Dental implants procedures

Dental implant surgery is a treatment that replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function similarly to natural teeth. Dental implant surgery can be a welcome alternative to ill-fitting dentures or bridgework, as well as an option when a lack of natural tooth roots prevents the construction of denture or bridgework tooth replacements. Dental implant surgery is a treatment that replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function similarly to natural teeth. Dental implant surgery can be a welcome alternative to ill-fitting dentures or bridgework, as well as an option when a lack of natural tooth roots prevents the construction of denture or bridgework tooth replacements.


Types of dental implantsHere we have three different types of dental implantology treatment. They areEndosteal implants, Subperiosteal Implants, Zygomatic Implants.Endosteal implantsThe most popular kind of dental implant is endosteal. They function as holdsupports and are shaped like screws. The artificial teeth are affixed to them wherethey go into the jaw. Most patients can benefit from them, but they need a robustand healthy jawbone for the implant to fuse.After the surgery, the area needs some time to heal. It needs time to come togetherand strengthen itself. The false teeth can be attached to the post to blend in withthe neighboring teeth once it has healed. The second-most famous implant mayappeal to you more if you don't like the notion of having anything inserted into yourjawbone.Subperiosteal ImplantsIn the past, they were typically used to secure dentures in individuals withinsufficient bone height. Today, sub periosteal is sometimes applied. Subperiosteal implants hold dentures and are inserted into the jawbone beneath thegum line. Through the gums, the metal implant post is visible.Zygotic ImplantsA zygomatic implant is the least common dental implant you can acquire. Youshould only undergo this complex treatment if your jawbone is insufficient tosupport an Endosteal implant. Instead of the patient's jawbone, the implant isinserted into the cheekbone.You might want to learn more about implant techniques now that you know thethree different types of implants.Implant techniquesAll on 4In place of implanting a complete set of top or bottom replacement teeth, this isused.

There is no longer a requirement for bone grafting because four dental implantsare inserted into the accessible bone. A temporary set of replacement teeth mightbe inserted on the same day.The drawback is that you will need to stick to a special diet while the bone is stillbeing bonded to the implants and the tissue is still healing. A permanent set ofreplacement teeth are inserted after only six months, allowing you to return to yourregular diet.

Types of dental implants

Here we have three different types of dental implantology treatment. They are

Endosteal implants, Subperiosteal Implants, Zygomatic Implants.

Endosteal implants

The most popular kind of dental implant is endosteal. They function as hold

supports and are shaped like screws. The artificial teeth are affixed to them where

they go into the jaw. Most patients can benefit from them, but they need a robust

and healthy jawbone for the implant to fuse.

After the surgery, the area needs some time to heal. It needs time to come together

and strengthen itself. The false teeth can be attached to the post to blend in with

the neighboring teeth once it has healed. The second-most famous implant may

appeal to you more if you don't like the notion of having anything inserted into your


Subperiosteal Implants

In the past, they were typically used to secure dentures in individuals with

insufficient bone height. Today, sub periosteal is sometimes applied. Sub

periosteal implants hold dentures and are inserted into the jawbone beneath the

gum line. Through the gums, the metal implant post is visible.

Zygotic Implants

A zygomatic implant is the least common dental implant you can acquire. You

should only undergo this complex treatment if your jawbone is insufficient to

support an Endosteal implant. Instead of the patient's jawbone, the implant is

inserted into the cheekbone.

You might want to learn more about implant techniques now that you know the

three different types of implants.

Implant techniques

All on 4

In place of implanting a complete set of top or bottom replacement teeth, this is


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