SHILL Issue 80

Solana ecosystem magazine.

Solana ecosystem magazine.


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ISSUE #<strong>80</strong><br />

◎0.25<br />

MAyhem<br />

culturehacker<br />

blood bits<br />

The_a08<br />

subey art<br />

l0sxs0l<br />

nft comeback<br />

LambolandNFT<br />

what i found<br />

L0SxS0L<br />

GHostkid<br />

pixelbatu<br />

scalp<br />

empire<br />

bearlabs<br />

& MUCH more

ISSUE<br />


4 10<br />

52<br />

53<br />

60<br />

62<br />

86 90<br />


MAYHEM<br />

CultureHacker update #alpha<br />


StepanHlinka on doing it better.<br />


nft_god with writing tips #alpha<br />


LamboLandNFT looks at what it takes to<br />

make it.<br />

SQUADS v3<br />

SquadsProtocol announces major<br />

facelift. #alpha<br />

SUBEY art<br />

L0SxS0L looks at what makes Subey special<br />

BLOOD bits<br />

The_AO8 looks at NFT through a different<br />

lens - literally #alpha<br />

96 GHOSTkid<br />

120<br />

pixelbatu explains the benefits of being a<br />

Ghostkid holder #alpha<br />


Bearlabs review #alpha<br />


<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>80</strong><br />

#<strong>SHILL</strong> has its own NFTs up for auction on Exchange.art and now Formfunction! Proceeds go to helping this<br />

magazine grow and become better. All the World's a Stage is live now https://exchange.art/pixeltoy/ and Do<br />

You See Me? https://formfunction.xyz/@Pixeltoy.sol/<br />

A special shoutout to @alphaomega8 for their current SINUS RHYTHM 2 edition mint. AlphaOmega has DM<br />

#<strong>SHILL</strong>zine to offer sales profits to support the magazine. Totally out of the blue and greatly appreciated.<br />

Here's to hoping the 10 editions mint out!<br />

A hectic week. A few purchases for the #<strong>SHILL</strong>zine vault (as shown here). I had 2 magazines to publish for IRL<br />

work plus an all day zoom meeting on Saturday meaning I lose about 8hrs that I would have put into the zine.<br />

PLUS, it's my birthday!<br />

Ready to dive in?<br />

Enough said. You know the drill.<br />

@Pixeltoy<br />

Sinus Rhythm 2 @alphaomega8<br />

Eating Colors @arielgricio The Justice @arielgricio

Cyberobama @mirandaparkerart<br />

My robbery @ArielGricio


@sp00n1cus<br />

40.8k followers<br />

Talked with a number of project founders<br />

who received 0 royalties since ME's<br />

update. Many have revenue streams built on<br />

B2B which are nose diving because projects<br />

are cutting out services while royalties<br />

dry up. Mods and CMs the first on the<br />

chopping block as projects make cuts.<br />

f@#k art

Keep your eyes on...<br />


PixelPenguinDAO<br />

Secret Sphinx Society

https://twitter.com/culturehacker<br />

As I prepare to drop MAYHEM on OCT 26th. A dark & twisted tale that is told through 1/1’s, 12” vinyl & limited<br />

editions I wanted to share my experimentation in the space & what I’ve learned.<br />

I got into NFTs almost 2 years ago. I consider minting to be an extension of my creative process. I feel that creativity<br />

rests at the edge of failure and I often find that you learn more from what breaks.<br />

For instance, I tried to do an everyday art project in 2019 and failed, tried in 2020 failed again. But have been<br />

going strong since 2021. Today marks my 662 day! Hard at first but over time has become part of a daily routine.<br />

It’s freeing not to worry about perfection.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

I’m a storyteller having worked as a writer/director/producer of films, tv and games for over 20 years. The development<br />

process within the entertainment industry is slow and exploitative.<br />

I’m currently using NFTs to R&D new storyworlds, IP and methods to reach and collaborate with communities.<br />

Web3 enables a rapid iterative development cycle for storytelling/entertainment that is at odds with the traditional<br />

permission-based culture that exists in Hollywood.<br />

My experiments have shown me the value of storytelling, immersion, and community. My focus is connecting<br />

virtual and IRL I believe that’s how more people will enter the ecosystem. To me that is utility.<br />

Back in the summer I released ODYSSEY a deep space psychological thriller meets escape room where 1/1’s and<br />

limited-edition art impacts the experience. What you collect and who you play with makes the experience different<br />

