Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems Classroom Manual Fifth Edition Update by John F. Kershaw


www.TechnicalBooksPDF.comMagnetism 67Figure 4-33. Radiation interference: EMI wavestravel through the air and are picked up by wiring thatacts as a receiving antenna.EMI Suppression DevicesJust as there are four methods of EMI transmission,there are four general ways in which EMI isreduced, as follows:• By the addition of resistance to conductors,which suppresses conductive transmissionand radiation• By the use of capacitors and radio choke coilcombinations to reduce capacitive and inductivecoupling• By the use of metal or metalized plasticshielding, which reduces EMI radiation inaddition to capacitive and inductive coupling• By an increased use of ground straps toreduce conductive transmission and radiationby passing the unwanted signals to groundFigure 4-34. The capacitor attached to a GM HEIignition module protects the module from EMI.Resistance SuppressionAdding resistance to a circuit to suppress RFIworks only for high-voltage systems (for example,changing the conductive core of ignitioncables). The use of resistance to suppress interferencein low-voltage circuits creates too muchvoltage drop and power loss to be efficient.The only high-voltage system on most vehiclesis the ignition secondary circuit. Although this isthe greatest single source of EMI, it is also theeasiest to control by the use of resistance sparkplug cables, resistor spark plugs, and the siliconegrease used on the distributor cap and rotor ofsome electronic ignitions.Suppression Capacitors and CoilsCapacitors are installed across many circuits andswitching points to absorb voltage fluctuations.Among other applications, they are used as follows:Figure 4-35. Interference-suppression capacitorsand choke coils are attached to electric motors, likethe Bosch wiper motor shown. (Reprinted by permissionof Robert Bosch GmbH)• Across the primary circuit of some electronicignition modules (Figure 4-34)• Across the output terminal of most alternators• Across the armature circuit of electric motorsRadio choke coils reduce current fluctuationsresulting from self-induction. They are oftencombined with capacitors to act as EMI filter circuitsfor windshield wiper and electric fuel pumpmotors (Figure 4-35). Filters may also be incorporatedin wiring connectors.

www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com68 Chapter FourShielding MetalShields, such as the ones used in breaker point distributors,block the waves from components thatcreate RFI signals. The circuits of onboard computersare protected to some degree from externalelectromagnetic waves by their metal housings.Ground StrapsGround or bonding straps between the engine andchassis of an automobile help suppress EMI conductionand radiation by providing a low-resistancecircuit ground path. Such suppression ground strapsare often installed between rubber-mounted componentsand body parts, Figure 4-36. On somemodels ground straps are installed between bodyparts, such as the hood and a fender panel whereno electrical circuit exists, Figure 4-36. In such acase, the strap has no other job than to suppressEMI. Without it, the sheet-metal body and hoodcould function as a large capacitor. The spacebetween the fender and hood could form an electrostaticfield and couple with the computer circuitsin the wiring harness routed near the fender panel.For more information about ground straps, see thesection on “Diagnostic Strategies” in Chapter 4 ofthe Shop Manual.EMI SuppressionInterference suppression is now a critical automotiveengineering task because the modem automobilehas an increased need for EMI suppression.Figure 4-36. Ground straps are installed in manyareas of the engine compartment to suppress EMI.(Reprinted by permission of Robert Bosch GmbH)The increasing use of cellular telephones, as wellas onboard computer systems, are only two of thefactors that have made interference suppressionextremely important.Even small amounts of EMI can disrupt theoperation of an onboard digital computer, whichoperates on voltage signals of a few millivolts(thousandths of a volt) and milliamperes (thousandthsof an ampere) of current. Any of the interferencetransmission modes discussed earlier arecapable of creating false voltage signals andexcessive current in the computer systems. Falsevoltage signals disrupt computer operation, whileexcessive current causes permanent damage tomicro-electric circuitry.As the complexity and number of electronic systemscontinues to increase, manufacturers are usingmultiplex wiring systems to reduce the size andnumber of wiring harnesses, which also reducesEMI. Multiplexing is a method of sending morethan one electrical signal over the same channel.SUMMARYElectricity can be generated in several ways. Themost important way for automotive use is by magnetism.Magnetism is a form of energy caused bythe alignment of atoms in certain materials. It isindicated by the ability to attract iron. Some magneticmaterials exist in nature; others can be artificiallymagnetized. The magnetic properties of somemetals, such as iron, are due to electron motionwithin the atomic structure. Reluctance is resistanceto the movement of magnetic lines of force: ironcores have permeability and are used to reducereluctance in electromagnetic fields.Lines of force, called flux lines, form a magneticfield around a magnet. Flux lines exit the northpole and enter the south pole of a magnet. Magneticflux lines also surround electrical conductors. Ascurrent increases, the magnetic field of a conductorbecomes stronger. Voltage can be generated by theinteraction of magnetic fields around conductors.The relative movement of a conductor and amagnetic field generates voltage. This process iscalled induction. Either the conductor or the magneticfield may be moving. The strength of theinduced voltage depends on the strength of themagnetic field, the number of conductors, the speedof the relative motion, and the angle at which theconductors cut the flux lines. Electromagneticinduction is used in generators, alternators, electricmotors, and coils. Magnetomotive force (mmf) is a

Magnetism 67

Figure 4-33. Radiation interference: EMI waves

travel through the air and are picked up by wiring that

acts as a receiving antenna.

EMI Suppression Devices

Just as there are four methods of EMI transmission,

there are four general ways in which EMI is

reduced, as follows:

• By the addition of resistance to conductors,

which suppresses conductive transmission

and radiation

• By the use of capacitors and radio choke coil

combinations to reduce capacitive and inductive


• By the use of metal or metalized plastic

shielding, which reduces EMI radiation in

addition to capacitive and inductive coupling

• By an increased use of ground straps to

reduce conductive transmission and radiation

by passing the unwanted signals to ground

Figure 4-34. The capacitor attached to a GM HEI

ignition module protects the module from EMI.

Resistance Suppression

Adding resistance to a circuit to suppress RFI

works only for high-voltage systems (for example,

changing the conductive core of ignition

cables). The use of resistance to suppress interference

in low-voltage circuits creates too much

voltage drop and power loss to be efficient.

The only high-voltage system on most vehicles

is the ignition secondary circuit. Although this is

the greatest single source of EMI, it is also the

easiest to control by the use of resistance spark

plug cables, resistor spark plugs, and the silicone

grease used on the distributor cap and rotor of

some electronic ignitions.

Suppression Capacitors and Coils

Capacitors are installed across many circuits and

switching points to absorb voltage fluctuations.

Among other applications, they are used as follows:

Figure 4-35. Interference-suppression capacitors

and choke coils are attached to electric motors, like

the Bosch wiper motor shown. (Reprinted by permission

of Robert Bosch GmbH)

• Across the primary circuit of some electronic

ignition modules (Figure 4-34)

• Across the output terminal of most alternators

• Across the armature circuit of electric motors

Radio choke coils reduce current fluctuations

resulting from self-induction. They are often

combined with capacitors to act as EMI filter circuits

for windshield wiper and electric fuel pump

motors (Figure 4-35). Filters may also be incorporated

in wiring connectors.

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