Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems Classroom Manual Fifth Edition Update by John F. Kershaw


www.TechnicalBooksPDF.comSeries, Parallel, and Series-Parallel Circuits 83Figure 5-17. Short to voltage in a parallel circuit.(GM Service and Parts Operations)short is after the load on one branch and beforethe load on the second (Figure 5-17 B). The loadin the second branch operates normally. The loadin the first branch will not come on at all, or thecurrent flow might be so high that the fuse blows.If there is no circuit protector, the wire could getso hot that it actually catches on fire.Figure 5-18. Short to ground before the switch.(GM Service and Parts Operations)Short to GroundA short to ground (Figure 5-18) occurs when currentflow is grounded before it was designed tobe. This usually happens when wire insulationbreaks and the wire touches a ground. The effectof a short to ground depends on the design of thecircuit and on its location in relationship to thecircuit control and load.Figure 5-19 shows a short located between theswitch and the load. The resistance is lower thanit should be because the current is not passingthrough the loads. The fuse blows only after theswitch is closed. Lower resistance means thecurrent flow is higher than normal. The fuse orother circuit protector will open. An automaticallyresetting circuit breaker would repeatedlyopen and close. If there was no circuit protectorat all, the wire might get hot enough to burn.Figure 5-20 shows an example where a short toground is after the load but before the control.Figure 5-19. A short to ground before the load.(GM Service and Parts Operations)This means the control switch is cut out of the circuitand the circuit is always closed. As a result,the bulb is lit all of the time. If a short to groundoccurs close to the intended ground connection,you probably won’t notice any effects.

www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com84 Chapter FiveSUMMARY OF SERIESCIRCUIT OPERATION• The current flows through the circuit in onlyone path.• The current flow is the same at any point inthe circuit.• The voltage drops in the circuit always addup to the source voltage.• The total resistance is equal to the sum ofthe individual resistances.Figure 5-20. Short circuit before switch. (GM Serviceand Parts Operations)SUMMARY OFPARALLEL CIRCUITOPERATION• The sum of the currents in each branchequals the total current in the circuit.• The voltage drop will be the same acrosseach branch in the circuit.• The total resistance is always lower than thesmallest branch resistance.

84 Chapter Five



• The current flows through the circuit in only

one path.

• The current flow is the same at any point in

the circuit.

• The voltage drops in the circuit always add

up to the source voltage.

• The total resistance is equal to the sum of

the individual resistances.

Figure 5-20. Short circuit before switch. (GM Service

and Parts Operations)




• The sum of the currents in each branch

equals the total current in the circuit.

• The voltage drop will be the same across

each branch in the circuit.

• The total resistance is always lower than the

smallest branch resistance.

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