Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems Classroom Manual Fifth Edition Update by John F. Kershaw


www.TechnicalBooksPDF.comElectrical Diagrams and Wiring 121Figure 6-56. Toyota system diagrams are organized by individual systems and include ground points. (Reprintedby permission of Toyota Motor Corporation)positions are not clear, find that information elsewherein the electrical section of the manufacturer’sshop manual.Installation DiagramsNone of the diagrams shown so far have indicatedwhere or how the wires and loads areinstalled in the automobile. Many manufacturersprovide installation diagrams, or pictorial diagramsthat show these locations. Some originalequipment manufacturers (OEM) call these diagramsproduct description manuals (PDMs).Figures 6-61 and 6-62 show different styles ofinstallation diagrams that help locate the generalharness or circuit.The DaimlerChrysler installation diagram inFigure 6-61 includes the wiring for radio speakers.The circuit diagram for the speakers was shown inFigure 6-57. Compare these two diagrams andnotice that the installation diagram highlights thelocation of circuits while the circuit diagram givesmore of a detailed picture of the circuit.

www.TechnicalBooksPDF.com122 Chapter SixFigure 6-57.DaimlerChrysler radio circuit. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)Figure 6-62 is a GM installation diagram for thefuel-economy indicator switch. The circuit diagramfor this accessory was given in Figure 6-59.Compare these two diagrams and note that theinstallation diagram focuses on the harness and circuitlocation while the schematic diagram shows aspecific circuit current reading top to bottom.Troubleshooting withSchematic DiagramsIt is quicker and easier to diagnose and isolatean electrical problem using a schematic diagramthan by working with a system diagram, becauseschematic diagrams do not distract or confuse withwiring that is not part of the circuit being tested.Aschematic diagram shows the paths that electricalcurrent takes in a properly functioning circuit. It isimportant to understand how the circuit is supposedto work before determining why it is malfunctioning.For more information about troubleshootingwith schematic diagrams, see the “Copper WiringRepair” section in Chapter 6 of the Shop Manual.General Motors incorporates a special troubleshootingsection in each shop manual for theentire electrical system, broken down by individualcircuits (Figures 6-48 and 6-60). Eachschematic contains all the basic informationnecessary to trace the circuit it covers: wire size

Electrical Diagrams and Wiring 121

Figure 6-56. Toyota system diagrams are organized by individual systems and include ground points. (Reprinted

by permission of Toyota Motor Corporation)

positions are not clear, find that information elsewhere

in the electrical section of the manufacturer’s

shop manual.

Installation Diagrams

None of the diagrams shown so far have indicated

where or how the wires and loads are

installed in the automobile. Many manufacturers

provide installation diagrams, or pictorial diagrams

that show these locations. Some original

equipment manufacturers (OEM) call these diagrams

product description manuals (PDMs).

Figures 6-61 and 6-62 show different styles of

installation diagrams that help locate the general

harness or circuit.

The DaimlerChrysler installation diagram in

Figure 6-61 includes the wiring for radio speakers.

The circuit diagram for the speakers was shown in

Figure 6-57. Compare these two diagrams and

notice that the installation diagram highlights the

location of circuits while the circuit diagram gives

more of a detailed picture of the circuit.

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