Volume 2

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The Cursor

Volume II

Page 02

Page 06

Page 10

Page 11

- Thapar MUN Intra FAQ’s

- How 2020 Agricultural Reforms

are a watershed moment for India

- Trending on the Internet

- Testimonials

Date of Issue:

03 / 10 / 2020



Q1. What is Thapar MUN Intra ?

A1. Thapar MUN Intra is a platform for all students of TIET from any year to participate in a 2

day long conference of debating where skills of diplomacy, critical thinking, public speaking and

researching are shown and improved.

Q2. Who can apply for Thapar MUN Intra 2020? Can students from Derabassi campus apply as


A2. Every student who is a part of Thapar Institute can apply for Thapar MUN Intra 2020. This

includes students from every year and both campuses. Therefore, yes, students from Derabassi

campus are encouraged to join the conference as well.

Q3. How will Thapar MUN Intra 2020 take place during this pandemic?

A3. Usually, the conference is organized at TIET Patiala campus in person, and is a 2 day long

conference. But due to the current extraordinary circumstances, the conference, this year, will take

place in online mode.

Q4. When will Thapar MUN Intra 2020 be held?

A4. Thapar MUN Intra will be held on 31st October - 1st November, 2020.

Q5. Where can I register for this conference?

A5. The delegate applications are out now and can be found below. Keep in mind, the allotments

will happen on a first come first serve basis, so it is advised that students should fill the form


Delegate Applications:



Q6. What are the committees and agendas for Thapar MUN Intra 2020?

A6. The following committees will be simulated in Thapar MUN Intra 2020:-

• United Nations General Assembly- DISEC: Prevention of armed conflicts with special

emphasis on illegal trade tracks and use of arms through governmental channels or private

military contractors.

• United Nations Human Rights Council: Suggesting measures to counter toxic narratives

against refugees and migrants with special emphasis on South East Asia.

• All India Political Parties Meet: Reviewing and analysing the economic policies of the NDA

government with special emphasis on the current economic situation.

• UNSC-Counter Terrorism Committee: Discussing parameters of pre-emptive self defence as

a counter-terrorism strategy.

• Committee X (Continuous Crisis Committee): Classified.

Q7. What is Committee X?

A7. Committee X is a continuous crisis committee where almost nothing is known about the

committee prior to the conference. The agenda is released just a few days before the conference.

Continuous updates are given within the committee about the situation in hand. Participants are

expected to come with arguments and plans of action on the spot. The committee provides an

opportunity for enhancement of critical thinking skills to the delegates thereby intensifying their

decision making ability.

Q8. I am participating in a MUN for the first time. How do I proceed with it?

A8. All the first timers are highly encouraged to participate in Thapar MUN Intra 2020 to get the

experience of a lifetime. Any doubts regarding the form can be asked from the Delegate Affairs

team whose contact information has been mentioned in the form itself. Once you have registered

for the conference, Thapar MUN Society will host workshops for you where you will get familiar

with the procedures of a MUN, the workings of every committee, the research procedure and all

your doubts will be taken up individually to give you the best experience at the conference.

Q9. If I do not want to take part in the debate, can I still be a part of Thapar MUN

Intra 2020?

A9. Yes, for students who want to get the experience of a MUN without

indulging in debate, Thapar MUN Society simulates the International

Press (IP) for them. In the IP, one can be a reporter or caricaturist

during the conference and covers the committees taking place.

International Press Applications:




Currently, Dr. Akhilesh Suman hosts a daily

show - ‘Indian Standard Time’ on Rajya Sabha

TV where he converses with Global thinkers.

His main areas of work include analysing and

reporting on foreign affairs and political issues.

Besides, he is one of the founding members of

Rajya Sabha TV and has worked there for the past

10 years. He has actively covered and reported the

general elections and state legislative elections in

India for about 20 years.

