States. As a relative newcomer<br />

in the state of TEXAS ProForce has been welcomed with open<br />

arms by the law enforcement community.<br />

ProForce’s relationships with top industry manufacturers<br />

and vendors, as well as their sales volume, allows them<br />

to negotiate better pricing to meet the budgetary needs<br />

of law enforcement agencies. While some vendors may<br />

not always have product availability in a timely manner.<br />

ProForce’s industry relationships and direct contact through<br />

vendor representatives, the sales team is able to suggest<br />

and provide alternatives to meet specific requirements of<br />

agencies, ensuring that the agency’s needs are always met.<br />

“<br />

Working with PROFORCE through the<br />

bidding and purchasing of the M&P 2.0’s was<br />

very easy and simple. We added the ACRO red<br />

dot along with the holster and the light. This<br />

purchase was simple and easy.<br />

The troops love the improvement to the 2.0<br />

and the red dot.<br />

Lt. Socha. Austin PD.<br />

“<br />

#X300U-A #13353 #200691<br />

The company features an excellent selection of high demand<br />

law enforcement firearms, equipment and accessories from<br />

great manufacturers such as:<br />

Axon/Taser, Aimpoint, Beretta, Colt, H&K, Bola Wrap,<br />

Bianchi, Smith & Wesson, Eotech, Daniel Defense,<br />

NightStick, Sig Sauer, Kimber, Otis, Defense Technology,<br />

Shadow Systems, Magpul, L3 Harris, Burris, Mossberg,<br />

Ruger, Streamlight, Safariland, Springfield, Blackhawk,<br />

Holosun, Trijicon, Vortex, Surefire, Us Peacekeeper ,OSS,<br />

Nightstick, FNH USA and UTM.<br />

Proforce takes great pride in distributing high quality public<br />

safety products from top tier manufacturers and this<br />

transaction has set a trend for many other law enforcement<br />

agencies in the State of Texas.<br />

Agency demonstrations, test and evaluation<br />

of products is available upon request. Ask us<br />

about trade-ins! We will buy your agency duty or<br />

confiscated firearms, any model and condition!<br />

First class customer support and quality service<br />

makes PROFORCE the number one choice for first<br />

responder equipment and accessories!<br />

Call (800) 367-5855<br />

Email: sales@proforceonline.com or<br />

visit our website<br />

www.proforceonline.com<br />



Designed, engineered, and manufactured in<br />

America, and ready to perform whenever<br />

and wherever the need arises. SIG SAUER<br />

is combining industry-leading product<br />

innovation with decades of battle-tested<br />

experience to engineer the toughest,<br />

and most accurate pistols, rifles, optics,<br />

suppressors, and ammunition for the<br />

military and federal agencies.<br />


4807 KIRBY DRIVE • HOUSTON, TEXAS • 713-524-<strong>38</strong>01<br />

12722 HWY. 3 • WEBSTER, TEXAS • 281-488-5934<br />

AUTO FACELIFTS is located on the South Side of<br />

Houston across from Ellington Airport. Auto Facelifts<br />

is an industry leader in auto upholstery in the Houston,<br />

TX area. We work on cars, trucks, and even boats,<br />

so no matter what you’re riding in, we can give it a<br />

facelift! Whether you’re looking for a new leather interior,<br />

carpet replacement, or auto detailing, we’ve got<br />

a package that will fit your needs. But we don’t stop<br />

there! We’ve also got an incredible selection of car and<br />

truck accessories to really take your vehicle to the next<br />

level. And, if that’s not enough, we can also provide<br />

you with premium car audio and car stereo equipment<br />

that will make your vehicle the talk of the town. Stop<br />

into Auto Facelifts and upgrade your ride today!<br />


Alan & Blake Helfman are the named and primary<br />

sponsor of The BLUES. For over 65 years the<br />

Helfman’s have supported local area law enforcement<br />

and supported The BLUES since our first issue.<br />

There is simply no better dealership in Houston<br />

to purchase your Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep,<br />

Ram or Ford product. The sales team provide<br />

honest, no BS pricing and their service department<br />

ranks among the top in the nation.<br />

Call Alan or Blake Helfman at 713-524-<strong>38</strong>01 when<br />

you are ready to purchase your next vehicle. It will<br />

be the best car buying experience you’ve ever had.<br />

CENTRAL POLICE SUPPLY is your source<br />

for the best in police equipment. Based<br />

in Houston, we supply law enforcement<br />

with the equipment they need.”<br />


serving Houston law enforcement for<br />

nearly 50 years with the absolute best<br />

customer service and quality products.<br />


located at 1410 Washington Ave, near<br />

downtown Houston, but you can<br />

purchase everything you need online<br />

at:https://www.centralpolice.com/<br />

1<strong>38</strong> The BLUES The BLUES 139


LE job posit ions<br />

City of Bulverde Police Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/07/2022 - 5pm<br />

