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Inside the LMA

Director’s Viewpoint



Happy November! Thanksgiving is

almost here, football is in full swing,

festival season abounds, and never

is Louisiana’s great outdoors a more

enjoyable place to be and to see.

Before I delve into my thoughts on being thankful, I’d like

to pause and honor the many men and women of our

military, who we’ll take time to recognize on November

11 for Veteran’s Day. So much sacrifice, dedication, and

unselfish giving seems a strange thing to recognize on

only one day a year, so I ask that this year you make a

pledge to yourselves. Honor them on Veteran’s Day, of

course, but in a world seeing more tumultuous times,

and all branches of our US military seeing more need

for service, I ask that you keep them with you always,

as they protect our democracy and our freedoms every

day. There is great honor in military service, so I ask that

we keep sending positivity and respect to those who put



7731 Office Park Blvd.

Baton Rouge, LA 70809

(225) 295-1200 (225) 295-1800 (fax)

Ronnie Hebert, Chairman

Daniel Hebert, President

Brady Sessums, Vice President

Joseph Hebert

Christian Primeaux

Chad Robinson


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service above self in an effort to keep us all protected.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Let us remember that,

as much has been given us, much will be expected from

us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well

as from the lips and shows itself in deeds.” It is with

resounding thanks and admiration that I can see how

much action is put into the words of our municipal leaders.

I’ve been with the LMA a long time, so you’d think I’d

be used to impressive ways you all tackle problems, face

issues head-on, and turn dreams into realities. But I’m

still as amazed now at seeing the innovative, courageous,

and bold ways you each put words into practice. You are,

all of you, beacons of hope for so many in your communities.

I firmly believe you’re all doing Roosevelt proud.

I’m thankful this year for leaders like Mayor Camardelle

of Grand Isle who never seems to falter when faced

with adversity. I encourage you each to read the article

in this month’s edition that goes into detail on a serious

insurance issue the town is facing. It’s why the work

that RMI’s Patrick Cronin is doing is so valuable in attempting

to create our first Self-Insured Property Fund

that could aid communities struggling with unexpected

needs. I’m grateful for his efforts, and those of our LMA

President, Mayor Jennifer Vidrine, as she’s been behind

the scenes, making calls and attempting to find ways to

assist Mayor Camardelle.

I’m thankful for men like LMA Past President Pete

Heine, a man I call not just a colleague, but a friend. We

highlight him this month, as we recently unveiled our

boardroom in his honor. He’s had an incredible life and

made a name as a man willing to focus on people rather

than his own recognition. I know he’s a role model for

many of us within the LMA family.

And I am most thankful for my wife Camille, my family,

and my friends. They make me a better man with the

passing of every day. And then there’s all of you. I am

proud to advocate on your behalf and to work with you

as Louisiana moves forward. There is always work to be

done, but your willingness to do that work is a motivation

like no other. I look forward to the continuation

of that work as we face whatever lies ahead, and I am

thankful, grateful, and blessed for the opportunity to

do so.

We are a family, and I give thanks for that. Together we

are #LMAStrong.

LMR | NOVEMBER 2022 Page 3

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