“Once while going through a Maoist dominated

area, we lost our way. It was midnight and my

cameraman was scared of being abducted by the

Naxalites. I said, don’t worry, if Maoists arrive

we will interview them. Because that’s what we

journalists do.” - Dr. Akhilesh Suman

In this era when misleading information is

advancing rapidly across communities and the

world politics and international relations are

dynamically changing, Thapar MUN Society

took steps ahead to help the citizens embody

knowledge regarding the current changing

world and organized a webinar - ‘Samvaad’

that was presided over by Dr Akhilesh Suman,

Editor, Foreign Affairs, Rajya Sabha TV.

Dr. Suman’s address to the audience was

centered around discussing the changing

dynamics of the world with an emphasis on

the realm of international diplomacy and its

impact on India. The session initiated with Dr.

Suman answering all the general interrogations

regarding international relations and

diplomacy. ‘Samvaad’ witnessed

tremendous participation of

more than 300 attendees,

who raised specific

queries during the

session that were

duly resolved

by Dr. Akhilesh


The audience got some captivating insights into

the life of a man who went toe-to-toe with the

universal tilt towards the English language and

became the first Hindi journalist to win the

prestigious Chevening Scholarship.

The webinar ‘Samvaad’ ended with Dr. Suman’s

parting words, encouraging the youth to

participate in the development of the nation and

thus contribute towards its upliftment on a global

stage. Dr. Gurvinder Kaur, President, Thapar

MUN Society extended profound indebtedness

and gratitude to Dr. Suman for his presence and

imparting the audience with his invigorating




Thapar MUN society, with the sole motive of

introducing the culture of MUNs, has always

shown a keen participation in the annual society

fair, aimed at enlightening newcomers in our

college to the various societies present in TIET.

This year’s Society Fair, organized by FROSH as a

part of its events for freshers, witnessed an active

participation of Thapar MUN Society. Given

the circumstances of COVID-19, the fair was

conducted in a virtual mode at Zoom platform.

Each society/club/chapter had its individual

zoom session link and the first-year students

were provided with these links and could join the

session of societies as per their convenience.

Thapar MUN Society followed a similar

approach and the Secretariat interacted with

the first-year students. Various members of the

Secretariat introduced the society, it’s vision

and the flagship events that we have been

organizing for the past 10 years. Beginning

with a prefatory video, students were welcomed

with warm greetings followed by an engrossing

presentation which not only explained the

capabilities and functionality of our

society but also provided the new

students with a perspective

on the development

of expertise in

public speaking,

enhancement of

interactive skills,


The concept of MUN was briefed to students

that involved making them acquainted to various

United Nations bodies that work towards the

welfare and peace of citizens of its member

nations. Queries related to simulation of these

bodies were also entertained.

Thapar MUN Society also took this extraordinary

moment to proudly announce Thapar MUN Intra

2020 conference that will be held on 31st October

- 1st November, 2020. The Secretariat members

delivered an introduction of all the 5 committees

that will be simulated at Thapar MUN Intra 2020.

The Secretariat also proudly released the Delegate

Application forms.

The society fair proved to be one of the most

important events in the light of interaction with

the first year students and served the purpose of

making them acquainted with various societies

and their events. Thapar MUN Society provided a

rudimentary exposure to the freshers and ensured

that they acquire the fundamental guidance

imperative for debate, deliberation, and beyond.


How 2020 Agricultural reforms are a

watershed moment for India

- Srajan Dixit

As Winston Churchill said:- “Never let a good

crisis go to waste”. On June 5, the Modi-led

government had notified three ordinances as

a response to the Covid-19 crisis. These were:-

an amendment to Essential Commodities Act,

1955; Farmers’ (Empowerment and Protection)

Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services

Ordinance, 2020 and Farmers’ Produce Trade

and Commerce(Promotion and Facilitation)

Ordinance, 2020. Later in September, the

Parliament passed the three ordinances.

The farmer has been the busiest business entity

of this country. In 1991, the industries gained

independence from the License-Quota Raj.

However, the poor Indian farmer is yet to be

emancipated. The farmers have been a victim

of India’s political system, which has left them

out from the waves of reforms. There is a vested

interest among the politicians, bureaucrats and

traders to keep the broken system intact.

