OGL Oil and Gas Extraction 101

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E D I T O R ‘ S N O T E

The process of natural

gas extraction has been

around for many years

and is nothing new. So

what’s the fuss about natural

gas extraction? Some say

that the process of hydraulic

fracturing, or fracking, used to

extract natural gas from shale

formations deep underground,

can cause earthquakes,

contaminate drinking water,

and pollute the air. However,

there is little evidence to

support these claims.

The Process: How Is It


Oil and gas extraction is

the process of removing

these natural resources from

the ground. It is a complex

process that involves drilling,

pumps, and pipelines. The

extracted oil and gas are then

transported to refineries, where

they are processed into usable


Oil and gas extraction

techniques have been

happening for centuries, but

they have only become more

widespread and industrialized

in recent years. This has led to

environmental concerns, as the

process can cause water and

air pollution.

The Benefits: Why Do

We Do It?

Natural gas extraction is vital

to our economy and way of life.

Here are the top five benefits of

natural gas extraction:

1. Natural gas is a cleaner

burning fossil fuel than coal or

oil, emitting less carbon dioxide

into the atmosphere.

2. It is a domestic energy

source, which reduces our

What’s The Fuss About

Natural Gas Extraction?

dependence on foreign oil.

3. Natural gas extraction creates

jobs – both in the extraction

process and in manufacturing

industries that use natural gas

as a feedstock.

Natural gas extraction comes

with a number of benefits. First

and foremost, natural gas is

a domestic energy source,

which reduces our reliance on

foreign oil. Additionally, natural

gas is a clean-burning fuel,

emitting less carbon dioxide

and other pollutants than coal

or oil. Furthermore, natural gas

extraction creates jobs in the

United States and generates

revenue for state and local


The Costs: What Are

The Environmental


Natural gas is becoming

increasingly popular as

an energy source due to

its relatively low cost and

emissions. However, natural

gas extraction can have

significant environmental

impacts, including water and air

pollution, methane emissions,

and habitat destruction. These

impacts must be considered

when weighing the costs

and benefits of natural gas


The Future: Where Do

We Go From Here?

With the world’s oil and gas

resources running low, it is

becoming increasingly difficult

and expensive to extract

these fossil fuels. As a result,

there is a growing need to find

alternative sources of energy.

One potential solution is to

extract oil and gas from shale

formations. This process,

known as fracking, has already

been used extensively in the

United States and is now being

used in other countries as well.

However, fracking is not without

its problems.


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