Palo Pinto County Sheriff's Office Get Info Transport Deputy 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Austin Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Port Houston Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Bowie Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/12/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tx. Comptroller Criminal Investigation (Odessa) Get Info State Police Officer 12/13/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tx. Comptroller Criminal Investigation (Austin) Get Info State Police Officer 12/13/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tx. Comptroller (Abilene) - Criminal Investigations Get Info State Police Officer/ Investigator 12/13/2022 - 5pm<br />

DeWitt Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy <strong>11</strong>/16/2022 - 5pm<br />

City of Tyler Get Info Deputy City Marshall II <strong>11</strong>/19/2022 - 5pm<br />

Ransom Canyon Police Department Get Info Peace Officer <strong>11</strong>/18/2022 - 5pm<br />

University of the Incarnate Word Police Get Info Patrol Officer <strong>11</strong>/19/2022 - 5pm<br />

TSTC Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/25/2022 - 5pm<br />

Italy Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/18/2022 - 5pm<br />

Burnet Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

Rio Grande City Police Dept. Get Info Peace Officer <strong>11</strong>/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tulia POlice Dept. Get Info POlice Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Del Rio Police Department Get Info Certified (Lateral) Officers <strong>11</strong>/28/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tyler County Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hutto Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

DeLeon Police Department Get Info Police Chief <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

DeLeon Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

River Oaks Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Venus ISD Police Department Get Info Police Sergeant <strong>11</strong>/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Rusk Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/24/2022 - 5pm<br />

Lago Vista Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

Cross Roads Police Deparment Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

Portland Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

Katy Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/23/2022 - 5pm<br />

Abilene Christian University Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/25/2022 - 5pm<br />

San Antonio ISD Police Dept. Get Info Police Officers <strong>11</strong>/28/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hays County Sheriff's Office Get Info Mobile Crisis Liaison <strong>11</strong>/29/2022 - 5pm<br />

Brown County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy <strong>11</strong>/29/2022 - 5pm<br />

Josephine Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/29/2022 - 5pm<br />

Coleman Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/26/2022 - 5pm<br />

Leonard Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/29/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tom Green Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy <strong>11</strong>/29/2022 - 5pm<br />

Gillespie Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff <strong>11</strong>/30/2022 - 5pm<br />

Austin College Police Dept. Get Info F/T Police Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Austin College Police Dept. Get Info P/T Police Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Garza Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy <strong>11</strong>/15/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tarrant County Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 12/03/2022 - 5pm<br />

Pflugerville Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/03/2022 - 5pm<br />

Milam County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 12/04/2022 - 5pm<br />

Milam County Sheriff’s Office Get Info School Resource Officer 12/04/2022 - 5pm<br />

Austin ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/04/2022 - 5pm<br />

Klein ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/04/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hays Co. Const. Pct. 3 Get Info Deputy Constable <strong>11</strong>/07/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hansford Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy <strong>11</strong>/07/2022 - 5pm<br />

Mesquite Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/09/2022 - 5pm<br />

Cass Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff <strong>11</strong>/07/2022 - 5pm<br />

South West ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Somerville Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Bruceville-Eddy Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer 12/02/2022 - 5pm<br />

DFW Airport Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Upton County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Elm Ridge Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Milford Police Department Get Info Police Officer 12/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tyler Police Department Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/07/2022 - <strong>11</strong>pm<br />

Anson Police Department Get Info Police Chief <strong>11</strong>/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Colleyville Police Dept. Get Info Police Officers 12/02/2022 - 5pm<br />

City of Fort Worth Get Info Deputy City Marshal II <strong>11</strong>/13/2022 - 5pm<br />

Karnes Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 12/31/2022 - 5pm<br />

Lexington POlice Dept. Get Info POlice Cadet 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Lexington Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hearne Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 12/15/2022 - 5pm<br />

City of Bastrop Police Get Info Patrol Officer 12/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Texas Department of Insurance Get Info Sergeant/Investigator (Lubbock) 12/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Texas Department of Insurance Get Info Sergeant/Investigator (Dallas) 12/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Texas Department of Insurance Get Info Sergeant/Investigator (Austin) 12/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Johnson City Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer 12/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

City of Keller Get Info Police Officer 12/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Springtown Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer <strong>11</strong>/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Crowley Police Dept Get Info Lateral Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/18/2022 - 5pm<br />

Alamo Colleges Police Department Get Info Bike Patrol <strong>11</strong>/18/2022 - 5pm<br />

Texas Woman's University DPS Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/18/2022 - 5pm<br />

Karnes City Police Dept. Get Info School Resource Officer <strong>11</strong>/21/2022 - 5pm<br />

