Wilo brochure 2022

Protim supporting Wilo group to the digital future with BIM technology Protim supporting Wilo group to the digital future with BIM technology


ARCHITECTURAL MODELLING T H E M O S T D E M A N D I N G P A R T O F T H E P R O J E C T The architectural model is the basis for all other disciplines, that is why it is the most demanding and responsible part of work. If something goes wrong in the architectural model, the cost of changes is too high, as it affects every other project party. The very first challenge is that another company did the initial project. From the time of submission of the conceptual design, a lot of changes happened, that have to be implemented in a new design. One of the significant modifications was a complete change of the structural schema - from the precast concrete system to a monolithic type. High demand on the market for prefabricated concrete panels did not allow the construction to be finished on time. The architectural model is in Revit based on the template and according to the investor standard. The model of LOD 350 will be delivered at the end of the detailed design phase. 8

Our role is to provide formwork and reinforcement shop drawings first to the proofer for verification and then directly to the construction site. The main challenge is the high speed of changes (change in the construction type, architectural plans or MEP systems). DESIGNING CONCRETE STRUCTURES One of the peculiarities of this project is the high groundwater level. In collaboration with other structural teams taking part in the project, our structural engineers implemented a solution for a waterproofed connection of the existing building concrete structure to the new. The solution for the construction of a waterproof concrete foundation slab was implemented in the project. The problem solved there was a high heat release during the hardening process that could cause concrete cracking in large areas. Also, based on the preliminary design and calculations provided by Hellmich, our structural team developed the Vierendeel beam for eight meters-long cantilever. The main challenge in this project is the high speed of changes An additional level of complexity was added by the fact that construction started before the design phase was finished. That is why, all the changes that are happening, are important to implement and communicate with other participants as soon as possible. Apart from the fast velocity of work demanded, we have structural puzzles to solve in this project. 9


T H E M O S T D E M A N D I N G P A R T O F T H E P R O J E C T<br />

The architectural model is the basis for all<br />

other disciplines, that is why it is the most<br />

demanding and responsible part of work.<br />

If something goes wrong in the<br />

architectural model, the cost of changes is<br />

too high, as it affects every other project<br />

party.<br />

The very first challenge is that another<br />

company did the initial project. From the<br />

time of submission of the conceptual<br />

design, a lot of changes happened, that<br />

have to be implemented in a new design.<br />

One of the significant modifications was a<br />

complete change of the structural schema<br />

- from the precast concrete system to a<br />

monolithic type. High demand on the<br />

market for prefabricated concrete panels<br />

did not allow the construction to be<br />

finished on time.<br />

The architectural model is in Revit based<br />

on the template and according to the<br />

investor standard. The model of LOD 350<br />

will be delivered at the end of the detailed<br />

design phase.<br />


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