each time.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


I’ve learned that agency is critical. That mixing something<br />

innovative with something familiar can greatly<br />

enhance engagement. If something is too innovative<br />

you loose people and if it’s too familiar it’s boring and<br />

people detach.<br />

After a number of successful escape room prototypes<br />

I’m going to expand the project. I’m currently taking<br />

what I’ve learned and will be releasing ODYSSEY 2.0 in<br />

November.<br />

The result is a glitch art inspired experience where<br />

players immersive themselves in the ODYSSEY storyworld<br />

as they play, they unlock opportunities to collect<br />

pieces that are uncovered throughout the experience.<br />

of decentralized art.<br />

The first wknd of each month we invite artists to join<br />

us in creating a new DAM issue of the magazine. Each<br />

issue has a different theme. We’re about to start the<br />

6th issue #DAMselfie<br />

By coming together monthly we learn from each other<br />

and experiment with how we make and sell work. We<br />

also amplify each other’s art - together we bring more<br />

attention to artists working at all levels.<br />

If you’ve read this far thank you! I’m always up for a<br />

collab so if you want to experiment my DM is always<br />

open.<br />

I’ve also come to learn the value of community. When<br />

@lowbrownative and I started @DAMzine the goal<br />

was to celebrate the creation, discovery and collection<br />

12<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>






































https://twitter.com/stepanhlinka<br />

This took me 5 years to learn. I’ll teach it to you in 2<br />

minutes Here are 42 sentences that’ll make you more<br />

money than a $131,600 business degree:<br />

Your customer’s fear of loss is more<br />

powerful than their desire for gain.<br />

Don’t sell the product, sell the outcome.<br />

Don’t lower your prices, increase your<br />

value.<br />

Start with a narrow niche first and expand<br />

later.<br />

Desirable outcome + proof + scarcity +<br />

urgency + guarantee + bonuses = irresistible<br />

offer.<br />

Don’t rely on social media, build your<br />

email list.<br />

Story is the most powerful marketing<br />

weapon.<br />

If you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll<br />

end up appealing to no one.<br />

Ask for the sale every single day.<br />

100 ideal followers are more valuable<br />

than 10,000 random followers.<br />

Use retargeting ads to show content and<br />

offers to all website visitors & followers,<br />

it prints money.<br />

Email your list at least 1x a week.<br />

Always pre-sell your offer before building<br />

it.<br />

The greatest skill you can develop is<br />

decreasing the time between idea and<br />

execution.<br />

People buy with emotion (stories), then<br />

justify with logic (statistics, graphs,<br />

data).<br />

Study psychology, persuasion, and copywriting.<br />

98% of people are not ready to buy now,<br />

but if you keep showing up, they might<br />

buy later.<br />

Most money is in the follow-up.<br />

The goal of your front-end offer is to<br />

acquire new customers, not to make a<br />

profit.<br />

The goal of your back-end offer is to<br />

make a profit.<br />

Focus on building a monthly recurring<br />

revenue so you don’t start each month<br />

at $0.<br />

The goal of your marketing is to make<br />

your prospects feel understood.<br />

Respond with “I completely understand”<br />

to every objection from a prospect.<br />

Your job on a sales call is to ask specific<br />

questions, shut up and listen.<br />

Best-known product will beat the best<br />

product every single time.<br />

It is not how much you make; it is how<br />

much you keep.<br />

He or she who can afford to spend the<br />

most to acquire a new customer win.<br />

Never compromise your reputation for<br />

money.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

https://twitter.com/nft_god<br />

Action items: 1. Use white space 2. Shorten sentences<br />

3. Vary sentence length 4. Eliminate blocks<br />

of long text 4. Ascending sentence sizes look cool<br />

Punchiness The number one rule in life is don’t be<br />

boring. You need to feel like you’ve been slapped<br />

in the face when you read your tweet Use words<br />

that aren’t boring: • Critical • Instantly • Simple<br />

Action Items: 1. Review all tweets before posting<br />

2. Make sure the first and last lines punch you in<br />

the gut 3. If they don’t, either reformat or reword<br />

the tweet<br />

Simplicity > Complexity Don’t try to outsmart<br />

people on Twitter People aren’t on this dopamine<br />

factory to feel dumb They want to get information<br />

as quickly and simply as possible If the choice is<br />

between simple or smart, always go simple<br />

Action Items: 1. Eliminate long or complex words<br />

2. Eliminate anything that isn’t the core concept<br />

of your tweet 3. Get rid of descriptors and details<br />

that don’t matter 4. Get to the point as quickly as<br />

you can<br />

Replies I’ve long preached replies are critical for<br />

Twitter growth in order to expand your audience,<br />

you need to be viewed on other accounts Quality<br />

is important not just for tweets, but also replies<br />

Replies need to: • Stand alone • Be retweetable •<br />

Slap hard<br />

Action Items: 1. Apply all the previous rules to<br />

replies 2. Make the reply stand alone. If people<br />

didn’t see the original tweet, would they still<br />

understand your reply? 3. Make a daily routine of<br />

replying. I set aside 10 minutes a night for replies.<br />

Writing is a skill just like anything else Improvement<br />

requires repetitions Take these tips and I<br />

promise your skills will improve over time Just<br />

remember: a good idea written poorly will lose to<br />

a bad idea written magnificently.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />




https://twitter.com/lambolandnft<br />

DeGods is the #1 NFT project on Solana. But did you<br />

know they initially failed so bad that the founder @<br />

frankdegods was receiving death threats? Here’s the<br />

greatest NFT comeback story:<br />

It wasn’t just clown emojis though. Frank was receiving<br />

death threats. “Right after mint we didn’t have the<br />

marketplace ready, so everybody hated me and my<br />

team. They were sending me death threats on Discord.”<br />

- @frankdegods<br />

Two days later the DeGods marketplace launched. But<br />

it was filled with bugs. Which resulted in some people<br />

losing their DeGods or their $SOL. This marked a turning<br />

point for DeGods...<br />

DeGods was the most hyped mint of October 2021.<br />

So hyped that it minted out in under 10 seconds. But,<br />

there was a problem.<br />

The people who minted a DeGod had no way of selling<br />

it. See, Frank & his team were building their own marketplace<br />

for DeGods. But it wasn’t ready yet.<br />

They were no longer the most hyped Solana NFT project.<br />

People had lost faith in the team. DeGods were<br />

once again, the underdogs.<br />

Quote Tweet<br />

And people were pissed. They thought they just got<br />

rugged. Any time Frank would type in the Discord it<br />

would be spammed with clown emojis.<br />

Frank @frankdegods<br />

Feels good being the underdogs again.<br />

Frank needed to win back the community. So, he<br />

started by refunding everyone who lost money on the<br />

DeGods marketplace. And he reassured people that<br />

the team is still building. Then Frank did something<br />

nobody expected.<br />

He hired the biggest DeGod fudders. “We basically<br />

made a decision at the end of December, to take all top<br />

10 of our fudders and hire them as mods” - @frankdegods<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

But why did he do this?<br />

Well, to quote Frank. “I realized that the people who might be talking the most shit about you are actually people<br />

who care the most.” Yes, the fudders were saying negative things about DeGods. But that’s because the team<br />

was fucking up and they didn’t want to see DeGods fail.<br />

And that decision was a game changer. With the help of the fudders, Frank made a game plan for 2022. And what<br />

they delivered next, not only won back the trust of the community...It turned DeGods into the #1 NFT project on<br />

Solana.<br />

They decided to remake every single DeGod trait. See, a lot of DeGods were ugly. And this was holding back the<br />

project. So, on January 26th they announced DeadGods.<br />

DeadGods isn’t a new collection - it’s an update to the DeGods metadata So, the team would make $0 from this<br />

“We we easily could have made fucking m’s dropping a second collection, but we were like man, we want to<br />

make DeGods the best project, we don’t want to dilute the supply”<br />

And yes, the lead up to DeadGods was fucking hyped. The floor pumped to all-time highs. But that wasn’t what<br />

won back the community...<br />

What won back the community was that the team delivered dope fucking art that didn’t dilute the DeGods supply.<br />

This showed that the DeGods team was continuing to build despite all the fud.<br />

Frank went from being clowned on by thousands of people. To the founder of the biggest NFT project on Solana.<br />

This story shows that you don’t need to have a Cinderella start to be successful. Don’t let some failures or some<br />

fud get to you, keep fucking building.<br />

That’s it. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


v3<br />

https://twitter.com/SquadsProtocol<br />

Today, we are proud to announce Squads V3, a new multisig standard for teams and individuals looking to securely<br />

manage their on-chain assets. Let’s explore what V3 is about, and why we believe it will become the go-to<br />

multisig solution for the @Solana ecosystem.<br />

Every blockchain ecosystem needs a reliable multi-signature wallet standard. Multisigs are used by individuals,<br />

teams, DAOs, and institutions looking to securely manage their on-chain assets without relying on a single point<br />

of failure.<br />

Our vision for Squads was always about bringing a reliable and user friendly multisig experience to the Solana<br />

ecosystem. With Squads V2 mainnet launch on February 24th, we embarked on a path to realize this vision.<br />

V2 allows users to spin up a multisig wallet in seconds, store and send digital assets, do swaps, and earn yield. In<br />

less than 6 months over 2.5k multisigs were deployed with V2. In the process of developing and iterating on V2,<br />

we came to several core realizations.<br />

First, multisigs go far beyond treasury custody & management. They are the core infrastructure for web3 native<br />

teams to manage all kinds of on-chain assets such as programs and tokens, making multisigs an essential part of<br />

the workflow tooling stack for web3 native teams.<br />

Second, most teams on Solana rely on centralized entities for treasury custody due to a lack of a reliable Solana-native<br />

solution. They also choose to upgrade their programs with a single key usually stored on a Ledger.<br />

Third, Solana needs a multisig standard that the ecosystem can unite behind, one which does not make tradeoffs<br />

when it comes to satisfying the security criteria for a reliable multisig standard, those include making codebase<br />

open source, multiple audits, peer reviews and more.<br />

These realizations have prompted us to get back to the drawing board and design a new multisig standard as well<br />

as a new product experience to support it. This is how V3 was born.<br />

To ensure the security of the V3 standard we did the following: - audits by @BramahSystems and @osec_io- new<br />

program written in @anchorlang- peer reviews by experienced teams in the space - @Sec3dev premium tool<br />

running for any changes to the on-chain code.<br />

The on-chain code for V3 was purposely made minimal so it would be easier to audit and review. The code<br />

is already open-source and Anchor verified, you can review it right now on our Github: https://github.com/<br />