The Leader In Law Enforcement Recruitment<br />

Delivering ZERO COST solutions to<br />

Texas Public Safety Agencies.<br />

140 The BLUES The BLUES 141

Leon Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy <strong>11</strong>/30/2022 - 5pm<br />

Lindale Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer (3 positions) 12/19/2022 - 5pm<br />

Cedar Hills Marshal Office Get Info Deputy Marshal <strong>11</strong>/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

Burleson Police Dept. Get Info Police Officers <strong>11</strong>/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

Oak Ridge <strong>No</strong>rth Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officers 01/19/2023 - 5pm<br />

Mart ISD Police Dept. Get Info District Safety Chief of Police <strong>11</strong>/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

Office of the Inspector General - TJJD Get Info Corporal 12/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

Office if the Inspector General - TJJD Get Info Sergeant Investigator V 12/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

TABC - Enforcement<br />

Get Info Probationary Agent (CPO Position) <strong>11</strong>/21/2022 - 5pm<br />

Freestone Co. Attorney's Office Get Info Investigator <strong>11</strong>/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Spearman Police Dept. Get Info Chief of Police 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Spearman Police Dept. Get Info Patrolman 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Travis Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Law Enforcement Deputy <strong>11</strong>/25/2022 - 5pm<br />

Pleasanton Police Dept. Get Info Police Chief <strong>11</strong>/18/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hardeman Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy 12/16/2022 - 5pm<br />

West Columbia Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Bryan Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Keller Police Dept. Get Info School Resource Officer 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Mineola Police Dept. Get Info Peace Officer (2 positions) 12/28/2022 - 5pm<br />

Brownwood Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer Exam <strong>No</strong>tice 12/05/2022 - 5pm<br />

Austin Community College District Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer <strong>11</strong>/07/2022 - 5pm<br />

West Lake Hills Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 12/12/2022 - 5pm<br />

Buna ISD Police Dept. Get Info Chief of Police 12/01/2022 - 5pm<br />

Natalia Police Dept. Get Info F/T and Reserve Peace Officers 12/15/2022 - 5pm<br />

Decatur Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer <strong>11</strong>/25/2022 - 5pm<br />

Sunset Valley Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/01/2023 - 5pm<br />


Gillespie Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer <strong>11</strong>/30/2022 - 5pm<br />

Tarrant County Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer 12/03/2022 - 5pm<br />

Milam County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Jailer 12/04/2022 - 5pm<br />

Lee County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 12/05/2022 - 5pm<br />

Smith County Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer 12/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Rockwall Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer <strong>11</strong>/22/2022 - 5pm<br />

Travis Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Corrections Officer 12/20/2022 - 5pm<br />

Galveston Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Corrections Deputy 12/31/2022 - 5pm<br />


Tarrant Regional Water District Get Info Public Safety Specialist <strong>11</strong>/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

DeWitt Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Dispatcher <strong>11</strong>/16/2022 - 5pm<br />

Austin Police Department Get Info Telecommunicator <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

Lago Vista Police Department Get Info Dispatcher <strong>11</strong>/27/2022 - 5pm<br />

Katy Police Department Get Info Telecommunicator/Dispatcher <strong>11</strong>/23/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hays County Sheriff's Office Get Info Telecommunicator <strong>11</strong>/29/2022 - 5pm<br />

Austin ISD Police Department Get Info Dispatcher 12/04/2022 - 5pm<br />

Milam Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Dispatcher (2 openings) 12/04/2022 - 5pm<br />

Walker County Public Safety Communications Get Info Telecommunicator 12/02/2022 - 5pm<br />

Hemphill County Sheriff's Office Get Info Telecommunicator/ Officer 12/09/2022 - 5pm<br />

Mount Belvieu Police Department Get Info Dispatcher 12/<strong>11</strong>/2022 - 5pm<br />

Collin Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Dispatcher 04/<strong>11</strong>/2023 - 5pm<br />

Springtown Police Department Get Info Communications Officer <strong>11</strong>/17/2022 - 5pm<br />

Texas Woman's University DPS Get Info Dispatcher <strong>11</strong>/18/2022 - 5pm<br />

Kyle Police Dept. Get Info Telecommunicator <strong>11</strong>/23/2022 - 5pm<br />

League City Police Dept. Get Info Telecommunicator 12/31/2022 - 5pm<br />

Woodway Public Safety Dept.<br />

Get Info Public Safety Telecommunicator 12/31/2022 - 5pm<br />

Galveston Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Telecommunicator 12/31/2022 - 5pm<br />

