OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

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132 MAINLY MAIGRET " Did you want to speak to my father? " " No. To you." She nearly burst out laughing. " I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me ... my father's gone to Groningen and he won't be back before this evening. Our two men are by the canal, fetching a load of coal. And the maid's out shopping ... And this is the moment that this wretched cow has chosen to have her calf. We weren't expecting it at all, or I should never have been left all alone." She was leaning against a windlass which she had all ready in case it was needed to assist the calf's delivery. Outside, the sun was shining brightly, reflected by her boots, which glistened in the dim light as though they had been varnished. She had pink plump hands, the nails of which were carefully manicured. " It's about Conrad Popinga . . ." began Maigret. But she frowned. The cow had painfully scrambled to its feet and then sunk to the ground again. " Here we are! .. . Would you like to help me? " She snatched up her rubber gloves that were lying all ready. Thus Maigret began his investigations by aiding a pure-bred Frisian calf to come into the world, or rather by acting as assistant to this capable girl whose easy movements showed her as well versed in athletics as in farming. Half an hour later he and Beetje were bending over a copper tap lathering their hands and arms right up to the elbow. " I dare say this is the first time you've put your hand to that job .. ." " It is." She was eighteen years old. At least that's what Duclos had said. When she took off her white overall, her silk dress outlined her rounded figure. Perhaps the sunshine was showing her off to advantage, but she certainly seemed just tne sort to turn a man's head. " Come indoors. We can talk over a cup of tea." The maid had returned. The drawing-room was austere, even a little sombre, but elegant and comfortable. The glass of the small window-panes was faintly tinted with pink, another detail that was new to Maigret. A bookcase full of books. Numerous works on cattle-breeding, handbooks of veterinary surgery. On the walls, gold medals and diplomas that had been won in international exhibitions.

A CRIME IN HOLLAND 133 And in amongst the books the latest works of Claudel, Andre* Gide, and Valery . . . Beetje's smile was coquettish, " Would you like to see my room? " She watched him closely to see the impression it made on him. There was no bed, in the ordinary sense of the word, but a divan covered with blue velvet. The walls were lined with toile de Jouy. Bookshelves with more books. A doll that had been bought in Paris, all frills and furbelows. It could almost have been called a boudoir, though it was a little heavy, solid, ponderous. " Quite like Paris, isn't it? " " Tell me what happened last week." Beetje's face clouded, though not very much. Not enough to give one to think that she took the event very tragically. No, it certainly was not weighing on her mind. Otherwise she would hardly have shown her room so proudly. " You'll have some tea, won't you? " They sat opposite each other. Between them the teapot covered by a cosy. Beetje still had to grope for a word now and again. In fact, she did more than grope. She fetched a dictionary, and sometimes there were long pauses while she looked for the exact expression she wanted. t A boat with a large grey sail glided slowly by on the canal. There was hardly any wind, so she was being punted along, threading her way through the timber which partially blocked up the stream. " You haven't yet been to the Popingas'? " " I only arrived an hour ago, and so far my time has been devoted to cattle-breeding." " Yes. . . . Conrad was a charming man, really very charming. ... He'd been many years at sea, and been to every country. Soon after he got his master's ticket, he married. It was for his wife's sake that he gave up the sea and accepted a post in the training-ship. Rather dull — At first he had a yacht, only Madame Popinga was frightened of the water, and in the end he sold it. . . . Since then he's only had a little boat on the canal. . . . Did you see mine as you came? ... His is practically identical.... In the evening he used to give private lessons to some of his pupils. He worked very hard."


" Did you want to speak to my father? "<br />

" No. To you."<br />

She nearly burst out laughing.<br />

" I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me ... my father's gone to<br />

Groningen and he won't be back before this evening. Our two men<br />

are by the canal, fetching a load of coal. And the maid's out shopping<br />

... And this is the moment that this wretched cow has chosen<br />

to have her calf. We weren't expecting it at all, or I should never<br />

have been left all alone."<br />

She was leaning against a windlass which she had all ready in<br />

case it was needed to assist the calf's delivery.<br />

Outside, the sun was shining brightly, reflected by her boots,<br />

which glistened in the dim light as though they had been varnished.<br />

She had pink plump hands, the nails of which were carefully<br />

manicured.<br />

" It's about Conrad Popinga . . ." began Maigret.<br />

But she frowned. The cow had painfully scrambled to its feet<br />

and then sunk to the ground again.<br />

" Here we are! .. . Would you like to help me? "<br />

She snatched up her rubber gloves that were lying all ready.<br />

Thus Maigret began his investigations by aiding a pure-bred<br />

Frisian calf to come into the world, or rather by acting as assistant<br />

to this capable girl whose easy movements showed her as well<br />

versed in athletics as in farming.<br />

Half an hour later he and Beetje were bending over a copper tap<br />

lathering their hands and arms right up to the elbow.<br />

" I dare say this is the first time you've put your hand to that<br />

job .. ."<br />

" It is."<br />

She was eighteen years old. At least that's what Duclos had said.<br />

When she took off her white overall, her silk dress outlined her<br />

rounded figure. Perhaps the sunshine was showing her off to advantage,<br />

but she certainly seemed just tne sort to turn a man's head.<br />

" Come indoors. We can talk over a cup of tea."<br />

The maid had returned. The drawing-room was austere, even a<br />

little sombre, but elegant and comfortable. The glass of the small<br />

window-panes was faintly tinted with pink, another detail that was<br />

new to Maigret.<br />

A bookcase full of books. Numerous works on cattle-breeding,<br />

handbooks of veterinary surgery. On the walls, gold medals and<br />

diplomas that had been won in international exhibitions.

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