Debtfree Issue September 2022 DebtBusters Special Edition

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OWNS<br />


DEBT<br />

REVIEW<br />

AWARDS<br />


REPORT<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 09 of <strong>2022</strong>




WELL<br />

– John W. Gardner



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Awards. Everyone loves recognition for all their hard<br />

work. It’s nice when somebody says “well done”. Who<br />

wouldn’t enjoy receiving an award?<br />

Recently, the world got to enjoy the 74th Emmy Awards when actors<br />

and directors like Lee Jung-jae (the Squid Games guy) and Michael<br />

Keaton (batman who recently played a drugged up small town<br />

doctor) received awards for their roles in popular TV shows. It great<br />

to find out who gets an award, and see if you agree that the industry<br />

chose the right winner (or moan when they choose the wrong one).<br />

While those ceremonies are going on, a different nation morns the<br />

loss of their Queen, other nations are blowing each other up in the<br />

Ukraine, and people are trying to keep their heads above water in<br />

Pakistan. The world is weird like that. But disasters and tragedy should<br />

not prevent us from recognising a job well done and effort well spent.<br />

So, in the midst of a challenging world still reeling from a Pandemic<br />

and energy crisis, we will be having the 9th Annual Debt Review<br />

Awards at the end of this month.<br />

Debt Counsellors and credit provider staff members who work hard at<br />

the various debt review departments, also deserve a little recognition.<br />

As do those who are making the effort to pay off their debts each

month. In this issue, we will get a better idea of when, where and how<br />

you can watch the Debt Review Awards and what to expect. We really<br />

do hope that you are able to join online.<br />

We also discuss some facts about credit and debt review that you<br />

may not have known before. We take a little while to get to know key<br />

industry role players better, and pick up a few tips for success along<br />

the way.<br />

If you are a consumer pushing through the challenges of just making<br />

ends meet these days while trying to keep your head above water,<br />

and pay off your debts through debt review then, you are the star of<br />

your own movie. You are the lead character, we are all rooting for<br />

you, we hope that you win and we salute you for all your hard work in<br />

sticking with the process.<br />

Sure, famous actors and smart TV shows are pretty cool and all that<br />

but, you are the real winners. You deserve an award, in reality of<br />

course, you are going to be rewarded if you stick with the process.<br />

Not long now and you will be debt free.

FROM THE<br />

DESK<br />




Rising interest and inflation<br />

rates are forcing more<br />

people to find ways to<br />

manage debt and an<br />

increase in enquiries shows<br />

many are considering debt<br />

counselling, but there’s<br />

more to choosing the right<br />

debt counsellor than a<br />

Google search.

Debt counselling is a process that typically lasts between three and<br />

five years. A good debt counsellor should not only help to restructure<br />

your debt but guide and support you through the entire journey.<br />

Deciding you need help to manage your debt is an important and<br />

potentially life-altering decision. After all, you’re putting your financial<br />

future in someone else’s hands. That’s why finding the best debt<br />

counsellor for you is critical.<br />

It’s recommended that consumers consider the following when they<br />

are trying to select a debt counsellor:<br />

Are they registered with the National Credit Regulator?<br />

All debt counsellors must be registered with the National<br />

Credit Regulator. You can verify a debt counsellor’s details on<br />

the National Credit Regulator website.<br />

Do they belong to a professional association?<br />

Check if the debt counsellor belongs to a professional body<br />

or association which ensures its members adhere to industry<br />

standards. Often the membership is displayed on the debt<br />

counsellor’s website.<br />

Industry associations exist to improve the standards of service.<br />

It is critical that consumers check if the debt counsellor is<br />

part of an industry association – this provides an extra layer of<br />

protection for the consumer.