142 The BLUES The BLUES 143

144 The BLUES The BLUES 145

146 The BLUES The BLUES 147

austin officers<br />

austin dispatch<br />

148 The BLUES The BLUES 149


• Paid Vacation<br />

• Sick Leave<br />

• Paid Holidays<br />

• Personal Days<br />

• Compensatory Days<br />

• Certification Pay<br />


now accepting applications for:<br />

Dispatcher<br />

Salary starting at $40,000,<br />

no experience required.<br />



OR<br />

Contact the Personnel<br />

Department at<br />

281-985-7571<br />

OR<br />

Contact Sergeant R. Hall at<br />

281-442-4923<br />


• Oral Board Panel Interview<br />

• Complete Personal History Statement<br />

• Psychological Evaluation<br />

• Medical Examination<br />

• Interview with the Chief of Police<br />

150 The BLUES The BLUES 151




$67,320/YEAR<br />

$1,500 SIGNING<br />


SALARY<br />

(YEARLY)<br />



Probationary Patrol Officer $67,320<br />

5 Year Patrol Officer $81,073<br />

9 Year Patrol Officer $93,694<br />

Annual salary increases up to a max of<br />

$93,694 with longevity pay<br />

Modified Lateral Pay Scale for Peace<br />

Officers from time at immediately<br />

preceding Law Enforcement Agency<br />


Intermediate PO Certification $92.08<br />

Advanced PO Certification $157.08<br />

Master's PO Certification $212.33<br />


(MONTHLY)<br />

Health Insurance<br />

Dental Insurance<br />

Vision Insurance<br />

Life Insurance<br />

Employee Wellness Center<br />

Training and Fitness Facility<br />

Retirement Plan (7% Mandatory with a<br />

2:1 match; 20 year retirement)<br />

457 Deferred Compensation Plan<br />

Tuition Assistance and Academy Tuition<br />

Reimbursement<br />

City Vehicle Program<br />

Uniforms/Equipment Provided with<br />

Annual Allowances<br />

15 Vacation days accrued per year<br />

(civil Service Status)<br />

10 City Holidays per year<br />

1 Personal day per year<br />

15 Sick days accrued per year<br />

15 days of Military Leave per year<br />


Associates $50<br />

Bachelors $100<br />

Master $125<br />


(MONTHLY)<br />

(MONTHLY)<br />

Relocation Expenses Reimbursed<br />

Bilingual in Spanish $50<br />

WWW.BPDCAREERS.ORG 281-420-5354 281-420-6660<br />

152 The BLUES The BLUES 153<br />

For additional information please scan the QR code to go to our recruiting website!

October 15<br />

October 15<br />

154 The BLUES The BLUES 155

Cuero Police Department<br />

<strong>No</strong>w Hiring for Patrol Officer Position<br />

Department Benefits<br />

13 Paid Holidays<br />

2 Weeks Paid Vacation<br />

Certification Pay<br />

100% Insurance Paid for Employees<br />

Retirement 2 to 1 match (20yr Retirement)<br />

FSA for Employees<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Equipment & Uniforms Provided Including Duty Weapon w/ Red Dot Sight<br />

Take Home Vehicle Within City Limits<br />

10 Hour Work Shifts<br />

Membership Paid to Local Gym<br />

Department Provided Training<br />

Off-duty Security Opportunities<br />

Cell Phone Stipend<br />

Starting Pay Depends on Qualifications<br />

Requirements: Must be TCOLE Certified or currently enrolled in an accredited Police<br />

Academy and pass a background investigation.<br />

156 The BLUES The BLUES 157<br />

Email TCOLE Personal History Statement to sellis@cityofcuero.com



Deer Park, Texas<br />


www.deerparktx.gov<br />

Police Officer<br />

Dispatcher<br />

Public Safety Attendant - Jailer<br />

Animal Control Officer<br />

Part time Crossing Guard<br />

Officer Sam Jammas 281-930-2121 or sjammas@deerparktx.org<br />

158 The BLUES The BLUES 159

Forney ISD<br />

Police Department<br />

NOW<br />

HIRING<br />

Police Officers<br />

Description<br />

School-based police officers work<br />

with school administrators, security<br />

staff, and faculty to ensure the safety<br />

and well-being of students at various<br />

campuses. This officer works as the<br />

main security arm of a school.<br />

Experience<br />

SBLE Experience preferred<br />

Demonstrate the ability to<br />

teach & engage with youth<br />

Requirements<br />

U.S. Citizen<br />

Accredited High School Diploma<br />

or equivalent<br />

Valid Texas Peace Officer License<br />

Valid Texas Driver's License<br />

Two or more years of college or<br />

advanced training preferred<br />

Positions starting<br />

at $29.89/hr<br />

Retention Stipends<br />

Clothing Allowance<br />

Health/Childcare Incentive<br />

Paid Training<br />

Lateral Entry<br />


www.forneyisd.net<br />

160 The BLUES The BLUES 161


COUNTY<br />


Seeking Individuals Who Are Interested in a Rewarding Career in Corrections<br />

