OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University


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" For her part, Beetje suspected her father, who didn't return<br />

to the house till after the crime, and who had perhaps<br />

discovered Conrad's relations with her and inflicted a father's<br />

vengeance.<br />

" Lastly, Cor, having seen Madame Popinga peering out of the<br />

window towards the timber-yard, suspected her."<br />

Maigret sighed. He still had a few more things to say.<br />

" Now for tonight.. . . When I made Any take the cap, no one<br />

thought much about it. Her cast-iron alibi had once and for all<br />

removed her from the list of suspects. But Any herself—surely she<br />

must now have known that I knew. That's what I wanted. That's<br />

why I made her take it. . . .<br />

" We were reconstructing the crime. I was playing Popinga's<br />

part—I had openly announced it. Everybody was to do exactly<br />

what they had done before. If everybody did, wouldn't that give her<br />

her chance? In front of all, I told the professor to put the revolver<br />

on the bathroom window-sill.<br />

" Why not get rid of me—the only person who could give her<br />

away? I'd be passing under the bathroom window, to put the<br />

bicycle away. . . . The only question was whether the revolver<br />

would be loaded. But if it wasn't, she had only to leave it where<br />

it was.<br />

" My plan miscarried. Madame Popinga didn't go to the window.<br />

. . .<br />

" And someone else took Any's place.. ..<br />

" That's the one redeeming act in this sorry story. The chivalry<br />

of the boy who wanted to save the woman he suspected, the woman<br />

who'd been like a mother to him. He's eighteen. One has to be<br />

eighteen to do things like that.. .."<br />

Again Maigret sighed.<br />

" Yes, my plan miscarried. Without it, is there really any<br />

evidence against Any? I really don't know. Nor do I care. .. .<br />

" It's in your hands now, Pijpekamp. I've told you the truth. Do<br />

what you like about it."<br />

The Dutch detective moved reluctantly towards Any. The<br />

hollows under the girl's eyes devoured half her face, but she<br />

managed to say firmly:<br />

" I'll answer any questions in the presence of my lawyer."<br />

Maigret turned and walked slowly out of the room, followed by<br />

a calm but reproachful look from Oosting. As he left the house,<br />

he heard a flustered voice:

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