Do they use the Debt Counselling Rule Set (DCRS) when<br />

restructuring your debt?<br />

The DCRS system is the industry gold standard and benefits<br />

consumers and creditors alike: it allows unsecured debt to<br />

be repaid as quickly as possible and allows creditors certainty<br />

about the timeline of the process. In some cases, interest rates<br />

can be reduced to 0% for unsecured credit such as credit card<br />

debt, personal loans and retail loans (depending on size of<br />

debt and ability to repay). Insisting on a debt counsellor who<br />

uses DCRS ensures that as a consumer you will repay your<br />

debt as quickly as possible and will also ensure acceptance of<br />

your restructured debt proposal by the creditors.<br />

Are they able to explain the process and support you<br />

through it?<br />

A good debt counsellor should be able to clearly explain<br />

the debt counselling process and answer any questions or<br />

concerns you may have. They must manage your expectations<br />

and those of the credit providers and inform you when they<br />

need your input.<br />

They should also have sufficient resources to be able to<br />

provide advice and support throughout the process and even<br />

help you with budgeting after you’ve received your clearance<br />

certificate.<br />

It’s important that a debt counsellor has the right support<br />

framework in place to help you through the process.

Have they thoroughly assessed your financial situation<br />

before suggesting a repayment plan?<br />

Be wary of anyone who suggests an outcome or repayment<br />

plan to encourage you to sign up for debt counselling before<br />

they’ve done a full assessment. Even a basic assessment<br />

should include information such as your marital status,<br />

income, debt obligations and living expenses.<br />

Good debt counsellors will do a thorough financial<br />

assessment, looking at all aspects of your finances and ability<br />

to repay back your debt. This is rare in the South African<br />

financial services industry.<br />

Based on the assessment they can then recommend a<br />

repayment plan that is best suited for you.<br />

South Africa has an effective debt counselling system. Evidence of<br />

this is the increasing number of consumers who are completing the<br />

process. By following these few simple guidelines, consumers who<br />

need help with their debt can find a reliable and supportive partner<br />

who will go the distance with them.


LESSON #1<br />

When starting debt review it is very<br />

important to cancel your existing debit<br />

orders towards all other debt repayments.<br />

Since you will now make payments towards<br />

your debt through a single consolidated<br />

repayment via a PDA, you do not want to<br />

be double debited.<br />

Be sure to discuss how to cancel such<br />

debit orders with your Debt Counsellor.<br />

They may ask you to help or ask you to<br />

sign special forms to send to your<br />

credit providers.




DOLLAR<br />

VS RAND<br />

THE TOP 50 DEBT<br />



HABIT<br />



<strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine considers its sources reliable and verifies as<br />

much information as possible. However, reporting inaccuracies<br />

can occur, consequently readers using this information do so<br />

at their own risk. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine makes content available<br />

with the understanding that the publisher is not rendering legal<br />

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mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither<br />

<strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine nor any of its employees, sales executives<br />

or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for their<br />

activities. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine contains material supplied to<br />

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organization or party can copy or re-produce the content<br />

on this site and/or magazine or any part of this publication<br />

without a written consent from the editors’ panel and the<br />

author of the content, as applicable. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine,<br />

authors and contributors reserve their rights with regards to<br />

copyright of their work.


OWNS<br />





YOU ARE...<br />

When you apply for credit, one of<br />

the things that a credit provider has<br />

to do is check your existing financial<br />

situation and your overall debt<br />

situation. They do this speedily by<br />

drawing a credit report.<br />

There are many credit bureaus that store<br />

information about you and the credit provider<br />

will have their preferred supplier (or two).<br />

The credit report has a lot of information<br />

about you including details on how you have<br />

been paying your various credit accounts and<br />

how much you owe each one of them.<br />

Something else that is available is your credit<br />

score. This is a quick rating on how well you<br />

use credit as represented by a number or<br />

score. The higher the number the better<br />

the score.




Credit Bureaus calculate your credit<br />

score based on the following:<br />

• Your debt repayment history (missing<br />

payments is bad);<br />

• Amounts owed;<br />

• Types of credit applied for and<br />

how often;<br />

• How long your accounts have<br />

been open;<br />

• How much of your available credit<br />

you’re using (are you maxed out?);<br />

• Whether there is any history of you not<br />

honouring a debt obligation that resulted<br />

in bankruptcy or a judgment against you.<br />

Ironically, if you never use credit then your<br />

score is lower and credit providers find it hard<br />

to figure out if you are a good payer or not.<br />

This is often why people will advise you to<br />

have “some credit” so that you can build up a<br />

reliable credit history and repayment pattern.