Begin Your Career Today!<br />



Position: Corrections Deputy I<br />

Bureau/Division: Corrections/Jail<br />

Title/Rank: Corrections Deputy/Deputy I<br />

Reports to: Sergeant - Corrections<br />

Starting Salary: $47,715.20<br />


Maintains the security of the facility by conducting security checks, settling disputes, and performing cell searches and<br />

inspections; conducts outside perimeter checks.<br />

Preparation and proper completion in the documentation of inmate records.<br />

Issues inmate meals, clothing, linens, and personal items.<br />

Supervise inmate programs (recreational, legal, health care, visitation and religious services)<br />

Prepares reports on jail and inmate activities, enforce inmate handbook rules.<br />

Supervises inmates performing such assignments as cleaning and maintaining the jail facility and continuously observe<br />

locations and activities of inmates.<br />


High School / GED Certificate and must be at least 18 years of age.<br />

Must be a U.S. Citizen and resident of the contiguous United States for a period of time sufficient to conduct a<br />

background investigation.<br />

Must be able to work days, nights, weekends, holidays and mandatory shifts when needed.<br />

Must be able to work during natural disasters and or under declarations.<br />

Must possess a valid Texas driver's license and an acceptable driving record as determined by the Galveston County<br />

Sheriff's Office in effect at the time of application.<br />

Must have favorable employment history. All information given regarding past employment will be thoroughly checked<br />

Must have a stable credit history.<br />

Must possess good computer skills and demonstrate comprehensive reading and comprehension skills.<br />

<strong>No</strong> conviction above a Class B Misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the last 10 years nor have been on or<br />

currently on court-ordered community supervision or probation for any criminal offense and no Family Violence<br />

convictions of any level.<br />

Applicant must pass all phases of the required testing.<br />

Must be eligible for licensing by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) for the position applied for, if not<br />

presently licensed.<br />

TO APPLY<br />

An applicant interested in any of GCSO position shall first download, complete and return<br />

the Application Packet, per the instructions on the downloadable form.<br />

The Application Packet can be found at SHERIFF.GALVESTONCOUNTYTX.GOV<br />

162 The BLUES The BLUES 163<br />

JOIN US<br />


The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer<br />



164 The BLUES The BLUES 165


166 The BLUES The BLUES 167

WE ARE<br />

HIRING!<br />


• Free basic Medical, Dental and Vision insurance for<br />

employee<br />

• Free basic Life insurance<br />

• Long Term Disability (LTD)<br />

• Affordable Medical, Dental and Vision benefits for<br />

eligible family members<br />

• Flexible Spending Accounts<br />

• 10 paid holidays per year<br />

• Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) including 10 vacation<br />

days and 13 sick days per year accrued biweekly<br />


• Harris County matches your investment at 225%<br />

• 7% of your salary is invested pre-tax in your<br />

retirement account<br />

• Retirement Vesting after 8 years<br />

• Eligible upon earning 75 points (age+years of service)<br />





• Must be a licensed Peace Officer by the Texas Commission on Law<br />

Enforcement (TCOLE) in good standing<br />

• Must be currently employed as a first responder Peace Officer<br />

(any break in service will be discussed on a case-by-case basis)<br />

• Must have a minimum of 12 months of consecutive experience as<br />

a first responder Peace Officer at any one agency<br />

• Must successfully pass the Physical Abilities Test (PAT) obstacle<br />

course<br />

• Must pass a thorough background investigation (Criminal<br />

background check, fingerprinting, personal interview, etc.) as<br />

required by TCOLE<br />

• Must pass a physical and psychological evaluation as required by<br />

TCOLE<br />

• Valid Driver’s License (TX by start date)<br />

• Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color and<br />

peripheral vision<br />

• Correctable normal audible range in both ears<br />

• Firearms qualification<br />

For additional information contact Harris County Sheriff’s Office Recruitment Unit: (713) 877-5250<br />

<strong>No</strong>w Hiring<br />


TCOLE Certified Peace Officers<br />

Hutto ranked one of the<br />

safest cities in Texas.<br />

Our fast-growing City shows a trending decrease in crimes based<br />

on four offenses from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting.<br />

