Magazine NOVIT MODELS KIDS™ №4/2022

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS: Exercises for muscles of the trunk. Dietetics: About the benefits of apples. BEAUTY & CAREER: GEO FASHION WEEK 2022 - a chance for young models. Opening new faces: Mar'ya Pecherkina, Margarita Lekomtseva.. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": model - Anastasiya Lunina; photographer: Yury Ivanenko. NEWS. Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ. Упражнения для мышц туловища. ДИЕТИКА: О пользе яблок. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: GEO FASHION WEEK 2022 - шанс для юных моделей. Открываем новые лица: Марья Печеркина, Маргарита Лекомцева. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов”: модель – Анастасия Лунина; фотограф: Юрий Иваненко. НОВОСТИ.

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS: Exercises for muscles of the trunk. Dietetics: About the benefits of apples. BEAUTY & CAREER: GEO FASHION WEEK 2022 - a chance for young models. Opening new faces: Mar'ya Pecherkina, Margarita Lekomtseva.. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": model - Anastasiya Lunina; photographer: Yury Ivanenko. NEWS.
Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ. Упражнения для мышц туловища. ДИЕТИКА: О пользе яблок. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: GEO FASHION WEEK 2022 - шанс для юных моделей. Открываем новые лица: Марья Печеркина, Маргарита Лекомцева. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов”: модель – Анастасия Лунина; фотограф: Юрий Иваненко. НОВОСТИ.


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of apples.

One of the reasons why these

fruits are associated with a

reduced risk of cardiovascular

diseases may be that apples

contain soluble fiber, which

helps to lower cholesterol

levels in the blood. In addition,

they contain polyphenols that

have an antioxidant effect. For

example, such as epicatechin,

lower blood pressure.

Reduce the risk of developing

type 2 diabetes.

The antioxidant effect of

flavonoids in apples can

protect cells from damage to

the pancreas. This organ is

responsible for the secretion of

insulin. Scientists have studied

almost 38 thousand women

in the framework of a large

project "Women's Health",

which lasted for nine years.

This work confirmed a positive

association between apple

consumption and a reduced

risk of type 2 diabetes. Those

who ate one or more apples

a day had a 28% lower risk of

type 2 diabetes compared to

those who did not eat them at


They support bone health.

Eating these fruits helps

to improve bone density.

Antioxidant and antiinflammatory


contained in apples help to

increase the strength of bone


In a 2011 scientific paper, it

was found that those people

who consume fresh or peeled

apples in their diet lost less

calcium from their body than

a group of people who did not

consume them.

They help the body before and

after training.

Nutritionists also recommend

eating an apple instead

of a sports drink or

orange juice. According to

research by Nippon Sport

Science University (Tokyo),

polyphenols in apples

contribute to:

- fast recovery after training;

- increase in strength;

- endurance;

- reduction of body fat.


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