You may wonder, if this information<br />

is all about me who owns the<br />

information? Is it mine? No.<br />

While you are the ‘subject’ of the information<br />

you are not the owner of the information. In<br />

fact, credit providers (and others) are able to<br />

buy access to this information that the credit<br />

bureaus have stored about you.<br />

Since the information is about you,<br />

Government has insisted that you should be<br />

able to get this information and check that<br />

it is correct. It’s not uncommon for there<br />

to be some small errors in such reports.<br />

Credit providers sometimes submit incorrect<br />

information by mistake.<br />

Also, access to such reports may reveal that<br />

someone else is pretending to be you and<br />

opening up credit accounts using your details.<br />

This type of identity theft fraud is on the rise.<br />

So, it is good to check your information at the<br />

various credit bureaus.


FREE<br />

CREDIT<br />


Government requires that credit<br />

bureaus give you free access at least<br />

once a year.<br />

You can check the various credit bureaus’<br />

websites for how to get free access. If offered<br />

the choice between a free credit score or a<br />

free credit report, the report is always best<br />

as it contains a lot of information about the<br />

different debts you have (and other things like<br />

if you are under debt review or have a recent<br />

judgement against your name).<br />

Many debt counselling practices will also give<br />

you a free report if you contact them and ask.


THAT’S<br />

NOT RIGHT!<br />

If you see something you disagree<br />

with on your credit report then<br />

you can submit a complaint to the<br />

relevant credit bureau using the<br />

forms provided for download on the<br />

credit bureaus’ websites.<br />

It normally takes about 3 weeks for such a<br />

query to be resolved and traditionally most are<br />

resolved in the favour of the consumer.<br />

If you are under debt review then you will<br />

have what is known as a “debt review flag”<br />

or listing shown on your report (until you<br />

finish up debt review and get a clearance<br />

certificate).<br />

This temporary listing helps speed things up<br />

when credit providers check your report and<br />

score as they then know you are paying off<br />

debt and not meant to access more debt<br />

during this time.


KNOW<br />

THY SELF<br />

If you are thinking of accessing<br />

credit then knowing your credit<br />

score and checking that your<br />

credit report contains accurate<br />

information about you is worth the<br />

time (and perhaps expense).<br />

For more information about the various credit<br />

bureaus in South Africa check out the Service<br />

Directory Section later in this issue. There are<br />

more than you think.

DOLLAR<br />

USD<br />

VS<br />


RAND<br />

ZAR<br />




CARE?<br />

We often see news reports and<br />

stock market people talking about<br />

the Rand vs Dollar exchange rate.<br />

We never use Dollars here so why<br />

should we care what the exchange<br />

rate is?<br />

When SA buys oil, we do so in Dollars. This is<br />

true of many products that are imported. This<br />

means that when the Rand gets weaker vs the<br />

Dollar, it pushes up how much we have to pay<br />

locally for such products.<br />

This is why it is worth knowing what is<br />

happening when we compare the relative<br />

value of the 2 currencies, even though we<br />

never use Dollars when we go shopping.<br />

At the moment* the rate is:<br />

R17.75 for 1 US Dollar<br />

* Mid Sept <strong>2022</strong>. The rate changes daily. You can google the<br />

current rate: Go to google.co.za and type in: USD to ZAR



MEAN?<br />

This means that if you want to get<br />

your hands on $1 you have to pay<br />

R17.75 (plus whatever mark up and<br />

fees the exchange charges).<br />

For the majority of the past 5 years, the Rand<br />

has been under R15/Dollar but recently you<br />

will have felt the impact of the higher rate as<br />

petrol prices (and thus transport prices and<br />

the price of goods at shops) have gone up.<br />

In the last 30 days the Rand has lost about<br />

75c/Dollar. This means that even when global<br />

petrol prices fall (which is great) we get<br />

disappointed that the price of local fuel does<br />

not drop as much as we would expect.<br />

This is just one reason why it is useful to check<br />

what the Rand Vs Dollar rate is.


