Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems Classroom Manual Fifth Edition Update by John F. Kershaw


www.TechnicalBooksPDF.comSeries, Parallel, and Series-Parallel Circuits 85Review Questions1. The total resistance is equal to the sum ofall the resistance in:a. Series circuitsb. Parallel circuitsc. Series-parallel circuitsd. Series and parallel circuits2. What type of circuit does this figureillustrate?a. Seriesb. Parallelc. Series-paralleld. Broken3. The amperage in a series circuit conformsto which of these statements:a. It is the same anywhere in the circuit.b. It is always the same at certain points.c. It is the same under some conditions.d. It is never the same any where in thecircuit.4. Where current can follow more than onepath to complete the circuit, the circuit iscalled:a. Branchb. Seriesc. Completed. Parallel5. If resistance in a parallel circuit is unknown,dividing the voltage by the branch ————equals branch resistance.a. Amperageb. Conductancec. Voltage dropsd. Wattage6. In most modern automobiles, the chassiscan act as a ground because it isconnected to the ———a. Negative battery terminalb. Generator output boltc. Generator groundd. Positive battery terminal7. The following are all examples of loads:a. Switch, motor, bulbb. Bulb, fuse, resistorc. Bulb, motor, solenoidd. Fuse, wire, circuit breaker8. A circuit has only one path for current.a. Parallelb. Seriesc. Series-paralleld. Ground9. In a circuit with more than oneresistor, the total resistance of aseries circuit is ——— the resistance ofany single resistor.a. Greater thanb. Less thanc. The samed. Equal to10. In a circuit with more than one resistor, thetotal resistance of a parallel circuit is ———the resistance of any single resistor.a. Greater thanb. Less thanc. The samed. Equal to11. Technician A says an open in one of thebranches of a parallel circuit will notaffect the operation of the other branches.Technician B says an open in oneof the branches of a parallel circuit will notaffect the operation of the other branches.Who is right?a. A onlyb. B onlyc. Both A and Bd. Neither A nor B12. Which of the following describescharacteristics of two resistancesconnected in series?a. They must have different resistances.b. They must have the same resistance.

www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com86 Chapter Fivec. The voltage drop will be equal acrosseach.d. There will be only one path for currentto flow.13. What happens when one resistance in aseries circuit is open?a. The current in the other resistance is atmaximum.b. The current is zero at all resistances.c. The voltage drop increases.d. The current stays the same.14. Which of the following is trueregarding a series circuit with unequalresistances?a. The highest resistance has the mostcurrent.b. The lowest resistance has the mostcurrent.c. The lowest resistance has the highestvoltage drop.d. The highest resistance has the highestvoltage drop.15. Which of the following is true regarding aparallel circuit with unequal branchresistance?a. The current is equal in all branches.b. The current is higher in the highestresistance branch.c. The voltage is higher in the lowestresistance branch.d. The current is higher in the lowestresistance branch.16. The total resistance of a series circuit is:a. Equal to the currentb. The sum of the individualresistancesc. Always a high resistanced. Each resistance multiplied together17. In a circuit with three parallel branches, ifone branch opens, the total current will:a. Increaseb. Decreasec. Stay the samed. Blow the fuse18. Which of the following is true regardingseries-parallel circuits?a. Voltages are always equal across eachload.b. Current is equal throughout the circuit.c. Only one current path is possible.d. Voltage applied to the parallelbranches is the source voltage minusany voltage drop across loads wired inseries.19. The amperage in a series circuit is:a. The same throughout theentire circuitb. Different, depending on the number ofloadsc. Sometimes the same, depending on thenumber of loadsd. Never the same anywhere in thecircuit20. What does a short circuit to ground beforethe load cause?a. An increase in circuit resistanceb. Voltage to increasec. Current flow to Increased. Current flow to decrease21. Three lamps are connected in parallel.What would happen if one lampburns out?a. The other two lamps would go out.b. Current flow would increase through the“good” lamps.c. Total circuit resistance would go up.d. Voltage at the other two lamps wouldincrease.22. Total resistance in a series circuit is equalto the:a. Sum of the individual resistancesb. Voltage drop across the resistor with thehighest valuec. Current in the circuit divided by thesource voltaged. Percent of error in the voltmeter itself23. Parallel circuits are beingdiscussed. Technician A says thatadding more branches to a parallelcircuit reduces total circuit resistance.Technician B says that adding morebranches to a parallel circuit increasesthe total current flowing in the circuit.Who is right?a. Technician Ab. Technician Bc. Both A and Bd. Neither A nor B

86 Chapter Five

c. The voltage drop will be equal across


d. There will be only one path for current

to flow.

13. What happens when one resistance in a

series circuit is open?

a. The current in the other resistance is at


b. The current is zero at all resistances.

c. The voltage drop increases.

d. The current stays the same.

14. Which of the following is true

regarding a series circuit with unequal


a. The highest resistance has the most


b. The lowest resistance has the most


c. The lowest resistance has the highest

voltage drop.

d. The highest resistance has the highest

voltage drop.

15. Which of the following is true regarding a

parallel circuit with unequal branch


a. The current is equal in all branches.

b. The current is higher in the highest

resistance branch.

c. The voltage is higher in the lowest

resistance branch.

d. The current is higher in the lowest

resistance branch.

16. The total resistance of a series circuit is:

a. Equal to the current

b. The sum of the individual


c. Always a high resistance

d. Each resistance multiplied together

17. In a circuit with three parallel branches, if

one branch opens, the total current will:

a. Increase

b. Decrease

c. Stay the same

d. Blow the fuse

18. Which of the following is true regarding

series-parallel circuits?

a. Voltages are always equal across each


b. Current is equal throughout the circuit.

c. Only one current path is possible.

d. Voltage applied to the parallel

branches is the source voltage minus

any voltage drop across loads wired in


19. The amperage in a series circuit is:

a. The same throughout the

entire circuit

b. Different, depending on the number of


c. Sometimes the same, depending on the

number of loads

d. Never the same anywhere in the


20. What does a short circuit to ground before

the load cause?

a. An increase in circuit resistance

b. Voltage to increase

c. Current flow to Increase

d. Current flow to decrease

21. Three lamps are connected in parallel.

What would happen if one lamp

burns out?

a. The other two lamps would go out.

b. Current flow would increase through the

“good” lamps.

c. Total circuit resistance would go up.

d. Voltage at the other two lamps would


22. Total resistance in a series circuit is equal

to the:

a. Sum of the individual resistances

b. Voltage drop across the resistor with the

highest value

c. Current in the circuit divided by the

source voltage

d. Percent of error in the voltmeter itself

23. Parallel circuits are being

discussed. Technician A says that

adding more branches to a parallel

circuit reduces total circuit resistance.

Technician B says that adding more

branches to a parallel circuit increases

the total current flowing in the circuit.

Who is right?

a. Technician A

b. Technician B

c. Both A and B

d. Neither A nor B

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