OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

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86 MAINLY MAIGRET air; a hateful picture of the scene in Elie's bedroom had risen before her eyes. " I never dreamt a man could get in such a state. In all my born days IVe never seen nothing like it, not even at the pictures. He bit his lips till the blood came, and he kept howling for his ma." Unconsciously she was glancing over her shoulder towards the hall and the door behind which that dreadful scene had taken place. " You know what they do to ... to murderers in France, don't you? " And when he made no answer she added with a nervous sob: " They chop their heads off! " Dropping the onion and knife on the table, she lifted her apron with both hands and hid her face in it. Moise murmured awkwardly: " Oh, Madame Baron . .. please don't take on like that! " Her shoulders heaved and, her face still hidden in the apron, she said weakly: " Don't take no notice. I'll be better in a minute. Only, it was such a shock, you know...." Timidly Moise laid his hand on her shoulder; that was the furthest he dared go. " If you'd seen him! " she moaned. " He looked such a poor miserable little shrimp, shivering and shaking in his pyjamas, like a kid that's scared out of his wits. One couldn't but be sorry for him. All skin and bone. ..." " Madame Baron, do please compose yourself. You'll only make yourself ill." She wiped her eyes and cheeks and, as she smoothed out her apron, conjured up a feeble smile. " There! I'm better now." The window had blown open. She went and drew it to. " I may have made a mistake. But he swore to me that if I let him stay a few days longer he'd be safe. He has five hundred francs left; I saw them. But five hundred won't take him far." A new thought waylaid her. She raised the lid of the soup-tureen and, after fumbling feverishly in it, dropped the thousand-franc note into the fire. " I'd never have breathed a word of this to anyone else. But I know you'll give me good advice, Monsieur Moise. Don't you agree that we can let him stay on for a day or two more? The police think he's miles away, and anyhow they'd never dream of looking for him in a quiet little house like this, would they? " Fearing she had not yet convinced him, she added: "Jh was when he spoke about his

THE LODGER 87 ma... . Somehow it made me think of yours, Monsieur Moise. Of course, if all he had to fear was being sent to prison, it would be quite different. You see what I mean, don't you? " She had started peeling onions again and her eyes were watery, though not now with tears. She was still snuffling a little, but her composure was returning. " Good gracious! I'll never have the lunch ready in time at this rate. . . . We've Monsieur Domb and Monsieur Valesco to think of, don't forget. If there's anything about him in the papers, they're bound to notice. If that happens, I'd rather it was you who told them." Her thoughts took a new turn. " Have you seen Antoinette about? " " I heard her going to her bedroom just now." She opened the door and shouted: " Antoinette! " No answer. No sound of an opening door overhead. Still carrying her kitchen-knife, Madame Baron hurried up the stairs. " What are you doing up there? " Antoinette was doing nothing. There was no heating of any kind in her room, and though the skylight was shut tight, cold air kept seeping in, owing, perhaps, to the thinness of the glass. Antoinette was lying on her bed, gazing up at the slanted ceiling. " Why didn't you answer when I called? " Never before had Madame Baron seen that strange, set look in her daughter's eyes, or her face so deathly calm. Indeed there was something so disquieting about it that she hurried to the bed and gave her arm a little tug. " Well? What do you want? " the girl said fretfully. " You gave me quite a turn! Come downstairs. You'll catch your death of cold if you stay up here. .. . Why are you looking at me like that? " " Where is he? " " In his room." How was she to explain things to her daughter? " You wouldn't understand," she said vaguely, " but I've my reasons. I've told him he can stay a few days longer. But you're not to have anything to do with him. If he speaks to you, don't answer." Antoinette seemed to wake up with a start, giving her head a curious backward jerk, as if her neck had gone numb and she had to free it. " What I can't get over," fcer mother said, " is the silliness of


air; a hateful picture of the scene in Elie's bedroom had risen before<br />

her eyes. " I never dreamt a man could get in such a state. In all<br />

my born days IVe never seen nothing like it, not even at the<br />

pictures. He bit his lips till the blood came, and he kept howling<br />

for his ma."<br />

Unconsciously she was glancing over her shoulder towards the<br />

hall and the door behind which that dreadful scene had taken place.<br />

" You know what they do to ... to murderers in France, don't<br />

you? " And when he made no answer she added with a nervous sob:<br />

" They chop their heads off! "<br />

Dropping the onion and knife on the table, she lifted her apron<br />

with both hands and hid her face in it. Moise murmured awkwardly:<br />

" Oh, Madame Baron . .. please don't take on like that! "<br />

Her shoulders heaved and, her face still hidden in the apron, she<br />

said weakly:<br />

" Don't take no notice. I'll be better in a minute. Only, it was<br />

such a shock, you know...."<br />

Timidly Moise laid his hand on her shoulder; that was the<br />

furthest he dared go.<br />

" If you'd seen him! " she moaned. " He looked such a poor<br />

miserable little shrimp, shivering and shaking in his pyjamas, like<br />

a kid that's scared out of his wits. One couldn't but be sorry for<br />

him. All skin and bone. ..."<br />

" Madame Baron, do please compose yourself. You'll only make<br />

yourself ill."<br />

She wiped her eyes and cheeks and, as she smoothed out her<br />

apron, conjured up a feeble smile.<br />

" There! I'm better now."<br />

The window had blown open. She went and drew it to.<br />

" I may have made a mistake. But he swore to me that if I let<br />

him stay a few days longer he'd be safe. He has five hundred francs<br />

left; I saw them. But five hundred won't take him far."<br />

A new thought waylaid her. She raised the lid of the soup-tureen<br />

and, after fumbling feverishly in it, dropped the thousand-franc<br />

note into the fire.<br />

" I'd never have breathed a word of this to anyone else. But I<br />

know you'll give me good advice, Monsieur Moise. Don't you agree<br />

that we can let him stay on for a day or two more? The police think<br />

he's miles away, and anyhow they'd never dream of looking for<br />

him in a quiet little house like this, would they? " Fearing she had<br />

not yet convinced him, she added: "Jh was when he spoke about his

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