23rd issue

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Most Improved Award<br />

At the end of every academic year, CKY<br />

celebrates Primary students who demonstrate<br />

excellent improvement and success in their<br />

studies and personal development. Read what<br />

they have to say about their achievement!<br />

I got the Most Improved Student Award when I<br />

was in Year 2. I was super surprised to get the<br />

award because I didn’t think I was doing very well,<br />

but it turned out I still got the award! <br />

I’m grateful to my parents for helping and guiding<br />

me, they also provided me with more exercises to<br />

practise with. I learned that it’s okay to ask people<br />

for help and anything is possible if you keep<br />

trying! <br />

When I went on stage, I was incredibly nervous<br />

since everyone was looking at me, but I was also<br />

very proud to receive the award. The certificate is<br />

now displayed at home and it reminds me to keep<br />

doing my best.<br />

Theodore Tseung - Class 3F<br />

“Sometimes I feel some difficulty<br />

when trying to do my school work,<br />

but with the help of my parents and<br />

teachers, anything is possible!”<br />

I received the Most Improved Student Award when<br />

I was in Year 1. I cannot believe this is the truth, but<br />

I really enjoyed being on stage and being<br />

presented with the award from all the Principals.<br />

I think I had this chance to receive this award<br />

because I love to ask so many questions when I am<br />

in doubt, and create so many questions if I am not<br />

sure. I also love sharing my feelings and I love to<br />

find answers! Sometimes I feel some difficulty<br />

when trying to do my school work, but with the<br />

help of my parents and teachers, anything is<br />

possible!<br />

I’m glad I had this chance to share!<br />

Chloe Chui - Class 2E<br />

意 外 的 收 穫 ─「 最 佳 進 步 奬 」<br />

真 沒 想 到 我 在 三 年 級 時 可 以 獲 得 這 個 「 最 佳 進 步 奬 」 奬 項 , 還 記 得 當 吳<br />

老 師 宣 佈 我 獲 得 這 個 奬 時 , 我 感 到 既 驚 喜 ⼜ 興 奮 。 在 開 學 時 , 我 還 是 個<br />

很 害 羞 的 ⼩ 女 孩 , 不 敢 舉 ⼿ 回 答 問 題 , 也 不 敢 主 動 提 問 , 做 匯 報 時 更 害<br />

怕 得 全 ⾝ 發 抖 。 但 在 吳 老 師 和 Mr. Dooley 的 耐 ⼼ 及 ⿎ 勵 下 , 下 學 期 的 我<br />

勇 敢 多 了 , 我 嘗 試 放 開 懷 抱 回 答 問 題 , 做 匯 報 時 同 學 都 稱 讚 我 聲 ⾳ 響 亮<br />

了 , 漸 漸 地 , 我 有 了 ⾃ 信 , 能 夠 不 斷 地 進 步 , 真 的 要 感 謝 老 師 及 同 學 的<br />

⿎ 勵 呢 !<br />

媽 媽 說 我 能 獲 得 此 奬 項 可 說 是 錦 上 添 花 , 它 提 醒 我 今 年 要 繼 續 努 ⼒, 害<br />

羞 的 我 要 再 勇 敢 ⼀ 點 , 多 開 ⼝ 說 話 , 在 此 我 想 再 次 感 謝 老 師 給 我 這 個<br />

「 最 佳 進 步 奬 」。 我 把 這 ⼩⼩ 的 奬 座 放 在 書 桌 上 , 並 珍 ⽽ 重 之 , 它 為 我<br />

翻 開 學 習 歷 程 的 新 ⼀⾴!<br />

鍾 卓 蕎 Chervil Chung - 4A<br />

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