School Paper

School Paper School Paper

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Editorial Board

Trisha Mae L. Echeveria

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English


Roldan S. Ranido

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English

Associate Editor

Marjorie D. Adanza

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in Mathematics

News Writer

Cherry Mae Z. Abejo

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English

Feature Writer

Dorothy S. Lagrada

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in Mathematics

Sports Writer


Diana A. Cuerquez

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English

Literary Editor

Vincent Alec V. Jimenez

BSBA- Major in Financial



Kristy Mae Casiño

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English


Roy Robert O. Dy

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in Mathematics


Barry King B. Redondo

Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in Mathematics

Lay-out Artist

Lyster Gest S. Bernadas





Culture, beliefs, and common

practices bring most

people together and create

a stand even in the most adverse

situations. Humans as we are,

we relate most of our situation

to the relevance and timeliness

of a particular incident. Contrary

to the idea, opposing views can

arise from an unfavorable circumstance

creating gaps between

human connection and understanding.

This arouse the idea

that when circumstances do not

agree with the majority-which is

morally accepted by the societyhas

the authority to cancel and

block their perspective. This pattern

goes on and became a polarizing

topic of debate. In the

current trend, it is commonly

introduced as “cancel culture”.

Trisha Mae L. Echeveria

In a scholarly article,

cancel culture was emphasized

as the popular practice of withdrawing

support for public figures

and companies after they have

done or said something considered

objectionable or offensive.

The cancel culture has been

a fast-paced issue in a society

occupied by technological

influences in all dimensions. In a

snap, a tweet of 200 characters

can become a means to be removed

from society by the public.

A crippling comments, reactions,

and shares from Facebook can

imply a negative perception from

the majority. In this train of thought,

a person gets cancelled easily

by the public blocking their stand

on situation and ‘cancelling” their

rights as individual in the society.

Public figures, most importantly,

are the main proponents of this

stigma. Their rising spectators

have a say on their lives- may it

be personal and career development.

When one does not agree

with the other conflicts will arise.

In the Philippines context, debates

about politics mostly trigger

cancel culture. Losing friends

and families at the expense of

not accepting one another’s

perspective on phenomenon.

Celebrities, businessmen,

and even professionals cancel

one another-removing them out

of society. Worst to come, one’s

hard-earned career can tremble

into pieces once opposed from

what the majority believes. In

this sense, one’s morality differ

from the other. The morale of a

person is based solely on what

he/she believes and depends

on how strongly he shall carry

his standpoint. A person’s mo-


rality cannot be easily crumbled

on dependence of ethics.

Ethics is for the common good,

but morality is your standard on

self-belief and principle. Hence,

‘cancel culture’ can be minimized

by the so-called term ‘call-out

culture’ which asserts the idea

that instead of cancelling a person’s

belief, one should educate.

The concept of cancel culture

becomes an easy button to

push through whenever someone

does wrong. It has provided

a venue to cater threats, personal

attacks, and boycotting

personal affiliations. In this sense,

it shows less address and

education on the matter at hand.

Call-out culture gives people

the opportunity to educate, especially

when notions are coming


from destructive mentalities. Callout

culture is calling out a person

and held them accountable for

their actions. Accountability makes

a person more grown, aware,

educated, and accepted. In a

destructive world, one should be

wary of their actions as to where

it would lead. Cancel culture is an

opportunity and a beautiful time to

have an open mind instead of competing

in one another’s opinion.

“While it is important

to promote transparency and

accountability for individuals who

have done something wrong

through “calling them out”, it

is also important to help them

grow from their mistakes and

learn to change for the better

through properly communicating

with them and educating

them on the matter at hand.”


Informative Essay

The New Normal: How to Survive the Change?

“It is not the strongest

that survive, it is the one

that adapt the environment.”

– Charles Darwin

The Coronavirus Disease

2019 (COVID-19) pandemic

is undoubtedly

one of the most destructive

health crises the world has

ever experienced. In fact,

a year after COVID-19 pandemic

has arise, we have suddenly

been forced to adapt

to the ‘new normal’: workfrom-home

setting, parents

home-schooling their children

in a new blended learning

setting, lockdown, and

quarantine, and the mandatory

wearing of face mask

ad face shields in public.

