Oil and Gas GineersNow Magazine - 13 Best Paying Jobs In Oil And Gas Production

As the world moves away from fossil fuels, the oil and gas industry is in decline. However, there are still many well-paying jobs to be had in this field. Here are some of the best-paying jobs in oil and gas production: 1. Petroleum Engineer: Petroleum engineers design and oversee the construction of oil and gas wells. They also develop new methods for extracting these resources from the ground. petroleum engineers typically earn between $90,000 and $200,000 per year. 2. Drilling Engineer: Drilling engineers are responsible for designing and supervising the drilling of oil and gas wells. They typically earn between $75,000 and $150,000 per year. 3. Production Manager: Production managers oversee all aspects of oil and gas production, from drilling to refining to distribution. As the world moves away from fossil fuels, the oil and gas industry is in decline. However, there are still many well-paying jobs to be had in this field. Here are some of the best-paying jobs in oil and gas production:

1. Petroleum Engineer: Petroleum engineers design and oversee the construction of oil and gas wells. They also develop new methods for extracting these resources from the ground. petroleum engineers typically earn between $90,000 and $200,000 per year.

2. Drilling Engineer: Drilling engineers are responsible for designing and supervising the drilling of oil and gas wells. They typically earn between $75,000 and $150,000 per year.

3. Production Manager: Production managers oversee all aspects of oil and gas production, from drilling to refining to distribution.


N E W SS T O R I E S5 Tips for When YouMarry Military EngineerMarrying someone in the militarymeans making sacrifices that atraditional married person mightnot have to make. That mightmean moving around a lot and being homeby yourself or with the children for monthsat a time. Finding ways to cope with being amilitary engineer spouse can help make thetransition from civilian life a little bit easier.Here are five tips to take into considerationwhen you marry someone in the military.1. Learn to Cope DuringDeployment PeriodsYou may have to go months without seeingyour spouse during deployment, so considerhow you’ll manage your home, bills and otherresponsibilities on your own. You might beliving far away from your family, so you’ll haveto get used to doing things on your own, suchas cleaning the house, doing the laundry andtaking care of the children. On the plus side,you’ll be able to enjoy military benefits, suchas military engineer pay, military engineerspouse and family healthcare, a basicallowance for housing (BAH), recreationbenefits and childcare benefits.2. Get Used to Moving AroundIt’s a well-known fact that military familiesoften move around a lot, which can be quitea challenge, especially if you have children.84

You’ll have to deal with helping them transitionfrom school to school and making new friendsall over again. You might get homesick whenmoving to a new place, but on the positiveside of things, you’ll get to experiencedifferent parts of the country (or maybe eventhe world), which could mean you’ll alwayshave an interesting story to tell. Try to find thesilver lining and keep an open mind wheneveryou move to a new place.3. Find the Right InsuranceCoverageThe last thing you want is to break down on theside of the road when your spouse and familyare miles away and can’t do anything to helpyou, especially if you have your little ones inthe car with you. That’s why finding the rightinsurance coverage is of utmost importance.With USAA, you’ll get a comprehensive autoinsurance policy that saves you hundredsof dollars each year compared to otherproviders. You’ll also get accident forgivenessand plenty of options based on your vehicleand your driving record. You can also bundleyour homeowner’s or renter’s insurance tosave up to 10 percent.4. Get Help Raising Your FamilyRaising children in the military is different thanraising children in civilian life. You’ll have toexplain why your spouse is gone so often,which might not be easy, depending on howold your children are. You’ll also have the bulkof parental responsibilities. Not to mention,you’ll also have to deal with disciplining themon your own and making sure their emotionalneeds are met. You’ll be responsible forteaching your children right from wrong andhow to care for themselves as they grow. All ofthis can be overwhelming, especially duringdeployment when the sole responsibility fallsin your lap. Get the help you need from familymembers (if possible) or outside help from ananny using your military engineer benefits.5. Continue to Pursue Your OwnInterestsMake time to get out and meet new people,because being a military engineer spouse canbe lonely sometimes. Find your own interestsand hobbies to pursue so that you don’tspend all of your time waiting for your spouseto get back. It’s perfectly okay to have a lifeof your own while your spouse is deployed.Whether you decide to join a book club, learnto play an instrument, take a writing class orjoin an improv class, you can find somethingthat interests you outside of your marriage.Get someone to watch the children at leastonce a week so that you can take some timefor yourself to do what you enjoy doing.Adjusting to Life as a MilitaryEngineer SpouseMarrying someone in the military doesn’t meanyou’ll always be alone. It just means makingcertain life adjustments. You’ll get to makenew friends all over the world, learn aboutdifferent cultures and enjoy all of the benefitsthat come with being a military spouse. You’llalso learn to be more independent and bemore inclined to pursue outside interests.Marrying military also means finding ways tocare for and protect your loved ones, whetherthat means hiring help or finding the right autoinsurance.85



5 Tips for When You

Marry Military Engineer

Marrying someone in the military

means making sacrifices that a

traditional married person might

not have to make. That might

mean moving around a lot and being home

by yourself or with the children for months

at a time. Finding ways to cope with being a

military engineer spouse can help make the

transition from civilian life a little bit easier.

Here are five tips to take into consideration

when you marry someone in the military.

1. Learn to Cope During

Deployment Periods

You may have to go months without seeing

your spouse during deployment, so consider

how you’ll manage your home, bills and other

responsibilities on your own. You might be

living far away from your family, so you’ll have

to get used to doing things on your own, such

as cleaning the house, doing the laundry and

taking care of the children. On the plus side,

you’ll be able to enjoy military benefits, such

as military engineer pay, military engineer

spouse and family healthcare, a basic

allowance for housing (BAH), recreation

benefits and childcare benefits.

2. Get Used to Moving Around

It’s a well-known fact that military families

often move around a lot, which can be quite

a challenge, especially if you have children.


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