LESSON #2<br />

If a credit provider debits your bank<br />

account after you have already started to<br />

make payments to them, via debt review,<br />

you should talk to your Debt Counsellor<br />

immediately. They can try to get the money<br />

returned to your account, but it will<br />

take a few days.<br />

Remember that if this happens, the credit<br />

provider is most often at fault, not your<br />

Debt Counsellor.<br />

The Debt Counsellor will assist you.



How do you leave Debt Review?<br />

How do you have the Credit Bureau remove<br />

the Debt Review listing on your credit report?<br />

Leaving Debt Review Is Not As Simple As To Simply Stop Paying.<br />

Consumers can only leave the debt review process at certain times<br />

and in certain ways.<br />

This free e book will help you navigate this process and avoid many<br />

of the common mistakes people make when wanting to leave debt<br />

review.<br />

If you are curious about how you can leave debt review properly and<br />

with no risk to your assets then be sure to download and read this<br />

free booklet<br />


HABIT<br />







GOOD<br />

HABITS<br />

If you struggle to implement new<br />

‘good habits’ then you are not alone,<br />

trying to pick up and maintain new<br />

good habits is tough!<br />

Repetition is key to developing new habits,<br />

we can easily start a new good habit, skip it<br />

a few times and then loose motivation and<br />

momentum to keep it up.<br />

How can we trick ourselves into keeping up<br />

new positive habits?


PUT IT ON<br />

TOP<br />

One tip is to piggy-back the new<br />

habit onto an existing, already<br />

ingrained one.<br />

For example, you probably have the habit of<br />

brushing your teeth before heading off to bed<br />

at night. So, if your want to get into the habit<br />

of taking a pill in the evening, putting the pill<br />

bottle next to your toothbrush can be a great<br />

way to add the new habit to an existing one.<br />

If you go for a walk each day, but want to add<br />

some stretching into your physical fitness<br />

routine, then why not take a break half way<br />

through your walk (or right after your walk) to<br />

include a few minutes of stretching.<br />

If you always check out your debt review<br />

statement from your PDA immediately after<br />

you receive it, then that might be a good time<br />

to log into your banking app, and move your<br />

small savings contribution into that savings<br />

pocket each month.

If you enjoy having a special meal once a<br />

month with the family (Pizza night or Sunday<br />

lunch anyone?) then that is a good time to<br />

include a short discussion about how your<br />

budget and debt review are going. The new<br />

but admittedly tough habit can get added to<br />

the existing good time. This will help trick your<br />

brain into associating the new habit with the<br />

existing one.<br />

Do you always spend time on Instagram in<br />

bed before going to sleep? Why not add in<br />

a few minutes of reading before you get too<br />

tired?<br />

You get the idea. Find times in your daily,<br />

weekly or monthly routine when you regularly<br />

repeat something and then tack the new<br />

habit onto that existing routine. This will<br />

make it much easier to be consistent and stay<br />

motivated.<br />

Why not try habit stacking in your life, and see<br />

if it makes picking up a new good habit any<br />



LESSON #3<br />

If you are able to make a slightly larger<br />

than planned payment towards your debt<br />

each month, this can help speed up your<br />

debt review (and can even save you lots in<br />

interest over time).<br />

Chat to your Debt Counsellor if it seems<br />

this is something you can realistically and<br />

consistently manage each month, while<br />

still saving towards annual expenses and<br />

an emergency fund.