The year 2020 has indeed

already been earmarked

for many as “the worst”

year in the 21st century.

Claire McCarthy, MD,

Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard

Health Publishing; In

her article entitled- Managing

New Normal says, “We

were in survival mode; we cut

corners and made do, broke

some parenting rules, and

otherwise made choices we

would never usually make.”

In this statement, McCarthy

proposed that we are in

survival mode, yet there are

things that we need to give

up or to be sacrificed and

to initiate relevant actions

to win against the situation.

And to survive with the

change we are in right now,

there should also be a change

in everything that we will


Roldan S. Ranido

do or make to live according

to the untoward change the

world is currently facing.

In her article she added,

“Survival mode is taking

on a whole new meaning.

It’s time to make new

habits and routines specifically

for the pandemic. It’s

time to make better and

more durable choices that

can keep us healthier-and

happier.” Furthermore,

we should generate change

in our lifestyle, whether

talking about habbits and

routines to cope with the

change brought buy the pandemic.

Also, McCarthy gives

emphasis on the importance

of making wise choices and

decisions to still be able to

live healthier and happier

with this New Normal.

This COVID19 pandemic

suggest practicality,

to make relevant choices

and actions in this very

situation and to choose to

embrace positivism, to be

forward-looking amidst the

change together with the

people around us will help us

survived, feel and live better

in this so-called new normal.

News Article

Mayor Quina inspects the continuous construction

of the Balingasag New Public Market

Marjorie D. Adanza

In order to see the structure

and on what the

inside of the continuous

construction of Balingasag

New Public Market

looks like, Alexis S.

Quina, Municipal Mayor

has conducted an ocular

inspection last Monday,

January 10, 2022 at Barangay

Waterfall, Balingasag,

Misamis Oriental.

According to Mayor

Quina, Balingasag New

Public Market is one of

the projects for the people

in the municipality.

Yet, it is still on its ongoing

construction despite

of the pandemic until

it is ready to be used

by the “Balingasagnons”.

In fact, he leads on

this project to attain the

best quality and to make

sure that the face of the

public market will change

into better. As the mayor

wants this as clean, organize

and a peaceful area

for the market vendors

as well as for the people

who will come over to buy.

During the ocular

inspection, he was with

Vice-Mayor Felix H. Borromeo

and other Municipal

councilors namely: Hon.

Adonis Gayramon, Hon.

John Romualdo, Hon. Helen

Mabao, Hon. Crisogono

Llido, and Hon. Ligaya

Aganap. Furthermore, the

Market Supervisor in the

person of Joel Pangilinan

and his company were

also present that time.

On the other hand,

people in the town express

their heartfelt gratitude

for that upcoming new

achievement. Indeed, they

are praying for faster completion

of the new Public

Market and hoping for

more benefits they can enjoy

when it will be realized.


News Article

Naawan bet wins Miss Kuyamis 2022


Marjorie D. Adanza

With the celebration of the

9th Kuyamis Festival,

Annabelle Mae Tate Mc-

Donnell, representing the municipality

of Naawan, was crowned

as the Miss Kuyamis 2022 during

the grand coronation night held

at Arturo S. Lugod Gymnasium,

Gingoog City, Misamis

Oriental on January 13, 2022.

Among the 22 candidates

who were vying for the

crown, McDonnell landed in

the top 5 spot after she won

the Minor Award as Best in

Closed-door Panel Interview

and two(2) Corporate Awards

as Miss Amaya View and Miss

Pearl Body Touch Facial Center.

During the coronation

event, all of the top 5 candidates

were given the same question: “As

Miss Kuyamis and Tourism Ambassadress

of Misamis Oriental,

what is your message to those

working in the Tourism Industry

who have been adversely affected

by the COVID-19 pandemic?”

The 21-year old beauty

queen answered that she will

congratulate those working in

the Tourism Industry for they

have reassured the job stability

and morale despite of the pandemic

that we have been faced.

