OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

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io6 MAINLY MAIGRET and read dull books. But that doesn't alter the fact that she's a good woman, far too good to be suspicious about her husband. In fact, it was she who used to tell him to see me home." A queer smile flitted across Maigret's face. "Any's quite different. I don't need to tell you she's ugly, do I? You've seen her. With those teeth of hers she never had a chance; and what's more, she knows it. . . . That's why she's taken up law—so as to have a profession. She makes herself out to be a man-hater, and belongs to feminist leagues and all that sort of thing...." Beetje was working herself up again. This was obviously an old grudge. " And she thought it was her business to keep an eye on Conrad. Since she has no choice but to remain virtuous herself, she takes it upon herself to see that others are. . .. You see what I mean? . . . " She guessed—I'm sure she did. And she wanted to get Conrad away from me . . . Cor too for that matter. ... It didn't escape her notice that men were always looking at me. Even Wienands, who blushes every time I speak to him. ... And she's another who's got her knife into me—Madame Wienands. . . . Any may not have said anything about us to her sister. But I dare say she did. In fact, I shouldn't be surprised if it was she who found my letters." "Then perhaps it's Any who killed Conrad?" asked Maigret bluntly. Beetje began to hedge at once. " I didn't say that. I really don't know. All I know is that she's a snake in the grass.... Is it my fault that she's ugly? " " Are you sure there's never been a man in her life? " A smile from Beetje, or rather a little laugh. Such a laugh! The triumphant sfhirk of a girl who knows her charms, and who gloats over the other's lack of them. Had Any a man in her life? She might have answered something tarter, but all she said was: " Nobody round here, at any rate."' " Did she hate her brother-in-law too? " " That I don't know. Perhaps not. Anyhow, that's different. He was one of the family, and so she could regard him as being to some extent her property. And she could easily persuade herself it was her duty to protect him from all temptations." " But not kill him? " " What's in your mind? Why are you always harping on that? " " Don't bother about what's in my mind. Just answer my

A CRIME IN HOLLAND 207 questions. . . . But we'll let that go. Here's another one: Did Oosting know of your relations with Conrad? " " What have they told you about that? " " You used to go on their seal-shooting trips on the Workum sandbanks. And you used to sleep on board ..." " Sometimes." " And the Baes left you two to share the cabin? " " It was quite natural. In any case, he preferred to sleep on deck so as to be able to keep a look-out." " Quite so. And have you seen him since .. . since the murder? " " No. I can swear to that." " Has he ever made a pass at you? " A nervous titter. " Him? " Was she giggling with satisfaction? It didn't look like it. On the contrary, she seemed once more as though she might cry with exasperation. Madame Van Hasselt, who had heard voices, put her head round the door, then quickly withdrew, muttering excuses. A pause. . . . Then: " Do you really think your father's capable of killing you? " " Yes. I know he is." " In that case he was capable of killing Conrad for carrying on with you." Her eyes opened wide. She looked scared. " No," she protested. " It isn't true. It wasn't Papa. . . ." " Yet when you arrived home on the night of the crime he wasn't there." " How do you know? " " He got home a little after you, didn't he? " " Directly after But. . ." " In your last letters you seemed to be losing patience. You were beginning to realize that Conrad would slip through your fingers, that he was too frightened of his wife to run off with you, or perhaps that he didn't really want to." " What are you driving at? " " Nothing. I was just getting things clear in my own mind.... I don't suppose it'll be long before your father's here." She looked anxiously round her as though seeking a way of escape. " You needn't be afraid. I'll see nothing happens to you, I need you tonight/'


questions. . . . But we'll let that go. Here's another one: Did Oosting<br />

know of your relations with Conrad? "<br />

" What have they told you about that? "<br />

" You used to go on their seal-shooting trips on the Workum<br />

sandbanks. And you used to sleep on board ..."<br />

" Sometimes."<br />

" And the Baes left you two to share the cabin? "<br />

" It was quite natural. In any case, he preferred to sleep on deck<br />

so as to be able to keep a look-out."<br />

" Quite so. And have you seen him since .. . since the murder? "<br />

" No. I can swear to that."<br />

" Has he ever made a pass at you? "<br />

A nervous titter.<br />

" Him? "<br />

Was she giggling with satisfaction? It didn't look like it. On the<br />

contrary, she seemed once more as though she might cry with<br />

exasperation. Madame Van Hasselt, who had heard voices, put her<br />

head round the door, then quickly withdrew, muttering excuses.<br />

A pause. . . . Then:<br />

" Do you really think your father's capable of killing you? "<br />

" Yes. I know he is."<br />

" In that case he was capable of killing Conrad for carrying on<br />

with you."<br />

Her eyes opened wide. She looked scared.<br />

" No," she protested. " It isn't true. It wasn't Papa. . . ."<br />

" Yet when you arrived home on the night of the crime he wasn't<br />

there."<br />

" How do you know? "<br />

" He got home a little after you, didn't he? "<br />

" Directly after But. . ."<br />

" In your last letters you seemed to be losing patience. You were<br />

beginning to realize that Conrad would slip through your fingers,<br />

that he was too frightened of his wife to run off with you, or perhaps<br />

that he didn't really want to."<br />

" What are you driving at? "<br />

" Nothing. I was just getting things clear in my own mind....<br />

I don't suppose it'll be long before your father's here."<br />

She looked anxiously round her as though seeking a way of<br />

escape.<br />

" You needn't be afraid. I'll see nothing happens to you, I need<br />

you tonight/'

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