Squads-Protocol/squads-mpl….<br />

Squads Multisig Program Library. Contribute to Squads-Protocol/squads-mpl development by creating an account<br />

on GitHub.<br />

We could not have missed the opportunity to rethink the user interface and user experience for Squads V3. The<br />

new interface is clean, simple, and agnostic, with numerous design choices guided by the extensive feedback we<br />

got from our V2 users.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

As of today, core features of V3 include: - basic multisig functionality - program management allowing to upgrade<br />

Solana programs together with your team - transaction builder for initiating custom transactions with arbitrary<br />

instructions.<br />

For the launch, we’ve also completed numerous integrations: - @saydialect notifications to stay up to date with<br />

events in your Squad - @bonfida’s SNS domains - @MagicEden integration to buy listed NFTs directly from your<br />

Squad - @cardinal_labs identity integration.<br />

Our price feeds are of course powered by @PythNetwork.<br />

The cost of network fees for Squad deployment as well as any transaction initiation has been significantly optimized<br />

and made dynamic. Setting up your multisig with Squads is now by far the cheapest option in the ecosystem.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


Finally, Squads V3 is available on mobile starting from today!<br />

And this is just the beginning of our journey. Here’s some of what’s coming: - treasury management features<br />

such as batch payments, streams and yield vaults - token management support so you can mint fungible tokens,<br />

NFTs and manage their properties all from your Squad - our long awaited @Realms_DAOs integration - @xnft_<br />

Backpack & Android mobile app to make sure that Squads users have an intuitive native mobile experience when<br />

@solanamobile arrives.<br />

To help us refine the V3 standard, we have formed a collective of teams called the “Self-Custody Society” (SCS).<br />

They are our trusted partners and allies in the goal to create a multisig standard that the Solana ecosystem can<br />

rely on.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

Join us for DAM #6 the<br />

portrait issue. Reimagine the<br />

self portrait - paint,<br />

illustrate, glitch, collage,<br />

photograph and/or<br />

use AI.<br />

Subvert, parody, reclaim<br />

& have fun w/ creating<br />

#DAMselfies<br />

-kickoff twitter space Nov 3rd<br />

@ 6:30pm PT / 9:30pm ET<br />

https://damzine.xyz<br />





















https://twitter.com/L0SxS0L<br />

art<br />

Stumbling upon the concept of string theory while watching The Big Bang, @subey_art chose to rethink her traditional<br />

approach to ink drawings. What has emerged has arguably become her best work yet. Come with me as I<br />

untangle this artists’ stunning ode to raw emotion.<br />

Her series ‘String Theory’, @subey_art reflects on the scientific theory which implies everything in our universe<br />

is made up of tiny one-dimensional strings. Her art focuses on how these strings interact as they connect everything<br />

to everyone, including ourselves.<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

‘It got me thinking of making art with scribble techniques and watching each character interact with themselves,<br />

their emotions and events from their lives.’ @subey_art<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


These ideas continue to evolve as @subey_art encourages the viewer to address their own emotions when<br />

viewing her art. ‘If I could understand other emotions outside of mine, if I could create a clear depiction of what<br />

someone out there feels, they might feel less alone.’<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

This thought experiment has led to profound insights which are reflected in @subey_art’s work. ‘Even when at<br />

rock bottom, when you have resigned to faith - life still finds a way to burst that bubble. I’m trying to drag that<br />

emotion out and stretch it as much as possible.’<br />

This desire to create pieces that speak intimately to our deeper emotions, to quietly draw them out then leave us<br />

to unravel them in our own time, is executed beautifully.<br />

@subey_art stands out in this space; her art is bold and tugs on emotional strings like no one else.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


@The_AO8<br />

“Blood Bits” Digitally colored broken red blood cells on paper. New work from “Tales from the clinic” series Reserve:<br />

0.1 sol Tick size: 0.25 sol 24h, starting at 8 pm UTC on @exchgART<br />

(link below together with a short thread) 50% of proceedings to charities #NFTs #SolanaNFTs<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

exchange.art<br />

Blood Bits - Alphaomega8 | Exchange Art<br />

A schistocyte (a blood bit) (from the greek σχιστός, “divided/broken”, and κύτος, “hollow” (then “cell”)) is a<br />

fragment of a red blood cells. The presence of these broken cells is a common finding in conditions called “microangiopathies”.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


In these diseases, the coagulation is activated inside intact blood vessels, this forming clots. The lumen of the<br />

vessel is thus greatly reduced, and well red blood cells pass through they break up.<br />

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It is easy to identify them at microscopy on a peripheral blood smear. Normal red blood cells are biconcave disks<br />

and at light microscopy they appear as round shaped, with a clear center.<br />

Instead, the shapes schistocytes assume are varied, from the classical “helmet cells” to more curious ones.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


