OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University


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THE LODGER 79<br />

" Au revoir" she said, her fingers on the door-handle.<br />

" Right. I'll see you again later."<br />

The manager had hardly time to step away from the keyhole,<br />

but Sylvie walked past him as if she hadn't noticed anything.<br />

Jacqueline was drinking champagne with two men in dinnerjackets,<br />

an elderly man and a young one, father and son perhaps.<br />

With a flutter of her eyelashes Sylvie conveyed to her that all was<br />

going smoothly.<br />

The young poet was moping in a corner; he seemed to have<br />

given up hope of seeing her again that evening, for he looked quite<br />

startled when he saw her coming.<br />

" Hope you haven't been too bored," she said.<br />

" No ... not at all. I was waiting for you." The mere sight of<br />

her had made him blush, and to cover his confusion he asked:<br />

" Won't you have something to drink? "<br />

" What? Has that damned waiter taken away the glasses again?<br />

Really he's the limit." Seeing him go by, she shouted at him:<br />

" Henri, what do you mean by it? Didn't I tell you .. . ? "<br />

" It doesn't matter in the least," the lad broke in.<br />

She looked him full in the eyes, and he started blushing again.<br />

Even his ears went scarlet. Suddenly she asked:<br />

" Are you living with your people? "<br />

" No. They're at Liege. I've a little room, a sort of attic really,<br />

in the Schaerbeek district. But when my book comes out..."<br />

The manager had left his post at the top of the stairs and entered<br />

the dance-room so as to have a better view of Sylvie. Jacqueline<br />

was giggling as she nibbled the green almonds which she had<br />

persuaded die man beside her to order, and constantly throwing<br />

questioning glances at Sylvie over her shoulder.<br />

" Do you really like being here? " Sylvie asked.<br />

" Well—er—not really. But so long as I'm with you . . ."<br />

Bob, too, was staring at her; as indeed were all the staff.<br />

Obviously the word had gfone round.<br />

" Pay."<br />

" Do you want me to go? "<br />

u We'll go to your place."<br />

" But—!" He was horrified at the idea of taking an elegant<br />

young woman like Sylvie to his garret.<br />

" Do what I tell you, my dear. It isn't Sunday every day of the<br />

week."<br />

As he counted his change he looked profoundly puzzled. It

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