OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

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268 MAINLY MAIGRET and fall of a bosom. One of die three men on the fo'c's'le deck was playing an accordion. Maigret turned his head and saw on the quay two female silhouettes. He rushed forward and crossed the gangway. " What are you doing here? " He blushed because he had spoken harshly, more especially because he was conscious that he in his turn had been infected by this frenzy which had seized all the protagonists of the drama. " We just wanted to see the ship," said Madame Maigret widi disarming humility. "It's my fault!" Marie L6onnec interrupted. "It was I who insisted." " All right! All right! Have you had dinner? " " Why, yes! It's ten o'clock. Have you? " " Yes.... Thank you...." The Rendei-Vous des Terre-Neuvas was almost the only place still showing lights. On the jetty one could just make out some silhouettes: summer visitors conscientiously taking their evening stroll. " You've discovered something? " asked Le Clinche's fiancee. " Not yet. At least, not much." " I daren't ask you a favour. . .." "Goon!" " I should like to see Pierre's cabin. Will you allow me? " He took her there with a shrug of his shoulders. Madame Maigret refused to cross the gangway. It was a regular metal box. Wireless apparatus. A sheet-iron table, a bench, and a bunk. On the bulkhead a portrait of Marie L^onnec in Breton costume. Old shoes on the floor and a pair of trousers on the bunk. The girl took in this atmosphere with a mixture of curiosity and pleasure. " Yes! .. . It's not quite as I imagined. . . . His shoes haven't once been cleaned. Look! He always drank out of this glass without washing it. ..." A funny girl! A mixture of timidity, weakness, good education, and on the other hand, energy and audacity. She hesitated. " And the captain's cabin? " Maigret gave a faint smile, for he realized that in her secret heart she hoped to make some discovery. He led her to it. He even went and got a lantern which he found on the bridge.

THE SAILORS' RENDEZVOUS 269 " How can they live in this smell? ..." she sighed. She looked attentively round her. He saw that she was rather timid and embarrassed as she asked: " Why has the bed been raised up? " He let his pipe go out. The observation was apt. All the crew slept in bunks which were somehow a part of the architectural scheme of the boat. Only the captain had an iron bedstead. And under each foot a block of wood had been placed. " Don't you find it strange? You'd think . .." " Go on." "You'd think—but you'll laugh at me!—that the bed had been raised so that someone could hide under it. Without the pieces of wood the mattress would be far too low . . . whereas like this . .." Every trace of ill-humour had vanished. He saw the girl's pale face strained with mental effort and excitement. And before he could stop her she lay down on the floor, in spite of all the dirt, and slid under the bed. " There is room! " she said. " All right. . . . Come out. . . ." " One moment, please. Pass me the lamp a moment, Inspector! " She was silent. He couldn't think what she was doing. He began to get impatient. " Well? " " Yes. . . . Wait. . . ." She got up suddenly, her grey suit all dirty, her eyes fevered. " Pull out the bed You'll see " Her voice was broken. Her hands trembled. Maigret pulled the bed savagely away from the bulkhead and looked on the ground. " I don't see anything." As she made no answer, he turned round and found that she was crying. " What did you see? ... What are you crying for? ..." " Here.. • • Read. •. ." He had to get right down and hold the lamp up against the bulkhead. Then he made out some words written on the wood with some pointed object, a pin or a nail. " Gaston . . . Octave . . . Pierre . . . Hen . . ." The last word was unfinished. Yet it had not been done in a hurry. Some of the letters must have taken over an hour! There


and fall of a bosom. One of die three men on the fo'c's'le deck was<br />

playing an accordion.<br />

Maigret turned his head and saw on the quay two female silhouettes.<br />

He rushed forward and crossed the gangway.<br />

" What are you doing here? "<br />

He blushed because he had spoken harshly, more especially<br />

because he was conscious that he in his turn had been infected<br />

by this frenzy which had seized all the protagonists of the drama.<br />

" We just wanted to see the ship," said Madame Maigret widi<br />

disarming humility.<br />

"It's my fault!" Marie L6onnec interrupted. "It was I who<br />

insisted."<br />

" All right! All right! Have you had dinner? "<br />

" Why, yes! It's ten o'clock. Have you? "<br />

" Yes.... Thank you...."<br />

The Rendei-Vous des Terre-Neuvas was almost the only place<br />

still showing lights. On the jetty one could just make out some<br />

silhouettes: summer visitors conscientiously taking their evening<br />

stroll.<br />

" You've discovered something? " asked Le Clinche's fiancee.<br />

" Not yet. At least, not much."<br />

" I daren't ask you a favour. . .."<br />

"Goon!"<br />

" I should like to see Pierre's cabin. Will you allow me? "<br />

He took her there with a shrug of his shoulders. Madame Maigret<br />

refused to cross the gangway.<br />

It was a regular metal box. Wireless apparatus. A sheet-iron<br />

table, a bench, and a bunk. On the bulkhead a portrait of Marie<br />

L^onnec in Breton costume. Old shoes on the floor and a pair of<br />

trousers on the bunk.<br />

The girl took in this atmosphere with a mixture of curiosity and<br />

pleasure.<br />

" Yes! .. . It's not quite as I imagined. . . . His shoes haven't<br />

once been cleaned. Look! He always drank out of this glass without<br />

washing it. ..."<br />

A funny girl! A mixture of timidity, weakness, good education,<br />

and on the other hand, energy and audacity. She hesitated.<br />

" And the captain's cabin? "<br />

Maigret gave a faint smile, for he realized that in her secret heart<br />

she hoped to make some discovery. He led her to it. He even went<br />

and got a lantern which he found on the bridge.

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