“Nationally and Inter-

nationally, we have been faced

with so many challenges from

the moral accountability of vaccine

equity to the inequalities

across our healthcare. However,

tourism in Misamis Oriental

has always been inclusive and

that is what is making Misamis

Oriental’s industry a crowning

glory for the province. And I

would congratulate the Tourism

Industry for you have reassured

job stability and morale in spite

of the pandemic. Because your

Miss Kuyamis 2022 knows that

inclusivity and knowing that it’s

more than the scenic beaches, but

it’s about the eyes of our farmers

and the faces of our indigenous

communities that what’s important.

And I believe that I am her.

Thank you”, McDonnell said.

Together with her on the

top 5 spot are Ms. Jimema Tempra

of Jasaan Municipality who

won 1st runner-up and the one

who got an award of Best in

Swimsuit. Next, Ms. Vanessa Dulay

from Manticao who is the 2nd

runner-up, Ms. Nice Lampad of

Sugbongcogon as 3rd runner-up,

and Ms. Natazha Vea Bautista

from Villanueva as 4th runner-up

and won as Best in Kuyamis-Inspired

Cocktail Attire.

awarded as Miss Congeniality.

However, Ms. Kim Jazryl Acosta

of Lugait won the Corporate

Award as Miss Globe and Miss

Le Rouge Salon and Spa is Ms.

Ma. Reshia Mae Go from the

municipality of Lagonglong.

Moreover, those special

and corporate awardees has received

prizes( Cash with sash,

and bouquet) while the top 5 major

winners has received those

prizes mentioned with crowns.

McDonnell felt so glad and

grateful after she won the title as

Miss Kuyamis 2022 for she will

also have the opportunity to represent

the province of Misamis

Oriental in any national competition

and present Kuyamis in any

national custome competition.

The judges in the said

event were happy too from the

start until the end especially

Governor Bambi Emano who

also witnessed the prestigious

pageant of the Tourism Ambassadress

in the province.

Apart from Ms. McDonnell,

Ms. Shirley York Gulapo

of Gingoog City received the

Special Award as Miss Photogenic

while Ms. Roshana May

Bardelao from Magsaysay was


Man of Endurance

Cherry Mae Z. Abejo

“Life has a purpose to accomplish.”

In his white polo t-shirt with

a welcoming smile plastered

on his face, he said

aloud his motto which he was

born for to live. He looked so

formal and approachable in

this on-screen platform. As he

talks, I see fire igniting in his

eyes as a sign of how passionate

he is in the field of education.

“Mr. Jaime V. Acuram”,

his name flashed on the screen

as every student in the google

meeting is intently listening to

every word he says. He is a part

time teacher of St. Peter’s College

of Misamis Oriental Incorporated

(SPCMOI), School Head

of Mat-I National High School,

at Claveria’s Northeast District

and he is finishing his Doctor’s

degree leading to Doctor of Philosophy

in English Language.


Nothing worthy comes

easy. Working for two bosses at

one time seems like an impossible

work but he did. His dedication

at his chosen path was never

shaken even with the heaviness

of the responsibilities. That

even after accomplishing load of

works, a three-hour discussion

was never enough for him every

time he lectures in a google meeting

class. He could even take a

lifetime to impart every single

knowledge to his learners if only

he could. His daily life seems to

be challenging but his unfaltering

enthusiasm says a lot about

how committed he is in teaching.

A multitasker like him

never felt the urge to give up. Education

must have been so grateful

for his commitment. His students

are very lucky to have him

as a model to look up to for he has

a lot of wisdom to be acquired. He

tends to lecture that when someone

teaches, he should not impose

through words, he either perform

or showcase himself so learners

could openly see a great efficient

model which they would also be

enticed to hone themselves into.

He always tries to be creative

that the insufficiency of

learning materials needed for his

students to learn well was never a

huge problem because his innovativeness

is at its highest peak. He

is resourceful that is why localized

materials had been useful in

his own dimension of teaching.

It couldn’t be helped that there

were times he was sorry because

he can’t make it to the scheduled

day of class for he has to attend

seminars in other places or

it can be, his presence is a need

for the other institution. He

knows how to prioritize things

for he believes that one can’t accommodate

myriads of things

at one time. He always takes

his works in an organize order.

