Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems Classroom Manual Fifth Edition Update by John F. Kershaw


www.TechnicalBooksPDF.comMagnetism 55Magnetic Fields and Linesof ForceA magnetic field (Figure 4-3) is made up of manyinvisible lines of force, which are also called lines offlux. Magnetic flux is another term applied to lines offorce, which can be compared to current in electricity:They come out of one pole and enter the otherpole. The flux lines are concentrated at the poles andspread out into the areas between the poles.Magnetic Field IntensityThe magnetic field intensity refers to the magneticfield strength (force) exerted by the magnetand can be compared to voltage in electricity. Themagnetic field existing in the space around a magnetcan be demonstrated if a piece of cardboard isplaced over a magnet and iron filings are sprinkledon top of the cardboard. The iron filings will bearranged in a pattern showing the flux lines. Aweak magnet has relatively few flux lines; a strongmagnet has many. The number of flux lines issometimes described as flux density, as shown inFigure 4-4.Magnetism Summary• Magnetic flux lines leave the north pole andenter the south pole of the magnet.• The more powerful the magnet, the higherthe flux density or concentration of the linesof force.• The greatest flux density occurs at the poles.• Magnetic lines of force are always paralleland never cross.• Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.Atomic Theory and MagnetismMagnetism starts with the atom. Each atom haselectrons spinning around the nucleus in orbits, aswell as spinning on their own axis. It is this spinningof the electrons that creates small permanentmagnets. In most elements, the electrons spin inopposite directions and as a result do not form amagnetic field. The iron atom has 26 electrons and22 of these cancel themselves out because theyhave an opposite spin direction. However, the fourin the next to last outer shell all spin in the samedirection, giving iron a magnetic characteristic.ELECTROMAGNETISMIn 1820, scientists discovered that current-carryingconductors are surrounded by a magnetic field. Aconductor, such as a copper wire, that is carrying anelectrical current creates a magnetic field aroundthe conductor and is called electromagnetism.Figure 4-3.Magnetic field/lines of force.Figure 4-4. Flux density equals the number of linesof force per unit area.

www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com56 Chapter FourCONDUCTORMOVEMENTCONDUCTORMOVEMENTCompassdeflectsFrom Northto SouthCompassdeflectsFrom Northto SouthFigure 4-5.Electromagnet.This magnetic field can be observed by the use of acompass, as shown in Figure 4-5. The polarity ofthe magnetic field changes depending on the directionin which the magnetic field is created.Straight ConductorThe magnetic field surrounding a straight, currentcarryingconductor consists of several concentriccylinders of flux the length of the wire, as inFigure 4-6. The strength of the current determineshow many flux lines (cylinders) there will be andhow far out they extend from the surface of the wire.Electromagnetic Field RulesThe following rules apply with electromagneticfields:• The magnetic field moves only when thecurrent through the conductor is changing—either increasing or decreasing.• The strength of the magnetic field is directlyproportional to the current flow through theconductor. The greater the current flow, thestronger the magnetic field. If the currentflow is reduced, the magnetic field becomesweaker.Figure 4-6. A magnetic field surrounds a straightcurrent-carrying conductor.Figure 4-7. Left-hand rule for field direction; usedwith the electron-flow theory.Left-Hand RuleMagnetic flux cylinders have direction, just as theflux lines surrounding a bar magnet have direction.The left-hand rule is a simple way to determine thisdirection. When you grasp a conductor with yourleft hand so that your thumb points in the directionof electron flow ( to +) through the conductor,your fingers curl around the wire in the direction ofthe magnetic flux lines, as shown in Figure 4-7.Right-Hand RuleIt is important to note at this point that in automotiveelectricity and magnetism, we use theconventional theory of current (+ to ), so youuse the right-hand rule to determine the directionof the magnetic flux lines, as shown inFigure 4-8. The right-hand rule is used to denotethe direction of the magnetic lines of force, asfollows: The right hand should enclose the wire,

Magnetism 55

Magnetic Fields and Lines

of Force

A magnetic field (Figure 4-3) is made up of many

invisible lines of force, which are also called lines of

flux. Magnetic flux is another term applied to lines of

force, which can be compared to current in electricity:

They come out of one pole and enter the other

pole. The flux lines are concentrated at the poles and

spread out into the areas between the poles.

Magnetic Field Intensity

The magnetic field intensity refers to the magnetic

field strength (force) exerted by the magnet

and can be compared to voltage in electricity. The

magnetic field existing in the space around a magnet

can be demonstrated if a piece of cardboard is

placed over a magnet and iron filings are sprinkled

on top of the cardboard. The iron filings will be

arranged in a pattern showing the flux lines. A

weak magnet has relatively few flux lines; a strong

magnet has many. The number of flux lines is

sometimes described as flux density, as shown in

Figure 4-4.

Magnetism Summary

• Magnetic flux lines leave the north pole and

enter the south pole of the magnet.

• The more powerful the magnet, the higher

the flux density or concentration of the lines

of force.

• The greatest flux density occurs at the poles.

• Magnetic lines of force are always parallel

and never cross.

• Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

Atomic Theory and Magnetism

Magnetism starts with the atom. Each atom has

electrons spinning around the nucleus in orbits, as

well as spinning on their own axis. It is this spinning

of the electrons that creates small permanent

magnets. In most elements, the electrons spin in

opposite directions and as a result do not form a

magnetic field. The iron atom has 26 electrons and

22 of these cancel themselves out because they

have an opposite spin direction. However, the four

in the next to last outer shell all spin in the same

direction, giving iron a magnetic characteristic.


In 1820, scientists discovered that current-carrying

conductors are surrounded by a magnetic field. A

conductor, such as a copper wire, that is carrying an

electrical current creates a magnetic field around

the conductor and is called electromagnetism.

Figure 4-3.

Magnetic field/lines of force.

Figure 4-4. Flux density equals the number of lines

of force per unit area.

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