Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems Classroom Manual Fifth Edition Update by John F. Kershaw


Figure 9-16.Typical DaimlerChrysler starting system. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)Figure 9-17. Comparison of the terminals on a pre-1977 starter relay (A) and a 1977 or later relay (B).(DaimlerChrysler Corporation)Figure 9-18. DaimlerChrysler starting system with afive-terminal relay. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)191

192 Chapter NineFigure 9-22. Typical Nissan starting system used ongasoline engines. (Courtesy of Nissan North America, Inc.)Figure 9-19. Only four of the five relay terminals areused when the Bosch relay is installed. (DaimlerChryslerCorporation)Figure 9-23. A typical Nissan diesel starting system.(Courtesy of Nissan North America, Inc.)Figure 9-20. DaimlerChrysler clutch switch.(DaimlerChrysler Corporation)STARTER MOTORSStarter Motor PurposeThe starter motor converts the electrical energyfrom the battery into mechanical energy forcranking the engine. The starter is an electricmotor designed to operate under great electricalloads and to produce very high horsepower. Thestarter consists of housing, field coils, an armature,a commutator and brushes, end frames, anda solenoid-operated shift mechanism.Figure 9-21. When the automatic transmission is inPARK or NEUTRAL, a transmission lever touches thecontact and completes the control circuit to ground.(DaimlerChrysler Corporation)FRAME AND FIELDASSEMBLYThe frame, or housing, of a starter motor(Figure 9-24) encloses all of the moving motorparts. It supports the parts and protects themfrom dirt, oil, and other contamination. The partof the frame that encloses the pole shoes andfield windings is made of iron to provide a pathfor magnetic flux lines (Figure 9-25). To reduceweight, other parts of the frame may be made ofcast aluminum.

Figure 9-16.

Typical DaimlerChrysler starting system. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)

Figure 9-17. Comparison of the terminals on a pre-

1977 starter relay (A) and a 1977 or later relay (B).

(DaimlerChrysler Corporation)

Figure 9-18. DaimlerChrysler starting system with a

five-terminal relay. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)


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