Yet, even with his justifiable

reasons, he never fails to make

it up to the class and double his

effort for the skipped sessions.

His consistency falters

no more for prayers has been

his weapon in times of storm.

It has been his refugee in his

rocky road journey. It is his

light and his savior. In addition

to that, he is that type of person

who chooses to forget just to

move forward. Learning to forget

things that made him down and

continues to do things that best

provide him to his greater success,

was always been his life’s

forte. He will not hold grudges

because to function well, he

must be free from anything else.

It was like a man who

was called to become and educator

ever since he was introduced

into this cosmos, had finally answer.

That no matter how big a

responsibility is in working for

two institutions at the same time

and handle different kinds of

people, he never showed a sign of

exhaustion. He was indeed chosen

to answer the calling for he

has a place in the field of edu-


cation. It is the life he was destined

to because he, himself is a

man of endurance. He could always

conquer the challenge because

he has buckets of patience.

Like his motto, he has

found his purpose on this earth.

It is a heartfelt service to educate

young ones and that is his

greatest accomplishment. For

someone believed that he can,

so he did. Educating learners

became his own definition of

living life at its best so he was

never afraid of what the morrow

brings. He was a teacher since

youngling and the profession he

chose is a calling he would stay

with, as long as he is breathing.

Before ending the class

with a prayer, a learner asked

him that if his life is a movie,

what would be its title? Smiling

proudly like a man fully served

his purpose in this lifetime,

Sir Jaime answered proudly…

“The Man of Endurance.”



School Updates


St. Peter’s College of Misamis

Oriental Inc. known

for its quality education

have also produced

graduates who are eligible in the

corporate and business world.

The institution, evident to its

core value manifested students

who are disciplined, self-reliant,

and integrative in their educational

pursuits. Fourth year students

from the said institution,

under the Bachelor of Science

in Business Administration, has

professionally rendered their

feasibility studies in credible set

of panelists. Bachelor of Arts,

on the other hand, eloquently

presented their thesis studies

in front of highly accredited

panels. This momentous event

is an indication that St. Peter’s

College of Misamis Oriental,

Inc. creates a hallmark for graduates

to be competent and holistic

in their aspirations in the

world of trade and civilization. It

is also a great accomplishment

for the institution itself to conduct

such event bringing forth

honored personalities and panels

in the quest of shaping and

molding SPCMOI’s graduates

quality in the real-life context.

Research, studies, and

thesis defense are some of the

nerve-wracking journeys a college

student can adapt to. It is at

this very crucial moment where

your chills literally go down your

spine, however it is also at this

special voyage students acquire

learning in the best possible way.

Below are the lists of researchers

from every department

along with their panelists.




• 4th - year students of Bachelor

of Arts in History


• Joel A. Concepcion, Ed.D.


• Gerry Pol Cainoy, Ph.D.

• Luz Mae P. Dulhao


• January 21, 2022,

• 1:00 PM


• SPCMOI Annex Building


• 4th-year students of Bachelor

of Arts in English Language


• Jaime V. Acuram,


• Emmanuel Alex A. Ph.D.

• Roladel N. Tupas


• December 5, 2021,

• 1:00 PM


• The Spot, Mambayaan, Balingasag,

Mis. Or.

Trisha Mae L


. Echeveria



• Bachelor of Business Administration

major in Marketing


• Bachelor of Business Administration

major in Financial



• Jaime V. Acuram


• Anna Marie G. Aguiman


• January 22, 2022,

• 8:00 AM


• SPCMOI main building























The following are the titles of

the research studies:












These research defense

have established certain studies

that gave benefits to the local

community. It gave researchers

an avenue to support and help

in the establishment of a business,

service, or products. Moreover,

researchers formulate and

gathered data of their respective

studies with coordination

to the community it is involved.

The grilling pressure and

nervous researchers felt in their

defense is incomparable. However,

with sheer hard work and

perseverance, they raised to

the higher level and represented

their ideas competently. It is

commendable that the institution

implemented this academic

achievement as a stark reminder

of each student’s excellence

and potential in the world of business

and career development.