The ECA dates back to the period when the

GoI made rules regarding production and

distribution of Agro-commodities under the

Defence of India Act, 1939 during World

War II. However, after independence, these

provisions were included in the Essential

Commodities Act,1955. But the law was so

Draconian that two constitutional amendments

had to be passed. Parliament took the power to

regulate essential commodities by inserting a

new entry in the Concurrent List (Entry 33, List

III, Schedule VII).

The government has regularly misused the

ECA to regulate prices and stock of agricultural

commodities. This led to a Raid Raj where

traders with slightly higher stock were raided and

arrested. ECA is further responsible for creating

uncertainty in the markets. From 2014-19, export

rules for onion and rice were changed 17 and 14

times, respectively. In June 2014, the West Bengal

government instructed traders to sell potatoes at

below-market prices using the law.

The amendment reduces the power of the state

and central government to regulate stock limits

and price limits etc. on a commodity and also

limits the commodities where such limits could

be enforced. These limits can only be enforced in

case of an emergency, war, famine, etc. The second

is that the state can impose the regulations based

on price rise at a certain rate. This amendment

aims to prevent unpredictability and interference

in the market, along with providing relief to

traders from stock limits.

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and

Commerce(Promotion and Facilitation) Act,2020

ended the monopsony of the Agricultural

Produce Market Committee(APMC) over the

farmers. This has empowered the farmers to sell

their produce outside his districts’ APMC. They

can now eye markets of adjoining states and

districts. This allows the farmer to grow as an



consumers or companies only through a licenced

trader. This law has bypassed this middleman.

From now on, any farmer can enter into a contract

with a person or company to sell his produce. The

ordinance states that APMC market laws will only

apply in the physical space of the market. The

transactions made outside the physical markets

aren’t subjected to taxes associated with APMC.

These APMCs are responsible for the enslavement

of the poor farmers of India, who are at the mercy

of the cartel of Mandi and Licensed Buyers. This

law prohibits a farmer from selling his produce to

the next APMC in the neighbouring district, even

if it is nearer. APMCs put pre-Zollverein German

confederation trade to shame. The farmer couldn’t

even choose his buyer or customer. The farmer

can’t even sell his produce to the next district, let

alone another state or a company. Some states

allow farmers to sell to licenced buyers without

bringing the produce to the APMC market. This

resulted in traders forming cartels in these APMC

markets and offering low prices to farmers.

The difference between the price that farmers

get for their produce and what consumers pay

is called the farm-to-fork mark-up. As per a

Times of India report, this may be as high as 65

percent for India, compared to 10 percent for

Nordic countries and 25 percent for Indonesia.

This law removes the lack of competition in

the trader market. It doesn’t end the APMCs

altogether, but they have to compete with

other buyers to provide better prices. This

also restores the MSP’s original purpose of

setting a minimum price in the market with

others requiring to compete for higher prices.

It empowers the farmer to negotiate prices and

sell his produce in a market as per his wishes.

The Farmers (Empowerment and

Protection) Agreement on Price

Assurance and Farm Services

Act,2020 provides a

framework for

contract farming.

Farmers earlier

could only sell

their produce to

This law allows the farmer to make deals with

processors or restaurants to supply a certain

quantity or quality of produce for a specific time.

This allows the farmer to secure a customer

before harvesting his produce, unlike the earlier

cases where the farmer didn’t have any assurance

of a buyer.

The amendment in ECA will give relief to large

organizations, which will do more contract

farming without worrying about the stock limits.

This would cause a growth of silos which will

give him a greater time to sell his produce. It will

also allow small traders to expand their business.

These reforms are important to create a national

market for agricultural commodities.

However, our politicians only wake up when a

big crisis is at the doorstep. In the 1990s, it was

humiliating to see our gold being airlifted to

the Swiss banks so that India could avert a loan

default. This resulted in the liberalization of our

economy. Today we are reaping the benefits of

those reforms.

The unlucky farmer was still the vassal of the old

regime. The government brought these reforms

as a part of the steps to tackle the COVID-crisis.

