Asian Tribune September 23, 2022

Asian Tribune September 23, 2022 Asian Tribune September 23, 2022


Issue 316 (8) Asian Tribune September 23, 2022EditorialPM’s homily to PutinPM Narendra Modi caused astir last week when he publicly expressedhis concerns over the Ukraineconflict. With Russian PresidentVladimir Putin seated beside him inSamarkand, the PM said he knew thattoday’s era was not of war and flaggedthe problems of food and fuel security,and the fertiliser shortage confrontingdeveloping countries. The PM’s concernsover the impact of the Covid pandemicand the Ukraine conflict are legitimate.At the same time, his subsequentobservations hardly suggest thatIndia wants to distance itself from Russia.For, the PM also said that India‘valued this relationship’ and ‘the worldalso knows that it is an unbreakablefriendship’. It was in sync with his September7 speech advocating strongerties with the Russian Far East and theArctic.There have been other strawsin the wind. After abstaining earlier,India surprisingly voted against Russiain the last UNSC meeting onUkraine. India has also twice spokenon the Bucha massacres, uncoveredin April after the Ukrainian forces hadwrested a Russian town. India will becompelled to take a similar stancewhen the UN will inevitably take up theissue of mass civilian graves in Izyum,a town recently taken by the Ukrainians.After the Russian retreat inKharkiv and Chinese President XiJinping’s ambiguous stance atSamarkand, the optics don’t lookgood for the Kremlin.But for New Delhi, there hasbeen no looking back on Indo-Russiantrade. In the strategic domain, Russiacontinues to build Kudankulam nuclearpower plant’s units; S-400 missile defencesystem supplies have continued.India is also acutely aware of thecontinuing need of Russia as an allweatherfriend despite its own growingstrategic closeness with the US.Washington’s policies for the regionhave vacillated and recently, it resumedits dalliance with Pakistan. Notwithstandingthe sabre-rattling, itstrade with China has risen. PM Modi’s‘no war’ remark may have tickled thevanity of some players in the West, buttoxicity is unlikely to colour India’s viewingof Russia in this unsettled globalmilieu.Yash SharmaEnglish PageCan India realise its economic potential?De-notified tribes still face existential crisisEditorial TeamProf . Harjinder Walia,Ph.D (Journalism)Former Head of JournalismPunjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) IndiaPatronYash Sharma,M.Sc (Hons), DMMPublisher & Editor in Chief780-200-0246Sat Paul KaushalAssociate Editor, Calgary403 903 8500Raghbir BilaspuriBureau Chief ( Punjabi)Sunny SharmaBureau Chief (English)Atul Seth, CPA,CGAFinancial & Management ConsultantDaizy DhillonAdvisor (Community)Tejinder Singh BhatejaAdvisor (Marketing)587 889 2340Anita SharmaM.A.(Hindi)Bureau Chief (Hindi)

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Issue 316 (9) Asian Tribune September 23, 2022

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