School Updates


Trisha Mae L. Echeveria

“No one has ever become Fami-

poor by giving.”-Anne Frank lies residing

on the said

On the day of December 3, barangay received

gifts of

2021, St. Peter’s College of

Misamis Oriental Incorporated

initiated a gift-giving cel-

such as rice,

grocery items

ebration to the kind people of canned goods,

Barangay Camuayan, Balingasag etc. The celebration


Misamis Oriental. The celebration

was participated by the faculty

and staff of SPCMOI. Fam-

even made

ilies, youths, and children of

Barangay Camuayan were benefitted

from the said celebration.

Despite the drops of rain,

the celebration went on as planned.

The program formally started at

10:00 in the morning. Intermission

numbers from the talented

staff of SPCMOI rendered their

abilities and talents. Fun games

and recreational activities were

celebrated during the event. With

the participation of few student

teachers of SPCMOI, educational

games for the children were

being facilitated. Reading program,

and mathematical activities

were some of the highlights

of the event where it is masked

in the faces of the children that

they are not only manifesting

fun but also learning and educating

themselves in the process.


more impactful

when the ‘champorado’ was

being served which is a perfect

pair for the cold weather. It is evident

on the smiles of each child

and families that this gift-giving

celebration indeed came as

a blessing most especially facing

the COVID19 pandemic has

made situations difficult to handle.

It was a fulfilling moment

worth capturing and remembering.

The true Peterian blood-giving,

compassionate, and kindness

exudes from the occasion.

The celebration ended gracefully

with SPCMOI staff’s word

of gratitude and express sincerest

thanks for the warm welcome.

The residents of Camuayan, in return,

offered their warmest smile

and appreciation for such kind

initiative to help and reach out.

Strengthening support,

partnership, and coming together

as one people will help one

another overcome whatever hurdles

push through. It is only with

the gift of humility and kindness

wherein we can show that

we value one another’s existence.

Salute to SPCMOI for taking the

initiative and extending hands

to those in need. Mabuhay and

keep of soaring high, Peterians!

School Updates


Roldan S. Ranido

Dako kaayo ang kalipay sa mga

studyante sa maong tunghaan sa

ST. Peter’s College of Balingasag

Misamis Oriental human maipatigayon

ang dibursement sa TES. Ang maong

release gipasugdan niining Marso

29 tuig 2022, ug malampuson nga

natapos niing Abril 12 sa maong tuig.

Matud pa ni Barry Sajulga BSED-ll

English Usa sa bag-ong benepisyaryo

sa maong pribilihiyo, “First and foremost.

I will be eternally grateful for

being a part of the TES program. With

regards to disbursement a big privileged

to avail this program. And thank

you so much for continuing your service.”

Sa iyang mga pulong iyang gipadayag

nga sya mapasalamaton gayod

nga mahi-apil sa maong programa.

Ingon ani usab ka mapasalamaton

si Hazel Mae Mendoza Namoc

BSED-lll English sa maong programa

diin matud pa niya; “Happy charot hahahahahaha.

Bitaw usa dyud sa akung

Gina pasalamat is for giving me the

opportunity to be a TES Grantee. Kalipay

dyud tawun namo mga pobre. And

beside Ana dako kaayu na tabang ang

TES aside sa ma fully paid emong tuition,

naa pakay ma palit na mga materials

para saimong mga project in.ana.

Thankful dyud ko sa ga lihok sad kay

Gina observe nila ang protocols to avoid

the virus”. Labihan gayod ang iyang

kalipay sa maong programa diin nakita

gayod niya nga dako kini nakatabang

sa iyang pag-skwela. Mapasalamaton

usab siya sa maong tunghaan nga

makugihon nga nag initiate sa maong

release uban sa pag obserba sa Health

protocols aron sa ingon mahimong luwas

sa maong virus ang mga benepisyaryo.