THE TOP<br />



Each year as we get closer to the day of the Debt<br />

Review Awards the Peer Review Audit Team release the<br />

names of the Top 10 Debt Counsellors as reviewed by<br />

the credit provider Peer Reviews.<br />

The Top 10 in 5 different size categories have been announced. Among<br />

these Top 10 are the Top 5 and Highest rated practice* and the people<br />

who will ultimately walk home with the 5 Golden Piggy Banks for Debt<br />

Counsellors in <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

The Top 5 and highest rated practice will be announced live during the<br />

Debt Review Award Show (be sure to read the article all about how<br />

you can watch the show live in this issue). The Awards Show will be live<br />

streamed between 3pm and 4pm on Friday 30th <strong>September</strong>.<br />

* Debt Counsellors register with the NCR on a personal or individual basis unlike credit providers,<br />

credit bureaus or PDAs. Though they may work together in an office under a united brand and<br />

may have support staff, these support staff are not allowed to perform the functions of an NCR<br />

registered Debt Counsellor. Each Debt Counsellor has an NCR issued Certificate which should<br />

be shared with consumers when they are contacted. Traditionally, these are displayed in the<br />

Debt Counsellors office for all to see. These can however be displayed on websites or emailed to<br />

consumers these days. It is important for consumers to deal with and know their Debt Counsellor<br />

well during their debt review.