Additional Pay<br />

+ Education Pay up to $175/month<br />

+ Specialty/Certication up to $260/month<br />

Highlights<br />

Top-of-the-line Equipment<br />

and Technology<br />

Beards and Tattoos Allowed<br />

<strong>No</strong> Written Test for Most Lateral Officers<br />

Benets<br />

Retirement<br />

2-to-1 City match with TMRS<br />

Take-home Patrol Car<br />

For officers living within 25 miles<br />

Starting Salary<br />

$62K to $81K<br />

Annual Leave Accruals<br />

12 paid holidays, 80 hrs vacation, 96 hrs sick leave<br />

Multiple Positions Available<br />

A wide variety of units and assignments available<br />


DEPUTY I 0-47 $25.22 $52,458<br />

Intermediate $1,560<br />

Advanced $3,420<br />

DEPUTY II 48-83 $26.99 $56,139<br />

Master $6,000<br />


ANNUAL<br />

DEPUTY III 84-<strong>11</strong>9 $28.59 $59,467<br />

Associate Degree $1,320<br />

DEPUTY IV 120-155 $30.03 $62,462<br />

Bachelor’s Degree $3,180<br />

Master/Doctorate $4,500<br />

TO APPLY<br />

DEPUTY V 156-191 $31.52 $65,562<br />

Questions? Email: PDrecruiting@huttotx.gov<br />

168 The BLUES<br />

Bilingual Program $1,800<br />

Harris County<br />

The BLUES 169<br />

Receive up to fourteen (14) years of credit for time served! (Restrictions apply)<br />

@HCSOTexas<br />

HCSOTexas HCSOTexas @HCSOTexas<br />

Tenure agreement required.<br />


Sheriff’s Office<br />

To learn more or apply, visit or scan<br />

https: //linktr. ee/huttopd<br />

Sign On Bonus!<br />


L A P O R T E<br />

P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T<br />

Lateral Police Officer<br />

Starting Pay $ 62,416. to $73,775.<br />

Effective October 1, 2022<br />

<strong>No</strong> prior experience required. High School diploma or GED required.<br />

Possession of Class C Texas Driver License.<br />

Must possess a TCOLE License or be enrolled in accredited Basic Peace Officer Academy.<br />

Certification Pay (bi-weekly):<br />

$46.15 - Intermediate Peace Officer<br />

$69.23 - Advanced Peace Officer<br />

$92.31 - Master Peace Officer<br />

Education Pay (bi-weekly):<br />

$46.15 - Associates Degree<br />

$69.23 - Bachelors Degree<br />

$92.31 - Masters Degree<br />

Employee Benefits:<br />

Medical / Dental / Vision Insurance<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Tuition Reimbursement<br />

TMRS Retirement (2 to 1 match)<br />

ICMA Deferred Compensation/Roth IRA<br />

$1,000 Physical Fitness Program<br />

Weapon Purchase Program<br />

Take-home Vehicles<br />

Specialized Divisions:<br />

SWAT / Bomb Squad<br />

Bike Patrol<br />

Criminal Investigative Division<br />

Crime Scene Unit<br />

Drone Pilots<br />

School Resource Officers<br />

Traffic/DOT Officers<br />

Police Area Representatives<br />

Apply online at<br />

www.laportetx.gov/jobs<br />

Paid Leave Benefits<br />

15 days vacation (Civil Service)<br />

15 days sick leave<br />

Military Leave<br />

9 observed holidays per year<br />

2 employee holidays per year<br />

Bereavement Leave<br />

Comp Time<br />

170 The BLUES The BLUES 171

172 The BLUES The BLUES 173


Patrol Officer<br />

The City of Manvel Police Department is looking to find qualified candidates to fill the ranks of the patrol division.<br />

The City of Manvel is a rapidly growing and diverse community. The current population is estimated at a little over 16000 and is located in the<br />

northern part of Brazoria County along the State Highway 288 corridor approximately 4 miles South of the City of Houston.<br />

The Manvel Police Department has a competitive pay structure for cities of the same size. Salary is based on experience and certification levels.<br />

• The department currently has 32 sworn positions.<br />

• 18 officers currently in patrol with 8 positions added in this fiscal budget year.<br />

• Patrol Salary: $53,704.56 to $68,031.84. Salary is based off experience and certification.<br />

• Certification pay<br />

• 12-hour shifts / shifts rotate every four months. (Modified Dupont Schedule)<br />

• Retirement through TMRS - 7% contribution with a 2:1 match<br />

• Vested after 5 years with the city<br />

• Employee health coverage paid 100% by the city, additional for family<br />

• Health care for employee and eligible dependents through Prime Health Care.<br />

• Personal Time off – Vacation and Holiday accruals<br />

• Paid sick time<br />

Minimum Requirements:<br />

• High school diploma or GED<br />

• Valid Texas Driver’s License with good driving record<br />

• TCOLE certified OR currently enrolled in Academy program<br />

• Preference for LE experience<br />

Hiring Process Includes:<br />

• Written test*<br />

• Physical test *<br />

• Oral board interview*<br />

• Thorough background investigation<br />

• Modified Field Training Program for experienced officers<br />

• One-year probationary period<br />

For more information you can contact The City of Manvel Police Department at 281-489-1212 or email, rcarrlacy@manvelpd.org<br />