Mao usab ang migawas sa ngabil

ni Mitsy R. Masungkad BSED-lV

English usa ka graduating student sa

maong tunghaan, Matud pa sa iyang

mga pulong, “Adtong release sa Subsidy

of course nalipay ko kay syempre

naa napud pangbayad sa Tuition fee

and panggasto in buying materials for

Im’s cause adtong time sa release, week

sad to a sa among mga demonstrations

so, daghan jud mi dapat gastohan. Adtong

last na release, nalipay jud di Lang

ako, kundi kami tanan.” Sa iyang pulong

naipadayag gayod kon unsa siya

ka mapasalamaton sa maong pag release

sa budget sa maong programa.

Dako gayod ang naitabang niini tungod

kay daghan ang galastoon hilabina

nga siya usa ka graduating student.

The TES is a grant-in-aid program

under Republic Act 10931 to

help qualified disadvantaged students

and those residing and studying in cities

and municipalities without public

universities to support their studies.

Ang maong TES release sa tunghaan

sa St. Peter’s College of Balingasag

Misamis Oriental nahimong malampuson

uban sa pagtimbayayong sa

mga lumilihok sa maong tunghaan.



Loving You

~Raniel Dagsa~

Loving you is killing me softly:

You’re draining my energy;

Questions about you is a mystery,

And that kills me slowly.

Looking at you hurt my eyes:

You didn’t know I always cry.

You turned into a real sun,

I think I need a fan.

When I first met you,

You were so cold and blue.

You were like snowflake floating in

the air.

I had nothing to do but to stare.

When we are in Iceland,

You willingly held my hand.

Does it mean I got your attention?

Or my affection?

When the winter indeed,

You almost put me dead.

You may not notice,

That I couldn’t resist.

It’s not like you have everything,

I also have feelings.

Were you always numb?

Or were you just acting numb?

Did you just hold my hand

Because of pity?

Or you did it

‘Cause you loved me?

Please answer me,

If you don’t,

I’ll assume

You didn’t love me.

I had many questions to ask;

To give sincere answer is your task.

Please look at me now,

I need your answers right now.

Baby, ‘til Someday

~Marjorie Adanza~

Baby, this endearment is true

You don’t know on how my feelings flow

My knees were trembling,

Whenever I saw you singing

We’ve long talk and love starts to reside

And here you are always at my side

The gentle of your lips and sweetness

Finally, found the happiness

Later you fade like a bubble

And I begin to struggle

Because of try

It makes me cry

Far from my expectation, far from what I


Far from where my dreams live

Baby, ‘til someday you’ll get to see my worth

I’ll assure to find someone better


Someone She Hopes For

~Marjorie Adanza~

At the sand of beach’s side, it’s dawn

A girl sat down

Feel refreshing from the burden of life

While reflecting its importance

Someone lend her a hand

And then they start to have a bond

Exchanging thoughts with understanding

Later, to both of them closeness is


Growing up together

The same treatment to each other,

Missin’ the old days then follow

When she can’t even see his shadow

Found out he’s on abroad;

Only imagining he’s writing on the


His father got stroke so, he study medicine

She’s just hoping that they’ll

meet again

Elusive Dream

~Diana Cuerquez~

Stars are enchanting that everyone is


Hanging above, shining brightly at the

darkest night

And just like the stars, staring as you shine

I want to meet you or even just a little bit

closer is fine

Cap, mask and cam

You’re smiling as you lift your arm

How I wished I was the one

The person you are capturing that time

With your smile and expressive eyes

My heart has been tamed and it cares

Longing for your sweet image

To remain even as I age

I was hopeless, held captive

What’s with you that I’m willing to give

Everything you wanted

Just to spare me a glimpse and know that I



~Diana Cuerquez~

Mysterious, Good, yet Dangerous

I wonder how such thing contradicted

Of the most sought word on earth

Since I was given birth

We are not supposed to find it

But I can’t help but hungry for it

Wondering how would it felt

To finally have it

All mouths talk about it

Others are happy while others are angry

What’s with it that it has power to change?

