Graceful Exits: Making the Case for Getting Good at Goodbye

1888 PressRelease - Author Geri Reid Suster is determined to make people’s next exit better than their last. 1888 PressRelease - Author Geri Reid Suster is determined to make people’s next exit better than their last.


Graceful Exits: Making the Case for Getting Good at Goodbye1888 PressRelease - Author Geri Reid Suster is determined to make people’s next exit better than theirlast.Author Geri Reid Suster takes unconventional look at exits across a broad range of settings in theupcoming book Graceful Exits: Making the Case for Getting Good at Goodbye. She teaches readers howto build skills around exiting. Graceful Exits looks at positive and negative exits in four major areas:personal relationships, workplace exits, significant changes in the way individuals live and how to facedeath - the final exit, for loved ones as well as for ourselves. She goes on to explore actionable steps tobetter navigate some of life’s most difficult moments and reduce the likelihood of a bad exit everhappening.“Your next exit is just around the corner, are you ready? After a few bad exits in my own life, I realized thisis not a skill that is taught but rather an experience we deny will happen to us and when it inevitably does,we execute poorly and spend years picking up the pieces,” explained Reid Suster.What motivated Reid Suster to write this book is seeing how bad exits can negatively affect a person’s liferegarding self-worth and future decisions for years. By developing skills in this area, people can avoid ahuge amount of shame and regret.Reid Suster is a corporate exec-turned-nomad with 30 years of experience in business and management,specializing in acquisitions and creating operational excellence. After a period of intense personalupheaval and then jumping to a new technology startup that didn’t pan out, Geri entered a period ofreflection that led to an epiphany about “exits” that would change her life.In 2017, she traded her ocean view home in Southern California for an RV she named Wallace and in lessthan three years, she traveled to 38 states in the United States and five provinces in Canada with herdogs. In 2020, Geri sold Wallace, bought a Sprinter van named Wüfgang (#whereswüf) and built her owncustom home on wheels. Still hooked on wandering, she spends most of her stationary time in Bend,Oregon. More information about Reid Suster can be found on primary purpose of Graceful Exits is to offer advice on how to handle various exits in life, from deathand loss to firings and breakups with empathy and humor.Reid Suster reflects on her own path, “‘Actually, Geri, it’s you. We have to let you go.’ Hearing these wordsfrom my dear friend of more than 25 years over the phone on a sunny Friday afternoon left me shaking. Itwas a first for me – being at this end of a layoff. And it was a gut punch.”Being on the receiving end of a layoff, Reid Suster pondered her next steps and had an epiphany – life isfull of exits. From school, from jobs, from relationships and ultimately from life itself. Those transitions canbe rocky or they can be handled with grace, honor and humor. Still, most people struggle with suchendings, getting mired down in thoughts of failure, grief, frustration, regret and anger. In the book, ReidSuster shows readers how they can do better, be better and live better through all of life’s goodbyes.Reid Suster added, “Exits are going to happen whether we like it or not, so why not get good at them?How much time did you spend learning to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, and/or interview for a job? Why notspend a little time learning to approach exits with greater skill? An ugly exit not only leaves scars oneveryone involved but also adds to the psychological burden one carries long after the exit. On the otherhand, a graceful exit is hard in the moment but sets us up to feel lighter and healthier on the other side.”

Graceful Exits: Making the Case for Getting Good at Goodbye

1888 PressRelease - Author Geri Reid Suster is determined to make people’s next exit better than their


Author Geri Reid Suster takes unconventional look at exits across a broad range of settings in the

upcoming book Graceful Exits: Making the Case for Getting Good at Goodbye. She teaches readers how

to build skills around exiting. Graceful Exits looks at positive and negative exits in four major areas:

personal relationships, workplace exits, significant changes in the way individuals live and how to face

death - the final exit, for loved ones as well as for ourselves. She goes on to explore actionable steps to

better navigate some of life’s most difficult moments and reduce the likelihood of a bad exit ever


“Your next exit is just around the corner, are you ready? After a few bad exits in my own life, I realized this

is not a skill that is taught but rather an experience we deny will happen to us and when it inevitably does,

we execute poorly and spend years picking up the pieces,” explained Reid Suster.

What motivated Reid Suster to write this book is seeing how bad exits can negatively affect a person’s life

regarding self-worth and future decisions for years. By developing skills in this area, people can avoid a

huge amount of shame and regret.

Reid Suster is a corporate exec-turned-nomad with 30 years of experience in business and management,

specializing in acquisitions and creating operational excellence. After a period of intense personal

upheaval and then jumping to a new technology startup that didn’t pan out, Geri entered a period of

reflection that led to an epiphany about “exits” that would change her life.

In 2017, she traded her ocean view home in Southern California for an RV she named Wallace and in less

than three years, she traveled to 38 states in the United States and five provinces in Canada with her

dogs. In 2020, Geri sold Wallace, bought a Sprinter van named Wüfgang (#whereswüf) and built her own

custom home on wheels. Still hooked on wandering, she spends most of her stationary time in Bend,

Oregon. More information about Reid Suster can be found on

The primary purpose of Graceful Exits is to offer advice on how to handle various exits in life, from death

and loss to firings and breakups with empathy and humor.

Reid Suster reflects on her own path, “‘Actually, Geri, it’s you. We have to let you go.’ Hearing these words

from my dear friend of more than 25 years over the phone on a sunny Friday afternoon left me shaking. It

was a first for me – being at this end of a layoff. And it was a gut punch.”

Being on the receiving end of a layoff, Reid Suster pondered her next steps and had an epiphany – life is

full of exits. From school, from jobs, from relationships and ultimately from life itself. Those transitions can

be rocky or they can be handled with grace, honor and humor. Still, most people struggle with such

endings, getting mired down in thoughts of failure, grief, frustration, regret and anger. In the book, Reid

Suster shows readers how they can do better, be better and live better through all of life’s goodbyes.

Reid Suster added, “Exits are going to happen whether we like it or not, so why not get good at them?

How much time did you spend learning to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, and/or interview for a job? Why not

spend a little time learning to approach exits with greater skill? An ugly exit not only leaves scars on

everyone involved but also adds to the psychological burden one carries long after the exit. On the other

hand, a graceful exit is hard in the moment but sets us up to feel lighter and healthier on the other side.”

Direct and full of advice and suggestions for developing healthy departure skills, Reid Suster guides

readers through the ups and downs of goodbyes and carefully reveals the best methods for a smoother,

more graceful transition.

Releasing on November 11, 2022, Graceful Exits: Making the Case for Getting Good at Goodbye is

published by Rowman & Littlefield and can be preordered on Amazon.

ABOUT GERI REID SUSTER: Geri Reid Suster has 30 years of experience in business and management,

specializing in acquisitions and creating operational excellence. While still consulting for businesses, she

now enjoys the nomadic life in her travel van, which now includes spending time in her new hometown,

Bend, Ore. Her personal and professional background ideally suits her to share her experiences and

wisdom in Graceful Exits and she is available for speaking engagements and interviews in person and



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