OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

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82 MAINLY MAIGRET "Answer'me!" His face was grey, unwashed, unshaven, and sweat was pouring down it. His pyjamas were soiled and crumpled. The sight of his abject fear made her feel sick. " Don't! " She shrank away. " Antoinette! Look into my eyes." She could feel his hot breath fanning her cheeks, and it was all she could do to keep from screaming. " Look at me! I insist. Don't forget I have a sister too. Suppose you had a brother and ... and he was in my position." Suddenly, to her consternation, he fell on his knees before her, clasped her hands in his. " Don't say such cruel things. Please, please don't tell me to go. Once I leave this house I'm finished, and you know it. It will be all your fault. I . . . I don't want to die." " Get up." " Not before you've promised...." She drew back two steps, but he shuffled after her, on his knees. " Antoinette! Promise me you won't do that. You remember what they said in the paper, don't you? In France ..." " Oh, for heaven's sake shut up! " she almost screamed. As she spoke her body suddenly grew rigid, her heart gave a lurch. A head had just passed the window, halting a moment on the way. It was Madame Baron returning from her marketing, and unthinkingly she had glanced into the room. A latch-key grated in the door; she heard it open. Then came a soft thud as Madame Baron deposited her market-bag on the hall floor. "Get up!" It was too late. Already Madame Baron's plump black-clad form was looming in the doorway. She had a hat on, and this made her look more stern and dignified than was her wont. She gazed first at her daughter, then at the young man ii* pyjamas rising awkwardly to his feet. " Go up to your room," she said to Antoinette, after a moment's hesitation. " And look sharp about it. I'll talk to you later." She was holding herself in. No sooner was her daughter out of the room than she shut the door with a bang and rounded on Elie. " Well, you dirty swine, ain't you ashamed of yourself—making up to a little girl half your age? What you deserve is a good hiding, and I've a very good mind ..."

THE LODGER 83 She actually raised her fist, and he shrank away, shielding his head with his arm. But then her eyes fell on his face and she noticed that his cheeks were deathly pale, glistening with tears and sweat. And suddenly, to her amazement, he started trembling violently, breathing with a sort of rattle, his teeth chattering convulsively. Mistrustfully she watched him back into a corner of the room and start pounding the wall with his clenched fists. " What on earth's come over you, man? " The harsh, vulgar voice was like a summons back to reality, but it took no effect on Elie. He went on beating the wall, and she seemed to hear him whimper: "Mother! Oh, Mother... !" All his manhood had left him. In the loosely-fitting pyjamas he looked like an emaciated, half-starved child in the grip of panic terror. " Going balmy, are you? " As she spoke she noticed the letter lying on the floor, and recognized Sylvie's writing. She read the letter, though there was no need to do so; suddenly the truth—of which till now she had not had the faintest inkling— had dawned on her. As she looked up from the letter Elie swung round and faced her, still trembling with emotion, his hands pressed to the wall behind him as if bracing himself to spring forward. " So that's it," Madame Baron said, letting the letter slip from her fingers. Then her legs seemed to give way and she leaned heavily on the table. "Well, I never! What a fool I've been! I never suspected a thing. Of course, I must say, you went about it cleverly." She had a feeling that he was going to clasp her hands, perhaps go on his knees to her as well, and start imploring her.. .. Gruffly she said: " None of that nonsense! It won't work with me. Get dressed and clear out—at once! Got it? If I find you here in a quarter of an hour's time I'll have the police in." She began to move towards the door, but stopped abruptly, halted by the most appalling sound that had ever reached her ears —one of those long-drawn screams that are only heard in moments of supreme catastrophe, when voices lose all semblance of humanity and sound like the squeals of dying animals. Elie had staggered to the bed and flung himself across it, his arras D


"Answer'me!"<br />

His face was grey, unwashed, unshaven, and sweat was pouring<br />

down it. His pyjamas were soiled and crumpled. The sight of his<br />

abject fear made her feel sick.<br />

" Don't! " She shrank away.<br />

" Antoinette! Look into my eyes."<br />

She could feel his hot breath fanning her cheeks, and it was all<br />

she could do to keep from screaming.<br />

" Look at me! I insist. Don't forget I have a sister too. Suppose<br />

you had a brother and ... and he was in my position."<br />

Suddenly, to her consternation, he fell on his knees before her,<br />

clasped her hands in his.<br />

" Don't say such cruel things. Please, please don't tell me to go.<br />

Once I leave this house I'm finished, and you know it. It will be<br />

all your fault. I . . . I don't want to die."<br />

" Get up."<br />

" Not before you've promised...."<br />

She drew back two steps, but he shuffled after her, on his knees.<br />

" Antoinette! Promise me you won't do that. You remember<br />

what they said in the paper, don't you? In France ..."<br />

" Oh, for heaven's sake shut up! " she almost screamed.<br />

As she spoke her body suddenly grew rigid, her heart gave a<br />

lurch. A head had just passed the window, halting a moment on the<br />

way. It was Madame Baron returning from her marketing, and<br />

unthinkingly she had glanced into the room.<br />

A latch-key grated in the door; she heard it open. Then came<br />

a soft thud as Madame Baron deposited her market-bag on the hall<br />

floor.<br />

"Get up!"<br />

It was too late. Already Madame Baron's plump black-clad form<br />

was looming in the doorway. She had a hat on, and this made her<br />

look more stern and dignified than was her wont. She gazed first<br />

at her daughter, then at the young man ii* pyjamas rising awkwardly<br />

to his feet.<br />

" Go up to your room," she said to Antoinette, after a moment's<br />

hesitation. " And look sharp about it. I'll talk to you later."<br />

She was holding herself in. No sooner was her daughter out of<br />

the room than she shut the door with a bang and rounded on Elie.<br />

" Well, you dirty swine, ain't you ashamed of yourself—making<br />

up to a little girl half your age? What you deserve is a good hiding,<br />

and I've a very good mind ..."

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