TOP 10<br />



Many Debt Counsellors operate on their own or with a small staff to<br />

offer highly personalised service to a very select number of clients. In<br />

alphabitcal order here are the TOP 10 Boutique Debt Counsellors:<br />

Alsinah Chuene Mashiloane | Mashiloane Debt Counselling Services<br />

Angela Marcell Crowder | Refine Debt Solutions<br />

Catharina Elizabeth Webster | Debt Relieve<br />

Johan Wepener | Johan Wepener Debt Counsellor<br />

Lee Lombard | Garden Route Debt Counsellors<br />

Marius Arnould Neethling | Ulwembu Debt Counsellors<br />

Olivia Mocke | DebtCrew<br />

Olwen Jacobs | Newlo Debt Counsellors<br />

Petra Swanepoel | Streamline Debt Counselling<br />

Sibongile Fihla | Credit Clear Remedy

TOP 10<br />




These Debt Counsellors have small admin team that help them assist<br />

more clients and often assist clients from a larger area than just their<br />

home town or city. They strive to offer the best service and continue<br />

to grow to assist more clients. In alphabitcal order here are the TOP<br />

10 Small Debt Counselling Practices:<br />

Anthony Mac Minn | 2nd Chance Debt Counsellors<br />

Corrie Gouws | Mabcor<br />

Gaynor De Kock | Debt Smart SA<br />

Jacobus Stephanus de Vos | Complete Debt Counselling<br />

Leandie Carina Brink | Gauteng Debt Counselling<br />

Mark James Fulton | Consumer Relief<br />

Shaun Zeelie | Master Your Money<br />

Shimone Beckett | AC Debt Counsellors<br />

Thomas Chauke | TP Debt Solutions<br />

Wendy Angela Kaalsen | DS Administrators

TOP 10<br />




These long established Debt Counselling Practices may have a few<br />

Debt Counsellors who now pool their resources and experience to<br />

assist a large number of clients across the country. The ability to help<br />

hundreds of clients at the same time requires excellent organisation<br />

and administrative processes. In alphabitcal order here are the TOP 10<br />

Medium Debt Counselling Practices:<br />

Annienne Nel | Consumer Debt Support<br />

Anton Meiring | Debt Fresh<br />

Awie Coetzee | SA Debt Help<br />

Bernice Koekemoer | The Debt Experts<br />

Cornel Strydom | Debt Review Centre<br />

Eugene Cilliers | Pay Plan Solutions<br />

Gerhard Stoltz | Gerhard Stoltz Debt Counsellors<br />

Marius Coetzee | DRS<br />

Nadia De Weerdt | Sandton Debt Counselling<br />

Tania Dekker | Debt Free with Armani



DREX simplifies the exchange of data and makes managing the<br />

debt review process less admin intensive.<br />

The below links take you to step-by-step guides on how to use the<br />

DC Portal on DREX.<br />

How to Register on the DC Portal<br />

Introduction to the DC Portal<br />

Accessing a Consumer's Profile

TOP 10<br />




Large Debt Counselling practices are able to assist many hundreds<br />

or even thousands of clients at the same time by having many Debt<br />

Counsellors working within the practice. Each Debt Counsellor<br />

has access to a pool of admin support staff and brand resources.<br />

Commonly these practices are operating across the country and<br />

may have several branches where they are able to assist consumers<br />

face to face if they wish (which is admittedly less popular these days<br />

due to the pandemic and advances in technology combined with<br />

consumer’s desire for convenience and privacy). In alphabitcal order<br />

here are the TOP 10 Large Debt Counselling Practices:<br />

Consumer Wise<br />

Credit Matters<br />

DCGsa<br />

Debt Care<br />

Debt Therapy<br />

DebtLine<br />

FDC (Freedom Debt Counsellors)<br />

Meerkat<br />

Summit Financial Partners<br />

Vantage Debt Management

TOP 10<br />




Some Debt Counsellors have progressively grown their debt review<br />

practice over many, many years and been able to help many<br />

thousands of clients. National debt counselling practices often have<br />

dozens of NCR registered Debt Counsellors working together and<br />

making use of the most advanced systems to care for hundreds of<br />

new clients each month. They are well known and go to a lot of effort<br />

to let consumers know about the debt review process. In alphabitcal<br />

order here are the TOP 10 National Debt Counselling Practices:<br />

CDC Experts<br />

Debt Rescue<br />

<strong>DebtBusters</strong><br />

Debtco Group<br />

DebtSafe<br />

NDA (National Debt Advisors)<br />

NDC (National Debt Counsellors)<br />

Octogen<br />

Pioneer Debt Solutions<br />

Zero Debt



Congratulations to all these Debt Counsellors for<br />

being recognised in this year’s Debt Review Awards by<br />

their credit provider peers. There are over 1700 NCR<br />

registered and hardworking Debt Counsellors in the<br />

industry. To receive such high ratings among such<br />

good company is no small feat. Well Done!<br />

To find out which practices received the Top 5 and Highest ratings<br />

be sure to catch the Debt Review Awards Show on 30th <strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong>. Find out more here: wwww.debtreviewawards.co.za


FOR THE<br />


The <strong>2022</strong> Annual Debt Review<br />

Awards show will be held on the 30th<br />

<strong>September</strong>, Friday afternoon.<br />

During the live stream of the Awards<br />

Show, the results of industry peer<br />

reviews will be announced and<br />

hardworking Debt Counsellors, PDAs<br />

and credit providers recognised.



AWARDS<br />

Over the last 9 years, hard work and excellence in the<br />

field of debt review has been recognised through the<br />

annual Debt Review Awards.<br />

There are plenty of hard working individuals, and entire departments,<br />

who help consumers through their debt review journey. The Awards<br />

are a way for the industry to show appreciation for all that hard<br />

work.<br />

Each year Golden Piggy Banks are awarded to these hard working<br />

people, credit providers and DC practices. The Awards combine a<br />

pat on the back and bragging rights for those who are putting their<br />

heart and soul into making the industry better for consumers.


SPONSORS &<br />


The organisers want to say a big thank you to the<br />

various sponsors and supporters of the Awards<br />

process. These brands and individuals help make the<br />

process possible each year.<br />

The Awards also partners with two brands for some unique Awards<br />

each year. The Technology Adoption Award is organised along with<br />

the assistance of Slipstream Software Solutions (the brains behind<br />

DReX and Switch).<br />

ONE are well known for their broad range of insurance offerings, and<br />

their specialist offerings, in the debt review space. They help organise<br />

two Awards recognising the hard work of individuals who work<br />

within the industry. The Significant Contribution to the Debt Review<br />

Industry and Significant Contribution to the Debt Review Process<br />

are covetted awards that have been awarded to some of the hardest<br />

working individuals in the industry over the years.<br />

Partners like the various Debt Counsellors associations (DCASA,<br />

NDCA, AllProDC, IDCC, BDCF) and others like MFSA, BASA members<br />

and the PDAs such as Hyphen PDA, have helped spread the word and<br />

ensured that registrants get a chance to participate.

The industry owes these brands a big thank you for their help in<br />

making the Awards possible.




