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especially in the centre of the bright region (blue curve) due

to the energy input by repeated photoexcitation (note that the

centre of the dark region around y = 8 nm is nearly unaffected

throughout). In the time window 1–2 ns, the increase in the

centre comes to a halt and the elevation begins to shift to the

bright/dark boundary (red curve). This latter effect is dominant

in the remaining illumination time window (2–5 ns) and

is accompanied by a drop in height in the central bright region

(orange, black, yellow). After re-cooling to 300 K, a trench of

≈ 1 nm depth is clearly visible in the centre of the bright region

together with two hills (≈1 nm) formed at the bright/dark

boundary (green curve). The effect is similar when changing

the direction of polarisation as seen from Fig.3c), but is

significantly less pronounced upon changing the bright/dark

separation to ’horizontal’ (cf. Fig.3b), d)).

T / K

T / K








0 1 2 3 4 5 6








0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11




t / ps

t / ns

z / nm



FIG. 4. Time evoultion of global (bulk, bright and dark region) temperature

for the four different MD setups.




-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

-10 -5 0 5 10

0 ns

0.5 ns

1.0 ns

2.0 ns

3.0 ns

4.0 ns

5.0 ns


ter 1 ns. While the temperature bath manages to maintain a

bulk average temperature of about 600 K (see above), a hot

’bubble’ appearing in the bright region is clearly visible, with

peak temperatures of about 1400 K in the ’vertical’ setup and

roughly 200 K lower for the ’horizontal’ setup.

z / nm




-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

y / nm

-10 -5 0 5 10

x / nm

FIG. 3. Time evolution of the slab height profiles observed for the

four different MD setups.

The characteristics of the thermal energy uptake due to photoexcitation

is shown in Fig. 4, which presents the time evolution

of the overall bulk system temperature together with the

average values for the bright and dark regions, respectively.

In the first 1 ns, the system is seen to heat up from the initial

value of 300 K to a global average of roughyl 600 K in all

cases. Afterwards, the temperature remains stable for the remaining

duration. The pronounced fluctuations are due to the

photoexcitation cycles every 50 ps. A closer look at this analysis

reveals some subtle differences between the global average

temperatures of the ’vertical’ and ’horizontal’ setups. While

the overall system temperature of the ’vertical’ setups plateaus

at about 630 K, it converges to about 580 K for the ’horizontal’

setup. Furthermore, it is seen that the average temperature in

the bright region is ca. 100 K higher in the ’vertical’ setup as

compared to the ’horizontal’ partitioning (800 K vs. 700 K).

At the same time, the average temperature of the dark region is

lower for the ’vertical’ than for the ’horizontal’ setup. This is

attributed to the different widths of the bright and dark stripes

in the two setups, the narrower horizontal stripes allowing for

a more rapid exchange of heat between the two regions.

Going beyond temperature averages, Fig. 5 presents the

temperature distributions across the slab profile as reached af-

z / nm z / nm

FIG. 5. Temperature distribution of slab profile observed for the four

different MD setups after 1 ns.

The lower overall temperature reached in the two ’horizontal’

setups corresponds to a slightly lower (≈ 10 %) number of

activated chromophore units as can be seen from Fig. 6, where

the number of photoactivated E → Z and Z → E azo chromophore

units is shown, respectively, as a function of time

together with their sum (blue line). Here, it is seen that –

starting from an all-E situation – in each of the four setups a

kind of ’steady state’ is reached with about 58 % E → Z and

42 % Z → E excitation.

Next, we turn to the drift motion and the associated mass

transport (cf. Fig. ??), which is ultimately responsible for the

formation of a surface pattern. We begin our detailed analysis

of the molecular motion involved with Fig. 7, which presents

the average root mean square displacements (total rmsd and

cartesian components x, y and z) of the molecules represented

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