Top benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil helps to relieve throat and nasal congestion, reduce sinusitis, clear the airways of mucus, and act as a natural cough suppressant. It exhibits these properties due to its main component, Eucalyptol, that possesses potent decongestant, expectorant, and anti-microbial properties. Add two drops each of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Peppermint Essential Oils to a steam inhaler and inhale deeply to help clear the congestion. Apply it topically on the chest and throat after diluting in a base oil such as Jojoba Oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil. Eucalyptus Essential Oil helps to relieve throat and nasal congestion, reduce sinusitis, clear the airways of mucus, and act as a natural cough suppressant. It exhibits these properties due to its main component, Eucalyptol, that possesses potent decongestant, expectorant, and anti-microbial properties. Add two drops each of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Peppermint Essential Oils to a steam inhaler and inhale deeply to help clear the congestion. Apply it topically on the chest and throat after diluting in a base oil such as Jojoba Oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil.


TOP BENEFITS OF EUCALYPTUSESSENTIAL OILEucalyptus Essential Oil helps to relievethroat and nasal congestion, reducesinusitis, clear the airways of mucus, andact as a natural cough suppressant. Itexhibits these properties due to its maincomponent, Eucalyptol, that possessespotent decongestant, expectorant, andanti-microbial properties. Add two dropseach of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, andPeppermint Essential Oils to a steaminhaler and inhale deeply to help clearthe congestion. Apply it topically on thechest and throat after diluting in a baseoil such as Jojoba Oil or FractionatedCoconut Oil.Shop Now



Eucalyptus Essential Oil helps to relieve

throat and nasal congestion, reduce

sinusitis, clear the airways of mucus, and

act as a natural cough suppressant. It

exhibits these properties due to its main

component, Eucalyptol, that possesses

potent decongestant, expectorant, and

anti-microbial properties. Add two drops

each of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and

Peppermint Essential Oils to a steam

inhaler and inhale deeply to help clear

the congestion. Apply it topically on the

chest and throat after diluting in a base

oil such as Jojoba Oil or Fractionated

Coconut Oil.

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