OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

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14* MAINLY MAIGRET it's really a very serious matter. And you put your finger right on it when you speak of jealousy.... You see, don't you? ... And it's not made any easier by the fact that Liewens is on the Council." " What time did Cor arrive on board? " " That I can tell you. Five minutes past twelve," " And when was the shot fired? " " At five minutes to. . . . Only, don't forget there's the cap and the cigar-end." " Has he a bicycle? " " Yes. . . . Everybody cycles here. It's so convenient. I do myself. •.. But that evening he hadn't taken his." " Has the revolver been examined? " " Ya. It was Conrad Popinga's. A service revolver. It was always fully loaded in one of the drawers of his desk." " At what distance was the shot fired? " " About six yards, which is exactly the distance from the bathroom window. . . . But the distance from Monsieur Duclos's window is the same. ... Then there's nothing to prove thai: the shot came from upstairs. Judging from the wound, it was fired from above, but Popinga might have been leaning over his bicycle, in which case the line of fire would have been about level. . .. Only, there's still that cap in the bath,.. and the cigar...." " To hell with the cigar! " muttered Maigret between his teeth. And then out loud : " Does her sister know what Madame Popinga told you? " " Yes." " What does she say? " " She says nothing. She's a very -studious girl and no chatterbox. She's .not like other girls." " Is she very plain? " " She's not exactly pretty. . . ." " Right. That means she's plain. . . . And you were saying? " " She wants to discover the murderer. She's working on the case, and has asked to be allowed to look through our reports." As luck would have it, she came in at that vqry moment. She was .dressed with a severity that was almost bad taste. A leather brief-case was tucked under her arm. She went straight up to the Groningen detective and began speaking to him volubly in Dutch. Either she didn't notice Maigret or she •chose to ignore him. The Dutchman reddqn£d, shifted from pne foot to the other, and

A CRIME IN HOLLAND 147 fiddled with his papers to cover his embarrassment. He looked up at Maigret to warn her of his presence, but she didn't take the hint. Finally, in desperation, he said awkwardly in French: " She says it's illegal for you to question anybody in Dutch territory." " Is this Mademoiselle Any? " Her features were irregular. The mouth too large. Yet if it hadn't been for her teeth, that were all askew, her face would have been no worse than many others. She was flat-chested and had large feet. But the most striking thing about her was her self-assertiveness, which was like that of any suffragette. " And of course, strictly speaking, she's right. But I'm telling her that it's often done, all the same." " Mademoiselle Any understands French, doesn't she? " " I think so." With her chin in the air the girl waited for them to finish as though their conversation did not concern her in the least. " Mademoiselle," said Maigret, with exaggerated courtesy, " I have the honour to introduce myself. Inspector Maigret of the Police Judiciairc.. . . The only thing I'd like to ask you is what you think of Mademoiselle Beetje and the way she carries on with Cornelius." She tried to smile. A forced, shy smile. She looked at Maigret and then at the Dutch detective, finally stammering in painful French: " I ... I . . . I don't know what you mean. . . ." No doubt she had never had to speak French before, for with the effort she blushed scarlet to the roots of her hair. 3. The Quay Rats Club THERE were about a dozen of them, men in thick blue knitted smocks, peak caps and varnished sabots. Some of them were leaning up against the town gate, others sitting on bollards, others simply standing on their two legs, which their wide trousers made enormous. They smoked, chewed tobacco, and more than anything else, they


it's really a very serious matter. And you put your finger right on<br />

it when you speak of jealousy.... You see, don't you? ... And<br />

it's not made any easier by the fact that Liewens is on the Council."<br />

" What time did Cor arrive on board? "<br />

" That I can tell you. Five minutes past twelve,"<br />

" And when was the shot fired? "<br />

" At five minutes to. . . . Only, don't forget there's the cap and<br />

the cigar-end."<br />

" Has he a bicycle? "<br />

" Yes. . . . Everybody cycles here. It's so convenient. I do myself.<br />

•.. But that evening he hadn't taken his."<br />

" Has the revolver been examined? "<br />

" Ya. It was Conrad Popinga's. A service revolver. It was always<br />

fully loaded in one of the drawers of his desk."<br />

" At what distance was the shot fired? "<br />

" About six yards, which is exactly the distance from the bathroom<br />

window. . . . But the distance from Monsieur Duclos's<br />

window is the same. ... Then there's nothing to prove thai: the<br />

shot came from upstairs. Judging from the wound, it was fired from<br />

above, but Popinga might have been leaning over his bicycle, in<br />

which case the line of fire would have been about level. . .. Only,<br />

there's still that cap in the bath,.. and the cigar...."<br />

" To hell with the cigar! " muttered Maigret between his teeth.<br />

And then out loud :<br />

" Does her sister know what Madame Popinga told you? "<br />

" Yes."<br />

" What does she say? "<br />

" She says nothing. She's a very -studious girl and no chatterbox.<br />

She's .not like other girls."<br />

" Is she very plain? "<br />

" She's not exactly pretty. . . ."<br />

" Right. That means she's plain. . . . And you were saying? "<br />

" She wants to discover the murderer. She's working on the case,<br />

and has asked to be allowed to look through our reports."<br />

As luck would have it, she came in at that vqry moment. She was<br />

.dressed with a severity that was almost bad taste. A leather brief-case<br />

was tucked under her arm.<br />

She went straight up to the Groningen detective and began speaking<br />

to him volubly in Dutch. Either she didn't notice Maigret or she<br />

•chose to ignore him.<br />

The Dutchman reddqn£d, shifted from pne foot to the other, and

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