Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems Classroom Manual Fifth Edition Update by John F. Kershaw


www.TechnicalBooksPDF.comMagnetism 65TRANSFORMERSTransformers (Figure 4-27) are electrical devicesthat work on the principle of mutual induction.Transformers are typically constructed of a primarywinding (coil), secondary winding (coil) anda common core. When alternating current or pulsatingdirect current is applied to the primarywinding, a voltage is induced in the secondarywinding. The induced voltage is the result of theprimary winding’s magnetic field collapsing. Theprinciple of a transformer is essentially that offlowing current through a primary coil and inducingcurrent flow in a secondary or output coil.Variations on this principle would be coils that areconstructed with a movable core, which permitstheir inductance to be varied.Transformers can be used to step up or stepdown the voltage. In a step-up transformer, thevoltage in the secondary winding is increased overthe voltage in the primary winding, due to the secondarywinding having more wire turns than theprimary winding. Increasing the voltage throughthe use of a transformer results in decreased currentin the secondary winding. An ignition coil isan example of a step-up transformer operating onpulsating direct current. A transformer that stepsdown the voltage has more wire turns in the primarywinding than in the secondary winding.These transformers produce less voltage in thesecondary but produce increased current.Mutual induction is used in ignition coils(Figure 4-28), which are basically step-up transformers.In an ignition coil, low-voltage primarycurrent induces a very high secondary voltagebecause of the different number of turns in the primaryand secondary windings.ELECTROMAGNETICINTERFERENCE(EMI) SUPPRESSIONUntil the advent of the onboard computer, electromagneticinterference (EMI) was not asource of real concern to automotive engineers.The problem was mainly one of radiofrequencyinterference (RFI), caused primarily by the useof secondary ignition cables containing a lowresistancemetal core. These cables producedelectrical impulses that interfered with radio andtelevision reception.Radiofrequency interference was recognizedin the 1950s and brought under control by theuse of secondary ignition cables containing ahigh-resistance, nonmetallic core made of carbon,linen, or fiberglass strands impregnatedwith graphite. In addition, some manufacturersPrimary CoilSecondary CoilFigure 4-27.TransformerTransformer.Figure 4-28. Mutual induction in the ignition coil producesvoltage across the spark plugs.

www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com66 Chapter Foureven installed a metal shield inside their distributorsto further reduce RFI radiation from thebreaker points, condensers, and rotors.As the use of electronic components and systemsincreased, the problem of electromagneticinterference reappeared with broader implications.The low-power digital integrated circuits now inuse are extremely sensitive to EMI signals thatwere of little or no concern before the late 1970s.For more information about EMI, see the “LogicProbe” section in Chapter 4 of the Shop Manual.Interference Generationand TransmissionWhenever there is current in a conductor, an electromagneticfield is created. When current stopsand starts, as in a spark plug cable or a switch thatopens and closes, field strength changes. Eachtime this happens, it creates an electromagneticsignal wave. If it happens rapidly enough, theresulting high-frequency signal waves, or EMI,interfere with radio and television transmission orwith other electronic systems such as those underthe hood. This is an undesirable side effect of thephenomenon of electromagnetism. Figure 4-29shows common sources of EMI on an automobile.Static electric charges caused by friction of thetires with the road, or the friction of engine drivebelts contacting their pulleys, also produce EMI.Drive axles, drive shafts, and clutch or brake liningsurfaces are other sources of static electric charges.There following four ways of transmitting EMIcan all be found in an automobile:• Conductive coupling through circuit conductors(Figure 4-30).• Capacitive coupling through an electrostaticfield between two conductors (Figure 4-31).• Inductive coupling as the magnetic fieldsbetween two conductors form and collapse(Figure 4-32).• Electromagnetic radiation (Figure 4-33).Figure 4-30. Wiring between the source of the interferenceand the receiver transmits conductive-couplinginterference.Figure 4-31. Capacitive field between adjacentwiring transmits conductive-coupling interference.Figure 4-29. Sources of electromagnetic interference(EMI) in an automobile.Figure 4-32. Inductive-coupling interference transmittedby an electromagnetic field between adjacentwiring.

66 Chapter Four

even installed a metal shield inside their distributors

to further reduce RFI radiation from the

breaker points, condensers, and rotors.

As the use of electronic components and systems

increased, the problem of electromagnetic

interference reappeared with broader implications.

The low-power digital integrated circuits now in

use are extremely sensitive to EMI signals that

were of little or no concern before the late 1970s.

For more information about EMI, see the “Logic

Probe” section in Chapter 4 of the Shop Manual.

Interference Generation

and Transmission

Whenever there is current in a conductor, an electromagnetic

field is created. When current stops

and starts, as in a spark plug cable or a switch that

opens and closes, field strength changes. Each

time this happens, it creates an electromagnetic

signal wave. If it happens rapidly enough, the

resulting high-frequency signal waves, or EMI,

interfere with radio and television transmission or

with other electronic systems such as those under

the hood. This is an undesirable side effect of the

phenomenon of electromagnetism. Figure 4-29

shows common sources of EMI on an automobile.

Static electric charges caused by friction of the

tires with the road, or the friction of engine drive

belts contacting their pulleys, also produce EMI.

Drive axles, drive shafts, and clutch or brake lining

surfaces are other sources of static electric charges.

There following four ways of transmitting EMI

can all be found in an automobile:

• Conductive coupling through circuit conductors

(Figure 4-30).

• Capacitive coupling through an electrostatic

field between two conductors (Figure 4-31).

• Inductive coupling as the magnetic fields

between two conductors form and collapse

(Figure 4-32).

• Electromagnetic radiation (Figure 4-33).

Figure 4-30. Wiring between the source of the interference

and the receiver transmits conductive-coupling


Figure 4-31. Capacitive field between adjacent

wiring transmits conductive-coupling interference.

Figure 4-29. Sources of electromagnetic interference

(EMI) in an automobile.

Figure 4-32. Inductive-coupling interference transmitted

by an electromagnetic field between adjacent


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