23rd CKY issue

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<strong>CKY</strong> NEWSLETTER<br />

PLK<strong>CKY</strong> ANNUAL<br />

Masters of<br />

Miriam Ho (10A) & Alex Tam (10E)<br />

The Preparation<br />

Just before the summer of 2022, we were invited<br />

to perform as the Masters of Ceremony of the<br />

school’s Annual Concert on 29 th June 2022. With<br />

the school year being the school’s 20th<br />

anniversary, being the Master of Ceremony is<br />

certainly an honour and challenge.<br />

And so the rigorous preparation begins…<br />

We began by drafting our scripts, trying to make<br />

our performance as creative and entertaining as<br />

possible. We then met frequently with our MC<br />

supervisors, who helped us get a foothold in<br />

emceeing. Together, we improved and revised our<br />

scripts meticulously, word by word even, in<br />

hopes to create an outstanding performance.<br />

Finally, the day has come. The butterflies in our stomachs danced around as we wrapped up our final revisions<br />

and final rehearsals. It was time for the show to begin.<br />

The Experience<br />

Three. Two. One…I was hustled up onto the stage, and the brightness of the fluorescent lights blinded me<br />

temporarily. So this is it, I thought. This is what I have been training for. Upright posture? Check. Inviting<br />

gestures? Check. Smile through the eyes on my face? Check. <br />

With everything prepared, I drew a deep, shaky breath. A torrent of last minute doubts flooded into my mind.<br />

What if I accidentally mispronounce a name? Or if I, God forbid, skip the performer’s list for the musical play?<br />

With a shake of my head, I swatted my worries away. Now is not the time to fret, I said to myself, you are already<br />

past the point of no return! <br />

Oh, how it went by like a blur—an exuberant mix of applause accompanied by my voice that did not feel like<br />

mine. <br />

Exit stage right. One, two, three, down the flights of stairs, one, two, three, around the music stands…And that<br />

was it. I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that I did not commit a dreadful mistake along the way.<br />

Our Comments<br />

Being an MC for the annual concert was certainly a very memorable and rewarding experience for us. We are<br />

extremely grateful to have participated as a Master of Ceremony. <br />

We would like to thank Ms Christine Wong, Ms Cherry Cheng, and Mr Baha Ghomrassi for supervising us. We<br />

would also like to thank the school for this opportunity. We encourage all schoolmates to actively participate in all<br />

MC activities as well.<br />

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