OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University


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" You can carry forward the difference," he had said.<br />

He had glimpses of the newspaper, the Gazette de Charleroi,<br />

a local daily printed on spongy paper in exceedingly small type.<br />

As usual, Madame Baron was on her feet most of the time,<br />

occasionally stopping to eat a few mouthfuls. It was she who waited<br />

on Elie.<br />

" Won't you finish your cutlets? "<br />

" Sorry, but this awful cold I have seems to have killed my<br />

appetite."<br />

Baron looked up from his paper.<br />

"An influenza epidemic is raging all over Europe," he announced.<br />

" I see that the death-rate in London went up thirty per<br />

cent, last week."<br />

He had a slow, oracular way of speaking. Each time he puffed<br />

out the pipe-smoke his long moustache streamed forward from his<br />

lips.<br />

" Have they caught the murderer yet? " Antoinette asked.<br />

Though he knew this referred to him, Elie didn't turn a hair,<br />

and looked up with no more show of interest than the others.<br />

" No, not yet. But the police are on his tracks, it seems, and an<br />

early arrest may be expected. They've made enquiries at Van der<br />

Cruyssen's bank and got the numbers of the banknotes."<br />

Baron looked round the room, and a change came over his<br />

appearance; he became the vigilant employee of the Belgian State<br />

Railways, whose duty it was to go from carriage to carriage<br />

checking tickets.<br />

" And to think there's some folks say there aren't any risks in our<br />

job!" he exclaimed. " Why, that fellow might easily have killed<br />

the guard as well! "<br />

He seemed put out by the faint smile, quickly repressed, that rose<br />

to Elie's lips.<br />

'" Aye, it's a dangerous job, whatever you may think. And in<br />

spite of that they've put back our retiring age to sixty, just like the<br />

fellows who work in the office. It ain't fair."<br />

Elie's smile had been no more than a nervous reflex. While<br />

Baron was speaking, he had been observing Madame Baron, and<br />

had noticed a slight change in her expression, as if a vague suspicion<br />

—less than that, an unformulated thought—had crossed her mind.<br />

And he had guessed its cause: that reference to the banknotes. The<br />

thousand-franc note he had given her must be still in the house.<br />

" Some coffee? "

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