Every soul that would experience its bittersweet


Love is war and we are the soldiers

Shedding blood and tears to win others

How easy would it be to let our feelings


And reciprocate as if winning a lottery

All things come in pair

Sorrow and joy, courage and fear

But why won’t they know

It’s always been me and you

I am not your fan

Yet curious of what I would become

If you challenge that word to mine,

Will I fall crazy? Or concede yielding my


But it may be heaven or hell

I will still gamble and stay,

‘Coz they can only play

By knowing that no one can say

what’s the end of the story


~Diana Cuerquez~

Sunset, stars and nature

An impeccable creation of our creator

Breath taking and always been enchanting

May your glamour remain as if everlasting

I was walking, looking at every person

while they whisper

Stunned, fantasizing and others are


It was never new to me hearing them say

‘What a beautiful lady’ a good sight to


It’s always been like this

Looking at my appearance and nothing


Judging like a jury

A stranger who knows nothing of my


I guess that was the price to pay

Acquiring beauty doesn’t mean I’m

always happy

Yet grateful for I was blessed

To have an image I am please to faced

Time is fast approaching

Everything is changing as well as my


I’m aging nothing like nature, stars and

sunset that’ll remain

Just a temporary being given chance to

enjoy the blessing

Yours Truly


Everyone is born unique

The only problem is they

can’t see

While I’m blessed to know

that I’m worthy

And flaunt my own kind

of beauty



~Diana Cuerquez~

Opposite attracts and that’s a fact

But you’re so cold that interest grows

You won’t spare me a glance

Nor give a chance to be near you even just


One time I saw, a model whose brows

perfectly grow

Holding a book at one hand, everyone’s

watching wondering who’s the man

A faint smile suddenly appear

I sat near secretly looking the face I’m


I was watching, enjoying the view of this

beautiful moment

Daydreaming, currently fantasizing of

sitting beside.

Can you noticed? I’ve become a stalker


Talking to myself, twitching like an idiot

holding your stolen shots

Now at my front, I’ve been pushed by a


My crazy friend finally did it wishing for

their death

On the second thought, maybe I would be

the first

As you’re now staring, already know my


Lying on the cold ground,

I secretly wished to see your offered hand

before I stand

I apologized yet at the back of my mind

I prayed you stop and ask, to calm this

troubled heart

You’re really a piece to behold

A painting worth of gold

Admirable and has worth

Enchanting, making me want to know


In the book I’m reading, you are the content

Waiting for another chapter to open

But I wished the plot would be you and me

Finding your way to our love story

Climbing Mountains

~Diana Cuerquez~

Child, enjoy your moments as it last

Don’t worry too much

Over thinking will strain you up

Nothing gain, you will only drain

I once dream of a different place

A place my foot never been traced

It was overwhelming to think

Yet I was depress when it was far

from reach

I was climbing a mountain

Each of us has always been

But we always hung our heads

miles ahead

Losing our wits to reach the summit

Pride, honor and power

We’re blinded by its greatness

That by constantly looking at it,

We’re dazzled, stumbled as we


Haste makes waste

I guess that was it

The reason I never get to reach

The star I’m trying to get

Yes I was a fool to think it was


Later did I know it wasn’t that


I advance and crushed, and my

head hurts.

