OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University

OU_214051 UNIVERSA - Osmania University


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THE LODGER 97<br />

The Polish Jew slowly raised his head. There was no trace of<br />

anger in the pale, staring eyes—and this made what followed all<br />

the more impressive.<br />

" If you don't keep your dirty mouth shut," he said, " I'll bash<br />

your face in!"<br />

Though smaller than Elie, he was more toughly built, and looked<br />

quite capable of putting the threat into execution. After he had<br />

spoken, the pencil could be heard biting into the paper, and the<br />

table started vibrating again.<br />

Some minutes passed, and presently, for all his imperturbability,<br />

Moise looked up, puzzled by the long silence. He saw Elie sitting<br />

perfectly still, his eyes fixed on the red glow of the open ring of the<br />

fire; his under-lip was sagging, quivering.<br />

Moise resumed his work, and after a while, without a sound,<br />

almost, it seemed, without the least displacement of the air, Elie rose<br />

and walked out of the kitchen. The fire in his bedroom had gone<br />

out, but none the less he stayed there, sitting in front of the window.<br />

Towards four, when the lamp-lighter was going his rounds, he<br />

saw two dim figures moving by, which he recognized as Antoinette<br />

and her mother. He heard the key turn in the lock, then footsteps<br />

in the hall. The two women had almost reached the kitchen door<br />

when there was a slight rattle of the letter-box; the evening paper<br />

had just been delivered.<br />

Elie ran out and took it; then followed the women into the<br />

kitchen, where he found Moise gathering up his books and papers.<br />

The table was strewn with parcels of various shapes and sizes.<br />

" Go upstairs and change your things," said Madame Baron to<br />

her daughter.<br />

Before even taking off" her hat she went to the range, added a<br />

shovelful of coal, and set the kettle on to boil. Her cheeks were blue<br />

with cold; little beads of ice glittered on her fur stole.<br />

" Has no one been, Monsieur Moise? "<br />

" No one."<br />

Without a glance at Elie she went upstairs to change her clothes,<br />

and a moment later Moise went up too. The wicker chair creaked<br />

as Elie settled into it. The pages of the newspaper rustled. There<br />

was nothing of interest on the first or second page. But on the third<br />

he found a short paragraph headed: " The Murder on the Paris<br />

Express"<br />

There were only a dozen lines or so—which seemed to indicate<br />

that Press and public had lost interest in the case.

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