174 The BLUES The BLUES 175

Memorial Villages Police Department<br />

Bunker Hill • Piney Point• Hunters Creek<br />

Police Officer<br />

EOE/M/F/D<br />

5+ Years Patrol Experience Required<br />

The Memorial Villages Police Department (Located on the West Side of Houston) currently<br />

looking for experienced officers who are self- motivated, innovative, and enthusiastic about<br />

community policing.<br />

Starting Salary Range<br />

Effective Jan 2023<br />

Hiring Bonus $1500<br />

Night Shift Differential $3600<br />

ECA $1300<br />

Basic Peace Officer<br />

Starting $83,459<br />

Hiring Bonus $1500<br />

Night Shift Differential $3600<br />

Master Peace Officer<br />

ECA $1300<br />

Bi-Lingual 2.5% of base pay<br />

College up to $3000 (Masters)<br />

Up to $94,164<br />

Healthcare Insurance, DHMO Dental, Vision – 100% paid for employee, 75% Paid for<br />

spouse/dependents.<br />

Paid long-term disability and life insurance for employee, with additional life insurance<br />

available for spouse/dependents.<br />

Health Savings Account with departmental contributions up to $4200 annually<br />

TMRS Retirement 2 to 1 match, 7% Employee ,14% Employer Contribution, 20 Year Retirement<br />

457 Plan with employer contribution of 2.5% of annual salary<br />

Tuition reimbursement<br />

Longevity Pay up to a max of $2400 annually at 10 years of service.<br />

ECA (Emergency Care Assistant) $1300 Annually, training provided to each employee.<br />

12 hour shifts with every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.<br />