Microangiopathies can be extremely dangerous, even hematologic emergencies. Thus, the importance of recognizing<br />

them!<br />

@alphaomega8<br />

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@yobaninja& @alphaomega8<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


pixelbatu<br />

What is the success reason behind @GhostKidDAO?<br />

In this family, which I recently joined, I saw a feature that I had never seen before in my one past year. The more I<br />

thought about it, the more I realized it was more than a utility.<br />

First, GhostKid is a pixel art pfp project consisting of 5K supply, 6 SOL floor price and a total volume of more than<br />

100K SOL<br />

Highlights - Boonties - Raffles - Staking - Meme Generator - Community<br />

Boonties<br />

What is the first thing anyone interested in NFT learns? The more tweet engagement you have, the more recognition<br />

you get. The same rule applies to projects. Projects with high engagement gain more new buyers and gain<br />

reputation by raising the floor price.<br />

GhostKid knew this well. For this reason, they combined the community with the boonties system. As you can<br />

see below, a bountie has been opened for the new owner for 1/1 GhostKid. The task is simple, show this new<br />

owner some love!<br />

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<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong>

Since your social accounts are linked to the site, the interaction you give to the tweet is checked within seconds<br />

and you are entitled to collect your Spookies. A small reward for an easy task. So where will you use this award?<br />

Raffles<br />

Of course, in the raffles, which is another utility. As hard to believe, you can get a raffle ticket for just 5 Spookies<br />

or $BOO tokens. These giveaways are not as small as you might think because GhostKidDAO is a huge community.<br />

Check out the latest giveaways!<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


Incredibly large prize pools from incredibly big projects! The prize pool is almost over 2000 SOL The system is<br />

simple, the more you raid, the more Spookies you earn. It is possible to increase your chances by buying more<br />

than one ticket to a raffle!<br />

Staking<br />

Don’t like to raid? So, don’t just increase the project value thanks to staking and spend the $BOO tokens you get<br />

in the raffles.<br />

Meme Generator<br />

This is my favorite Look at this meme generator on website! Incredibly useful for keeping the community together.<br />