There’s a long way to go to improve the lives of

farmers. These reforms are a big step towards that



Medicine: Pros and Cons

- Ridhi Saini

“Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.”-William Osler

With a population of 7.8 billion, N number of health complications and diseases are reported to the

hospital all over the world. Take an example of the ongoing situation. Who knew we would have to

deal with a tiny but severely dangerous virus?

According to the internet, a human body is host to 100 trillion microbes, both good and bad. Our

immune system decides whether it can fight the bad microbes that our body is vulnerable to. With

the rise in diseases and other health issues, the best miracle in the medical field were medicines.

Medicines were invented 60,000 years ago, and ever since they’ve helped our kind to survive and stay


There are many medicinal plants in nature with excellent health benefits. Man-made drugs have also

proven to be absolutely healing. All the medicinal plants and drugs have different effects on different

populations. This is the main reason behind providing patients with medicine which is prescribed by

the doctors. The patients are also told the exact quantities those medicines should be taken in. The

specification of quantity is very important and a patient must follow it for its own benefit.

For many years, certain drugs and medicinal plants have been exploited by us for the wrong reasons,

especially by the youth. The intake of drugs and weed has been alarming throughout the world.

They are taken in dangerous amounts which can lead to death.

Drugs are mainly consumed by people out of curiosity, to fit in society, to relax and escape reality,

and sometimes due to peer pressure. If one does not control their drug consumption, it can turn into

an addiction. Drug addiction has dangerous side effects on health, both mentally and physically.

One can lose their patience and consciousness if they consume it on a regular basis.

Strict measures are taken by the government but drug addiction still continues to be an issue

in every country. Many peddlers and people belonging to the addicted pollution are sent to

rehabilitation centers where they get proper treatment to overcome their addiction.

Awareness of drug abuse should be spread among the youth from school years

for them to know the aftermath of prolonged or excessive use. The more

aware they are, the more they can help in stopping this crime. They

should know that there is more to youth than drug abuse.

Our health and future is in our hands, and we must strive

to make the best of them.


A Game in times of a Pandemic

- Muskaan Walia & Tanishka Garg

The world watched the return of Andy Murray with

anticipation but was left disappointed with his secondround

defeat to the Canadian rising star Felix Auger

Aliassime. With Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal both

opting out of the tournament and Murray out of the

way, the roads were clear for Novak Djokovic to claim

the final prize. Even so, the fourth round exit of the

Serb left the whole world gasping. After dropping

serve to trail 5-6 in the first set against Pablo Carreno

Busta, Djokovic hit a ball that unintentionally struck

a lineswoman in the throat which led to him being

defaulted from the tournament.

As the Coronavirus held the world in its clutches,

its grip on the Sports fraternity was rather tight. All

the tournaments be it regional or international were

getting cancelled at the drop of a hat. The tennis

championships were no different. The French Open

was delayed to Mid-September and the entire clay and

grass court seasons were wiped out. The Wimbledon

Championships scheduled for June 29- July 12 was

cancelled for the first time since World War ll.

However, as the mammoth cloud of the COVID

terror started to drift from the state of New York,

the United State Tennis Association (USTA) went

ahead with its original schedule for the US Open


Due to concerns of public safety, it was decided that

the event would take place without spectators for

the first time in the tournament’s history, and the

first time in all the Grand Slam tournaments’ 143

year history. All the players entering the United

States didn’t need to get quarantined but had to

get tested for the virus before leaving and had to

continue being tested throughout the tournament.

As the tournament began, the 6-month deficit of

professional tennis was evident in the initial

round but the players soon found their

rhythms again. Sumit Nagal became the

first Indian in 7 years to enter the

second round of the Grand

Slam singles event. Nagal

fought through to

the very end, but

a volley that sailed

long-handed, gave

Thiem the victory.

With the Big 4 all out of contention, the world of

Tennis was finally ready for a new champion and

it found one in Dominic Thiem after he defeated

Alexander Zverev in a nail-biting five-setter. Thiem

became the first player born in the 90s to win a Grand

Slam. In a sport that has been dominated by the Big

4 over the past decade and a half, the Austrian’s feat

takes on even greater weight.

