OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University


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After turning off the taps she walked across the room to the<br />

window. The bathroom mirror was coated with steam.<br />

" I'II bet old Van der Boomp is sleeping late this morning. Isn't<br />

it funny he should be staying at the Palace, too, and in the next<br />

room to ours? "<br />

But Elias Nagear—since coming to Belgium he had accepted,<br />

not without some secret pleasure, the abbreviation of his name to<br />

" Elie "—wasn't in a mood to find anything " funny," and he<br />

grunted surlily:<br />

" Damn Van der Boomp! I'm certain it's on his account you kept<br />

me hanging about at that wretched bar till three in the morning."<br />

"Don't be so absurd!"<br />

He knew better, but it wasn't worth arguing about. When,<br />

towards midnight, they had entered the Merrylandy the room had<br />

been practically empty but for a few professional dancers glumly<br />

eyeing their empty glasses. Under these conditions even the band<br />

seemed reluctant to strike up, and Sylvie kept on yawning. But a<br />

change had come over the scene when in the small hours a fat<br />

Dutchman rolled in, escorted by two Belgians who were evidently<br />

introducing him to the night life of the capital. Everybody seemed<br />

to wake up, and one could have sworn the lights went brighter.<br />

The Dutchman was obviously out to enjoy himself. He had a<br />

hearty, boyish laugh. A quarter of an hour after his appearance, four<br />

girls were chattering at his table, champagne was flowing freely, the<br />

smoke of exotic cigarettes and Havana cigars mingling above their<br />

heads.<br />

Standing beside Elie at the bar, Sylvie kept looking enviously at<br />

the group.<br />

" If you're feeling rotten, go to bed. I'm staying here."<br />

It wasn't jealousy, but he refused to budge—perhaps just to<br />

aggravate her.<br />

" I suppose you're staying on account of Van der Boomp? " he<br />

suggested. " Van der Boomp " was the name Sylvie had invented<br />

for the portly Dutchman. It got on her nerves to see other girls<br />

swilling champagne while she was sipping a modest gin-fizz at the<br />

bar.<br />

" I don't think much of his taste, anyhow," she whispered, after<br />

a long, appraising look at the four girls. Then, abruptly changing<br />

her mind, she added: " All right. Let's go."<br />

When they were crossing the lobby of the Palace Hotel on their<br />

way to the lift they saw the swing-door open and Van der Boomp

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