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Community<br />

High prize pool, raid for all members and a constantly updated roadmap.<br />

@GhostKidDAO is open for anyone who needs a family and a home.<br />

BONUS 1<br />


BONUS 2<br />


<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>80</strong><br />


















BearLabs @bearlabs.medium.com<br />

While the Cryptocurrency sector and its sub-niche<br />

“NFT” space are undoubtedly unique, the platform<br />

BearLabs is covering today — Scalp Empire, has a story<br />

that we believe genuinely encapsulates and portrays<br />

the true essence of what crypto stands for.<br />

It’s a story filled with heartaches, setbacks, roadblocks,<br />

more setbacks, passion, determination, perseverance,<br />

and inspiration. It’s one that our core team, who has<br />

over two decades of combined experience in the<br />

cryptocurrency sector, has never seen even remotely<br />

matched.<br />

Core Team<br />

Kind3r - Leader / Main Dev<br />

Bibise — The “Real Boss” (And perhaps the most<br />

supportive wife ever)<br />

Adurnam — Community lead<br />

Socials:<br />

Discord - https://www.discord.gg/uBVgnSWydc<br />

Twitter — https://www.twitter.com/ScalpEmpireNFT<br />

History<br />

Website — https://www.scalp-empire.com/<br />

Initial Release<br />

Scalp Empire, founded in 2021, was created to support<br />

NFT swing traders and/or “scalpers” (those seeking<br />

to buy undervalued positions with the goal of a quick<br />

entry and exit for small yet consistent profits), gain an<br />

analytical edge over those who were manually trading.<br />

At first, Scalp Empire launched as a free tool that<br />

strictly provided analytical data to its users. Shortly<br />

after, two weeks to be exact, it became a paid tool,<br />

and a “gold” native coin was released as the primary<br />

payment form.<br />

Transition to Paid<br />

With the move to a paid platform, Scalp Empire also<br />

began adding additional features to their platform,<br />

such as a mint bot. This allowed traders to take advantage<br />

of NFT mints or the day the collection hit the<br />

markets for public purchases and trading.<br />

This was towards the end of 2021, and little did the<br />

team know at the time that come to the turning of the<br />

new year, the trajectory for the company would be<br />

completely altered.<br />

January 2022<br />

The Scalp Empire team had a new advantageous plan<br />

for the new year. They strategically planned to roll<br />

out a secondary coin, a silver coin, that, similarly to<br />

the gold coin, would grant access to the platform with<br />

certain restrictions (mainly access or lack thereof to<br />

the mint bot).<br />

Although those holding the gold coins at the time<br />

were awarded whitelist privileges (guaranteed mint),<br />

it was a public mint. With that said, it turned out that<br />

the large majority (nearly all) of those who minted the<br />

silver coin were also the ones holding the gold coins —<br />

in short, not many from outside the community joined<br />

in on the silver coin mint.<br />

Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. As soon as<br />

the mint was complete, those holding the new silver<br />

coin rushed to list them for sale on the market. With<br />

each new listing came a lower FP or floor price (the<br />

price of the cheapest coin on the market).<br />

The panic set in, and the race to offload the freshly<br />

minted silver coins intensified as the holders began<br />

competing for who could sell theirs for the lowest<br />

price. Eventually, the coins became near worthless.<br />

They made it past this dreaded date, but as they would<br />

soon learn, they were not out of the woods yet, in fact,<br />

nowhere close to it.<br />

Towards the end of January, the well-known decentralized<br />

NFT marketplace, Magic Eden, with whom the<br />

Scalp Empire tool connected directly with to receive<br />

their data feed via API (application programming interface),<br />

had enhanced their security measures.<br />

This essentially blocked data from flowing back and<br />

forth to the platform and near instantly made the<br />

analytical side of Scalp Empire obsolete, as it was no<br />

longer functioning correctly (if at all).<br />

The Developers (Devs) had a hard time keeping up and<br />

even stated, “It was like Magic Eden (ME) was trying to<br />

block us.”<br />

January was a long and turbulent month.<br />

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February 2022<br />

Not much after this event took place, a community member/holder (who also happened to be a Dev), going by<br />

the username Kind3r, stepped up to the plate and offered to provide a solution to the roadblock for the team to<br />

use.<br />

While Kind3r’s proposed solution and efforts were indeed paying off, the main team (excluding 2) started losing<br />

momentum and faith in the project’s future.<br />

The team dev also quit responding — At this point, it seemed as if the two community moderators “Adurnam,”<br />

and “Ery”, along with Kind3r (a community member), were the only ones who were trying to save the<br />

project — because they were.<br />

After providing consistent solutions for a week, Kind3r was left with an ultimatum presented by the rest of the<br />

team, who no longer wanted anything to do with Scalp Empire — they would either all step away and let the<br />

project die, or Kind3r could purchase the rights and take over.<br />

A Change is Coming<br />

At this point, Kind3r was caught between a rock and a hard place. He was passionate about Scalp Empire, but he<br />

also had a full-time job, and this would require him to step out and transition to a full-time business owner. A role<br />

that would be completely new to him — not to mention he had very limited (to no) capital.<br />

But along with Adurnam and Ery, (the ultimate trio), the mission to push Scalp Empire forward had begun.<br />

First, they started by:<br />

· Revamping the old liquidity pool and swapping out the native coins for new ones<br />

· Purchased the rights to the newest addition to the platform (an NFT collection), “Nestor”<br />

Nestor is the “Pet” or collection (NFTs) of Beavers that grants full access to Scalp Empire’s platform. Nestors are<br />

traveling between the realms of “Midgar” and “Asgard,” and as they travel through universes, they change or<br />

evolve into different shapes and colors.<br />

Each Nestor has its own unique traits, making them part of a larger NFT collection.<br />

However, regardless of shape or color, each Nestor provides the same value and the same access to the platform.<br />

Nestor’s Price:<br />

· The Floor Price (FP) of one Nestor was 9.34 Solana (SOL)<br />

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· Reached an FP in the high 14 SOL range, nearly<br />

