23rd CKY issue

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Cheyenne, Christian and Ingrid welcoming you aboard<br />

<strong>CKY</strong> Airlines at the PLK Award Ceremony<br />

IGCSEs are a challenge not for the faint-hearted! One of the challenges I faced was the copious number of<br />

quizzes, tests, and homework we were assigned. Because of the great amount of work, I had to be extremely<br />

efficient, and time management was an essential skill. Due to the switch from face-to-face lessons to online lessons, it<br />

was also much harder to fully concentrate on every lesson as I would get tired easily from staring at the monitor. It<br />

took longer than usual to consolidate my notes and make sure I understood everything, and it required more effort<br />

and patience. Through slowly pushing myself and giving myself frequent but well-deserved breaks, I eventually made<br />

sure I had a strong foundation of knowledge and was well-prepared for the exams. <br />

On the good side, although we had to switch to online lessons due to the worsening of the pandemic,<br />

reduced commuting time also meant that we were able to have more time to revise and go through school material.<br />

My strong foundation in IGCSEs meant that I am now able to comprehend IB school material more fully, as much<br />

of the knowledge we were taught is reintroduced to us in IB but with more detail. Skills such as lab safety are also an<br />

important part of IB syllabus and learning it thoroughly in IGCSE aids my practical skills in IB. <br />

For current students studying for IGCSE, the most essential tip is to start early and avoid procrastination.<br />

If you don’t clear up misconceptions and let them accumulate, you will become overburdened with work and it will<br />

become extremely difficult to catch up with the progress. Another tip is to start doing past papers right from the start<br />

– doing topical questions at different websites after each unit is taught can help reinforce memory and reduce the<br />

revision burden during study breaks.<br />

Finally, thank you to all the teachers who taught me and guided me through this painstaking yet rewarding<br />

journey. Even though we had online lessons, our teachers still put in their best into their lessons, organising<br />

additional lessons, compiling past papers for us, and actively answering to our every need and helping us with our<br />

work. Thank you also to Po Leung Kuk for their scholarships and kind recognition. The IGCSE has been a truly<br />

memorable experience!<br />

11C Ingrid Chan<br />

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