Like a stupid fool walking in a

snow wondering why it’s cold

One time I was in my room,

Staring, my face looking gloomed

Worrying why everything seemed so


I badly want to rush things through

I’m a student

Nothing yet like an adult

So I perceived as I conclude

I’ll face what’s in front instead of

looking at a distant

One step at a time

To not stumble when hurdles come

Be grateful if you ever fall

As in pain we learn not in pleasure

Now, I get a little bit wiser

I should enjoy the moment as I

climb the ladder

Each experience will take me somewhere

To the placed I wished to remember


Its Time

-Diana Cuerquez-

People, here I am

Introducing myself to everyone

Have your eyes open

And hear what I’m saying

I am Time; I’m slow when you


You struggle as every second


Wishing you can fast forward the


You’re sick of hoping; always assuming

that what you’re waiting

is coming

I am fast when you’re late

An absolute fraud which you

always get

Making you rush that accident

takes place

As you run and chased for it

I am deadly when you are sad

Reminiscing things you shouldn’t


Remembering mostly the embarrassing

Adding fuel to your wretch feeling

I am short when you are happy

Apathetic of the things whatever

it will be

Not until you see, the darkness

already coating me

Now it’s done, back to reality

where you come

I am endless when you are in


You’ll wished to go numb again

Staying in your room with your


Catching tears you can’t swallow

I am long when you are bored

Everything seems to not work

Might as well get your phone and


Or sleep until you’re oblivious to

the world

I am beautiful when you’re in love

Full of smiles and inspired

A ruin mood suddenly lights

When you hear the person on the

other side

Now you know me

You approach differently

So every time we see

Make sure that you are ready

to seize the day

Perfect Pain

~Marjorie Adanza~

The sun shines so bright

But, you are out of my sight,

Maybe they are right

That you’re not strong enough

to fight

Reminiscing those captured


Wherein I want to tell you

my sentiments

I wanna speak openly

That I’m feeling the same


You just didn’t know ‘coz the

face I am showing

Doesn’t match how I am


You don’t have an idea as I

am acting mad

In fact, I am happy and I

am just putting up a façade

We’re in accord in terms of

reaching goals

Setting priorities to become


We might experience being


Yet, a bridge connects our

gap and builds trust in our


One day, we seemed to be an

ideas in math

The feelings we have, don’t

always follow a linear path

You’re such good in your own


Not thinking- you stabbed me

with those swords

Such a “Perfect Pain” you

gave me

Leaving me alone wherein I

thought we’re meant to be

Perfect pain that I’ve learned


As I reflect on it, I can see on

who I am becoming.




Beso-beso- “Beso” is the Spanish “kiss”,

but when said twice, it becomes the

middle and upper class Filipino’s social

custom or manner of greeting female

friends or relatives in which one’s cheek

presses on the other’s while making a

slight smacking sound with the lips.

Backhanded Compliment- What might

at first sound like a compliment but

could be really taken as an insult.

Churva- Another turn-of-the-century

coinage by the swards. They say

this is derived from the Greek word

“cheorvamus” which means “for lack

of the right term to say or a word

used in place of something you want

to express but you cannot verbalize.

Jeans- Genoa- called “Gene” by sixteenthcentury

Europeans- was the first city

to make denim clothes used for jeans.

The pants were names after the city.

Jewelries- Wrong. There is

no plural form for jewelry.

Lethologica- The state of not being

able to remember the word you want.

chemists but it was the Germans who

made extensive use of it during World

War II. It was widely distributed across

the rank and division, from elite forces

to tank crews and aircraft personnel.

From 1942 to 1945, Adolf Hitler was

given a daily dose of the drug by his

personal physician to fight depression

and fatigue. Users of shabu experience

an increase in focus, increased mental

alertness, and the elimination of fatigue,

as well as decrease in appetite.

Trailer- It’s crazy but what

they call a “trailer”(of a movie)

is actually a “preview.”

Triskaidekaphobia- The clinical term

for the irrational fear of the number

13. You will notice that all the irrational

fear of the number 13. You will notice

that all tall buildings in the Philippines

(as well as in other countries, it

seems) do not have a thirteenth floorfrom

the 12th number jumps to 14th. In

the racetracks, the slots for the horses

are numbered 12, 12-a, then 14. Many

dire incidents are attributed to the 13th

of the month especially if it falls on a

Friday, the day Christ died on the cross.

Pixilated- Behaving mentally imbalanced

or even whimsical. As a

slang word, it means “drunk” . This

is rooted on the word “pixie” a fairy

like or elfin creature who is usually

playfully mischievous. This has

nothing to do with the word “pixel.

Sahara Desert- Somewhat redundant

because “sahara” already

means “desert” in Arabic.

Shabu- The street name of methamphetamine

in Japan as well as in our

country. It was synthesized in 1893 then

later crystalized in 1919 by Japanese


Uncopyrightable- This is the only

15-letter English word that can be

spelled without repeating a letter.

Zig-zag- Street slang for “isaw”

or “barbecued chicken intestines”

The longest word in the english

language according to the Oxford English

Dictionary is “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis.”


only other word with the same amount

of letters is “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokonioses,”

its plural.

Source: Ernie Zarate



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