breaking 15 SOL around late May<br />

You can also “Adopt” a Nestor for those looking for<br />

more cost-effective methods while testing the platform.<br />

For a portion of the price it takes to acquire a<br />

Nestor, a user can adopt a Nestor for a pre-determined<br />

duration.<br />

Once you pay the adoption fee<br />

· A Nestor is temporarily deposited into your wallet<br />

· Once in that wallet, he cannot be transferred to<br />

another wallet<br />

· You must use that wallet to connect and trade with<br />

· Nestor cannot be placed for sale during this adoption<br />

period<br />

This method mainly benefits those looking to become<br />

more familiar with Scalp Empire and to experience its<br />

platform before deciding to purchase a Nestor outright.<br />

Although the fee to rent a Nestor is significantly lower<br />

than the overall FP, the user should not plan on renting<br />

a Nestor for long durations as it would be more advantageous<br />

to purchase it outright. This is because over<br />

a month’s time, for instance, the adoption fees would<br />

surpass the total cost of a Nestor.<br />

The newly established team kept things moving, and<br />

next:<br />

· Moved away from using the back-end API to grab<br />

information directly from Magic Eden (ME) and instead<br />

pivoted to grabbing information straight from the onchain<br />

data itself.<br />

· Disabled the mint bots, which turned out to be a<br />

good thing as many projects didn’t want to do business<br />

with them due to the stigma of a project having a Mint<br />

bot.<br />

This move came also turned out to be a double positive<br />

as Metaplex had changed their contract making<br />

it less advantageous for mint bots. (If the transaction<br />

failed due to too many attempts, the trader would be<br />

charged even if the trade wasn’t placed — cost traders<br />

money with no results)<br />

Team Expansion<br />

In May of 2022, Kinb3r’s wife “Bibise” — perhaps the<br />

most supportive wife ever — joined the trio to help<br />

assist with documentation creation/review and social<br />

media support (Twitter and Discord).<br />

As the community grew, so did the questions and need<br />

for support, so this was truly a “healthy” sign that the<br />

team and company were headed in the right direction.<br />

A New Focus<br />

A transformation was in process ever since the new<br />

team took over. They, slowly but surely, were evolving<br />

into a true trader’s platform. They honed their focus<br />

on improving and streamlining data and tools so that<br />

traders would be able to capitalize on each trade.<br />

The team shared the vision of scaling (adding features)<br />

while maintaining platform integrity (not jeopardizing<br />

security and/or speed.)<br />

They Soon:<br />

· Listed on https://www.yawww.io/<br />

· Listed on https://solanart.io/<br />

They made these strategic moves to help gain momentum<br />

at such a “renewed” early stage.<br />

Months passed as they continued investing their money,<br />

energy, and nearly every waking hour into Scalp<br />

Empire.<br />

But traction was being made, and the proof was in<br />

their:<br />

· Announcement of their first collaboration with<br />

“Trading Apes Gang”<br />

· Begin implementing notifications into their platform<br />

· Continually worked on increasing the sniping<br />

performance of their tools<br />

· Broadened their customer base by offering a<br />

subscription-based model — however, these<br />

customers have restricted access to the full features<br />

offered on the platform.<br />

Not Out of the Weeds “Yet”<br />

While things were headed in the right direction for<br />

Scalp Empire, they were by no means clear of turbulence.<br />

In fact, the company itself was rugged twice during this<br />

growth period! The first rug was not as bad, a learning<br />

lesson indeed, yet one that was a “minor” blow.<br />

Unfortunately, the second rug wiped them completely<br />

out. Their company wallet was imported into Slope<br />

Finance, which in early August of 2022, endured a<br />

multi-day, multi-million-dollar exploit. It is estimated<br />

that over $4 Million in funds were stolen from over<br />

9,231 Solana wallets — sadly, Scalp Empires’ entire<br />

funds were one of those compromised wallets.<br />

At this point, the company was completely drained of<br />

funds, and if weren’t for one move, then this would be<br />

an entirely different story. Thankfully, they had paid<br />

their infrastructure invoice right before their wallet got<br />

drained.<br />

The true meaning of building from the ground up<br />

(again).<br />

Platform Features<br />

Security<br />

First and foremost, Scalp Empire is a big advocate of<br />

security and protecting your assets — and their “Main<br />

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Wallet” feature proves that.<br />

This feature allows a trader to safely store a Nestor in<br />

their main wallet (cold storage if preferred) while using<br />

another wallet to trade out of, almost like a mirrored<br />

wallet. It’s a great safety measure that adds another<br />

layer of protection.<br />

· Custom RPC, or Remote Procedure Call — Used to<br />

collect on-chain data as well as sends transactions<br />

directly to the blockchain.<br />

· Privacy Mode — This allows one to temporarily hide<br />

their total wallet balance and the balance of individual<br />

NFT items. A perfect option for those streaming or<br />

screen sharing<br />

· Clear Cache — A useful feature that allows one<br />

to clear their cache without clearing their other in<br />

platform settings such as their main wallet settings and<br />

watchlist items.<br />

· Clear App Data — This feature will clear all of your<br />

custom settings and inputs back to the default settings.<br />

Trading Features<br />

As time progresses, Scalp Empire continues to add,<br />

refine, and re-refine its trading tools and features<br />

provided to its customers. The following is just a brief<br />

overview of a few features offered; in the next section,<br />

we will elaborate a bit more on them.<br />

· Load NFT Images — We shop with our eyes, it’s a<br />

known fact, and this feature allows you to do just that<br />

by loading the images of each NFT into the Scalp Empire<br />

Analytics or Sniping screen.<br />

· Chart Display — This option, on the sniping tab, allows<br />

you to see the chart and candle formations for said NFT.<br />

Filters<br />

Everyone has different preferences when it comes to<br />

making the “perfect” snipe, and the following metrics<br />

are used to help each user identify those opportunities.<br />

· High Royalties Threshold — This filter allows the<br />

trader to set the royalty limit or ceiling for said trade.<br />

If a trader set’s this limit to 8%, the Snipe feature<br />

will automatically dismiss all NFTs that have a royalty<br />

of greater than 8% and instead focus on NFTs with<br />

royalties sub 8%.<br />

· Whale Threshold — Whale watching in this industry<br />

is truly a thing, and this feature makes that experience<br />

easier. The Whale Threshold is a setting that allows you<br />

to track wallets that are being used a specific number of<br />

times for trading activities (you determine the number<br />

of times). This will help the trader determine whether a<br />

project is being scalped by a whale or just regular users.<br />

· Limit Live Chart Rang to FP — Since the price action often experiences spikes and surges, the range variance<br />

can greatly differ, making it hard to understand the true median price range for said NFT. This feature pegs the<br />

price action to the Floor Price (FP), giving a clearer representation of the true price.<br />