In the Ladies Singles event, the crowd favourite

Serena Willams lost to Victoria Azarenka in the semifinals.

However, Naomi Osaka upset the former world

number 1 to win a third Grand Slam title in 3 sets where

the 2 produced a dazzling display of shot-making.

Osaka’s victory this time was very well received from

the spectators, in stark comparison from the one in

2018 against Serena Williams. Despite the drama, the

event was quite a success. The COVID protocols did

create barriers for the spectators but the level of tennis

was spectacular. And with the French Open already

underway, tennis is finally back from the dark!


Trending on the Internet

- Aditya Gupta & Parth Gilotra



“MUNs helped me to overcome Stage


Since the day I joined University, I have aimed to

make the best of the opportunities that come my

way. As a first-timer to MUN in my freshman year,

my effort helped me overcome my stage fright.

Enthusiastic participation helped me inculcate

diplomacy in my professional interactions and

catered to the overall soft skill development. The

comradery that we enjoyed in the Thapar MUN

Secretariat has provided us with the memories to

be cherished in the future! From protest Slogans

in meetings to the After-movie at the closing

ceremony, have helped me witness this endeavor

at its best.

Abhishek Duggal

Interned at Hevo data

Incoming FTE at Deloitte

Batch of 2021

“MUNs helped me for the interviews...”

MUNs prepare you subconsciously for any

interview scenario that you may face in your life.

It upgrades your skills of thought, analysis and

implementation in varied situations. MUNs are

a great way to understand how research, analysis

and lobbying help generate a collective thought

process. These are the things that GDs always

look for.Thapar MUN Society takes it a step

further, it’s not just MUNs here, it’s also the people

that force you to source, think and understand

information better each day. It teaches you how

to act in a more inclusive and wholesome way.

The best part is you’ll never know you are

learning while creating memories of

a lifetime organizing the best

MUNs in the region!

Jaskirat Singh Lamba

Incoming Analyst,

Goldman Sachs

Batch of 2021.


“MUNs made me a better version of


The time that I spent while being in Secretariat

has left a great impact on me. It not only

forms a major chunk of all my happiest college

memories but also made me a better person for

tomorrow. Along with the fun, it has been a great

learning experience as well as it made me more

punctual, boosted my confidence and taught

me the value of diligence. Working in a team of

peers or working with the juniors although a bit

challenging initially has helped me greatly to not

only become a better team player but also a better

leader. Thapar MUN experience didn’t though

directly helped me in the job preparation but the

attitude that I developed in the past two years

mainly under being a member of Secretariat

proved to be of great use in every interview. Now

that if you ask me what was the best thing in

this whole experience my answer would be the

helpful seniors, great friends and lovely juniors.

Utkarsh Kalia

Incoming SDE,

Amadeus Labs

Batch of 2021.

“MUNs prepare you mentally for time


Model UNs, contrary to popular opinion are

more than mere competitions to make quick

cash and short-lived fame on campus. The values

attainable from the platform itself have farreaching

consequences, the three pillars mainly

being Research, Debate, and Diplomacy. People

have multiple approaches to an MUN, banking on

one or more of these pillars to present themselves

to a committee of individuals often equivalent

to a well-mannered dog fight. These skills help

not only steer the debate in a favorable direction

but your career trajectory as well. The added

privilege of being a member of the secretariat is

the camaraderie, friendships, and memories you

develop on the way to organizing quality events for

your college peers, along with gaining the ability

to handle immense pressure as an organizer and

a well-informed delegate when it comes D-Day.

This is what Thapar Model UN Society instills

into its members at its core; and how it mentally

prepares, at the same time as giving you the time

of your life.

Pratyaksh Verma

Incoming Analytics Associate

ZS Associates

Batch of 2021


Contact Us:

Yash Tyagi: 6283029150

Yugum Chaudhary: 9818097670







Compiled By:

Nirmiti Mittal, Rhea Gadoo,

Simran Kaur, Muskaan Garg &

Suvrat Arora

Designed By:

Muskaan Walia

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