To learn more or apply, visit our website at www.mvpdtx.org<br />

Or contact Sgt. Owens 713-365-37<strong>11</strong> or lowens@mvpdtx.org<br />

Or Commander E. Jones 713-365-3706 ejones@mvpdtx.org<br />

<strong>11</strong>981 Memorial Dr. Houston, Texas 77024<br />

176 The BLUES The BLUES 177

178 The BLUES The BLUES 179

MAKE A<br />


IN YOUR<br />


We are looking for outstanding individuals to<br />

join our team! As a Pearland Police Officer your<br />

mission will be to prevent crime and disorder, build<br />

partnerships within the community, and positively<br />

impact the quality of life for all our residents.<br />


• Competitive Salary • Outstanding Training<br />

• Career Advancement • Exceptional Benefits<br />

The City of Pearland is one of the fastest growing<br />

communities within the region. Pearland is located<br />

approximately 20 minutes south of Downtown Houston<br />

and the current population is approximately 130,000<br />

residents.<br />



$5,000 Hiring Incentive for T.C.O.L.E Certified Police<br />

Officers who qualify with at least 2 years of experience.<br />

TEST DATE:<br />

SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 8:30 A.M.<br />

Register by: April 12.<br />


Pearland Recreation Center & Natatorium<br />

4141 Bailey TEST Road, DATES Pearland, TX IN 77584. 2022<br />

Doors Open: 7:15 a.m. <strong>No</strong> admittance after 7:45 a.m.<br />

Candidates must park in the north parking lot.<br />


• Attendance limited to first 150 arrivals<br />

• Mandatory temperature checks<br />

• Masks required, hand sanitizer available<br />

• Candidates seated 6 feet apart<br />

180 The BLUES For additional information and to register for an upcoming Civil Service Exam, The BLUES visit 181<br />


pasadena<br />

isd<br />

182 The BLUES The BLUES 183



WE ARE<br />

HIRING<br />

SIGN UP TODAY! www.porthouston.com/careers-2<br />


• Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance<br />

eligible first day of employment<br />

• Wellness Program<br />

(can earn up to $600 credit per year if requirements met)<br />

• Enrollment with Calm App for Wellbeing<br />

• Defined contribution plan (401a)<br />

– Employer Sponsored<br />

• Deferred Compensation Plan (457 Plan)<br />

– Employee Contributions<br />

• Vacation<br />

• Sick Leave<br />

• Paid Holiday 12 days/year<br />

• Life and Accidental Death and<br />

Dismemberment Insurance<br />

• Short Term and Long-Term Disability Benefits<br />

• Flexible spending account (FSA)<br />

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)<br />

• Pet Insurance<br />

• Legal and Identity Theft Protection<br />

• Tuition Reimbursement<br />

Up to the IRS annual limit and a maximum lifetime<br />

reimbursement of $25,000<br />

• Onsite Credit Union – Port of Houston Credit Union<br />

Are you looking for a career with meaning?<br />

Do you want to make a difference in a highly<br />

supportive community?<br />

Join our team at Port Houston!<br />


$60,000 up to $71,000<br />


• Must be 21 years old<br />

• Must have 2+ years of police officer<br />

experience<br />

• Must have valid Texas Driver’s License<br />

• Must be a U.S. Citizen<br />

• Must have an honorable discharge<br />

from the military (if applicable)<br />

• Must never have been convicted of a<br />

Class A Misdemeanor or above<br />



Employment is contingent on passing<br />

any post-offer pre-employment<br />

screening as listed below:<br />

• Criminal background check<br />

• Motor Vehicle Record check<br />

• Drug screening<br />

• Physical exam<br />

• Psychological exam<br />

SCAN<br />

QR CODE<br />

TO APPLY<br />

• <strong>No</strong>t been convicted of a Class B<br />

• Additional as required<br />

* Salary depends on experience<br />

misdemeanor within the last 10 years<br />

• Must have a GED or high school diploma<br />

184 The BLUES The BLUES 185

186 The BLUES The BLUES 187

City of Wylie<br />

Police Department<br />


<strong>No</strong>n Certified Police Recruit Pay : $62, 370.00<br />



1 Year—Step 0 $66, 626.06<br />

2 Years—Step 1 $68, 291.71<br />

3 Years—Step 2 $69, 999.00<br />

4 Years—Step 3 $71, 748.98<br />

5 Years—Step 4 $73, 542.70<br />

6 Years—Step 5 $75, <strong>38</strong>1.27<br />

7 Years—Step 6 $77, 265.80<br />

8 Years—Step 7 $79, 197.45<br />

9 Years—Step 8 $81, 177.<strong>38</strong><br />

10+Years—Step 9 $83, 206.82<br />


Certification Pay: Up to $1,800 annually<br />

Field Training Officer Pay: $2, 400 annually<br />

Bilingual Pay: $1 ,200 annually<br />

• Complete and submit a City of Wylie<br />

job application: https://<br />

www.governmentjobs.com/careers/<br />

wylietexas<br />

• Written Exam (exempt for Laterals)<br />

• Physical Agility Test<br />

• Complete and submit a Personal<br />

History Statement<br />

• Oral Board Panel Interview<br />

• Background Investigation<br />

• Police Chief Interview<br />

• Polygraph Examination<br />

• Psychological Evaluation<br />

• Medical Examination<br />


Wylie Police Department<br />

2000 <strong>No</strong>rth Hwy 78<br />

Wylie, TX 75098<br />

Sergeant Mark Johnson<br />

mark.johnson@wylietexas.gov<br />

972-429-8013<br />

• City Paid Medical/Dental/Vision<br />

• Texas Municipal Retirement System<br />

(TMRS) 14% City Contribution<br />

• Paid Time Off (Vacation and Sick Time)<br />

• City Paid Uniforms<br />

• City Paid Training<br />

• Life Insurance and AD&D<br />

• Long Term Disability Insurance<br />

• Employee Assistance Program<br />

• Longevity Pay<br />

• Tuition Reimbursement<br />

• Free Recreation Center Membership<br />

• Deferred Compensation Plan<br />

• Ancillary Benefits Available (Aflac,<br />

Avesis, and More)<br />

Thanks<br />

Welcome Aboard<br />

Hempstead Police Dept. &<br />

Brenham Police Department<br />

Humble ISD Police Dept.<br />

for placing your and recruiting the ads<br />

Washington The County BLUES. Sheriff’s Office<br />

Wylie Police Department Mission: Our mission is to impact the quality of life, by providing a professional<br />

level of service that will foster, support, and build relationships with those we serve.<br />

https://www.wylietexas.gov/police.php<br />

188 The BLUES The BLUES 189


$56,160 $57,824 $60,008 $62,400 $64,792 $67,184 $69,680 $72,<strong>38</strong>4 $74,880 $77,480 $80,080<br />

High School Diploma<br />

or G.E.D.<br />

Minimum age of 21<br />

Must hold a valid<br />

Texas Driver’s License<br />

Current valid TCOLE<br />

certification<br />

At Hire<br />

At<br />

6 mos.<br />

end<br />

year 1<br />

end<br />

year 2<br />

end<br />

year 3<br />

end<br />

year 4<br />

end<br />

year 5<br />

end<br />

year 6<br />

end<br />

year 7<br />

end<br />

year 8<br />

end<br />

year 9<br />




$3,000<br />

190 The BLUES The BLUES 191

192 The BLUES

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