How the YouTube Algorithm Really Works

How the YouTube Algorithm Really Works How the YouTube Algorithm Really Works: What You Need to Know So you’ve finally managed to finish that video you’ve been meaning to upload for the last few weeks. You stare at your desktop, wondering if anyone will watch it. https://www.digistore24.com/redir/299134/JohnYourMom/ YouTube, Youtube algorithm, YouTube Algorithm Works, Youtube marketing, video marketing #YouTube #Youtubealgorithm #YouTubeAlgorithmWorks #Youtubemarketing #videomarketing

How the YouTube Algorithm Really Works

How the YouTube Algorithm Really Works: What You Need to Know
So you’ve finally managed to finish that video you’ve been meaning to upload for the last few weeks. You stare at your desktop, wondering if anyone will watch it.


YouTube, Youtube algorithm, YouTube Algorithm Works, Youtube marketing, video marketing

#YouTube #Youtubealgorithm #YouTubeAlgorithmWorks #Youtubemarketing #videomarketing


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How the YouTube Algorithm Really Works: What You

Need to Know

Photo by Simon on Pixabay

So you’ve finally managed to finish that video you’ve been meaning to upload for the last few weeks. You stare at your

desktop, wondering if anyone will watch it. And then you remember: everyone and their grandmother is uploading

videos these days. There are millions of videos on YouTube, and with billions of users, how will yours stand out? Luckily

for you (and unfortunately for everyone else), there’s an algorithm that determines which videos are recommended and

which are buried in obscurity. With so many people uploading so many videos, it’s no longer a matter of if your video

will be buried, but rather when. If you want to give yourself the best chance of being discovered by new viewers, read

on to learn more about how this algorithm works, as well as some tips on how to make sure your video stands out from

the crowd.

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How the YouTube Algorithm Works

One of the most important things to remember about the YouTube algorithm is that it is highly secretive. While the

algorithm behind Google is ever-changing based on what people are searching for, what’s going viral, and general

trends, the YouTube algorithm is much more fixed. The team behind YouTube has never released a full-fledged

algorithm that explains how it works, but they have released some details. Because the algorithm is based on views,

watch time, click-through rate (CTR), and other factors, there are ways to manipulate it. There are also ways to avoid

being manipulated by the algorithm. This can be difficult, especially for new YouTubers who are trying to gain traction

in a very competitive space.

Understanding the Importance of Watch Time

The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to the YouTube algorithm is that it heavily favors watch time, or how long

a viewer watches your video for. While this may seem counterintuitive, there are a couple of reasons for this. For one,

YouTube has to take into account the fact that some people will only watch a video for the length of a commercial

break. If you’re a YouTuber who makes money from advertising, this is especially important. One of the easiest ways to

manipulate the YouTube algorithm, as well as the Google algorithm, is to make sure your video is as short as possible.

By recommending videos that people can “binge” on, they’re more likely to stay on the website longer and click on

other suggested videos.

Which Videos Are Recommended?

There are many factors that go into which videos are recommended to users, but the most important ones are watch

time and retention rate. If someone watches more than half of your video, it has a higher chance of being

recommended. If a user has already watched a lot of similar videos, your video will have a higher chance of being

recommended compared to a new user. Another factor that can affect which videos are recommended is how many

“positive” reactions the video gets. If a user watches your video and clicks “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”, that can

affect the algorithm. While your video may be buried far away from view, it may be recommended to other users.

Which Videos Are Viewed?

If someone watches more than half of your video, it has a chance of being recommended. However, there are other

factors that can affect how many views your video gets. When a user first clicks on a recommended video, they have to

keep watching for it to count as a view. If they click “exit” before the view is counted, that view will not be counted

towards your total. This can cause a discrepancy between what’s actually being watched and what’s being counted as a

view. Another factor that will affect how many views your video gets is the number of “positive” reactions the video

gets. If a user watches your video and clicks “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”, that can affect the algorithm.

Which Videos Are Discovered?

YouTube users can choose to “recommend” your video. If they do so, it will appear in the “What to Watch” feed and can

be seen by other users. This can help your video reach a wider audience and be discovered by people who may not

otherwise watch it. If someone watches your video and “thumbs up”, it increases the chance of it being recommended

and being discovered by other users. One thing to keep in mind when it comes to discovery is that it is separate from

recommendation. Recommendation is based on watch time, retention, and number of “positive” reactions. Discovery is

more about what the user is specifically looking for.

Tips to Help Your Video Stand Out from the Crowd

Now that you understand the algorithm that powers YouTube and what it values, you can make sure your videos are put

in the best position to succeed. Here are a few things you can keep in mind when uploading videos. - Make sure your

video is as long as it needs to be. The ideal length of a video depends on the type of video you’re making. If you’re

making a video that’s informative and you want to ensure you cover everything, make it as long as it needs to be. If

you’re making a video that’s meant to be more engaging, keep it short and sweet. You want to keep the viewer engaged

and coming back for more. - Make sure your title and description are worth clicking on. The algorithm takes into

account the title and description of your video. Make sure these things don’t just say what the video is about but also

make people want to click on it. - Make your video look professional. The more professional your video looks, the more

likely it is to be recommended. - Make sure your channel is consistent. While each video should be different, the

channel as a whole should have a consistent theme. This will help your channel grow and make it easier for viewers to

know what to expect from your content. - Have a plan for your channel. Make sure you know what you’re aiming to do

with your channel. Are you trying to make money exclusively off of your videos or are you trying to build a fanbase?

Having a goal in mind will make it easier to create content that helps you reach your goals. - Be consistent with

uploading. The more consistent you are with uploading, the more likely your videos are to be recommended. This will

help you reach your goals faster and make it easier to gain a following.


At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that the algorithm behind YouTube is ever-changing. What works one

day may not work the next. The most important thing you can do is make sure you’re putting your best foot forward. If

you keep these points in mind, you’ll have a better chance of standing out from the crowd. At the very least, you’ll be

able to avoid being buried in obscurity under a mountain of other videos.

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