· Staking Detection — Dedicated to Scalp Empire collab partners that leverage staking. This only applies to those<br />

using Scalp Empire through a collab and have their NFTs staked. This option can be found and activated under<br />

Settings.<br />

Scalp Empire’s detailed White Paper can be found Here for a deeper understanding of these features.<br />

Platform Views<br />

Analytics Tab: On this tab, you will find, yes — analytics — on NFT collections.<br />

A high-level view of the analytics tab inside the Scalp Empire platform<br />

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Displaying NFT collection information<br />

To the far left of this page, you will find specific information on the NFT collection, such as the name, mint date,<br />

total items in the collection, number of holders, as well as the total listed percentage.<br />

In the middle, information such as the total trade volume and listed and de-listed items can be found with various<br />

time intervals to choose from.<br />

This column highlights the current FP and the 24H FP in a chart view.<br />

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The icons towards the very end of the page: A shopping cart that takes you to the sniping page, a bell that enables<br />

website notifications, a ME icon that, if clicked on, takes you directly to Magic Eden, and a Cube icon that<br />

takes you directly to Coral Cube.<br />

FFF Tab —<br />

This tab provides an overview of the FFF token market and all assets trading on it.<br />

You will find the coin ticker symbol and full name to the far left.<br />

The Address field displays the coin address to ensure the user is referencing the accurate one to help avoid scams<br />

(Scalp Empire is all about safety!).<br />

The four columns following the address field display information such as volume, sales, and listed and delisted<br />

items<br />

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The last column displays the number of coins and the floor price or spot price.<br />

Portfolio -<br />

The Portfolio tab displays all the NFT’s in your connected wallet.<br />

The “Show hidden” feature allows you to hide “defected” collections, such as ones that have been rugged, have a<br />

large number of items, or have had previous issues.<br />

The “Show full stats” feature toggles between displaying information such as the collection / rank FP and your<br />

initial buy price versus your break-even price.<br />

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An expanded view of full stats shown<br />

The far-left column displays the NFT collection, the number of items, the percentage of collection items listed, as<br />

well as the number of holders.<br />

The middle columns display information such as Volume, sales, and items listed and delisted in various time intervals.<br />

The FP is also listed towards the end.<br />

In the last column, you can find information such as the total value of your items from this collection and your<br />

average buy-in.<br />

Sniping View:<br />

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The sniping screen can be accessed by clicking the yellow “Sniping” icon with the shopping cart.<br />

Per request, the Scalp Empire team added the “Unified Analytics & Sniper view” toggle option, which can be<br />

found in the settings tab. This option allows one to quickly access “Purchase Mode” as well as displays the image<br />

of each NFT from the snipe screen.<br />

Original sniping view<br />

Sniping screen with “Unified Analytics & Sniper view” on<br />

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The far-left section of the sniping screen shows information relative to the collection, such as the mint date, price,<br />

number of collection items/holders, total volume, 24h volume, royalty percentage, floor price, total PnL (profit<br />

and loss) as well as the 24h PnL.<br />

Most of the screen displays this information in a chart view, along with a color-coded bar graph showing the volume<br />

and number of ranked items.<br />

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The bottom left “Purchase Mode” section provides various modes or strategies to which you can place buys —<br />

this includes “Auto-Buy”, “Sweep”, and “Bid.”<br />

The columns to the right give you a high-level overview of specific items within the collection and the ability to<br />

quickly purchase them by clicking buy.<br />

Auto-buy<br />

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Once drilled down on the Auto-buy option, you will see metrics to establish the type of items you want to purchase,<br />

such as the rank filter and your desired investment range (low to high).<br />

Below this section are additional options or “Attributes Filters” dynamic to each collection. For example, if you<br />

are looking to buy Nestors with brown fur, you can set that here.<br />

Sweep<br />

Much like the Auto-buy tab, you will find similar options. However, they are limited to just the Rank filter and<br />

desired investment range.<br />


The bid tab allows you to select the number of items to bid on, the price in SOL, as well as the rank filter and<br />

price range.<br />

Takeaway<br />

Scalp Empire’s current team represents the true meaning of a product of value backed by leaders who want to<br />

see their customers succeed.<br />

They’ve been tried, tested, and pushed to their limits (multiple times), and sometimes past that point, yet they<br />

always seem to emerge from the fire stronger than before.<br />

Unfortunately, the stigma from the past team and their rugged encounters still come back to haunt them from<br />

time to time, but to us, the team’s “actions speak louder than past events.”<br />

They are committed to improving their platform, tools, and services as time progresses.<br />

A part of their vision for the future is to offer their services to multiple ecosystems, not just Solana.<br />

Their biggest message to others is to be cautious, take your time and practice good safety habits.<br />

Don’t be in a rush to sign transactions; take a second to review them before approving. Don’t store your private<br />

keys on the web, such as Google docs.<br />

We here at BearLabs do believe that Scalp Empire will continue to do great things — continue to evolve with and<br />

perhaps even create their own industry-leading trends.<br />

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