Many years ago, a panel of industry experts were asked<br />

to help evaluate the top-performing candidates. The<br />

workload soon grew exponentially, as the industry<br />

expanded. For example, at present, there are over 1700<br />

active registered Debt Counsellors on the National<br />

Credit Regulator’s database.<br />

It would not be easy for a small group to perform that many reviews.<br />

Instead, for many years now, through the use of online software, the<br />

results are essentially crowdsourced from across the industry.<br />

Each year NCR Registrants have opportunities to review their NCR<br />

registered peers working on the opposite side of the industry. This<br />

is how companies and individuals get reviewed by hundreds of<br />

participants each year. The results are processed and audited to reveal<br />

who the highest rated across the industry is, in various categories.<br />

For example, NCR registered Debt Counsellors get to weigh in about<br />

credit providers who specialise in bonds and vehicles or retail or<br />

short-term finance. NCR registered Credit providers get to review the<br />

various NCR registered Payment Distribution Agents (PDAs) and the<br />

Debt Counsellors they work with each day.

THE <strong>2022</strong><br />



The Awards have been held for many years now and<br />

traditionally only those who were nominees were<br />

able to attend in person, to find out the results (due to<br />

space and cost limitations). However, the organisers<br />

have always wanted to include as many people as<br />

possible, so with the increased ease of access to<br />

broadcasting software and online platforms like<br />

YouTube, we have achieved this.<br />

For the past few years, online viewers have been able to join in the<br />

fun and hear the results (live for the last 2 years). This year, people<br />

across the internet will be able to watch the Awards show (and preshow<br />

warm-up) live.<br />

The Pre-Show<br />

The Debt Review Awards Show | Pre Show will be streamed from 12<br />

noon till 2:30 pm. It will feature interviews and discussions about the<br />

insurance side of the industry, as well as its impact on consumers.<br />

We will also be hearing from legal experts about various cases and<br />

challenges they face. Some who work in the industry may even get to<br />

see themselves on screen (IYKYK).

The Awards Show<br />

The Awards show begins at 3 pm and runs for an hour. During<br />

the show, we will hear one or two short speeches, watch a minidocumentary<br />

about the debt review industry and find out about some<br />

consumers who are having some of their debts written off.<br />

The special category Awards will be announced during the first half<br />

of the show.<br />

We will then hear about changes to the peer review process this year,<br />

and planned ones for next year before the results of the various peer<br />

reviews are announced.<br />

The program is designed to be shorter and faster this year. Overall<br />

there will be less focus on live streaming the entertainment portion<br />

of the event, and more focus on getting to the results. This should<br />

allow more offices, across the country, to enjoy watching the results<br />

together on a rather busy day of the month. An hour right near the<br />

end of the work day is manageable for most offices.<br />

There will be other activities before and after the live-streamed<br />

Show for those nominees who were invited to attend in person, but<br />

these will not be on stream. The focus of the live stream will be the<br />

announcement of the Top 5 and highest rated.



If you would like to watch the Pre Show or the Awards<br />

Show, you can do so on your phone, tablet, laptop,<br />

Computer and some Smart TVs.<br />

You have several options on how to access the information.<br />

Visit www.debtreviewawards.co.za<br />

You will be able to watch via the website.<br />

Visit www.debtfreedigi.co.za<br />

You will be able to watch via the website.<br />

Watch on YouTube<br />

On the day, you will be able to type: Debt Review Awards or Debt Review<br />

Awards <strong>2022</strong> into the search and you will find the show or you can already<br />

go over to the page where it will be streamed HERE and subscribe for<br />

notifications so long. As always, there is no costs to watch (other than your<br />

own data costs).<br />

Social Media<br />

We will also be posting Results, Pics and links via social media on Facebook,<br />

LinkedIn and Instagram. You can search #debtreviewawards<strong>2022</strong> for the<br />

latest results.

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We’ll get your interest rates right down. You’ll<br />

make one consolidated payment a month. You’ll<br />

have more cash to live on. Your assets will be<br />

legally protected. Sorted.<br />

0861 365 910<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />


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